Trump should focus recounts in only few states

Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
I believe that MI has the same software program, that's in other voting machines in other states, where they suspect issues.
Im thinking that 140,000 is well within reach, with the right software. Time will tell.

Trump should request a recount in New York, I saw Trump signs everywhere and who in their right mind would vote for demented Biden anyway?

Maybe Republicans keep losing here due to massive fraud that they've been getting away with and cunning Trump will finally catch them.

Dogbiscuit, the fact that you "liked" the above satire is a testament that you are in fact no smarter than a dog biscuit.

This is a lot more sad than funny.
Im different than you, in that I believe in America first.
You taking the time to insult another persons intelligence, says a lot about you.
I dont have a good knowledge of many things discussed on this forum, but Im learning.
I do know the difference between right and wrong, and I dont lie.
If Im wrong, I admit it.
Based on your derogatory comment, you seem like maybe you need a Trumpy Bear...

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Alrighty, I appologize for hitting you upside the head too hard, but it's painful to watch you righties compromize yourself in these rediculous ways. It is VERY damaging to this country.

You need to learn that Trump lies and he lies a lot. He does not seem to care, or maybe understand the severe damage he is inflicting on this country when he fecklessly, baselessly undermines trust in our institutions and electoral process.

Trump has a long history of pushing conspiracy theories and ALWAYS makes claims about election fraud. It's down-side free for him. If he wins good, but if he loses he has an excuse, a story to tell about how he didn't really lose and how he was unfairly denied a win.

There is a special place for losing in Trump's psychology that makes him UNABLE to admit it, being a loser is the antithesis of the brand projection he lives by.

He claimed fraud before 2016 election when it looked like he will lose. After he won, he claimed fraud denied him popular vote win.

In 2020, before even a single vote was cast Trump was again spreading baseless assertions about massive fraud and how he can't possibly lose a fair election.

And now he lost, and suprise! he is claiming it was because of fraud he can't describe in any specific terms.
I find it comical, that someone that's no smarter than a dog biscuit, was successful at striking your tender nerve.
Can you please provide the link that shows where Biden has won, you know like proof of fraud ?
The system works whether you like it or not. After everything is officially over, then we shall see who prevails.
USA election system is the most crooked and corrupt on earth .you ignoramus !
You have hundreds of witnesses coming out
You have hundreds of thousands of dead folks voting and fabricated ballots
Millions of ballots with either no signatures or that came in late. Crooked software
You moron , deserve to live in a banana republic

Spoken like someone who's never been anywhere else in the world, and has never bothered to learn about other places. "The US is the most corrupt place in the world, because the US is the only place I know about!"
Forget Michigan !! 140,000 deficit will be impossible to overturn

T should really focus on Georgia, Wisconsin as it’s only several thousand votes and Arizona !
Pennsylvania too but that is 40,000

Michigan is lost and Biden may have actually won that state
He needs to contest if for no other reason than to catch the dems cheating there-----------making it harder if not impossible for them to cheat in 2022 and beyond. Their dem governor and her two buddies are well hated in Michigan and they need to be voted out and that won't happen if their cheating isn't stopped.
This strategy, if it fails and it most likely will, just makes Trump look like a sore looser and a candidate that doesn't have the courage to face defeat so he attacks our electoral system as fraudulent and rigged.
USA has as much democracy as China
USA is less than a banana republic
Break this nation up

Welcome to the board, newbie. And welcome to my ignore list with the other 2-digit-IQ lunatics.

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