Trump should focus recounts in only few states

Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
I believe that MI has the same software program, that's in other voting machines in other states, where they suspect issues.
Im thinking that 140,000 is well within reach, with the right software. Time will tell.

Trump should request a recount in New York, I saw Trump signs everywhere and who in their right mind would vote for demented Biden anyway?

Maybe Republicans keep losing here due to massive fraud that they've been getting away with and cunning Trump will finally catch them.
Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
He needs to contest if for no other reason than to catch the dems cheating there-----------making it harder if not impossible for them to cheat in 2022 and beyond. Their dem governor and her two buddies are well hated in Michigan and they need to be voted out and that won't happen if their cheating isn't stopped.
The case for massive voter fraud is non existent... Look at the courts, Trump can't win a case... Do people understand how hard massive voter fraud is to do?

So now we are relying on a computer glitch? Which is out by a good bit that no one saw...

Georgia count is Republican run and are only doing a recount because they want to check the new computer system. They have said they have seen no fraud or error in the first count.

This is all a pipe dream by sore losers... There is no real proof that has gone in front of a Judge and not been thrown out yet... Trump is making an embarrassment of the US democracy to the world... The GOP are enabling that and that should not be forgoten.
You have hundreds of thousands of illegal votes that came in past the election date ignoramus
No evidence, just presumptions based on time to count the ballots and the uniqueness of the election.

Mail-in ballots take much longer to process than those coming from the polls. Mail ballots must be verified that they are genuine as well as the signatures. Signature verification is very time consuming and some states require the election office to try to contact voters that have signature rejections. Also, mail-in ballots take longer to run through mark sense tabulators due to errors such bad folds, poor mark registration, damaged ballots, etc. All these things plus others have made this election unique and thus raise suspicions.
Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
Recounts usually show the first count to be fairly accurate, though with small discrepancies, often caused by differing judgments about how to count ballots marked by hand and other issues, are not unusual.

27 recounts occurred in statewide elections between 2000 and 2015. Of those, 15 were held when the original margin of victory was of 0.15 percent or less. Three of the 27 recounts resulted in a reversal of the original election result.
The average number of votes changed by the recount was 282 or .0019%. In states that Trump is fighting for, Biden is winning by a margin of 12,000 to 63,000. No recount in modern history has resulted in a change of more than 700 votes and none revealed any evidence of voter fraud. If you betting on recounts changing the election results, you should be getting odds of a million to 1.

Then people like you shouldn't oppose doing the recounts.
The case for massive voter fraud is non existent... Look at the courts, Trump can't win a case... Do people understand how hard massive voter fraud is to do?

So now we are relying on a computer glitch? Which is out by a good bit that no one saw...

Georgia count is Republican run and are only doing a recount because they want to check the new computer system. They have said they have seen no fraud or error in the first count.

This is all a pipe dream by sore losers... There is no real proof that has gone in front of a Judge and not been thrown out yet... Trump is making an embarrassment of the US democracy to the world... The GOP are enabling that and that should not be forgoten.
You have hundreds of thousands of illegal votes that came in past the election date ignoramus
No evidence, just presumptions based on time to count the ballots and the uniqueness of the election.

Mail-in ballots take much longer to process than those coming from the polls. Mail ballots must be verified that they are genuine as well as the signatures. Signature verification is very time consuming and some states require the election office to try to contact voters that have signature rejections. Also, mail-in ballots take longer to run through mark sense tabulators due to errors such bad folds, poor mark registration, damaged ballots, etc. All these things plus others have made this election unique and thus raise suspicions.
Sorry flipper , we have hundreds of eye witness and whistle blowers
The evidence is 100 percent factual
Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
He needs to contest if for no other reason than to catch the dems cheating there-----------making it harder if not impossible for them to cheat in 2022 and beyond. Their dem governor and her two buddies are well hated in Michigan and they need to be voted out and that won't happen if their cheating isn't stopped.
To prove cheating, there must be real evidence, not presumptions, not lack of oversight, nor rumors, nor hearsay evidence, nor claims of what might have happened, nor oddities that arise from an election that is mostly mail-in ballots and early voting. Trump's lawyers are having trouble just proving that there is any isolated incidents of voter fraud, must less proving it is systemic as Trump has claimed.
Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
He needs to contest if for no other reason than to catch the dems cheating there-----------making it harder if not impossible for them to cheat in 2022 and beyond. Their dem governor and her two buddies are well hated in Michigan and they need to be voted out and that won't happen if their cheating isn't stopped.
To prove cheating, there must be real evidence, not presumptions, not lack of oversight, nor rumors, nor hearsay evidence, nor claims of what might have happened, nor oddities that arise from an election that is mostly mail-in ballots and early voting. Trump's lawyers are having trouble just proving that there is any isolated incidents of voter fraud, must less proving it is systemic as Trump has claimed.
They shutdown 4 major cities during the count then reopened and millions of Biden votes appear
Actually PA is over 53,000 now. James Carville predicted it would finally settle at 150. And since it's well beyond the 0.5% threshold, Rump would have to pay for that recount.

