Trump says Israel should pay U.S. for defense

Right now we have freedom to keep the Jewish enterprise alive and thriving. Nothing else.
Well you shitting such stupidity out of your pie hole is a right that you have that provides no help to Israel whatsoever, or even common sense.

Funny, you anti-semitic retards just trip all over yourselves and you dont even realize it.
I would expect Skye could be the type who'd happily starve, just so long Israel could continue as a Welfare Queen.

Israel has one of the most effective military institutions, pound for pound, on the entire planet. Mosad is the THE best intel org in the Middle East, even the US intel community will verify factoids with Mossad, if they will give them the time.

At a mere $3 billion annually, Israel is a fucking bargain, no matter how you view religious issues.
I try not to get into discussion about Israel, for the reason it's such a poisonous issue, eg. that people who you previously got along with, then turn on you because of this one issue, because you disagree with their position and/or positions.

I have tried previously to find some understanding, on a logical basis, as to why this happens and I can't find any. To me it's completely bewildering. I can understand if the person themselves is Jewish, but when people aren't Jewish and it happens, it's just completely bewildering to me.

I just don't like the whole situation, to the point that I should just have from the beginning ignored this entire thread.
Lucy, it is a modus operandi. If one mentions anything about the jews, one is immediately attacked for bigotry, Nazism, Fascism, antisemitism and racism. Vicious attacks designed to shut one up regardless of the merit of the opinion.

The whole Modus Operandi is completely irrational and based on emotional thinking. That someone can't even say why should Israel at the age of nearly 60 years-old still be a Welfare Queen and then get attacked for this is ridiculous.

Earlier I twice specifically stated that I don't think The West should have African Welfare Queens OR be giving aid and stuff to Saudi Arabia, so I am consistent, I'm not singling Israel out for the Welfare Queen thing.

Yet even though I twice asked if people agreed with not having African Welfare Queens also, they never I interpreted this as they couldn't answer because that would mean they only accept that Israel should be a Welfare Queen.

I believe ALL nations should be committed to standing on their own two feet, I believe no nation should expect a Sugar Daddy to support them with their populations tax money....regarding America, you have a $19 TRILLION debt and these people believe that America should have Welfare Queen nations, as the expense of spending that money at home on things that many of the American people who are struggling need?

Then in the middle of this The Rosenberg's oddly were mentioned and I said CORRECTLY they were Traitors - HELLO they were convicted and executed for TREASON.

Then Alex is completely UNABLE TWICE to agree that they were Traitors? Why? Well I'm left to have my own interpretation, that Alex believes they weren't Traitors because they were Jewish....I mean WTF?! Ridiculous.

I don't care if you're Catholic, Lutheran, Jewish, Athiest....a Traitor IS A Traitor.

FDR was a scumbag, be he correctly refused to recognized the Zionist State predicting that it would become an eternal financial burden.

I can't remember now if I mentioned FDR. Anyhow, the situation is, all these people who support giving money etc to Israel, should be supporting the opposite, which is treating Israel like every other nation is treated.

Them singling Israel for preferential treatment, this taken to it's logical conclusion, is a dangerous road to travel and isn't ultimately in Israel's best interests.

For those who follow lunatics such as John Hagee, my advice to Jewish people, would be to run a mile away from the Hagee's, they don't actually care about Israel, they care only about the geographical location that Israel is in....and especially they care about a small place named Har Meggido, which we know by the name the Ancient Greeks gave it Armageddon.

The Hagee's for decades have wanted to usher in The Rapture, for this they need Armageddon to The Book of Relevation Har Meggido is they key to unlocking that horrific door.

They are absolutely insane.
I would expect Skye could be the type who'd happily starve, just so long Israel could continue as a Welfare Queen.

Israel has one of the most effective military institutions, pound for pound, on the entire planet. Mosad is the THE best intel org in the Middle East, even the US intel community will verify factoids with Mossad, if they will give them the time.

At a mere $3 billion annually, Israel is a fucking bargain, no matter how you view religious issues.

No need to go all zionut on me.

You can write them a check from your PERSONAL account, you can join the IDF - pack up your duffel bag and your pea shooter and git.

If Trump made Israel pay the US, the Knesset would have to pass a law that would penalize Israeli companies from leaving Israel and would have to lower their taxes within Israel.
Wow! This is starting to sound like what Trump wants to do with the US.
Anyway, I think Israel would benefit from a more equal relationship with the US, and especially with Trump, and would be allowed to blow the shit out of any Muslims that started trouble.

