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Trump should ban ALL immigration. That avoids discrimination issues

Illegals on the other hand are vulnerable to exploitation. Lacking skills, education, money, and legal status allows them to be preyed upon by the left and the right...which is why we have immigration laws to begin with.

HAHAHA. Yeah those poor illegals. The american taxpayers gives them welfare and free schooling and free health care.
The only humane thing to do would be to deport them back to their own countries where they can be treated with the dignity and respect they deserve.
when that country of origin produces the majority of the terrorists that want to kill Americans then it is totally cool..

They want to kill us only because we are killing them. Nearly every day for the last 25 years, america has dropped bombs on muslims in the mideast.
when that country of origin produces the majority of the terrorists that want to kill Americans then it is totally cool..

They want to kill us only because we are killing them. Nearly every day for the last 25 years, america has dropped bombs on muslims in the mideast.
so, the muslims were just sitting around doing nothing wrong at all, going about their peaceful happy lives, loving everyone in the world, and the mean old U.S.A got bored and decided to just start bombing them. No provocation at all, we just decided one day to start blowing up these peaceful inhabitants of the world.
Maybe that is trump's goal. When these liberal judges say banning muslims is unconstitutional, then trump can say the judges forced me to stop all immigration.
This is the one and only time I recall ever agreeing with your stance on something. End all immigration. It will slow down the deforestation, lessen the strain on our resources and also slow down the urban sprawl.
Maybe that is trump's goal. When these liberal judges say banning muslims is unconstitutional, then trump can say the judges forced me to stop all immigration.
This is the one and only time I recall ever agreeing with your stance on something. End all immigration. It will slow down the deforestation, lessen the strain on our resources and also slow down the urban sprawl.
Urban sprawl is a serious problem. People move from the city to live in the rural settings, but then they realize they cant walk to every store they want and they realize that there is no bus coming by to pick them up. So they demand that stores be built and that bus lines be included in their new area.
pretty soon they end up recreating exactly what it is they wanted so bad to leave. Including the crime. I see it happening to where I live on a daily basis.
I actually had a guy one time (city dweller) tell me that my owning the 5 acres that I do was a waste and should not be allowed, people do not need that much property. Evidently he feels as though my property would better serve mankind if it was loaded with homes or town houses so that instead of there being just two people living on the 5 acres, (me and my wife) that land could be supporting 100 people
DOJ appeals travel ban block...

US suspends enforcement of travel ban, DOJ appeals
February 5, 2017 | WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department has appealed a judge's order temporarily blocking President Donald Trump's refugee and immigration ban, saying it's the "sovereign prerogative" of a president to admit or exclude aliens in order to protect national security.
The appeal filed late Saturday at the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, cites a "basic principle that an alien seeking initial admission to the United States requests a privilege and has no constitutional rights regarding his application." The Justice Department asked that the federal judge's order be stayed pending resolution of the appeal. It says the ban is necessary "to ensure that those approved for admission do not intend to harm Americans and that they have no ties to terrorism." Earlier Saturday, the government officially suspended enforcement of the ban in compliance with the judge's order, which plunged the new administration into a crisis that has challenged both Trump's authority and his ability to fulfill campaign promises. That stand-down marked an extraordinary setback for the White House. Only a week ago, the president had acted to suspend America's refugee program and halt immigration to the U.S. from seven Muslim-majority countries that the government said raise terrorism concerns.

The appeal says the temporary restraining order by U.S. District Judge James Robart in Seattle is a broad overreach of judicial authority. "Judicial second-guessing of the President's national security determination in itself imposes substantial harm on the federal government and the nation at large," it says. The order also imposes harm on U.S. citizens "by thwarting the legal effect of the public's chosen representative," it says. On Twitter, Trump mocked Robart, appointed by President George W. Bush, as a "so-called judge" whose "ridiculous" ruling "will be overturned." He added in a subsequent tweet: "Because the ban was lifted by a judge, many very bad and dangerous people may be pouring into our country. A terrible decision." Trump's direct attack recalled his diatribes during the campaign against a federal judge of Mexican heritage who was overseeing a Trump University case. Justice Department lawyers could be called upon to answer for his words as the travel ban case is judged by higher courts.

