Trump said he couldn’t remember 36 times in response to special counsel Robert Mueller’s questions

I dont remember...

I suppose Democrats never say anything bad about their critics either.
They always say "Yup.....I'm sorry.....I made a mistake...I deserve to be lied about".
Democrats don’t mock the handicapped

Kovaleski wasn't mocked for being crippled. He was being mocked for forgetting his own news report about thousands of devout Muslims celebrating 911.

BTW, Democrats often do mock handicapped people- I remember them mocking good old Bob Dole for his bum arm, Dubya for his alleged mental retardation and even their hero McCain for his arm injuries incurred in liberal North Vietnam

Of course these people have short memories, lol. They defend one side, and attack the other, right Media Matters, lol. Let me help them remember THEIR candidate for President, eventhough it was brought up earlier in this thread-) By the way, Trump 36, Hilly 39! Well she WINS! At least she can claim victory on something, hehehehehehehehehehehe!

Thanks for pointing out how much Tramp is like Clinton!
I suppose Democrats never say anything bad about their critics either.
They always say "Yup.....I'm sorry.....I made a mistake...I deserve to be lied about".
Democrats don’t mock the handicapped
Oh, SNL never made fun of an Iraqi War veteran running for Congress who had been wounded and wears a patch over one eye?
SNL is political satire

Trump is President of the US

Learn the difference
You said Democrats don't mock handicapped!!!!
Never mind the fact that Hillary and Obama have mocked anyone who criticizes them off camera and on camera.
Obama actually made fun of Christians, calling them clingers.
He mocked white people in his books.
Hillary mocked Qaddafi after he was murdered.
So don't give me this bullshit fake self-righthe teous nonsense.
And FYI, most of the criticism of Trump is personal, not on policy. (Orange Man)
"What about" deflections and excuses are just boring and lame. They just mean you can not intelligently address an issue or in this case, defend Trump for his immature buffoonery.

What's boring and lame is deflecting accusations of naked hypocrisy as "just what-aboutism". It just means you know you're a hypocrite and don't want to deal with it.
senile obstructionist -

Trump said he couldn’t remember 36 times in response to special counsel Robert Mueller’s questions

poor old man must have a hard time finding his way home .........
About the same as Hillary. Lol, you say the same about her?
Hillary answered questions for 11 hours in front of a hostile Republican committee and made the Republican members look like fools and jerks.

Sure, if you happen to be a partisan fanboy who thinks she shits rainbows. If you're a rational person, not so much.
senile obstructionist -

Trump said he couldn’t remember 36 times in response to special counsel Robert Mueller’s questions

poor old man must have a hard time finding his way home .........
About the same as Hillary. Lol, you say the same about her?
Hillary answered questions for 11 hours in front of a hostile Republican committee and made the Republican members look like fools and jerks.
Hillary felt that getting away with it was a laughing matter.

Let's face it, Obama put Hillary in charge, and she screwed it up. She hid what she was doing by communicating over an illegal server to avoid detection. She destroyed evidence and Obstructed Justice. She lied to Congress. She paid foreign agents to spy on a political opponent. She got her people on the special council to make sure Mueller ignored her criminal activities.

And you THINK Trump bitching about a witch hunt is worth impeachment.
Maybe he's not that senile, maybe he's just a liar.

(although I personally think it's a bit of both)
Maybe he's not that senile, maybe he's just a liar.

(although I personally think it's a bit of both)

Or maybe most people don't have eidetic memories.
So you're saying he's senile? I mean, 36 times?

"So you're saying what I want to hear, because I refuse to hear anything but what I want to hear?"

Unless you remember every minute of every day of your life for the last two years, this pose of "IT CAN ONLY BE SENILITY OR LYING!!!!" is even more retarded than your usual.

Are you sure YOU aren't senile?
If someone is trying to catch you in a perjury trap, you better be 100% sure you remember correctly, otherwise it's better to say you don't remember or at least not sure.
Trump could NOT REMEMBER 36 times

... and yet ...

Trump has said he has "one of the great memories of all time."

What a joke.
Trump is a joke.
A POTUS embarrassment!
Some of the questions the FBI people were asking others were falsetto claims. And they did it over and over. They do it as a test to break people down. Either way, Mueller's team of Democrats could extract a win. If he could be broken down with lies, they win. If he couldn't be broken down with lies, it would be because his response would of course be, "I can't remember that happening," "I don't remember the event as you present It," or "That never happened which is why I can't remember it." This could be spun as certain proof the president is senile, which has happened in less than ten responses from USMB posters. This is a garbage can thread and a no-win situation based on Democrat trickery of creating a falsetto scenario in order to procure a political goal.

