Trump says Israel should pay U.S. for defense

I gave specifics and refuted your nonsense points. Turkey was much more valuable asset against the Soviets than Israel. CIA doesn't need Israel for intelligence, we watch Israel and they get intelligence and weaponry from us. Israel can't have any use without US support.

Turkey is an islamic state who reneged on their agreement to let 4th ID come down through the sunni-triangle during the invasion of Iraq. That meant the insurgents got to Saddam's arms caches there before we could. Now how about you STFU, don't have a clue.

Turkey was one of the first countries to recognize Israel during the 1940's, and they were our biggest asset against the Soviets. That's why we deployed nuclear weapons there. Turkey is part of NATO to this day for that reason. Without Turkey, Russia could partner up with them, restricting our access to the region. You failed to provide data or specifics to suggest we wouldn't be anything without Israel, and then you're denying facts about other nations in the region proving much more useful to us. Unlike Israel, which only benefits its expansionist ambitions against the Palestinians. They did pay us back in one way though ....:

The USS Liberty Cover-Up
The issue is your argument is flimsy.

The only true issue here is the fact that you are an undeclared bigot.

The only true issue here, is that your argument is flimsy, as such you have lost the argument and now are reduced to name calling.

For an educated person which you claim to be you surely must see the truth in my statements.

Please try to put aside you prejudices.

If I wanted to call you names, I certainly wouldn't just call you a bigot.

Heidelberg and Oxford.

Okay, we can stop this, if you answer the simple question, should The West not give money to African nations?

Why do you insist on ramming your educated credentials down our throats....big deal - do you feel insecure?

I don't shout out my credentials, its not necessary.

As for Africa,it is completely off topic , but more importantly, it's irrelevant to your rants about Israel.

"Why do you insist on ramming your educated credentials down our throats....big deal - do you feel insecure?"

I ONLY do this if someone calls me "ignorant" and/or stupid because I happen to disagree with them.

"I don't shout out my credentials, its not necessary."

Maybe you should make one-off exception, just so we know what we're dealing with, what level.

"As for Africa,it is completely off topic, but more importantly, it's irrelevant to your rants about Israel."

Your refusal to answer tells me what I ALREADY knew, that you just want Israel being the Welfare Queen, why, well it's Israel there's no other reason needed.

I'm not ranting, I'm perfectly coherent and have used logic....they're "rants" to your type because if ANYONE doesn't just kiss Israel's ass you don't like it. Israel is nothing more to me than say Paraguay or New Zealand, I don't have dual loyalties to nations that have nothing to do with me, sorry.


Holy crap! :D


Oh my... Now the Donald has gone and pissed off the Jews!!! WOW!

What Trump needs to hire is somebody to just stand next to him at the podium ready to knock his ass out when he starts to say something stupid.

Donald has no boundaries. Man O Man you couldn't make this shit up. I just hope he doesn't run out of people to piss off. This is fun.

He said this earlier today, the speech at AIPAC was probably empty rhetoric just to get them to shut up. Who knows, either way, at least we can take a chance with Trump. Let's see what we get out of him, since we already know how every other candidate will be.
They did pay us back in one way though ....:

The USS Liberty Cover-Up

The Liberty attack was fog of war. The Liberty's captain was maneuvering and radioing information to other ships that the IDF mistook for intel gathering on their forces which was true. They struck the Liberty to stop that signal traffic. Once again you have no idea what you're talking about.
First off, his statement was cut off before he could finish it. Further, the money we give Israel is mostly spent with our arms manufacturers so those funds come back home in the form of profits and wages for Americans. Israel is worth her weight in gold to us....during the Cold War they were instrumental in spying on the soviets. Mossad gives us most of what we know about ME troublemakers and terrorists. I can't imagine where we'd be in the WOT without the Israelis.

Can you give me a link about how the Israeli's were spying on the Soviet's during the Cold War, I've read that the Israeli's were very friendly with the Soviet's certainly in the 1950s and 1960s.
Anyone remember the Rosenberg's?
They were American citizens

They were Traitors.
What does that have to do with the OP?

The comment was "anyone remember The Rosenbergs?" your response was "they were American citizens"....they were executed for Treason, thus I respond to you "they were Traitors"

Okay so you don't think The Rosenberg's were Traitors as you were unable to bring yourself to agree, even though they WERE executed for Treason.
They did pay us back in one way though ....:

The USS Liberty Cover-Up

The Liberty attack was fog of war. The Liberty's captain was maneuvering and radioing information to other ships that the IDF mistook for intel gathering on their forces. They struck the Liberty to stop that signal traffic. Once again you have no idea what you're talking about.

Nope, IDF was committing war crimes against Egyptian forces, and USS Liberty had intelligence on their war plans to occupy neighboring territories. IDF bombed it to prevent US from gathering this intelligence. Leave to Israel, you seem to like them more than your own people. You people are disgusting.
First off, his statement was cut off before he could finish it. Further, the money we give Israel is mostly spent with our arms manufacturers so those funds come back home in the form of profits and wages for Americans. Israel is worth her weight in gold to us....during the Cold War they were instrumental in spying on the soviets. Mossad gives us most of what we know about ME troublemakers and terrorists. I can't imagine where we'd be in the WOT without the Israelis.

