Trump says We Have Much Better Weapons than Russia

..I suggest you read Operation Buffalo by Keith Nolen since you obviously do not know anything about the NVA
Yet another nonresponse. You're doing a great job of providing absolutely nothing to support your argument, other than saying other people don't know and that you're an avid reader.

here--Operation Buffalo by K Nolan page 40:
'''a note about the NVA;the Marines hated, feared and respected them. Like the Japanese the Marines had faced in the Pacific, the NVA were expert at the basic warrior skills'''
bold mine
Hate/fear/respect of an opponent does not equate to inferior performance.
Scientists who have gone to college designed those weapons Republicans are so proud of.

Republicans think college is bad for America and they don’t like scientists.

Quite the conundrum.
Scientists who have gone to college designed those weapons Republicans are so proud of.

Republicans think college is bad for America and they don’t like scientists.
I cannot imagine the level of braindead political partisanship it takes for someone to hold and espouse opinions like this. You know how ridiculous it sounds when hardcore right-wingers saw Democrats hate white Americans or support pedophilia? You're the same thing in the other direction.

Grow a brain.
Scientists who have gone to college designed those weapons Republicans are so proud of.

Republicans think college is bad for America and they don’t like scientists.

Quite the conundrum.
It is the amount of scientists produced to come up with ideas and designs for those weapons. Then to actually build prototypes and actual hardware for the military. The graduates must have degrees in certain fields and it is not as much as we need combined with quotas in hiring which is dragging down the amount of people who actually are the movers and shakers in those fields. Look at the defense contractors and their private side products now. Massive cost overruns galore even with going overseas for some financial help. Ain't diversity fun!
A nuclear war is not winnable. You may be the last man standing at a high price but once the smoke clears China will step up to the plate. Once you launch they launch and with all the monitoring its hard to believe you will catch anyone napping on the job

Still Trump has not address why they are testing a missile that the US knows little about. Is this a violation of any treaties and agreements ?
we don't know

Yet all Trump can say is we can beat them, instead of fifth grade answer why not act like a president and get the answer from Putin who you meet twice but have nothing to show for it.

Instead he says they should be allowed back in G 7 which would cause a whole lot of problems as now they have to change the letterhead to G 8

Still the Russians are bumbling idiots with their nuclear program, yet the are the same as the US as a country that will nuke itself...
I know you people have nothing better to do than fight the VietnamConflict all over again, but it has little to do with the OP.

The president's claim was that the US has better military equipment than the Russians or Chinese.

Let's stick to that, shall we?
A nuclear war is not winnable. You may be the last man standing at a high price but once the smoke clears China will step up to the plate. Once you launch they launch and with all the monitoring its hard to believe you will catch anyone napping on the job

Still Trump has not address why they are testing a missile that the US knows little about. Is this a violation of any treaties and agreements ?
we don't know

Yet all Trump can say is we can beat them, instead of fifth grade answer why not act like a president and get the answer from Putin who you meet twice but have nothing to show for it.

Instead he says they should be allowed back in G 7 which would cause a whole lot of problems as now they have to change the letterhead to G 8

Still the Russians are bumbling idiots with their nuclear program, yet the are the same as the US as a country that will nuke itself...

Don't think too 2 dimensional....warfare has always been more than just nuclear warheads and how to deliver them....the largest field of warfare is being conducted in cyberspace now and as President Trump hinted, it involves the possibility of space warfare as well....

This is not some lunacy smoke and mirrors...what Ted Cruze called "space pirates" are agents of hostile nations which could disrupt our economies and societies quite dramatically and (if we allow it) can't even be traced back...THAT is the point...we have Iran attacking oil tanker...what about China shooting down a satelite? that would be major shit hitting the fan....and if they could do ti and get away with it...well....

The US is the most sophisticated, trained and experienced army in the world right fields the biggest navy (and just think aircraft carrier here) and striking capability and that on a very short notice.

Yes, conflicts like Vietnam, Korea or even WW2 have all fed into the huge experience pool and that is pretty unique.Doctrines and the connection between individual branches are flawlessly integrated and look at the result...or can that be disputed?

China has a paper tiger army...I am not kidding...thanks to Google they have picked up on their hacking capabilities, but their military is pretty crap and their blue water navy is basically non operational for anything exceeding patrol duty (Black pidgeon speaks would be a very good source).