The ban has caused unending confusion for many foreigners trying to reach the United States, prompting protests across the United States and leading to multiple court challenges. Demonstrations took place outside the White House, in New York and near Trump's estate in Palm Beach, Florida, where he was spending the weekend and attending an annual American Red Cross fundraising gala. "We'll win," Trump told reporters Saturday night. "For the safety of the country, we'll win." The State Department, after initially saying that as many as 60,000 foreigners from Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia or Yemen had their visas canceled, reversed course on Saturday and said they could travel to the U.S. if they had a valid visa. The department on Saturday advised refugee aid agencies that refugees set to travel before Trump signed his order will now be allowed into the United States. A State Department official said in an email obtained by The Associated Press that the government was "focusing on booking refugee travel" through Feb. 17 and working to have arrivals resume as soon as Monday.

The Homeland Security Department no longer was directing airlines to prevent visa-holders affected by Trump's order from boarding U.S.-bound planes. The agency said it had "suspended any and all actions" related to putting in place Trump's order, which the White House argued was "intended to protect the homeland." Trump made clear what he thought of Robart's action. "The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned," Trump tweeted. "When a country is no longer able to say who can and who cannot come in & out, especially for reasons of safety & security - big trouble!"

Maybe that is trump's goal. When these liberal judges say banning muslims is unconstitutional, then trump can say the judges forced me to stop all immigration.
This is the one and only time I recall ever agreeing with your stance on something. End all immigration. It will slow down the deforestation, lessen the strain on our resources and also slow down the urban sprawl.
Urban sprawl is a serious problem. People move from the city to live in the rural settings, but then they realize they cant walk to every store they want and they realize that there is no bus coming by to pick them up. So they demand that stores be built and that bus lines be included in their new area.
pretty soon they end up recreating exactly what it is they wanted so bad to leave. Including the crime. I see it happening to where I live on a daily basis.
I actually had a guy one time (city dweller) tell me that my owning the 5 acres that I do was a waste and should not be allowed, people do not need that much property. Evidently he feels as though my property would better serve mankind if it was loaded with homes or town houses so that instead of there being just two people living on the 5 acres, (me and my wife) that land could be supporting 100 people
Don't take it too hard; he was probably a real estate developer. You're right about urban sprawl, though. We bring the detritus with us.
Trump appeals but travel ban block remains in place, for now...

With Trump travel ban still blocked, travelers head to US
February 5, 2017 - A US appeals court has rejected a government request to reinstate President Donald Trump's controversial immigration ban, prompting travelers from seven mainly Muslim nations to hurry to enter the country before the next legal twist.
The early-morning ruling from a federal appeals court was the latest chapter in a saga which began on January 27, when Trump issued a blanket ban on all refugees and travelers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. Trump, known for his early morning tweet storms, did not offer an immediate comment about the ruling, but Vice President Mike Pence, who made the rounds on Sunday's TV political talk shows, called the decision "frustrating." "We will move very quickly," Pence told Fox News. "We are going to win the arguments because we will take the steps necessary to protect the country, which the president of the United States has the authority to do."


On Saturday, the Manhattan property mogul had unleashed a string of fiery tweets defending his policy and attacking federal judge James Robart, who on Friday blocked the ban nationwide pending a wider legal review. "The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!" Trump wrote on Twitter, in rare criticism of a judge by a sitting president. "The judge opens up our country to potential terrorists and others that do not have our best interests at heart. Bad people are very happy!"

- 'Irreparable harm' -

Trump's original executive order slapped a blanket ban on entry for nationals of the seven countries for 90 days and barred all refugees for 120 days. Refugees from Syria were blocked indefinitely. In an appeal filed late Saturday, the Justice Department said that suspending the ban was causing "irreparable harm" to the American public. It said Robart's ruling had run afoul of constitutional separation of powers, and "second-guesses the president's national security judgment."


But in the early hours of Sunday morning, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a request calling for the travel ban to be immediately reinstated. Judges William Canby, Jr and Michelle Friedland did not give a reason in their two-paragraph ruling. However, they told the states of Washington and Minnesota, which had filed the original suit over the ban, to provide documents detailing their opposition to the government's appeal by 0759 GMT Monday. And the Justice Department was given until 2300 GMT Monday to supply more documents supporting its position.

- Borders reopened -

See also:

Court denies Trump request to immediately restore travel ban
February 5, 2017 | WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal appeals court on Sunday denied the Justice Department's request for an immediate reinstatement of President Donald Trump's ban on accepting certain travelers and all refugees.
The Trump administration had appealed a temporary order restraining the ban nationwide, saying a federal judge in Seattle overreached by "second-guessing" the president on a matter of national security. The appeals court's denial of an immediate stay means the legal fight over the ban will continue for days at least. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco asked challengers of the ban to respond by early Monday, and for the Justice Department to file a counter-response by the evening.

