"Trump should drop out" - cant beat Biden

“I think any Republican on that stage in Milwaukee will do a better job than Joe Biden. And so I want one of them to win. If former President Trump ends up getting the nomination, but cannot win a general, that means we will have four more years of policies which have led to very high inflation … and to many other things which I think have been deleterious to our country’s future,” the Louisiana senator said.

It seems pretty logical. People will not back a felon.
If trump was a decent man he would drop out and give the GOP a chance. But he needs to be Prez in order to save himself.
What a mess, a cocktail of corruption and low standards of education spews out a criminal like trump.
Which Republican do you plan to vote for?
Wishful thinking doesn't make a political argument. Biden's approval rating is in the mid 30's (maybe lower now after he fell asleep during a memorial service in Hawaii so it means that just about anyone can beat him.
The Republicans do have a problem.

A significant portion of their voters won't vote for Trump.

A significant portion of their voters won't vote for anyone but Trump.

Whichever way they go, they lose. It doesn't matter that it's just 10% in each group. That's enough for Biden to win easily.
Wishful thinking doesn't make a political argument. Biden's approval rating is in the mid 30's (maybe lower now after he fell asleep during a memorial service in Hawaii
Is there any lie you won't repeat for the glory of fascism?

That's a rhetorical question. Given your history here, we know there isn't.

So, how do you justify your behavior? Do you tell yourself that the lying is for the greater good?

“I think any Republican on that stage in Milwaukee will do a better job than Joe Biden. And so I want one of them to win. If former President Trump ends up getting the nomination, but cannot win a general, that means we will have four more years of policies which have led to very high inflation … and to many other things which I think have been deleterious to our country’s future,” the Louisiana senator said.

It seems pretty logical. People will not back a felon.
If trump was a decent man he would drop out and give the GOP a chance. But he needs to be Prez in order to save himself.
What a mess, a cocktail of corruption and low standards of education spews out a criminal like trump.
But, how much do you weigh?
Is there any lie you won't repeat for the glory of fascism?

That's a rhetorical question. Given your history here, we know there isn't.

So, how do you justify your behavior? Do you tell yourself that the lying is for the greater good?
Don't have the intelligence to argue a political point? Call someone a fascist and walk away. So predictable.
And you don't realize that no one cares what "Their" president or hopeful candidate does?
Clinton was having sexual relations with an intern in the White House. Clinton lied to the American people and under oath.
The Dems of the day were apologizing for his actions every which way.
Clinton was a womanizer and I'm sure he had no problem grabbing women by their....
Yet, he was a seasoned politician so he knew what to say and what not to say.
I'm not making excuses for Trump, as I think he's an asshole of a person. But people will make excuses time and time again for their candidate.
Clinton didn't brag about grabbing women and he never trashed Monica Lewinsky.
Isn’t it weird that a Welsh wanker has a terminal case of TDS?
I refuse to believe he’s Welsh.

I mean, they’re wankers, but not pathetic ones.

But we know he’s not posting from England regardless.

And yeah, Trump’s the nominee.

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