The Russians are in second place right now, but their military has been hit hard by sanctions...the biggest indicator would be the Armata MBT which (as far as I can tell) is a fantastic design (unmanned turret etc), yet they only planned on buying 100 and even that (starting delayed in 2015) is still ongoing...sure, they have a test procedere and all that, yet overall it's going at snail's pace due to their budget restrictions....the T72 (even though updated) is still the most numerous and techincally the main battle tank of the Russian army.

I wouldn't call them bumbling idiots though
..I suggest you read Operation Buffalo by Keith Nolen since you obviously do not know anything about the NVA
Yet another nonresponse. You're doing a great job of providing absolutely nothing to support your argument, other than saying other people don't know and that you're an avid reader.

here--Operation Buffalo by K Nolan page 40:
'''a note about the NVA;the Marines hated, feared and respected them. Like the Japanese the Marines had faced in the Pacific, the NVA were expert at the basic warrior skills'''
bold mine
Hate/fear/respect of an opponent does not equate to inferior performance.
I provided evidence for my claim--you provided NOTHING for your claim
hahahahah--YOURS is the ''non-response''
...and your idiot buddy Lincoln does not know the difference of Tet and Ted--hahahhahahahahahah
I provided evidence for my claim--you provided NOTHING for your claim
hahahahah--YOURS is the ''non-response''
...and your idiot buddy Lincoln does not know the difference of Tet and Ted--hahahhahahahahahah

Is that all you have you idiot? YOU fucking idiot don't even know the essential facts about the Tet offensive...wanna talk about proper spelling you grammar Nazi?
How about we talk about the real importand are bag of hot air..

Besides: your babble about tours of duty is just mind boggling supervisor is a British army veteran who served in the Black Watch (4 years service) and he served 3 tours each 8 months in Iraq...

Deployment rules have changed due to experience with ongoing deployments in the past, you numbskull....Vietnam was not lost because they send boys home after 10 months....fucking bullshit
I provided evidence for my claim--you provided NOTHING for your claim
hahahahah--YOURS is the ''non-response''
...and your idiot buddy Lincoln does not know the difference of Tet and Ted--hahahhahahahahahah

Is that all you have you idiot? YOU fucking idiot don't even know the essential facts about the Tet offensive...wanna talk about proper spelling you grammar Nazi?
How about we talk about the real importand are bag of hot air..

Besides: your babble about tours of duty is just mind boggling supervisor is a British army veteran who served in the Black Watch (4 years service) and he served 3 tours each 8 months in Iraq...

Deployment rules have changed due to experience with ongoing deployments in the past, you numbskull....Vietnam was not lost because they send boys home after 10 months....fucking bullshit
you are very emotional.....???!!!!!
obviously you did not read the links I posted
general policy in WW2 was they did NOT rotate home
I was in the military for 8 do not know how the military works
I provided evidence for my claim--you provided NOTHING for your claim
hahahahah--YOURS is the ''non-response''
...and your idiot buddy Lincoln does not know the difference of Tet and Ted--hahahhahahahahahah

Is that all you have you idiot? YOU fucking idiot don't even know the essential facts about the Tet offensive...wanna talk about proper spelling you grammar Nazi?
How about we talk about the real importand are bag of hot air..

Besides: your babble about tours of duty is just mind boggling supervisor is a British army veteran who served in the Black Watch (4 years service) and he served 3 tours each 8 months in Iraq...

Deployment rules have changed due to experience with ongoing deployments in the past, you numbskull....Vietnam was not lost because they send boys home after 10 months....fucking bullshit
it's Tet--not Ted
you are very emotional.....???!!!!!
obviously you did not read the links I posted
general policy in WW2 was they did NOT rotate home
I was in the military for 8 do not know how the military works

What are you pulling now out of your ass? I never said that soldiers in WW2 rotated home..cause they didn't....did you get your head injured during your service time?
I cleary said, that they learned imporant lessions....suicide rates, battle fatigue etc....specially in Korea....and as a result, the rotation system was introduced...Hollywood made a big deal out of that (Apocalyose Now for instance) and I guess that's where the stupid "combat efficiency drop" argument comes from..well, it didn't!

So, stop making strawmen arguments and sgift goals...I don't care about your wiggeling
The United States has acquired technology that level entire cities and it will be completely masked with natural events. And we have had this technology for quite some time.

you are very emotional.....???!!!!!
obviously you did not read the links I posted
general policy in WW2 was they did NOT rotate home
I was in the military for 8 do not know how the military works

What are you pulling now out of your ass? I never said that soldiers in WW2 rotated home..cause they didn't....did you get your head injured during your service time?
I cleary said, that they learned imporant lessions....suicide rates, battle fatigue etc....specially in Korea....and as a result, the rotation system was introduced...Hollywood made a big deal out of that (Apocalyose Now for instance) and I guess that's where the stupid "combat efficiency drop" argument comes from..well, it didn't!