"the Knesset would have to pass a law that would penalize Israeli companies from leaving Israel and would have to lower their taxes within Israel."

Why would the Knesset have to do this?
Because Israel needs businesses to collect taxes to pay for what it gets from other nations.
37 posts deleted. Topic is NOT about teas, not about Nixon, Not about putting folks on ignore or Sarah Silverman.

Discuss the topic.. Not each other. If you are 10 posts into this thread and have NOT discussed the topic. Now would be time to find something else to do...
37 posts deleted. Topic is NOT about teas, not about Nixon, Not about putting folks on ignore or Sarah Silverman.

Discuss the topic.. Not each other. If you are 10 posts into this thread and have NOT discussed the topic. Now would be time to find something else to do...

Unfortunately the thread did get out of hand....maybe two new threads one on Tea and one about Nixon would be better.
Appreciate that Trump is trying to be consistent on this issue of foreign military aid. I agree in principle with making folks pay. But when it comes to our "costs" in the Middle East, it's far preferable to aid Israel WITHOUT US presence -- than it is to staff and fund military bases in Arab countries like Quatar and Kuwait. (or previously Saudi).

And MOST of that aid is in the form of anti-missile defense systems that have defused more than ONE war with Arab extremists in the neighborhood and LOANS on purchasing US equipment,. If the loans are repaid, most of that total is just accounting.

You ain't see "cost" until you look at what it takes to support programs to halt ISIS and the other militant Islamic groups. MOST OF WHOM have TAKEN US equipment by force -- for FREE from the folks we left it to...
Appreciate that Trump is trying to be consistent on this issue of foreign military aid. I agree in principle with making folks pay. But when it comes to our "costs" in the Middle East, it's far preferable to aid Israel WITHOUT US presence -- than it is to staff and fund military bases in Arab countries like Quatar and Kuwait. (or previously Saudi).

And MOST of that aid is in the form of anti-missile defense systems that have defused more than ONE war with Arab extremists in the neighborhood and LOANS on purchasing US equipment,. If the loans are repaid, most of that total is just accounting.

You ain't see "cost" until you look at what it takes to support programs to halt ISIS and the other militant Islamic groups. MOST OF WHOM have TAKEN US equipment by force -- for FREE from the folks we left it to...
I agree with this, in fact this is what I have been saying on some points. Israel is not a welfare state sucking US funds. They serve an important role in the region and without US lives. The money is a good bargain for what the US receives in return.
Just posted this too! :D

Trump has amazing leadership qualities. Israel better pay us back, either financially or by ending it's occupation to make peace with the Palestinians possible. This is what you call leadership, unlike Hillary and other candidates who suck up to Israel as if it rules us.

So did the Pied Piper.
Trump vows strong US ties with Israel
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Monday vowed in his speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) an unbreakable US alliance with Israel if he is elected president in November.

Hang on, how does this match with making Israel pay up for what it takes?

Can we assume Trump is a lying sack of shit who'll say whatever the audience at the time want to hear?
with that he has secured my vote

LOL.. WHICH Trump statement?? His undying support of Israel? or his "neutrality and making them pay" statement? :eusa_dance: You're pretty much a push-over..

I Suppose in some alternate logic and reason frame -- BOTH could be true..
Actually --- maybe BOTH need to be true.. But I don't Trump has pondered this as much as I have..
Trump says he’ll make Israel pay for defense aid

Candidate lumps Jewish state in with other countries that benefit from US security assistance, says they can pay ‘big league’


The "Times of Israel" objected to "lumping Israhell - the chosen ones - with the commoners.
What Does the U.S. Support When It Supports Israel?
Michael S. Rozeff

According to the Congressional Budget Office, “Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date, the United States has provided Israel $121 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance.” Other special benefits also flow to the Israeli military. Each year, the U.S. pays for about 20 percent of Israel’s overall military spending, and the total places Israel as the 16th largest military spender in the world. “In 2007, the Bush Administration and the Israeli government agreed to a 10-year, $30 billion military aid package for the period from FY2009 to FY2018.” Obama has renewed that pledge.

Israel is a brutal state as the latest excesses of destruction and killing of innocent Palestinians in Gaza show. That’s what the U.S. supports.

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