Trump said he couldn’t remember 36 times in response to special counsel Robert Mueller’s questions

Refusing to talk voluntarily to people who are trying to prosecute you for crimes makes you a "liar"
I didnt state or imply that. I said trump is a liar, because he is. And you know it,and you love that about him.

Of course he jas the rightto refuse to cooperate. And then i have the right to call him out for being the cowardly liar he is. So shut up for a while and contemplate your idiotic definition of unAmerican, as you are way off.

Has it occurred to you that you spend a lot of time stating what other people think, and no time whatsoever ASKING what they think first?

Has it occurred to you that "Shut up for a while" translates into "I can't win an argument!"?

I'm going to keep right on saying whatever I want to, and mocking you relentlessly for your eminently mockable bullshit. So if you want to avoid that, your only option is to turn tail and run.
WTF did Obama do so quickly to save us?
Well, bailing out the auto makers and his srimulus package were both big reasons. Probably the greatest accomplishment of his presidency, really.

Well, bailing out the auto makers

On what date did that happen?

and his srimulus package were both big reasons.

Yeah, that was awesome! How much was spent by June 2009?

Probably the greatest accomplishment of his presidency,

Irony is ironic.
A perjury trap, which is a ridiculous idea. does require lying. You do not trap anyone, they jump into the pit all by themselves.

Yeah, or they are just mistaken, and you put the worst possible spin on it, because that's what lawyers do.


Do you have in mind an example of a victim of FBI cohersion to give a false testimony?

We know it's not Flynn, because he ADMITED TO LYING TO FBI in his guilty plea. So who are we talking about here?

You actually need me to prove to you that cops and prosecutors - and Congress - can twist what you say and claim perjury? Really? I sincerely doubt that's always been your position on the subject.

Or was it just that you wanted to manufacture an opportunity for name-dropper politics?

Who got trapped?

I'll take that to mean, "I just wanted a chance to shout accusations."

No one got trapped. Go sleep.
Comey couldn't recall 245 times, so Trump did very well indeed!
Of course, that's a stupid comparison, as Comey was being questioned in real time, and he had to answer many more questions. President Pussyboy had an entire team of daycare workers who had weeks to translate his responses from crayon scribbles to complete English sentences.
How many times again did Hillary say the same? And lets see what your excuse for her is.
Maybe he's not that senile, maybe he's just a liar.

(although I personally think it's a bit of both)

Or maybe most people don't have eidetic memories.
So you're saying he's senile? I mean, 36 times?
How many times did Hillary say that again?
How about you tell us hero ?? And remember she wasn't the lying scumbag president
She was being investigated for crimes dumb ass while she was Secretary of State. And the FBI did not even record her interview.
Maybe he's not that senile, maybe he's just a liar.

(although I personally think it's a bit of both)

Or maybe most people don't have eidetic memories.
So you're saying he's senile? I mean, 36 times?
How many times did Hillary say that again?
How about you tell us hero ?? And remember she wasn't the lying scumbag president
She was being investigated for crimes dumb ass while she was Secretary of State. And the FBI did not even record her interview.
Investigated ? how many years did your people investigate her?? and you want to say our FBI are unamerican ?? Is that really where your repub swine want to go??
Find me a president who isn't. You think Obumma or Hillary lied less? Really?
Yes, of course. What a stupid question.

What a stupid belief. Trump lies about silly, irrelevant, unimportant, stuff. Obama lied to a nation about our healthcare. Hillary lied about national security she was hip deep in. Get your brain out of a jar.
Or maybe most people don't have eidetic memories.
So you're saying he's senile? I mean, 36 times?
How many times did Hillary say that again?
How about you tell us hero ?? And remember she wasn't the lying scumbag president
She was being investigated for crimes dumb ass while she was Secretary of State. And the FBI did not even record her interview.
Investigated ? how many years did your people investigate her?? and you want to say our FBI are unamerican ?? Is that really where your repub swine want to go??
Hey you moron she said she did not know more than trump... Remind me how you find that appalling too.
Oh, really? He was being asked about events that had happened two years earlier, events that occurred during a presidential campaign. And you're surprised that there were many details he could not recall from two years earlier? You must have a remarkable memory to be judging for this.
Yeah, or they are just mistaken, and you put the worst possible spin on it, because that's what lawyers do.


Do you have in mind an example of a victim of FBI cohersion to give a false testimony?