Acting Solicitor General Noel Francisco, representing the administration, told the appeals court that the president alone has the power to decide who can enter or stay in the United States — an assertion that appeared to invoke the wider battle to come over illegal immigration. "The power to expel or exclude aliens is a fundamental sovereign attribute, delegated by Congress to the executive branch of government and largely immune from judicial control," according to government's filing.

The government has suspended the ban's enforcement in compliance with order of the order of U.S. District Judge James Robart. His ruling was an extraordinary setback for the new president, who only a week ago acted to suspend America's refugee program and halt immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries that the government said raise terrorism concerns. Trump mocked Robart, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, calling him a "so-called judge" whose "ridiculous" ruling "will be overturned." "Because the ban was lifted by a judge, many very bad and dangerous people may be pouring into our country. A terrible decision," he tweeted.

Trump's direct attack recalled his diatribes during the campaign against the federal judge of Mexican heritage who oversaw lawsuits alleging fraud by Trump University, and may prompt some tough questions as these challenges rise through the courts. But the government's brief repeatedly asserted that presidential authority cannot be questioned by judges once the nation's security is invoked. Congress "vests complete discretion in the President" to impose conditions on alien entry, so Trump isn't legally required to justify such decisions, it said. His executive order said the ban was necessary for "protecting against terrorism," and that "is sufficient to end the matter."

I have thought about this. What would be wrong with closing all immigration for a few years? We could import a few temporary visa workers from time to time if needed, then ship them back immediately. Condition their entry on their consent to a chip implant with GPS tracking capability so we can keep up with them.

We don't need all these people to walk into our nation and reap the benefits sewn generations ago. Seems rather inequitable. Also, we have historical precedence for doing this in order to promote societal assimilation. Seems to me that we need this now more than ever given the degree of divisiveness we have. Then we obviously have security concerns. Let's be candid here: Muslims have been a major problem for western civilization for centuries. Our nation has a rich history of diversity, it is true. But in the great mixing pot, adding Muslims to the mix is like dropping horse shit into an otherwise well-cooked stew.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to protect what we have. Every other country enforces immigration laws. Right now there is a huge problem with Race Relations between whites and blacks. We need to shut the door for a while and have a good old fashioned love-in session between the races so we can emerge as a stronger nation. It is impossible to do this when every ethnic group in the world is entering our country and playing the race victim, using OUR own laws against US. This just keeps the animosity stirred up.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
They want to kill us only because we are killing them. Nearly every day for the last 25 years, america has dropped bombs on muslims in the mideast.
so, the muslims were just sitting around doing nothing wrong at all, going about their peaceful happy lives, loving everyone in the world, and the mean old U.S.A got bored and decided to just start bombing them. No provocation at all, we just decided one day to start blowing up these peaceful inhabitants of the world.

That's about it. I hate muzzlers but they have done nothing to us ( I trust you agree 9-11 was an inside job). We need to get out of the mideast. THINK
Maybe that is trump's goal. When these liberal judges say banning muslims is unconstitutional, then trump can say the judges forced me to stop all immigration.
This is the one and only time I recall ever agreeing with your stance on something. End all immigration. It will slow down the deforestation, lessen the strain on our resources and also slow down the urban sprawl.
Urban sprawl is a serious problem. People move from the city to live in the rural settings, but then they realize they cant walk to every store they want and they realize that there is no bus coming by to pick them up. So they demand that stores be built and that bus lines be included in their new area.
pretty soon they end up recreating exactly what it is they wanted so bad to leave. Including the crime. I see it happening to where I live on a daily basis.
I actually had a guy one time (city dweller) tell me that my owning the 5 acres that I do was a waste and should not be allowed, people do not need that much property. Evidently he feels as though my property would better serve mankind if it was loaded with homes or town houses so that instead of there being just two people living on the 5 acres, (me and my wife) that land could be supporting 100 people
As it takes 1.5 acres to feed one human per year, having sufficient acreage to feed the family is important if you are not living in a city and relying on shipped in goods.
As it takes 1.5 acres to feed one human per year, having sufficient acreage to feed the family is important if you are not living in a city and relying on shipped in goods.

