Trump Says He Will Be Filing a “Major Motion” Soon in Response to FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago

This is a ruse feeling offered as a statement.
You would have no earthly idea of what those close to him would attest to yet you offer it as a fact statement when it’s feelings conjecture
The proliferation of fake threat titles,which is permitted and encouraged here, also leads to fake content
Doesn’t fool thinkers.
Have read plenty from those who have worked for him at Trump or during his administration, or helped him write a book, or were stiffed by him after working for him.

All of those people are fakes? So, Trump lives in a vacuum, no person comes near him, he deals with no one, he employs no one.

All online for those who do care to find out anything and everything, good or bad.
The search was perfectly lawful and Constitutional – the culmination of years of Trump’s incompetence, corruption, and criminality.

Trump has only himself to blame.
It is going to court. Not that the court is just, but that is where this is going.
The search was perfectly lawful and Constitutional – the culmination of years of Trump’s incompetence, corruption, and criminality.

Trump has only himself to blame.
Wonder why you will never hold a black criminal to the same accountability in a dust up with police
Have read plenty from those who have worked for him at Trump or during his administration, or helped him write a book, or were stiffed by him after working for him.

All of those people are fakes? So, Trump lives in a vacuum, no person comes near him, he deals with no one, he employs no one.

All online for those who do care to find out anything and everything, good or bad.
Yeah like there all kind of published quotes about what Trump affiliates will attest to that fits your fantasies
NO. The warrant excluded the "guest" areas.

The locations to be searched include the "45 Office," all storage rooms, and all other rooms or areas within the premises used or available to be used by FPOTUS and his staff and in which boxes or documents could be stored, including all structures or buildings on the estate. It does not include areas currently (i.e., at the time of the search) being occupied, rented, or used by third parties (such as Mar-a-Largo Members) and not otherwise used or available to be used by FPOTUS and his staff, such as private guest suites.

Damn commie, did you bother to read the nonsense your foreign comrade spewed?

He tends to settle his lawsuits, or close the business, as he did with Trump University.
HIs lawsuits go back all the way back to 1973.
Although Trump has said that he "never" settles legal claims, Trump and his businesses have settled with plaintiffs in at least 100 cases (mostly involving personal injury claims arising from injuries at Trump properties), with settlements ranging as high as hundreds of thousands of U.S. dollars[1] and as high as tens of millions of dollars.[7] In the Trump University litigation, three legal actions were brought alleging fraud, one by the New York State attorney general and the others by class action plaintiffs.[8] In November 2016, Trump agreed to pay $25 million to settle the litigation.[7]
In 1973, Trump was accused by the Justice Department of violations of the Fair Housing Act in the operation of 39 buildings. The Department said that black "testers" were sent to more than half a dozen buildings and were denied apartments, but a similar white tester would then be offered an apartment in the same building.[9] The government alleged that Trump's corporation quoted different rental terms and conditions to blacks and made false "no vacancy" statements to blacks for apartments they managed in Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island.[10]

Representing Trump, Roy Cohn filed a counter-suit against the government for $100 million, asserting that the charges were irresponsible and baseless.[9][11] A federal judge threw out the countersuit, calling it a waste of "time and paper".[12] Trump settled the charges out of court in 1975 without admitting guilt, saying he was satisfied that the agreement did not "compel the Trump organization to accept persons on welfare as tenants unless as qualified as any other tenant".[13]

Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter of Trump's book, The Art of the Deal, said that the housing case was "a classic example" of Trump being "a counterpuncher": someone accuses Trump of doing something horrible, and he "goes back at them with all guns blazing.... And admits nothing." If Trump loses, he will "declare victory".[14]

The corporation was required to send a bi-weekly list of vacancies to the New York Urban League, a civil rights group, and give them priority for certain locations.[15] In 1978 the Trump Organization again was in court for violating terms of the 1975 settlement; Trump denied the charges.[9][12][16]

(full article online)

Let us see what happens with NYC, Georgia and others.
To be continued.....

That was 49 years ago,, in case you missed it!

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