Trump says Israel should pay U.S. for defense

Anyone remember the Rosenberg's?
They were American citizens

They were Traitors.
What does that have to do with the OP?

The comment was "anyone remember The Rosenbergs?" your response was "they were American citizens"....they were executed for Treason, thus I respond to you "they were Traitors"

Okay so you don't think The Rosenberg's were Traitors as you were unable to bring yourself to agree, even though they WERE executed for Treason.
That is an entirely different topic.

It is yes, but the original question was posed to me about The Rosenbergs, so I responded to the question, and The Rosenberg's were Traitors which is why they were executed, you seem to disagree that they were Traitors, that's not my problem, please however don't let me think that you think they weren't Traitors simply because of what religion they were.

Regarding everything else, I'm consistent, I don't believe The West should give free stuff and aid to any nation, this also includes Saudi Arabia. I make these comments earlier in this thread, to illustrate my consistency, so when I say Israel shouldn't be a Welfare Queen, I believe NO nation should be a Welfare Queen, therefore I'm NOT just singling out Israel here.

However, it appears that other people think The West shouldn't give free stuff and aid to other nations EXCEPT Israel, so they ARE singling that nation out, unlike me.
They were American citizens

They were Traitors.
What does that have to do with the OP?

The comment was "anyone remember The Rosenbergs?" your response was "they were American citizens"....they were executed for Treason, thus I respond to you "they were Traitors"

Okay so you don't think The Rosenberg's were Traitors as you were unable to bring yourself to agree, even though they WERE executed for Treason.
That is an entirely different topic.

It is yes, but the original question was posed to me about The Rosenbergs, so I responded to the question, and The Rosenberg's were Traitors which is why they were executed, you seem to disagree that they were Traitors, that's not my problem, please however don't let me think that you think they weren't Traitors simply because of what religion they were.

Regarding everything else, I'm consistent, I don't believe The West should give free stuff and aid to any nation, this also includes Saudi Arabia. I make these comment earlier in this thread, to illustrate my consistency, so when I say Israel shouldn't be a Welfare Queen, I believe NO nation should be a Welfare Queen, therefore I'm NOT just singling out Israel here.

However, it appears that other people think The West shouldn't give free stuff and aid to other nations EXCEPT Israel, so they ARE singling that nation out, unlike me.
Israel is getting nothing for free
They were Traitors.
What does that have to do with the OP?

The comment was "anyone remember The Rosenbergs?" your response was "they were American citizens"....they were executed for Treason, thus I respond to you "they were Traitors"

Okay so you don't think The Rosenberg's were Traitors as you were unable to bring yourself to agree, even though they WERE executed for Treason.
That is an entirely different topic.

It is yes, but the original question was posed to me about The Rosenbergs, so I responded to the question, and The Rosenberg's were Traitors which is why they were executed, you seem to disagree that they were Traitors, that's not my problem, please however don't let me think that you think they weren't Traitors simply because of what religion they were.

Regarding everything else, I'm consistent, I don't believe The West should give free stuff and aid to any nation, this also includes Saudi Arabia. I make these comment earlier in this thread, to illustrate my consistency, so when I say Israel shouldn't be a Welfare Queen, I believe NO nation should be a Welfare Queen, therefore I'm NOT just singling out Israel here.

However, it appears that other people think The West shouldn't give free stuff and aid to other nations EXCEPT Israel, so they ARE singling that nation out, unlike me.
Israel is getting nothing for free

So why are people saying that Israel should PAY America for stuff it gets?
May I also remind some of you miserable turds that after Aushwitz/Birkenau/Sobibor/Treblinka we decided there would be a Jewish State. Israel is OUR CHILD and her destiny is in our hands. From Harry Truman to Dubya that commitment has been honored and will continue to be after the fraud currently living in the WH leaves.
May I also remind some of you miserable turds that after Aushwitz/Birkenau/Sobibor/Treblinka we decided there would be a Jewish State. Israel is OUR CHILD and her destiny is in our hands. From Harry Truman to Dubya that commitment has been honored and will continue to be after the fraud currently living in the WH leaves.

Am I a "miserable turd" Tom? It seems Alex, who he and I have gotten along so well, now suddenly I think perhaps he wants to butt heads with me because I have different opinion.

Regarding Israel, it's about time they stopping being in your words a child.
It was only 5.7 billion ...less than ten per cent.

Quick wiki search shows we were reimbursed by several other countries:

The cost of the war to the United States was calculated by the U.S. Congress to be $61.1 billion.[211] About $52 billion of that amount was paid by other countries: $36 billion by Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other Arab states of the Persian Gulf; $16 billion by Germany and Japan (which sent no combat forces due to their constitutions). About 25% of Saudi Arabia's contribution was paid in the form of in-kind services to the troops, such as food and transportation.

