Trump Removed from Maine Primary Ballot

So you've seen the DOJ's evidence?

Only defense that will matter will be the one presented in court.

IIRC, the 'book' from the Civil War.

The same should have applied to Bill Clinton, a sitting president. You'll never get a bipartisan vote to convict unless the guy did something egregious.....big time.

Just like all the other Senate votes to convict.....LOL

What do you mean the same should have been applied to Bill Clinton? I thought we all agreed that what Republicans did to Bill Clinton was bullshit

"I think Bill Clinton was a great president,’" Trump said in the interview "You know, you look at the country then. The economy was doing great. Look at what happened during the Clinton years. I mean we had no war, the economy was doing great, everybody was happy. A lot of people hated him because they were jealous as hell,’" Trump said.

So don't go comparing what they tried to do to Bill with Trump being impeached for his crimes against democracy. You guys know it. Trump thinks he can break laws and get away with it. And he's right. Look at how you don't give AF?

Trump's right about another thing. Nancy should have impeached Bush for lying us into Iraq. Do you want to see that quote? Remember you said Bush didn't lie us into Iraq? Not only did Trump admit he did, he said Democrats should have impeached him for it. So if you believe that would have been a witch hunt, you disagree with Trump the liar before he became Trump the Truth Social guy. LOL.
That does not matter. Your TDS crowd are the ones filing to have Trump removed from ballots, not Smith or Willis.....that get by you?

Remember the Virginia Fed Appeals Court judge who just tossed the ballot removal lawsuit in Va? Well, the people who were filing the lawsuit were found to have no legal standing.The same thing happened in Maine.

(Pssst..........ones a repo)

Three Maine politicians, including the former mayor of the state’s largest city, are behind one of the complaints that prompted a single Democratic official to deem former President Donald Trump ineligible to appear on the state’s ballot.

‘Extremely Dangerous’: Meet The 3 Maine Politicians Behind Challenge That Led To Trump’s Removal From Ballot |

Duh.......that's how it rolled in Virginny.

Duh........that's how it rolled in Colorado.
We should let this all play out in court. The law can handle this. Republicans, please don't attack our government again. TOO LATE

Man Breaks Into Colorado Supreme Court, Takes Hostage While Firing Gun: Police​

You have a problem with a book written during the Civil War but hang your hat on the Constitution?
Said nothing about whatever book you refer to. Smith resorted to using Civil War era law to go after Trump.

BTW- COTUS was created way before the Civil War.

You guys tried to use some really old laws still on the books to outlaw abortion.
Tried for 50 years.
We had to take those laws off the books so you couldn't try to use them as justification for your moves.
I think SCOTUS took it off......R v W.
What do you mean the same should have been applied to Bill Clinton? I thought we all agreed that what Republicans did to Bill Clinton was bullshit
Funny, a alot of repo's see it the same way regarding Trump and the Fantasy Island impeachments.

So don't go comparing what they tried to do to Bill with Trump being impeached for his crimes against democracy.
Failed impeachments of the highest degree.

The Good Book says 'High crimes and misdemeanors......both 'crimes against democracy'.
Said nothing about whatever book you refer to. Smith resorted to using Civil War era law to go after Trump.

BTW- COTUS was created way before the Civil War.

Tried for 50 years.

I think SCOTUS took it off......R v W.
No. Michigan Republicans wanted to take some old state laws against abortion and use them to make abortion illegal in Michigan. We had to remove those laws so they couldn't reference them as precedent. You know what I'm saying.

Point about the old books/laws from back then is that it's funny you literally worship a book of rules/laws even older. And then the Bible is even older than that. You guys love old books.
Michigan Republicans wanted to take some old state laws against abortion and use them to make abortion illegal in Michigan. We had to remove those laws so they couldn't reference them as precedent.
Duh.............that's what the decision on RvW was all about. Returning the decisions to the citizens and not the Federal gov't. via the 10th amendment....the way it has been from the day those old laws were crafted, and they are still working for everyone today, except those hell bent on destroying them for their own gain.

Point about the old books/laws from back then is that it's funny you literally worship a book of rules/laws even older. And then the Bible is even older than that.
Yeah, it sure is funny.............things really went to crap when the left fought to kill those old laws and forget about the Bible.

We'll be sure and pray for you people every night.
Duh.............that's what the decision on RvW was all about. Returning the decisions to the citizens and not the Federal gov't. via the 10th amendment....the way it has been from the day those old laws were crafted, and they are still working for everyone today, except those hell bent on destroying them for their own gain.

Yeah, it sure is funny.............things really went to crap when the left fought to kill those old laws and forget about the Bible.