Recounts generally don't shift anything by more than a fraction of these margins anyway.
In PA the USSC could throw out all votes received after the 11/3 Legislative deadline that was illegally extended by the PASC.
That could make a difference before the recount. Also, I don't know if PA has any software issues that could also affect the recount.
We're talking big numbers not a few hundred, if there was any widespread fraud, such as via software. If not, then we looked and that's it.

A state supreme court cannot "illegally" treat its own state law. That's their job.

Holy SHIT.
If the PASC did something that the US Constitution says is wrong, then the USSC can rule against them.
We'll see if the USSC grows a pair. The Constitution says that the state LEGISLATURE sets the state election laws.
Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
I believe that MI has the same software program, that's in other voting machines in other states, where they suspect issues.
Im thinking that 140,000 is well within reach, with the right software. Time will tell.

Trump should request a recount in New York, I saw Trump signs everywhere and who in their right mind would vote for demented Biden anyway?

Maybe Republicans keep losing here due to massive fraud that they've been getting away with and cunning Trump will finally catch them.

Dogbiscuit, the fact that you "liked" the above satire is a testament that you are in fact no smarter than a dog biscuit.

This is a lot more sad than funny.
Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
I believe that MI has the same software program, that's in other voting machines in other states, where they suspect issues.
Im thinking that 140,000 is well within reach, with the right software. Time will tell.

Trump should request a recount in New York, I saw Trump signs everywhere and who in their right mind would vote for demented Biden anyway?

Maybe Republicans keep losing here due to massive fraud that they've been getting away with and cunning Trump will finally catch them.

Dogbiscuit, the fact that you "liked" the above satire is a testament that you are in fact no smarter than a dog biscuit.

This is a lot more sad than funny.
Im different than you, in that I believe in America first.
You taking the time to insult another persons intelligence, says a lot about you.
I dont have a good knowledge of many things discussed on this forum, but Im learning.
I do know the difference between right and wrong, and I dont lie.
If Im wrong, I admit it.
Based on your derogatory comment, you seem like maybe you need a Trumpy Bear...

Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
I believe that MI has the same software program, that's in other voting machines in other states, where they suspect issues.
Im thinking that 140,000 is well within reach, with the right software. Time will tell.

Trump should request a recount in New York, I saw Trump signs everywhere and who in their right mind would vote for demented Biden anyway?

Maybe Republicans keep losing here due to massive fraud that they've been getting away with and cunning Trump will finally catch them.

Dogbiscuit, the fact that you "liked" the above satire is a testament that you are in fact no smarter than a dog biscuit.

This is a lot more sad than funny.
Im different than you, in that I believe in America first.
You taking the time to insult another persons intelligence, says a lot about you.
I dont have a good knowledge of many things discussed on this forum, but Im learning.
I do know the difference between right and wrong, and I dont lie.
If Im wrong, I admit it.
Based on your derogatory comment, you seem like maybe you need a Trumpy Bear...

View attachment 415105

Alrighty, I appologize for hitting you upside the head too hard, but it's painful to watch you righties intelectually compromize yourself in these rediculous ways. The way you uncritially swallow Dear Leader's bs is VERY damaging to this country. He counts on your ignorance, partisanship and gullibility and you prove him right time and time again.

You need to learn that Trump lies and he lies a lot. He does not seem to care, or maybe understand the severe damage he is inflicting on this country when he fecklessly, baselessly and selfishly undermines trust in our institutions and electoral process. Those are not actions of someone who puts America First, these are actions of a man who puts HIMSELF First.

Trump has a long history of pushing conspiracy theories and ALWAYS makes claims about election fraud. It's down-side free for him. If he wins good, but if he loses he has an excuse, a story to tell about how he didn't really lose and how he was unfairly denied a win.

There is a special place for losing in Trump's psychology that makes him UNABLE to admit it, being a loser is the antithesis of the brand projection he lives by. It is his one true conviction everything else is in servitude of. Thats WHY what is actually true or not is so fungible to him.

He claimed fraud before 2016 election when it looked like he will lose. After he won, he claimed fraud denied him popular vote win. In 2020, before even a single vote was cast Trump was again spreading baseless assertions about massive fraud and how he can't possibly lose a fair election.

And now he lost, and suprise! he is claiming it was because of fraud he can't describe in any specific terms.
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Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
I believe that MI has the same software program, that's in other voting machines in other states, where they suspect issues.
Im thinking that 140,000 is well within reach, with the right software. Time will tell.

Trump should request a recount in New York, I saw Trump signs everywhere and who in their right mind would vote for demented Biden anyway?

Maybe Republicans keep losing here due to massive fraud that they've been getting away with and cunning Trump will finally catch them.

Dogbiscuit, the fact that you "liked" the above satire is a testament that you are in fact no smarter than a dog biscuit.

