Trump should be banned from politics

Trump is our warrior, his army is 75 million patriots strong!
" WAS " maybe, no longer, here in Nebraska Republicans can't distance themselves far enough from trump, they are following the lead of their voter base. Trump proved over and over again he was untrustworthy and unqualified to be a public servant at any level.

Trump should be indicted for at least six crimes and banned from politics: legal experts​

Donald Trump should be facing prosecution for a half dozen crimes, according to a pair of legal experts, but instead he's preparing for another presidential run that he just might win.

The twice-impeached president has raised $122 million, more than twice the amount of the Republican National Committee, ahead of the 2024 presidential campaign that he shouldn't even be eligible to take part in, argued former White House ethics attorney Richard Painter in a new column for MSNBC.
"The 14th Amendment, Section 3, disqualifies from public office anyone who took an oath of loyalty to the United States and shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof," Painter argued in a forthcoming law review article with Claire Finkelstein, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania.
Painter, who served under former president George W. Bush, suspects Trump is assembling a coalition that includes Russian president Vladimir Putin and other foreign backers, and he said the ex-president's corruption runs deep.
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“[C]rimes for which Trump could be indicted include but are not limited to," Painter and Finkelstein wrote, "(1) obstructing justice as identified in the Mueller investigation, (2) bribing and/or extorting Ukraine with military aid to investigate his political opponent Joe Biden and conduct another investigation undermining the Mueller investigation, (3) coercing cabinet members and other federal employees to engage in partisan political activity in violation of the criminal political coercion provisions of the Hatch Act, (4) soliciting election fraud in a phone call to the Georgia Secretary of State in November 2020, (5) criminal sedition in authorizing preparation of the unsigned draft Executive Order dated December 16, 2020 pursuant to which President Trump would have ordered the Secretary of Defense to seize voting machines in certain states to look for evidence of election fraud, and (6) inciting insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021. These alleged politically-related crimes are over and above the financial crimes being investigated by the Manhattan DA, who has already indicted the Trump Organization and its chief financial officer."
Trump has always managed to stay one step ahead of the law, and Painter said the next two election cycles would give him a chance to sidestep the multitude of criminal investigations of his business and political activities -- with devastating consequences for American democracy.
"A republic doesn’t just become a dictatorship overnight," Painter said. "Voters choose for it to be that way. Voters get what they vote for."
"Americans will go to the polls this November and decide whether to return Trump loyalists in the GOP to Congress," he concluded. "Then we will go to the polls again in 2024. We know that Trump’s insurrectionists will have a lot of money to spend in both election cycles. If we do not make wise decisions in those elections in spite of this knowledge, 2025 could bring an entirely new chapter in American history, and not one that our founders, or most of us, would hope for."
>Trump should be indicted for at least six crimes and banned from politics: legal experts

So he's not even indicted, much less convicted, and you would ban him from politics because you don't like his politics?

That's not very American of you. More Marxist.

> "A republic doesn’t just become a dictatorship overnight,"

Nope. But it took under a year under Biden.

See, republics use legislatures to pass laws. Democrats use dictates and mandates these days.

Free republics can be found in the Red states these days.
" WAS " maybe, no longer, here in Nebraska Republicans can't distance themselves far enough from trump, they are following the lead of their voter base. Trump proved over and over again he was untrustworthy and unqualified to be a public servant at any level.
Interesting theory, vs 75 million actual votes. :itsok: Then there's the bang up job 'professional' politicians have done...oh wait.
Donald Trump built the Republican Party on fraud, fear, and fascism.

not only should he be banned from politics, he should be deported from the United States, my friends
Donald Trump built the Republican Party on fraud, fear, and fascism.

not only should he be banned from politics, he should be deported from the United States, my friends
You call him a fascist, but you want to put him in prison because you don't like his politics. The fucking irony.
Not anymore. Clinton did it, the FBI admitted she did it and refused to charge her. That means it's no longer a crime.
No worries, Hillary can send Trump one of these hats to wear in prison if he's ever charged and convicted...

No worries, Hillary can send Trump one of these hats to wear in prison if he's ever charged and convicted...

JimiLeaks Part I
Some of the disturbing details in the release of Hillary's campaign chairman's emails. Just the facts. Read them for yourself if you want; I have included direct links to the actual emails...

Donna Brazile, CNN commentator and DNC employee, sharing leaked debate questions from their friends in the crooked media in advance. This was a town Hall question that was asked at the next day's town hall debate...
And here is another example...

Clinton aides cannot stand Catholics and Evangelicals. I don't see them saying anything about radical Islamists...

Hillary campaign trying to link a big bad corporate company and Republicans (that both had nothing to do with it) with the lead poisoned water crisis in Democrat-land, Flint Michigan...

Hillary's advisers treating her illegal handling of classified information as a joke. Literally...

The New York Times giving the Hillary campaign veto power of "press" articles in exchange for access. If this is not corruption, I don't know what is...

Podesta says Chelsea Clinton acts like a spoiled brat and whines about everything in order to justify her huge salary...

Her campaign knows that "Hillary hates everyday Americans," so they do as they normally do and come up with a lie. It's "I'm running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion."

Clinton agrees that Saudi Arabia and Qatar (who gave her tens of millions of dollars) are providing financial and logistic support for ISIS...

Clinton's official guidance to her staff is to lie to the American people... “But If Everybody's Watching, You Know, All Of The Back Room Discussions And The Deals, You Know, Then People Get A Little Nervous, To Say The Least. So, You Need Both A Public And A Private Position.”

Hillary says Jordan "can't possibly vet all those refugees," and the jihadists are coming in with them. But she wants to let more in anyway...
HRC Paid Speeches - WikiLeaks (see attachment)

Hillary campaign gets formal approval to create fake misogynistic Craigslist ad for Trump Inc. (More lies...)