Holy crap! :D

First off, his statement was cut off before he could finish it. Further, the money we give Israel is mostly spent with our arms manufacturers so those funds come back home in the form of profits and wages for Americans. Israel is worth her weight in gold to us....during the Cold War they were instrumental in spying on the soviets. Mossad gives us most of what we know about ME troublemakers and terrorists. I can't imagine where we'd be in the WOT without the Israelis.

Go to Israel if you can't imagine. You really think the CIA or US military need Israel? :lol:

We give Israel intelligence, we give Israel military support in the region. We deploy in Sinai, we have our Navy in the region, we have many military assets in Turkey. During the Cold war, Turkey was essential against the Soviets, moron. We don't need Israel for anything. Jews need us for their colonization activities.

I have been to Israel. They are surrounded by states that could fall to Islamic fascists in a matter of days.

You do realize the Sinai is Egypt right?

Our Navy is mostly in the Persian Gulf/Indian Ocean.

We have few military assets in Turkey, so I have no idea what you are yapping about.
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It was only 5.7 billion ...less than ten per cent.

Quick wiki search shows we were reimbursed by several other countries:

The cost of the war to the United States was calculated by the U.S. Congress to be $61.1 billion.[211] About $52 billion of that amount was paid by other countries: $36 billion by Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other Arab states of the Persian Gulf; $16 billion by Germany and Japan (which sent no combat forces due to their constitutions). About 25% of Saudi Arabia's contribution was paid in the form of in-kind services to the troops, such as food and transportation.

My ship's overhaul in 1993 was completely paid for by Saudi Arabia. It was the flagship for the Persian Gulf during the war.
Why I miss Richard Nixon.

Nixon continued, "If they torpedo this summit — and it might go down for other reasons — I'm gonna put the blame on them, and I'm going to do it publicly at 9 o'clock at night before 80 million people." ("I agree completely," Kissinger, who is Jewish, said. "They brought it on themselves.") Then Nixon really got going about the Jews. "I won't mind one goddamn but to have a little anti-Semitism if it's on that issue," the president says. "They put the Jewish interest above America's interest and it's about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he's an American first and a Jew second."
What does that have to do with the OP?

The comment was "anyone remember The Rosenbergs?" your response was "they were American citizens"....they were executed for Treason, thus I respond to you "they were Traitors"

Okay so you don't think The Rosenberg's were Traitors as you were unable to bring yourself to agree, even though they WERE executed for Treason.
That is an entirely different topic.

It is yes, but the original question was posed to me about The Rosenbergs, so I responded to the question, and The Rosenberg's were Traitors which is why they were executed, you seem to disagree that they were Traitors, that's not my problem, please however don't let me think that you think they weren't Traitors simply because of what religion they were.

Regarding everything else, I'm consistent, I don't believe The West should give free stuff and aid to any nation, this also includes Saudi Arabia. I make these comment earlier in this thread, to illustrate my consistency, so when I say Israel shouldn't be a Welfare Queen, I believe NO nation should be a Welfare Queen, therefore I'm NOT just singling out Israel here.

However, it appears that other people think The West shouldn't give free stuff and aid to other nations EXCEPT Israel, so they ARE singling that nation out, unlike me.
Israel is getting nothing for free

So why are people saying that Israel should PAY America for stuff it gets?
Who knows? I do know that Israel stabilizes the area and provides the US a great vantage point in the region
Why I miss Richard Nixon.

Nixon continued, "If they torpedo this summit — and it might go down for other reasons — I'm gonna put the blame on them, and I'm going to do it publicly at 9 o'clock at night before 80 million people." ("I agree completely," Kissinger, who is Jewish, said. "They brought it on themselves.") Then Nixon really got going about the Jews. "I won't mind one goddamn but to have a little anti-Semitism if it's on that issue," the president says. "They put the Jewish interest above America's interest and it's about goddamn time that the Jew in America realizes he's an American first and a Jew second."

I recently read a good book about Richard Nixon written by Richard Reeves "President Nixon: Alone In The White House", I recommend this book.
The only true issue here is the fact that you are an undeclared bigot.
You don't like Lucy too much, do you? She remained civil in spite of your name callings. That shows something, doesn't it?
What name calling?

I think "bigot" is name calling.
I view it as an adjective

Okay, so you agree I'm a "bigot", it's fine I can deal with this, I'm a grown-up. I'm also an independent thinker who doesn't just follow flocks of sheep because I'm told to or else I'll be called a "bigot" Also I don't base who's a Traitor and who isn't a Traitor on what their religion might be.

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