So, stop making strawmen arguments and sgift goals...I don't care about your wiggeling Afghanistan the general policy is to rotate WHOLE units--not individuals as they did in Nam--plain and simple FACT
The United States has acquired technology that level entire cities and it will be completely masked with natural events. And we have had this technology for quite some time.

There are many weapons, and I am sure there are weapons I am not aware of as well.

But here is a clue for one of these.

We did not stop researching earthquake bombs at the end of WW2.
We did not stop researching earthquake bombs at the end of WW2.

Some of the most brilliant minds on the planet are working on just such a device.

Well Good Ole Lex was doing something a bit different.

The bombs at the end of WW2 were designed to penetrate deep into the ground and explode with enough force that a small local earthquake was initiated that caused much more damage on the surface. And they worked.

Earthquake bomb - Wikipedia

How do you think we got the MOABs out so dang fast?

This is 20 year old tech.

Massive Ordnance Penetrator - Wikipedia

We have much more powerful things now that are delivered to target in mere minutes and easily transported, paid for by snack bars in Afghanistan.
A nuclear war is not winnable. You may be the last man standing at a high price but once the smoke clears China will step up to the plate. Once you launch they launch and with all the monitoring its hard to believe you will catch anyone napping on the job

Still Trump has not address why they are testing a missile that the US knows little about. Is this a violation of any treaties and agreements ?
we don't know

His statement is akin to a guy telling a girl that he is going to see a move and she replies, "oh don't forget to tell me if its good or bad cuz I might want to see it later"

Yet all Trump can say is we can beat them, instead of fifth grade answer why not act like a president and get the answer from Putin who you meet twice but have nothing to show for it.

Instead he says they should be allowed back in G 7 which would cause a whole lot of problems as now they have to change the letterhead to G 8

Still the Russians are bumbling idiots with their nuclear program, yet the are the same as the US as a country that will nuke itself...

Don't think too 2 dimensional....warfare has always been more than just nuclear warheads and how to deliver them....the largest field of warfare is being conducted in cyberspace now and as President Trump hinted, it involves the possibility of space warfare as well....

This is not some lunacy smoke and mirrors...what Ted Cruze called "space pirates" are agents of hostile nations which could disrupt our economies and societies quite dramatically and (if we allow it) can't even be traced back...THAT is the point...we have Iran attacking oil tanker...what about China shooting down a satelite? that would be major shit hitting the fan....and if they could do ti and get away with it...well....

The US is the most sophisticated, trained and experienced army in the world right fields the biggest navy (and just think aircraft carrier here) and striking capability and that on a very short notice.

Yes, conflicts like Vietnam, Korea or even WW2 have all fed into the huge experience pool and that is pretty unique.Doctrines and the connection between individual branches are flawlessly integrated and look at the result...or can that be disputed?

China has a paper tiger army...I am not kidding...thanks to Google they have picked up on their hacking capabilities, but their military is pretty crap and their blue water navy is basically non operational for anything exceeding patrol duty (Black pidgeon speaks would be a very good source).

The Russians are in second place right now, but their military has been hit hard by sanctions...the biggest indicator would be the Armata MBT which (as far as I can tell) is a fantastic design (unmanned turret etc), yet they only planned on buying 100 and even that (starting delayed in 2015) is still ongoing...sure, they have a test procedere and all that, yet overall it's going at snail's pace due to their budget restrictions....the T72 (even though updated) is still the most numerous and techincally the main battle tank of the Russian army.

I wouldn't call them bumbling idiots though

Trump alluding to something is saying he understand it and is being careful with his word

He is not that intelligent and has his finger on the trigger

He has been briefed on it and all he can say "we can beat them" well that is not the response I would be really happy about stating pretty much the obvious

I repeat my belief that no one wins a nuclear war, there are just the survivors who are able to stand and do a tap dance for victory

As the victors are we going to station military personnel in Russia

I do buy into the theory "Speak softly and carry a big stick" but it seems Trump like to beat his chest and yell " you want some of this"

eventually his advisors might reign him in but not for long as he puts more stock in TV pundits than those who are actually in the field and have a higher level of expertise.

He has a duty to talk with Putin and be firm with him about the US resolve in avoiding war but he has to be careful of drawing that line in the sand.

I have no faith that he is not up to the task.

War is determine by the leader of a Nation. One unhinged fool can lead down a path of war
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