Clinton Campaign uses Obama's Muslim background as a important negative characteristic...

Hillary setting up a meeting with Moroccans in exchange for $12M despite the advice from her staff not to. Huma says it's all Hillary's fault...

Glenn Thrush, author from Politico, a political website which claims to be nonpartisan (POLITICO Press), sends draft article to Clinton campaign asking for their approval and Glenn admits he is a Clinton "hack..."

Brent Budowsky, columnist for The Hill, admits he is a Clinton hack...
He goes on to warn Podesta that there may be some bad news coming about Bill Clinton's sex-capades...

Clinton campaign does not care about blacks, nor do they mention anything about how Hillary has helped black people. Instead, they just want to appoint a black person to a lead position of the campaign so that they can get more black vote...

JimiLeaks Part II
Clinton campaign appears to violate Federal Law by discriminating against Christians in favor of Muslims

Federal Law prohibits religious discrimination against individuals based upon their religious, ethical, or moral beliefs. The law forbids discrimination when it comes to any aspect of employment, including hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoff, training, fringe benefits, and any other term or condition of employment.

These laws are codified by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Clinton administration clearly violates this law, and puts one's religion more important than one's character, accomplishments, or qualifications, while looking for candidates for some of the most powerful federal positions in America...

If you don't think this is a big deal, ask yourself, if the campaign had instead ruled people out because they were not middle-aged Caucasian Christian males, would that change things for you? America is about liberty and opportunity for all, not some kind of quota system about things that are not supposed to matter, and this standard should be upheld everywhere, but particularly for leadership positions for our country that really matter.

PS: The great Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. said, "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...' I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today."

JimiLeaks Part III
More recent wikileaks I find "interesting." I would have never imagined the corruption could possibly be this bad...

Google's Eric Schmidt shares his master plan to track every voter, and use $1.5B and 5000 paid cyber warriors to sway people towards Hillary.

Clinton Foundation paid $600 per hour to a law firm to review documents for them...

Clinton campaign performs planned faked leaks to CNN of pro-Hillary material they make up. It's not a leak if they intentionally release it. I guess they only feel good when they can convince themselves that they are doing something shady...

Democrats admit that torturing bad people can be useful...

Peter Kadzik is the US Assistant Attorney General overseeing the DOJ's investigation into the Clinton emails.
He is a good friend of Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta...

Peter Kadzik also donated to the Clinton campaign. It appears he tried to hide his name by combining his money with Amy Weiss...

Peter Kadzik, who is heading up the DOJ's investigation of the Clinton emails, gives Hillary's campaign manager, John Podesta, inside information about what is going on in the investigation...

Democrats have absolutely no idea how to fix the VA. They propose leaving the broken system as it is, and handing out some vouchers to vets too, just wasting even more money...

Hillary's lies about her emails, as documented by her staff in a draft "talking points" memo on 2015.08.09...
(MS Word document)

JimiLeaks Part IV
Hillary campaign in kahootz with big pharma...

Podesta says Bill Clinton has some skeletons in his closet, and the American public gets their news from MSM, after it has been flitered...

John Podesta and Doug Band (Teneo, raised hundreds of millions for the Clintons) admit that there are shady dealings in the Clinton Foundation, and Chelsea is causing trouble...

Insiders at the Clinton make-believe charities rationalize that the reason Bill Clinton does not have to sign a conflict of interest statement, is because his whole life is built upon conflicts of interest...

Hillary campaign has three goals, in this order...
1. Money
2. Message
3. Mobilization (PDF, slide 4)

Podesta reminds Hillary not to discuss classified information on her private server right after she sends some apparently classified information...

The attachment to this email sent to Susan Rice shows that like Donald trump says, our military is in complete shambles... (MS Word Document)

JimiLeaks Part V

Clinton Foundation independent audit shows the Foundation is wating tons of money. "The challenges and deficiencies plaguing the Foundation cannot be over-stated" and
Many key Foundation staff came from the President’s political world or through the internship program, and, thus, lack real management and/or not-for-profit experience..."
It goes on and on...
Fwd: FW: ATTY CLIENT PRIVILEGE - WikiLeaks (MS Word doc)

Clinton campaign top insiders are concerned about Bill Clinton's secret lover code-named "The Energiser." Every time something sensitive comes up, they take it to their phones to keep it off email. NSA certainly has a lot of dirt on them...

Clinton campaign cares more about race/ethnicity than ability and experience. That's why their Foundation and convention were so mismanaged. They will mismanage America too..

Wall Street and labor unions giving tens of millions to the Clintons...

And in the link directly above, they deny having close ties with Google's Eric Schmidt, despite...
(and many more)

Foreign governments are trying to bribe American leadership...

Funny how ABC, AP, Bloomberg, Buzzfeed, CBS, CNBC, CNN, Huffington, LAT, NBC, NPR, NYT, Politico, Reuters, WashPo are invited to their press dinners, but Fox is not...

These nutjobs think the Baltimore riots were a touching moment...

And instead of renouncing the riots, all they can do is call for calm...

In 2008, Podesta was warned about a "real threat" to their cyber security. There are many more emails on the same subject.
One would think that they would have paid more attention by 2016...

Clinton campaign clearly loves the Saudis, even in the context of 9-11 after discussions with lawyers representing the victims who fights legal motions against the 20th hijacker, Zacharais Moussaoui...

More pay for play. This is just one example, in their own words. "CISCO: Request is submitted for WJC to speak at CISCO two months before HRC awards CISCO the State Department’s Award for Corporate Excellence, holding a ceremony featuring the CISCO’s CEO. According to HRC's financial disclosure form, WJC received $255,000 for this speech."

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