This is a lot more sad than funny.
Im different than you, in that I believe in America first.
You taking the time to insult another persons intelligence, says a lot about you.
I dont have a good knowledge of many things discussed on this forum, but Im learning.
I do know the difference between right and wrong, and I dont lie.
If Im wrong, I admit it.
Based on your derogatory comment, you seem like maybe you need a Trumpy Bear...

View attachment 415105

Alrighty, I appologize for hitting you upside the head too hard, but it's painful to watch you righties compromize yourself in these rediculous ways. It is VERY damaging to this country.

You need to learn that Trump lies and he lies a lot. He does not seem to care, or maybe understand the severe damage he is inflicting on this country when he fecklessly, baselessly undermines trust in our institutions and electoral process.

Trump has a long history of pushing conspiracy theories and ALWAYS makes claims about election fraud. It's down-side free for him. If he wins good, but if he loses he has an excuse, a story to tell about how he didn't really lose and how he was unfairly denied a win.

There is a special place for losing in Trump's psychology that makes him UNABLE to admit it, being a loser is the antithesis of the brand projection he lives by.

He claimed fraud before 2016 election when it looked like he will lose. After he won, he claimed fraud denied him popular vote win.

In 2020, before even a single vote was cast Trump was again spreading baseless assertions about massive fraud and how he can't possibly lose a fair election.

And now he lost, and suprise! he is claiming it was because of fraud he can't describe in any specific terms.
I find it comical, that someone that's no smarter than a dog biscuit, was successful at striking your tender nerve.
Can you please provide the link that shows where Biden has won, you know like proof of fraud ?
The system works whether you like it or not. After everything is officially over, then we shall see who prevails.
Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state

I think you're missing the point. Trump has no hope of overturning the election based on vote counts, and he knows it. His goal is to undermine trust in the overall system so that people will support his attempts to steer around it. That's why he's flooding the channels with lawsuits.
Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
I believe that MI has the same software program, that's in other voting machines in other states, where they suspect issues.
Im thinking that 140,000 is well within reach, with the right software. Time will tell.

Trump should request a recount in New York, I saw Trump signs everywhere and who in their right mind would vote for demented Biden anyway?

Maybe Republicans keep losing here due to massive fraud that they've been getting away with and cunning Trump will finally catch them.

Dogbiscuit, the fact that you "liked" the above satire is a testament that you are in fact no smarter than a dog biscuit.

This is a lot more sad than funny.
Im different than you, in that I believe in America first.
You taking the time to insult another persons intelligence, says a lot about you.
I dont have a good knowledge of many things discussed on this forum, but Im learning.
I do know the difference between right and wrong, and I dont lie.
If Im wrong, I admit it.
Based on your derogatory comment, you seem like maybe you need a Trumpy Bear...

View attachment 415105

Alrighty, I appologize for hitting you upside the head too hard, but it's painful to watch you righties compromize yourself in these rediculous ways. It is VERY damaging to this country.

You need to learn that Trump lies and he lies a lot. He does not seem to care, or maybe understand the severe damage he is inflicting on this country when he fecklessly, baselessly undermines trust in our institutions and electoral process.

Trump has a long history of pushing conspiracy theories and ALWAYS makes claims about election fraud. It's down-side free for him. If he wins good, but if he loses he has an excuse, a story to tell about how he didn't really lose and how he was unfairly denied a win.

There is a special place for losing in Trump's psychology that makes him UNABLE to admit it, being a loser is the antithesis of the brand projection he lives by.

He claimed fraud before 2016 election when it looked like he will lose. After he won, he claimed fraud denied him popular vote win.

In 2020, before even a single vote was cast Trump was again spreading baseless assertions about massive fraud and how he can't possibly lose a fair election.

And now he lost, and suprise! he is claiming it was because of fraud he can't describe in any specific terms.
I find it comical, that someone that's no smarter than a dog biscuit, was successful at striking your tender nerve.
Can you please provide the link that shows where Biden has won, you know like proof of fraud ?
The system works whether you like it or not. After everything is officially over, then we shall see who prevails.

It's not comical, it's sad.

I am sad for you and I'm sad for this country because it is obviously full of blind dupes unfamiliar-with-subject people like you that an amoral asshole like Trump can manipulate for his narrow interests at a great expense to America.
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Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state

I believe most of the contested states have automatic recounts if the results are within a certain margin.

I also think that Michigan has been such a hotbed of election fraud - to the point where it's a cliche - that it's long past time a spotlight was shown on it, whatever the outcome.
Do people understand how hard massive voter fraud is to do?

No, they don't. The vast majority of the people in this nation do not have a single clue what happens to a ballot after it is cast or how they are counted. When you imagine that you cast a ballot and a machine automatically tallies it or one person glances at it and calls the count it is really easy to imagine that there can be voter fraud on a massive scale.

The fact that the above looks nothing like how the system actually works is not relevant when no one takes the time to actually learn how monumentally robust our system is. Yet another reason that a basic civics course needs to be taught in every high school across the nation as a mandatory class. If you can take a class about using a pottery wheel, there is clearly single slot for a 2 year civics course.

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