Trump says Israel should pay U.S. for defense

The only true issue here is the fact that you are an undeclared bigot.
You don't like Lucy too much, do you? She remained civil in spite of your name callings. That shows something, doesn't it?
What name calling?

I think "bigot" is name calling.
I view it as an adjective

Okay, so you agree I'm a "bigot", it's fine I can deal with this, I'm a grown-up. I'm also an independent thinker who doesn't just follow flocks of sheep because I'm told to or else I'll be called a "bigot" Also I don't base who's a Traitor and who isn't a Traitor on what their religion might be.
I said it view the comment as an adjective
The only true issue here is the fact that you are an undeclared bigot.
You don't like Lucy too much, do you? She remained civil in spite of your name callings. That shows something, doesn't it?
What name calling?

I think "bigot" is name calling.
I view it as an adjective

Okay, so you agree I'm a "bigot", it's fine I can deal with this, I'm a grown-up. I'm also an independent thinker who doesn't just follow flocks of sheep because I'm told to or else I'll be called a "bigot" Also I don't base who's a Traitor and who isn't a Traitor on what their religion might be.
traitor is not a proper noun...
Why I miss Richard Nixon.

Nixon continued, "If they torpedo this summit — and it might go down for other reasons — I'm gonna put the blame on them, and I'm going to do it publicly at 9 o'clock at night before 80 million people." ("I agree completely," Kissinger, who is Jewish, said. "They brought it on themselves.") Then Nixon really got going about the Jews. "I won't mind one goddamn but to have a little anti-Semitism if it's on that issue," the president says. "They put the Jewish interest above America's interest and it's about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he's an American first and a Jew second."

I recently read a good book about Richard Nixon written by Richard Reeves "President Nixon: Alone In The White House", I recommend this book.
Nixon's downfall was due to his own actions....
If Trump made Israel pay the US, the Knesset would have to pass a law that would penalize Israeli companies from leaving Israel and would have to lower their taxes within Israel.
Wow! This is starting to sound like what Trump wants to do with the US.
Anyway, I think Israel would benefit from a more equal relationship with the US, and especially with Trump, and would be allowed to blow the shit out of any Muslims that started trouble.
Why I miss Richard Nixon.

Nixon continued, "If they torpedo this summit — and it might go down for other reasons — I'm gonna put the blame on them, and I'm going to do it publicly at 9 o'clock at night before 80 million people." ("I agree completely," Kissinger, who is Jewish, said. "They brought it on themselves.") Then Nixon really got going about the Jews. "I won't mind one goddamn but to have a little anti-Semitism if it's on that issue," the president says. "They put the Jewish interest above America's interest and it's about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he's an American first and a Jew second."

I recently read a good book about Richard Nixon written by Richard Reeves "President Nixon: Alone In The White House", I recommend this book.
Nixon's downfall was due to his own actions....

Nixon was so paranoid it's incredible, his paranoia lead to Watergate etc. I think if you take Watergate out of his Presidency, Nixon was a pretty good President, he did some good things.
Why I miss Richard Nixon.

Nixon continued, "If they torpedo this summit — and it might go down for other reasons — I'm gonna put the blame on them, and I'm going to do it publicly at 9 o'clock at night before 80 million people." ("I agree completely," Kissinger, who is Jewish, said. "They brought it on themselves.") Then Nixon really got going about the Jews. "I won't mind one goddamn but to have a little anti-Semitism if it's on that issue," the president says. "They put the Jewish interest above America's interest and it's about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he's an American first and a Jew second."

I recently read a good book about Richard Nixon written by Richard Reeves "President Nixon: Alone In The White House", I recommend this book.
Nixon's downfall was due to his own actions....

Nixon was so paranoid it's incredible, his paranoia lead to Watergate etc. I think if you take Watergate out of his Presidency, Nixon was a pretty good President, he did some good things.
He really did do good things, especially increasing B-52 bombings on gooks that eventually sent them to the Paris Peace Talks.
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Why I miss Richard Nixon.

Nixon continued, "If they torpedo this summit — and it might go down for other reasons — I'm gonna put the blame on them, and I'm going to do it publicly at 9 o'clock at night before 80 million people." ("I agree completely," Kissinger, who is Jewish, said. "They brought it on themselves.") Then Nixon really got going about the Jews. "I won't mind one goddamn but to have a little anti-Semitism if it's on that issue," the president says. "They put the Jewish interest above America's interest and it's about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he's an American first and a Jew second."

I recently read a good book about Richard Nixon written by Richard Reeves "President Nixon: Alone In The White House", I recommend this book.
Nixon's downfall was due to his own actions....

Nixon was so paranoid it's incredible, his paranoia lead to Watergate etc. I think if you take Watergate out of his Presidency, Nixon was a pretty good President, he did some good things.
I guess..It was a mad house then....
Why I miss Richard Nixon.

Nixon continued, "If they torpedo this summit — and it might go down for other reasons — I'm gonna put the blame on them, and I'm going to do it publicly at 9 o'clock at night before 80 million people." ("I agree completely," Kissinger, who is Jewish, said. "They brought it on themselves.") Then Nixon really got going about the Jews. "I won't mind one goddamn but to have a little anti-Semitism if it's on that issue," the president says. "They put the Jewish interest above America's interest and it's about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he's an American first and a Jew second."

I recently read a good book about Richard Nixon written by Richard Reeves "President Nixon: Alone In The White House", I recommend this book.
Nixon's downfall was due to his own actions....

