Trump said he couldn’t remember 36 times in response to special counsel Robert Mueller’s questions

If someone is trying to catch you in a perjury trap, you better be 100% sure you remember correctly, otherwise it's better to say you don't remember or at least not sure.

There is one sure way to avoid perjury - DON'T LIE.

Anyone who thinks that is hopelessly naive and has never met a lawyer.

A perjury trap, which is a ridiculous idea. does require lying. You do not trap anyone, they jump into the pit all by themselves.
If someone is trying to catch you in a perjury trap, you better be 100% sure you remember correctly, otherwise it's better to say you don't remember or at least not sure.

There is one sure way to avoid perjury - DON'T LIE.

Anyone who thinks that is hopelessly naive and has never met a lawyer.

A perjury trap, which is a ridiculous idea. does require lying. You do not trap anyone, they jump into the pit all by themselves.

Yeah, or they are just mistaken, and you put the worst possible spin on it, because that's what lawyers do.

Which is why the REAL sure way to avoid perjury is just to avoid talking to the prosecutor as much as humanly possible. That's why the first thing they teach in law school is to shut your client up and keep him that way.
If someone is trying to catch you in a perjury trap, you better be 100% sure you remember correctly, otherwise it's better to say you don't remember or at least not sure.

There is one sure way to avoid perjury - DON'T LIE.

Anyone who thinks that is hopelessly naive and has never met a lawyer.

A perjury trap, which is a ridiculous idea. does require lying. You do not trap anyone, they jump into the pit all by themselves.

Yeah, or they are just mistaken, and you put the worst possible spin on it, because that's what lawyers do.

Which is why the REAL sure way to avoid perjury is just to avoid talking to the prosecutor as much as humanly possible. That's why the first thing they teach in law school is to shut your client up and keep him that way.
They also say do not talk to cops for the same reason. But we are talking about questioning in front of Congress. It is not a trial. They are seeking information.
Trump is immune to problems in investigations because he has the greatest memory of all time. He said that, so it must be true.
There is one sure way to avoid perjury - DON'T LIE.

Anyone who thinks that is hopelessly naive and has never met a lawyer.

A perjury trap, which is a ridiculous idea. does require lying. You do not trap anyone, they jump into the pit all by themselves.

Yeah, or they are just mistaken, and you put the worst possible spin on it, because that's what lawyers do.

Which is why the REAL sure way to avoid perjury is just to avoid talking to the prosecutor as much as humanly possible. That's why the first thing they teach in law school is to shut your client up and keep him that way.
They also say do not talk to cops for the same reason. But we are talking about questioning in front of Congress. It is not a trial. They are seeking information.

Uh, yeah, you also don't talk to cops without your lawyer present. That's actually WHY we have the Miranda warning now when one is arrested.

We are talking about interrogation by Congress, many of whom are looking for a political crucifixion. It's a good rule of thumb ANY time you're being questioned by people hostile to your best interests to clam the fuck up as much as you can.

If you really think being questioned in front of Congress is some innocent, benign "seeking of information", you're more hopelessly naive than Anton is.
If someone is trying to catch you in a perjury trap, you better be 100% sure you remember correctly, otherwise it's better to say you don't remember or at least not sure.

There is one sure way to avoid perjury - DON'T LIE.

Anyone who thinks that is hopelessly naive and has never met a lawyer.

A perjury trap, which is a ridiculous idea. does require lying. You do not trap anyone, they jump into the pit all by themselves.

Yeah, or they are just mistaken, and you put the worst possible spin on it, because that's what lawyers do.


Do you have in mind an example of a victim of FBI cohersion to give a false testimony?

We know it's not Flynn, because he ADMITED TO LYING TO FBI in his guilty plea. So who are we talking about here?
Trump is immune to problems in investigations because he has the greatest memory of all time. He said that, so it must be true.
I heard he not only has elephant's memory, but also an elephant's butt.
Donald is a compulsive liar. He remembers all that stuff. He is just a coward and afraid, to be honest.
Donald is a compulsive liar. He remembers all that stuff. He is just a coward and afraid, to be honest.
To be fair though, I think he is a liar but sometimes his memory fails him, as he even has problems remembering some words, and not complicated words or as an isolated incident.
There is one sure way to avoid perjury - DON'T LIE.

Anyone who thinks that is hopelessly naive and has never met a lawyer.

A perjury trap, which is a ridiculous idea. does require lying. You do not trap anyone, they jump into the pit all by themselves.

Yeah, or they are just mistaken, and you put the worst possible spin on it, because that's what lawyers do.