Can you give me a link about how the Israeli's were spying on the Soviet's during the Cold War, I've read that the Israeli's were very friendly with the Soviet's certainly in the 1950s and 1960s.
Anyone remember the Rosenberg's?
They were American citizens

They were Traitors.
What does that have to do with the OP?

This is yet another essentially pointless thread, people know that it's impossible, it's a black and white situation, only ass-kissers are correct and all non-ass-kissers are "bigots" or "haters" or just 100% wrong and don't know anything about this topic.
This thread has digressed into the absurd.

No country has made any effort to pay us for our war efforts except Britain after WWII.

There is nothing to debate. It will NEVER happen.

This is just another brain fart by the Donald. Just another tidbit on a long list of brain farts that the mouth of the Donald couldn't help himself from uttering.

Now that he has just permanently alienated the Jews there are only a scant few minorities he has left to piss off.
Can you give me a link about how the Israeli's were spying on the Soviet's during the Cold War, I've read that the Israeli's were very friendly with the Soviet's certainly in the 1950s and 1960s.

Their signal intel was vital to us to find hear what the Ivans were telling their people on television and radio. The IDF earned their keep during Vietnam by spying on russian aid and arms shipments being sent to Hanoi. I was a lowly intel non-com who heard first hand my officers mention where we'd gotten information about comings and goings in Haiphong Harbor.
You know what the good thing is? We can buy good IMI ammo on quite affordable prices...
Can you give me a link about how the Israeli's were spying on the Soviet's during the Cold War, I've read that the Israeli's were very friendly with the Soviet's certainly in the 1950s and 1960s.
Anyone remember the Rosenberg's?
They were American citizens

They were Traitors.
What does that have to do with the OP?

The comment was "anyone remember The Rosenbergs?" your response was "they were American citizens"....they were executed for Treason, thus I respond to you "they were Traitors"

Okay so you don't think The Rosenberg's were Traitors as you were unable to bring yourself to agree, even though they WERE executed for Treason.
That is an entirely different topic.
Seeing as much of the 'aid' given to israel must come back in Israel spending money with US defense contractors, and then thos esame contractors benefit greatly from the modifications Israel makes to the weapon systems, stopping that aid will only hurt the US.

Its certainly true that we give "aid" because it benefits us but, like the Repubs/GOP, Netanyahu is not an ally of the US. Never has been.

I'm not saying all aid to all countries should stop but I'd really like to see some rebuilding of our own country.


Holy crap! :D


Oh my... Now the Donald has gone and pissed off the Jews!!! WOW!

What Trump needs to hire is somebody to just stand next to him at the podium ready to knock his ass out when he starts to say something stupid.

Donald has no boundaries. Man O Man you couldn't make this shit up. I just hope he doesn't run out of people to piss off. This is fun.

He said this earlier today, the speech at AIPAC was probably empty rhetoric just to get them to shut up. Who knows, either way, at least we can take a chance with Trump. Let's see what we get out of him, since we already know how every other candidate will be.

You have GOT to be kidding!

Stop and think about it. Do you really think he would have gotten this far if he wasn't spending his own money?

He can say all of this crazy shit and get away with it because he is paying for the opportunity to spout off.

Of course we hate it that we spend fortunes running all over the planet being the worlds cop. Getting the countries that we defend to kick in SOUNDS good but it will never fly. NEVER. I'll tell you why .. The arms manufacturers will never deliver arms to these countries if not cosigned by the U S. It is as simple as that.
This thread has digressed into the absurd.

No country has made any effort to pay us for our war efforts except Britain after WWII.

Not true. Japan pretty much financed Desert Storm for us.

OK I wasn't thinking of that. How much of the total cost did they fork over? Was it free and clear or just loans?

OK.. after a quick google I see that the total cost was around 60 billion..which I think is WAAAAY under estimated but the Japs kicked in 5.7 billion. The arabs with oil tossed in around 35 billion.
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Nope, IDF was committing war crimes against Egyptian forces, and USS Liberty had intelligence on their war plans to occupy neighboring territories. IDF bombed it to prevent US from gathering this intelligence. Leave to Israel, you seem to like them more than your own people. You people are disgusting.

And there you have it folks....a raghead pretending he's James Bond. I smelled your bullshit from the first keystroke, Abu. :badgrin:
Nope, IDF was committing war crimes against Egyptian forces, and USS Liberty had intelligence on their war plans to occupy neighboring territories. IDF bombed it to prevent US from gathering this intelligence. Leave to Israel, you seem to like them more than your own people. You people are disgusting.

And there you have it folks....a raghead pretending he's James Bond. I smelled your bullshit from the first keystroke, Abu. :badgrin:

..... :rolleyes-41:

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