Nixon was so paranoid it's incredible, his paranoia lead to Watergate etc. I think if you take Watergate out of his Presidency, Nixon was a pretty good President, he did some good things.
He really did do good things, especially increasing B-52 bombings of gooks that eventually sent them to the Paris Peace Talks.

Well I was more thinking about his stance on China etc.
Why I miss Richard Nixon.

Nixon continued, "If they torpedo this summit — and it might go down for other reasons — I'm gonna put the blame on them, and I'm going to do it publicly at 9 o'clock at night before 80 million people." ("I agree completely," Kissinger, who is Jewish, said. "They brought it on themselves.") Then Nixon really got going about the Jews. "I won't mind one goddamn but to have a little anti-Semitism if it's on that issue," the president says. "They put the Jewish interest above America's interest and it's about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he's an American first and a Jew second."

I recently read a good book about Richard Nixon written by Richard Reeves "President Nixon: Alone In The White House", I recommend this book.
Nixon's downfall was due to his own actions....

Nixon was so paranoid it's incredible, his paranoia lead to Watergate etc. I think if you take Watergate out of his Presidency, Nixon was a pretty good President, he did some good things.
I guess..It was a mad house then....

When you have a person, who's so paranoid of even his closet advisers he's recording his conversations with even them, this is just completely crazy.
If Trump made Israel pay the US, the Knesset would have to pass a law that would penalize Israeli companies from leaving Israel and would have to lower their taxes within Israel.
Wow! This is starting to sound like what Trump wants to do with the US.
Anyway, I think Israel would benefit from a more equal relationship with the US, and especially with Trump, and would be allowed to blow the shit out of any Muslims that started trouble.

"the Knesset would have to pass a law that would penalize Israeli companies from leaving Israel and would have to lower their taxes within Israel."

Why would the Knesset have to do this?
Nixon's downfall was due to his own actions....

Nixon was so paranoid it's incredible, his paranoia lead to Watergate etc. I think if you take Watergate out of his Presidency, Nixon was a pretty good President, he did some good things.
I guess..It was a mad house then....

When you have a person, who's so paranoid of even his closet advisers he's recording his conversations with even them, this is just completely crazy.
His only claim to fame was turning on Alger Hiss....

Alger Hiss full-on Commie and a Traitor.
What does that have to do with the OP?
I have been to Israel. They are surrounded by states that could fall to Islamic fascists in a matter of days.

You do realize the Sinai is Egypt right?

Our Navy is mostly in the Persian Gulf/Indian Ocean.

We have few military assets in Turkey, so I have no idea what you are yapping about.

What Assets Could US Military Use Against Syrian Chemical Sites?
I have been to Israel. They are surrounded by states that could fall to Islamic fascists in a matter of days.

You do realize the Sinai is Egypt right?

Our Navy is mostly in the Persian Gulf/Indian Ocean.

We have few military assets in Turkey, so I have no idea what you are yapping about.

What Assets Could US Military Use Against Syrian Chemical Sites?

Those military assets could also be put to good use on the Satanic States of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain.
I have been to Israel. They are surrounded by states that could fall to Islamic fascists in a matter of days.

You do realize the Sinai is Egypt right?

Our Navy is mostly in the Persian Gulf/Indian Ocean.

We have few military assets in Turkey, so I have no idea what you are yapping about.

What Assets Could US Military Use Against Syrian Chemical Sites?

Those military assets could also be put to good use on the Satanic States of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain.
Except that the axiom of military and political allies(even the evil ones) are needed to attain a so called victory in times of war.....and in times of peace, by a psychological barrier to attempt anything to change or expand their position...
I have been to Israel. They are surrounded by states that could fall to Islamic fascists in a matter of days.

You do realize the Sinai is Egypt right?

Our Navy is mostly in the Persian Gulf/Indian Ocean.

We have few military assets in Turkey, so I have no idea what you are yapping about.

What Assets Could US Military Use Against Syrian Chemical Sites?

Those military assets could also be put to good use on the Satanic States of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain.
Except that the axiom of military and political allies(even the evil ones) are needed to attain a so called victory in times of war.....and in times of peace, by a psychological barrier to attempt anything to change or expand their position...

Yes but I question under any situation considering Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain as "Allies" considering they're all pretty much pro ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, who would want such "Allies" letting a rattlesnake into your bed.
I have been to Israel. They are surrounded by states that could fall to Islamic fascists in a matter of days.

You do realize the Sinai is Egypt right?

Our Navy is mostly in the Persian Gulf/Indian Ocean.

We have few military assets in Turkey, so I have no idea what you are yapping about.

What Assets Could US Military Use Against Syrian Chemical Sites?

Those military assets could also be put to good use on the Satanic States of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain.
Except that the axiom of military and political allies(even the evil ones) are needed to attain a so called victory in times of war.....and in times of peace, by a psychological barrier to attempt anything to change or expand their position...

Yes but I question under any situation considering Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain as "Allies" considering they're all pretty much pro ISIL/ISIS/Daesh, who would want such "Allies" letting a rattlesnake into your bed.
After WWII MacArthur stated that he would deal with the devil if that's what it took to get a country to be allied...
Israel and all these other countries that are hiding under our nuclear umbrella should chip in and help with the cots.

After WW2, we had the only industrialized sector that was undamaged by the war, in fact it had greatly expanded. We held like 80% of the global GDP. So we wanted to build up the economies of our allies and convert the Germans and Japanese to being allies too. So we cut them very favorable trade treaties. As the Cold War wore on we did this with other nations as well.


Revert the deals and let Americans get employed again for fucks sake. And our allies need to start carrying their own weight again, to include Israel.

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