It smacks of liar Christine Blasey-Ford's false witness against Kavanaugh.

What a bunch of lard-ass crooks Democrats in high places are, starting with sicko Congressman Jerrold Nadler who after learning President Trump did not collude and did not obstruct justice nor commit any high crime, decided it was time for the Democrats to force impeachment. :rolleyes:

This is a designer thread to promote impeachment based on a falsetto scenario and that's all this is..
Designer thread like the many started by Putin Puppets?

If Trump can’t remember that well, why did he claim during press Q’s that he has a great memory?? He likes to spin his way?
No integrity!
If someone is trying to catch you in a perjury trap, you better be 100% sure you remember correctly, otherwise it's better to say you don't remember or at least not sure.
Or, evade the truth to cover up one’s criminal activity ...
Who would say such a thing? The greatest memory of all time? WTF. And you guys did not laugh at him? You voted for him. Damn.
Who would say such a thing? The greatest memory of all time? WTF. And you guys did not laugh at him? You voted for him. Damn.

Sorry, who is this "you guys" who voted for him?

And lest we forget, as ridiculous and annoying as Donald Trump is, the alternative was Hillary Clinton. Talk about a candidate who was a joke.
Who would say such a thing? The greatest memory of all time? WTF. And you guys did not laugh at him? You voted for him. Damn.

Sorry, who is this "you guys" who voted for him?

And lest we forget, as ridiculous and annoying as Donald Trump is, the alternative was Hillary Clinton. Talk about a candidate who was a joke.
Yeah, a lawyer, a former Senator, a former secretary of state who worked in the government and knew how politics works, was a joke. A guy hosting a reality TV show was much better.
Trump could NOT REMEMBER 36 times

... and yet ...

Trump has said he has "one of the great memories of all time."

What a joke.
Trump is a joke.
A POTUS embarrassment!
Some of the questions the FBI people were asking others were falsetto claims. And they did it over and over. They do it as a test to break people down. Either way, Mueller's team of Democrats could extract a win. If he could be broken down with lies, they win. If he couldn't be broken down with lies, it would be because his response would of course be, "I can't remember that happening," "I don't remember the event as you present It," or "That never happened which is why I can't remember it." This could be spun as certain proof the president is senile, which has happened in less than ten responses from USMB posters. This is a garbage can thread and a no-win situation based on Democrat trickery of creating a falsetto scenario in order to procure a political goal.

It smacks of liar Christine Blasey-Ford's false witness against Kavanaugh.

What a bunch of lard-ass crooks Democrats in high places are, starting with sicko Congressman Jerrold Nadler who after learning President Trump did not collude and did not obstruct justice nor commit any high crime, decided it was time for the Democrats to force impeachment. :rolleyes:

This is a designer thread to promote impeachment based on a falsetto scenario and that's all this is..
Designer thread like the many started by Putin Puppets?

If Trump can’t remember that well, why did he claim during press Q’s that he has a great memory?? He likes to spin his way?
No integrity!
He just likes to get you worthless leftist traitor pansies all riled up.
Who would say such a thing? The greatest memory of all time? WTF. And you guys did not laugh at him? You voted for him. Damn.

Sorry, who is this "you guys" who voted for him?

And lest we forget, as ridiculous and annoying as Donald Trump is, the alternative was Hillary Clinton. Talk about a candidate who was a joke.
Yeah, a lawyer, a former Senator, a former secretary of state who worked in the government and knew how politics works, was a joke. A guy hosting a reality TV show was much better.
In this case - yes. MUCH better.
Yeah, a lawyer, a former Senator, a former secretary of state who worked in the government and knew how politics works, was a joke. A guy hosting a reality TV show was much better.
How many women did he pay off to not reveal they slept with him while he was married? Was it six?
Who would say such a thing? The greatest memory of all time? WTF. And you guys did not laugh at him? You voted for him. Damn.

Sorry, who is this "you guys" who voted for him?

And lest we forget, as ridiculous and annoying as Donald Trump is, the alternative was Hillary Clinton. Talk about a candidate who was a joke.
Yeah, a lawyer, a former Senator, a former secretary of state who worked in the government and knew how politics works, was a joke. A guy hosting a reality TV show was much better.
In this case - yes. MUCH better.
Says a lot about your ability to weigh candidates. It is obvious you are a fox type.
If someone is trying to catch you in a perjury trap, you better be 100% sure you remember correctly, otherwise it's better to say you don't remember or at least not sure.

There is one sure way to avoid perjury - DON'T LIE.

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