We know it's not Flynn, because he ADMITED TO LYING TO FBI in his guilty plea. So who are we talking about here?

You actually need me to prove to you that cops and prosecutors - and Congress - can twist what you say and claim perjury? Really? I sincerely doubt that's always been your position on the subject.

Or was it just that you wanted to manufacture an opportunity for name-dropper politics?

Who got trapped?

I'll take that to mean, "I just wanted a chance to shout accusations."

No one got trapped. Go sleep.

Yes, because no one is stupid enough to follow your advice and ignore the possibility. Wake the fuck up.
Not ONE of the liberals in this thread condemned Hillary when she said sh couldn't remember 39 times to the FBI. No one said she was lying and no one demanded anything happen to her from the left.
Ask me about specifics about a conversation I had with someone more than 5 minutes ago and there will likely be much that I don't remember. Human memory is extremely unreliable.

That and Trump is free to say he doesn't know. That's what you do during a witch-hunt. Best not to open doors you don't have to.
senile obstructionist -

Trump said he couldn’t remember 36 times in response to special counsel Robert Mueller’s questions

poor old man must have a hard time finding his way home .........

Your point being?

Flashback: FBI Summary: Hillary Said She ‘Could Not Recall’ ‘Did Not Recall,’ ‘Did Not Remember,’ 'Had No Recollection' 41 Times
By Terence P. Jeffrey | September 2, 2016 | 3:19 PM EDT
Flashback: FBI Summary: Hillary Said She ‘Could Not Recall’ ‘Did Not Recall,’ ‘Did Not Remember,’ 'Had No Recollection' 41 Times

Comey’s non-answers: - Said “I don’t remember” 71 times. - Said “I don’t know” 166 times. - Said “I don’t recall” 8 times.
Comey’s non-answers: - Said “I don’t remember” 71 times. - Said “I don’t know” 166 times. - Said “I don’t recall” 8 times. : The_Donald


In more than four hours of videotaped testimony before a federal grand jury, President Clinton testified under oath on 110 occasions that he could not remember details involving his relationship with former White House intern Monica S. Lewinsky. Here are the responses Clinton gave and how often he used them:

"I don't remember" (54 times)

"I don't recall" (15 times)

"I didn't remember" (8 times)

"I have no recollection" (4 times)

"I just don't remember" (4 times)

"I couldn't remember" (3 times)

"I don't have any memory" (3 times)

"I've tried to remember" (2 times)

"I don't necessarily remember" (2 times)

"I have no specific memory" (2 times)

"I don't have an independent memory" (1 time)

"I honestly don't remember" (2 times)

"I certainly have no memory" (2 times)

"My memory is not clear" (1 time)

"I certainly don't remember" (1 time)

"I may have been confused in my memory" (1 time)

"I just don't recall" (1 time)

"I don't have the memory that you assume that I should" (1 time)

"I literally can't remember" (1 time)

"I can't possibly remember" (1 time)

"I honestly tried to remember" (1 time)

President's Memory Lapses Raise Eyebrows in Capital
In more than four hours of videotaped testimony before a federal grand jury, President Clinton testified under oath on 110 occasions that he could not remember details involving his relationship with former White House intern Monica S. Lewinsky. Here are the responses Clinton gave and how often he used them:

"I don't remember" (54 times)

"I don't recall" (15 times)

"I didn't remember" (8 times)

"I have no recollection" (4 times)

"I just don't remember" (4 times)

"I couldn't remember" (3 times)

"I don't have any memory" (3 times)

"I've tried to remember" (2 times)

"I don't necessarily remember" (2 times)

"I have no specific memory" (2 times)

"I don't have an independent memory" (1 time)

"I honestly don't remember" (2 times)

"I certainly have no memory" (2 times)

"My memory is not clear" (1 time)

"I certainly don't remember" (1 time)

"I may have been confused in my memory" (1 time)

"I just don't recall" (1 time)

"I don't have the memory that you assume that I should" (1 time)

"I literally can't remember" (1 time)

"I can't possibly remember" (1 time)

"I honestly tried to remember" (1 time)

President's Memory Lapses Raise Eyebrows in Capital
Oh gee golly, lying about getting a blow job for free is just as bad or worse than conspiring with a foreign power to win the elections, making money off of the presidency, supporting bloodthirsty dictators who have public executions including crucifixions and more.

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