1.5 acres sounds a little high. A football field is app. an acre. I'd think a half acre would suffice.
As it takes 1.5 acres to feed one human per year, having sufficient acreage to feed the family is important if you are not living in a city and relying on shipped in goods.

1.5 acres sounds a little high. A football field is app. an acre. I'd think a half acre would suffice.
if you have animals on that lot, 1.5 could actually be a bit small.
I dont think I would want any less than the 5 that my house is on. Mine is completely wooded except for a field I keep cleared that is about 300 ft long by 60 ft wide. I use it for field parties and a place to set up targets at one end and keep my shooting skills up.
We have immigration laws that allow people to legally immigrate to America, but you can't exploit legal immigrants.

Illegals on the other hand are vulnerable to exploitation. Lacking skills, education, money, and legal status allows them to be preyed upon by the left and the right...which is why we have immigration laws to begin with.
Illegal immigrants are modern day slaves. Just barely ekking out enough wages to eat and have a roof over their head.
As it takes 1.5 acres to feed one human per year, having sufficient acreage to feed the family is important if you are not living in a city and relying on shipped in goods.

1.5 acres sounds a little high. A football field is app. an acre. I'd think a half acre would suffice.
if you have animals on that lot, 1.5 could actually be a bit small.
I dont think I would want any less than the 5 that my house is on. Mine is completely wooded except for a field I keep cleared that is about 300 ft long by 60 ft wide. I use it for field parties and a place to set up targets at one end and keep my shooting skills up.
A coup
As it takes 1.5 acres to feed one human per year, having sufficient acreage to feed the family is important if you are not living in a city and relying on shipped in goods.

1.5 acres sounds a little high. A football field is app. an acre. I'd think a half acre would suffice.
Well, with a milk cow, some chickens for eggs, a large vegetable garden and a vegetable hot house, that 1.5 acres should be enough for one person.
We have immigration laws that allow people to legally immigrate to America, but you can't exploit legal immigrants.

Illegals on the other hand are vulnerable to exploitation. Lacking skills, education, money, and legal status allows them to be preyed upon by the left and the right...which is why we have immigration laws to begin with.
Illegal immigrants are modern day slaves. Just barely ekking out enough wages to eat and have a roof over their head.
Illegals are here by choice, they were not forced into serving others, as far as barely eking out a living with a roof over their head, they get more than they should. They should not have a job here, they should not have medical care here, or a house or food or anything else.
unlike a slave they are not forced to stay, they can carry their unwashed ass back to their own country at any time.
What Im tired of hearing is how badly they are treated, how poorly the live, how they dont have access to all of the social programs in this country, Get a damn clue, they are not eligible for these things because they are illegally here, they are not citizens, they do not contribute to our society.
what they need to do, and are allowed to do and will not be stopped trying to do, is to carry their filthy diseased, louse infested asses back across the border, and they need to take their vile spawn with them.
How stupid does someone have to be to actually compare these foul subhumans to slaves.
Slaves were kidnapped and brought by force, in chains against their will or desire to this country, they were beaten, and many killed during the trip. They were sold like they were nothing more than a mule or some other piece of farm equipment. Then they were worked well beyond the limits than any man should endure, their wives were raped in front of them, their children taken from them and beaten, and if they dared to speak out against the treatment, they would be whipped or hung.
Now you try to tell me how these filthy pieces of shit that sneak into this country from some south american third world hell hole can in any way at all even begin to compare to the treatment that was given the slaves.
do not compare the two. they are nothing at all alike.
If Pedro is unhappy, then Pedro can load up his backpack and carry his ass home right the F now.
As it takes 1.5 acres to feed one human per year, having sufficient acreage to feed the family is important if you are not living in a city and relying on shipped in goods.

1.5 acres sounds a little high. A football field is app. an acre. I'd think a half acre would suffice.
if you have animals on that lot, 1.5 could actually be a bit small.
I dont think I would want any less than the 5 that my house is on. Mine is completely wooded except for a field I keep cleared that is about 300 ft long by 60 ft wide. I use it for field parties and a place to set up targets at one end and keep my shooting skills up.
A coup
As it takes 1.5 acres to feed one human per year, having sufficient acreage to feed the family is important if you are not living in a city and relying on shipped in goods.

1.5 acres sounds a little high. A football field is app. an acre. I'd think a half acre would suffice.
Well, with a milk cow, some chickens for eggs, a large vegetable garden and a vegetable hot house, that 1.5 acres should be enough for one person.
1.5 acres is actually pretty small
5 acres is actually pretty small.

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