We'll be sure and pray for you people every night.
So you don't like us citing Civil War era laws but an older book called the Constitution? That's good. And a fairytale bible written 1500 years ago? That's a good book too. Factual. LOL.

We had god back then but not assault rifles. Imagine if Confederate Democrats had assault rifles back in the Civil War.

We should use this 1862 law to take your guns you insurrectionists

As the Senate met in extraordinary session from July 4 to August 6, 1861, one of the wartime measures it considered was the Confiscation Act, designed to allow the federal government to seize property, including slave property, being used to support the Confederate rebellion.

We will know who's an insurrectionist in December. Whoever votes for Trump.
Read Section 5 and tell me who has the authority to enforce the 14th, Simp.

Your lack of logic is amazing!

Yes, Congress has the power to enforce the provisions of the 14th amendment, but States manage the Federal elections and decide who can be on the ballots. SCOTUS can render an opinion that the States will abide by.

Now, I know that logic is beyond you, but by your reasoning ONLY Congress has the power to enforce Sec. 3, BUT Sec. 3 says:

"Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

So, what you're saying is that Congress must vote by a majority to enforce Sec. 3 and remove someone from holding office, but then, by a two-thirds majority, vote to not remove them. That is plain silly.

Congress's power to enforce Sec. 3 applies only to the two-thirds majorities needed to remove the enforcement of Sec. 3

But keep trying, loser!
So you don't like us citing Civil War era laws but an older book called the Constitution?
Nothing wrong citing Civil War era laws......what's sad is Jack Smith has to dig that far in the past in his lame attempt to stop Trump from running again.
And a fairytale bible written 1500 years ago? That's a good book too. Factual. LOL.
God help you, the jokes on you.
We had god back then but not assault rifles.
How could you have a God back then after your above rant?

As the Senate met in extraordinary session from July 4 to August 6, 1861, one of the wartime measures it considered was the Confiscation Act, designed to allow the federal government to seize property, including slave property, being used to support the Confederate rebellion.
Oh wow, man...........that act authorized Union seizure of rebel property.
Swing and a miss.
You have MAGA nuts in your party who are elected officials who do crazy shit that's wacko. I think a couple of our Democrats can take Trump off the ballot. It's symbolic anyways. He aint winning Colorado or Maine.
Its to cause division and turn Americans against each other while the WEF moves forward to fuck us all.
That does not matter. Your TDS crowd are the ones filing to have Trump removed from ballots, not Smith or Willis.....that get by you?
Not at all.
Remember the Virginia Fed Appeals Court judge who just tossed the ballot removal lawsuit in Va? Well, the people who were filing the lawsuit were found to have no legal standing.The same thing happened in Maine.
Do you have a point here?
Nothing wrong citing Civil War era laws......what's sad is Jack Smith has to dig that far in the past in his lame attempt to stop Trump from running again.

God help you, the jokes on you.

How could you have a God back then after your above rant?

Oh wow, man...........that act authorized Union seizure of rebel property.
Swing and a miss.
What's funny is you believe God is on your side and hates everyone you hate. LOL. What a joke. Jokes on me. LOL. Why? I don't give away 10% of my earnings. Sucker.

You don't give 10%? You're not going to heaven.
Or we want the Supreme Court to go on record defending his bad behavior.

Do you know the righties Trump appointed to the high court would have gone along if there was a shred of evidence the election was stolen. But since there wasn't, they couldn't help. If it's closer this year they might go along next time. They didn't want to go down on the wrong side of history on that one.
Its unconstitutional but Hey. Mussalini cheers you from his Grave.
Its to cause division and turn Americans against each other while the WEF moves forward to fuck us all.

The rich are already using social wedge issues to divide us. Without social wedge issues the rich and Republicans would have to start passing pro middle class fiscal laws. The reason they only take care of the rich is because they have duped enough of us with god, gays, guns and racism.
The rich are already using social wedge issues to divide us. Without social wedge issues the rich and Republicans would have to start passing pro middle class fiscal laws. The reason they only take care of the rich is because they have duped enough of us with god, gays, guns and racism.
And your party isnt doing the same. Where is the due process in them declaring hes guilty of it because we say so.

12 in history have been convicted of this SPECIFIC crime. This is a Civil War era Act. Trump isnt charged or convicted of it. So this is pure BS
Its unconstitutional but Hey. Mussalini cheers you from his Grave.
It is?

Maine on Thursday became the second U.S. state to bar Donald Trump from a Republican presidential primary ballot, part of a flurry of legal challenges to his eligibility to run for president in 2024.

The challenges are being filed under a provision in the U.S. Constitution banning officials who have engaged in "insurrection" from holding public office.

We are using a provision in the Constitution as our justification. How can what we are doing be unconstitutional?

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