Trump says on day one he'll withdraw from TPP

Trump to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership on first day in office

"He said that he was going to issue a note of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, calling it “a potential disaster for our country”."

How about that? His first priority is to act on a major plank in the Bernie Sanders agenda.

That's okay. The other eleven countries will band together and make a treaty which excludes the US. Maybe they'll even join up with China.

I'm sure that will work out well for us.
The radical left must be in trouble if the best they can do is nit-pick what Bernie and Trump agree about. Funny they never called Hillary a communist.
A communist, like Melania & Trump's father-in-law?
like the clintons
Nice dodge attempt.

The Clintons are far from being communists.

'Melania was born & raised a Commie & her father is a proud member of the Communist Party.
and? Does she support communism? I know the clintons do. I am more right then you ever will be.
You know shit. How do the Clintons support Communism?
So we have a White Supremacist with Trump's ear during the day & a Commie having his ear at night. What could go wrong?
The radical left must be in trouble if the best they can do is nit-pick what Bernie and Trump agree about. Funny they never called Hillary a communist.
A communist, like Melania & Trump's father-in-law?
like the clintons
Nice dodge attempt.

The Clintons are far from being communists.

'Melania was born & raised a Commie & her father is a proud member of the Communist Party.
and? Does she support communism? I know the clintons do. I am more right then you ever will be.
You know shit. How do the Clintons support Communism?
So we have a White Supremacist with Trump's ear during the day & a Commie having his ear at night. What could go wrong?
that's called fair and balanced.
Trump to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership on first day in office

"He said that he was going to issue a note of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, calling it “a potential disaster for our country”."

How about that? His first priority is to act on a major plank in the Bernie Sanders agenda.

That's okay. The other eleven countries will band together and make a treaty which excludes the US. Maybe they'll even join up with China.

I'm sure that will work out well for us.
America first baby!!!!!!
The radical left must be in trouble if the best they can do is nit-pick what Bernie and Trump agree about. Funny they never called Hillary a communist.

Indeed. That's all they have left. The Democratic Party was totally destroyed by it's own choices for a Party platform and candidate.
The Democrat Candidate for President got more votes & The Democrats gained seats in both the House & Senate.

Not only thast, Trump clobbered Republican candidates & that does not say much about Republicans.

Doesn't say a whole lot about the Democratic candidate for President either. We'll see how many seats they can defend in the mid-terms.
Trump to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership on first day in office

"He said that he was going to issue a note of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, calling it “a potential disaster for our country”."

How about that? His first priority is to act on a major plank in the Bernie Sanders agenda.

That's okay. The other eleven countries will band together and make a treaty which excludes the US. Maybe they'll even join up with China.

I'm sure that will work out well for us.
America first baby!!!!!!
Yeah, baby. It will be awesome when no one in the Pacific Rim wants to buy our shit. Totally awesome.

But at least we'll be able to chant meaningless phrases like "We're number one!" and "USA! USA! USA!"
What we like most about Trump is that he is a winner. Losers are a dime a dozen.

He lost the popular vote to a woman was fined $1 million for thieving and then had to pay $25 million to Trump University students ....You all made one mistake " you trusted him" ...:9:

Betrayal! Right Wing Aghast That Trump Won't Pursue Clinton Criminally

When President-elect Donald Trump's adviser Kellyanne Conway said Trump "doesn't wish to pursue" charges against Hillary Clinton, conservative outlets broadcast their own sense of whiplash.

Yes, we decided trusting him was far better than trusting Hillary.
Trump to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership on first day in office

"He said that he was going to issue a note of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, calling it “a potential disaster for our country”."

How about that? His first priority is to act on a major plank in the Bernie Sanders agenda.

That's okay. The other eleven countries will band together and make a treaty which excludes the US. Maybe they'll even join up with China.

I'm sure that will work out well for us.
America first baby!!!!!!
Yeah, baby. It will be awesome when no one in the Pacific Rim wants to buy our shit. Totally awesome.

But at least we'll be able to chant meaningless phrases like "We're number one!" and "USA! USA! USA!"
they all want to come here, they want what we have. I beg to differ. Just sayin, you know absolutely nothing about how this will all play out. I for one am ready for it.

yes we will btw.
Trump pulls out of TPP & china will step in. The US will be looking in from the outside.

