Trump Says He Will Be Filing a “Major Motion” Soon in Response to FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago

GOD Bless him~ Wish him the very best! :clap:

“A major motion pertaining to the Fourth Amendment will soon be filed concerning the illegal Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago, right before the ever important Mid-Term Elections. “My rights, together with the rights of all Americans, have been violated at a level rarely seen before in our Country. Remember, they even spied on my campaign. The greatest Witch Hunt in USA history has been going on for six years, with no consequences to the scammers. It should not be allowed to continue!” –

Published August 19, 2022
How much money are you going to send him?

Prove it!

And only the contents of the safe, could not be used as evidence, if there was no mention on the warrant.

The safe was empty.

Zip, in helping Trump weasel out of this....

They violated the terms of the warrant when they accessed the safe. I just read the warrant again, it didn't mention a safe. Later, I'm going to bed.

GOD Bless him~ Wish him the very best! :clap:

“A major motion pertaining to the Fourth Amendment will soon be filed concerning the illegal Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago, right before the ever important Mid-Term Elections. “My rights, together with the rights of all Americans, have been violated at a level rarely seen before in our Country. Remember, they even spied on my campaign. The greatest Witch Hunt in USA history has been going on for six years, with no consequences to the scammers. It should not be allowed to continue!” –

Published August 19, 2022
Anyone with a brain & basic morals supports Trump in this.

In other words, notta lotta liberals. :(
Did the Taylor warrant cover any piece of paper dated in a 4 year period? Oh and did you know breaking into a safe requires a separate warrant? They had no authority to access the locked safe.

The locations to be searched include the "45 Office," all storage rooms, and all
other rooms or areas within the premises used or available to be used by FPOTUS and his staff
and in which boxes or documents could be stored, including all structures or buildings on the

It includes all areas and structures in which boxes could be stored.

As such a walk-in safe of sufficient size, would fit into the warrants places to be searched.
They violated the terms of the warrant when they accessed the safe. I just read the warrant again, it didn't mention a safe. Later, I'm going to bed.


If an item listed in a warrant could fit in a safe, they are permitted to search the safe.

As an example. Someone is killed with a handgun. There is a warrant to search someone's home for that handgun. As the gun would fit in the safe, they are permitted to search the safe.

Now if say someone is killed with a rifle they could not search the safe as the rifle would not fit in it.

Stolen documents would fit in a safe.
If an item listed in a warrant could fit in a safe, they are permitted to search the safe.

Stolen documents would fit in a safe.
This is the confusion of included and excluded items.

Trumps warrant specifically includes all "areas and structures" in which documents or boxes could be stored.

And excluded guest quarters, or areas not available to the FPOTUS and his staff.

A safe being neither formally included or formally excluded, should allow it's inclusion under the areas and structures included in the search.

A safe should be no different than if there was a file cabinet (locked or unlocked) the warrant wouldn't have to specifically mention for them to look in.
GOD Bless him~ Wish him the very best! :clap:

“A major motion pertaining to the Fourth Amendment will soon be filed concerning the illegal Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago, right before the ever important Mid-Term Elections. “My rights, together with the rights of all Americans, have been violated at a level rarely seen before in our Country. Remember, they even spied on my campaign. The greatest Witch Hunt in USA history has been going on for six years, with no consequences to the scammers. It should not be allowed to continue!” –

Published August 19, 2022
His motion won't matter. There was no illegal break in.
Under the Fourth Amendment, Americans are protected against unreasonable searches and seizures.

There was no need for the criminal FBI raid on Trumps home.

It was all political and it was all illegal!:mad-61:

The scum who did this to Trump will pay.
There was no raid and there was no violation of trumps rights.
And I'm confident in mine!!!!

Here is the 4th amendment:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

They did not do this in the warrant. Trump has a clear case.
Here is the 4th amendment:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

They did not do this in the warrant. Trump has a clear case.

Are you fucking retarded, Islamophobic Twat?

They clearly said what they were looking for, and found them, right where Jared told them it would be.

Yup, I'm going with Jared as the mole right now. Because why not?
Tax evasion isn't personal. It's stealing from me.
As much as I disagree with the OP and her way of thinking the fact is the poster named Hoss is correct that there is no law requiring Trump to release his returns and Tax Evasion isn’t stealing from you and let be honest Trump isn’t the only person that doesn’t pay his share in Taxes and both sides have guilty members within their ranks!
Hahahaha, oh boy a major action is coming. The most majorest major action that anyone has ever seen… ever!

Let’s see what this next load of crap is.
The load of crap is 2 years after leaving office... CLOSE TO ELECTIONS.....they raid for archives he had already boxed to send per request.

No other President has ever been raided like this you sorry fcking Fascist Pricks.

6 year looking for a crime with illegal and bs methods.

Your side is not fit to lead a Girl Scout Troop
Wikipedia. Said nothing about him being a Constitutional lawyer. He has one in Political Science:

Skipping his senior year of high school, Levin enrolled at Temple University Ambler and graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa with a B.A. in Political Science in 1977 at age 19.[15][16] Later in 1977, Levin won election to the Cheltenham school board on a platform of reducing property taxes.[15] In 1980, Levin earned a J.D. from Temple University School of Law.[17]


Just post a link where it shows that he is one, that he has a diploma in Constitutional Law. I cannot find it.
You posted it yourself, moron!

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