Do you have in mind an example of a victim of FBI cohersion to give a false testimony?

We know it's not Flynn, because he ADMITED TO LYING TO FBI in his guilty plea. So who are we talking about here?

You actually need me to prove to you that cops and prosecutors - and Congress - can twist what you say and claim perjury? Really? I sincerely doubt that's always been your position on the subject.

Or was it just that you wanted to manufacture an opportunity for name-dropper politics?
We all know why Trump did not testify. We also remember him repeatedly saying he would and could hardly wait for a chance to testify and under oath. That is a difference maker. It was stupid to keep repeating that when he had no intention of doing it. But his Trumpies believed him. They always do. But Trump lying is just daily fare.
We all know why Trump did not testify. We also remember him repeatedly saying he would and could hardly wait for a chance to testify and under oath. That is a difference maker. It was stupid to keep repeating that when he had no intention of doing it. But his Trumpies believed him. They always do. But Trump lying is just daily fare.

Hey noodlebrain, If you all really KNOW why Trump didn't testify, Trump WANTED to testify. It was his legal handlers that insisted he not do it. In the end, it was probably good advice.
Anyone who thinks that is hopelessly naive and has never met a lawyer.

A perjury trap, which is a ridiculous idea. does require lying. You do not trap anyone, they jump into the pit all by themselves.

Yeah, or they are just mistaken, and you put the worst possible spin on it, because that's what lawyers do.


Do you have in mind an example of a victim of FBI cohersion to give a false testimony?

We know it's not Flynn, because he ADMITED TO LYING TO FBI in his guilty plea. So who are we talking about here?

You actually need me to prove to you that cops and prosecutors - and Congress - can twist what you say and claim perjury? Really? I sincerely doubt that's always been your position on the subject.

Or was it just that you wanted to manufacture an opportunity for name-dropper politics?

Who got trapped?
We all know why Trump did not testify. We also remember him repeatedly saying he would and could hardly wait for a chance to testify and under oath. That is a difference maker. It was stupid to keep repeating that when he had no intention of doing it. But his Trumpies believed him. They always do. But Trump lying is just daily fare.

Hey noodlebrain, If you all really KNOW why Trump didn't testify, Trump WANTED to testify. It was his legal handlers that insisted he not do it. In the end, it was probably good advice.
Childish insult. Trump did not want to . He just said he did to delude his followers. He wasn't going to do it. I wondered if anyone was dumb enough to believe Trump when he said that. I guess there is. Trump lies as he exhales. He would have gotten in real trouble. That was just another Trump lie.
We all know why Trump did not testify. We also remember him repeatedly saying he would and could hardly wait for a chance to testify and under oath. That is a difference maker. It was stupid to keep repeating that when he had no intention of doing it. But his Trumpies believed him. They always do. But Trump lying is just daily fare.
Hey noodlebrain, If you all really KNOW why Trump didn't testify, Trump WANTED to testify. It was his legal handlers that insisted he not do it. In the end, it was probably good advice.
Childish insult. Trump did not want to.
I guess I underestimated you. Childish arrogance to think YOU KNOW what Trump did or did not want. Now you're just using cheap rationalization to justify your own envy, hate and contempt for a person you don't even know.
We all know why Trump did not testify. We also remember him repeatedly saying he would and could hardly wait for a chance to testify and under oath. That is a difference maker. It was stupid to keep repeating that when he had no intention of doing it. But his Trumpies believed him. They always do. But Trump lying is just daily fare.
Hey noodlebrain, If you all really KNOW why Trump didn't testify, Trump WANTED to testify. It was his legal handlers that insisted he not do it. In the end, it was probably good advice.
Childish insult. Trump did not want to.
I guess I underestimated you. Childish arrogance to think YOU KNOW what Trump did or did not want. Now you're just using cheap rationalization to justify your own envy, hate and contempt for a person you don't even know.
The fact is Trump is into industrial-strength lying. You cannot win an argument using Trump's words. You have to find someone reputable to corroborate. Trump has a big brain. Trump has the greatest memory of all time. The economy is the best it has ever been. The inauguration was the largest ever. Voter fraud, especially immigrants, caused him to lose the popular vote, He had one of the largest electoral wins of all time. The list is endless. Throw in that he has the least transparent admin in modern history. He has fewer press conferences than any other prez. He has ended the daily pressers with Huckleberry Sanders.
No rationalization, but observation and overwhelming accumulation of apparent and obvious data and statements. I can make this list much, much longer.
I do not hate him. He is a disgusting person and abusive person. Those are apparent. But that is not emotional. It is weighing undeniable facts.

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