Trump doesn't even know what is in the TPP (no one does outside of the negotiators & the Administration) & thinks that other countries will agree to allow US imports while the US not accepting theirs.

Agriculture wants the TPP. Manufacturers want TPP. Oil & gas want the TPP.

The TPP is about manufacturing & technology jobs here in the US. And you all are too stupid to support it.
sure he does, it's a bad deal for the US. he stated that a very long time ago. Back when Clinton was praising it as a gold standard, before she didn't want it after trump and bernie didn't want it. hmmm
Trump does not know what is in the TPP. He won't know on day one. So Trump is just ending a trade deal that is important to over 40% of the commerce based on nothing. Yep, Great President you asshats elected.

Again, Hillary stated that she was opposed to it as well and she also stated on national television that she never told a lie.
Trump to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership on first day in office

"He said that he was going to issue a note of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, calling it “a potential disaster for our country”."

How about that? His first priority is to act on a major plank in the Bernie Sanders agenda.

That's okay. The other eleven countries will band together and make a treaty which excludes the US. Maybe they'll even join up with China.

I'm sure that will work out well for us.
America first baby!!!!!!
Yeah, baby. It will be awesome when no one in the Pacific Rim wants to buy our shit. Totally awesome.

But at least we'll be able to chant meaningless phrases like "We're number one!" and "USA! USA! USA!"
they all want to come here, they want what we have. I beg to differ. Just sayin, you know absolutely nothing about how this will all play out. I for one am ready for it.
Yeah. They want what we have. That's why we have such a huge trade deficit.

300 million consumers compared to 2 billion. We clearly have the advantage in this situation. Those 2 billion will come crawling to us on their hands and knees any day now.
Trump to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership on first day in office

"He said that he was going to issue a note of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, calling it “a potential disaster for our country”."

How about that? His first priority is to act on a major plank in the Bernie Sanders agenda.

That's okay. The other eleven countries will band together and make a treaty which excludes the US. Maybe they'll even join up with China.

I'm sure that will work out well for us.
America first baby!!!!!!
Yeah, baby. It will be awesome when no one in the Pacific Rim wants to buy our shit. Totally awesome.

But at least we'll be able to chant meaningless phrases like "We're number one!" and "USA! USA! USA!"
they all want to come here, they want what we have. I beg to differ. Just sayin, you know absolutely nothing about how this will all play out. I for one am ready for it.
Yeah. They want what we have. That's why we have such a huge trade deficit.
well shit they make it in their country, no fking trade needed.
Trump to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership on first day in office

"He said that he was going to issue a note of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, calling it “a potential disaster for our country”."

How about that? His first priority is to act on a major plank in the Bernie Sanders agenda.


Bernie was right to oppose these trade deals, just wrong on why and how to fix them and wrong in everything else
Of course it would be Jeff Sessions who would make the final decision, and this issue will remain on the back burner until after he is confirmed.

Sure sure believe the voices in your head and not what the Trump spokes person says LOLTop aide: Trump won’t pursue Clinton investigation
And it makes sense that he wouldn't pursue at least until Sessions is confirmed, but we already know Congress will continue its investigations of Clinton, Lynch, Comey and perhaps Obama if the trail leads there, and this time these investigations won't be sandbagged by the State Department and Justice Department, so if these investigations turn up convincing evidence of criminal activity, Trump will be "forced" to allow Sessions or an independent prosecutor to take it to a grand jury.
Trump will be investigated too Democrats ...plenty of evil doing Trump U ...he ripped off everyday people with Trump U

plenty more scams where that came from ...conflicts of interest...resistance will be 24/7/365
lol Where will the Dems hold thier meetings? In Clinton's basement next tot he private server. The Clintons were paid $17 million to pimp for another for profit college that has settled several lawsuits based on the same charges being alleged against Trump U. Will the Dems want to investigate that, too?

What fraud charges were these? Quit making up shit. Trump admitted that no one should have believed the crap he was saying about Trump U. He admitted he lied. But then again, lying is what you people loved most about Trump.
In other words, your ignorance of the issue is perfect and complete.

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