Trump Should Have Nominated the Woman on His Short List

The hit job Dem's pulled on Kavanaugh would pale in comparison to their attacks on a woman nominee.

Democrats are superficial. They don’t care about a individual’s background, upbringing, or educational accomplishment. If we are talking about a conservative who is a woman she is instantly uneducated, if the person is African American they are equated to an Uncle Tom, white males only means they are supremacists. It’s the new “acceptable” form of hate speech in mainstream media today.


And where is your link to the factual, unbiased source for this statement?

Because without said information - it is the absolute height of ignorance (and probably hatred) to denote a negative personality trait to tens of millions of people - 99.999% of whom you do not even know.

Lib please the left's behavior is on FULL DISPLAY for all to see. :icon_rolleyes:
Exactly, he does make a fair point though,it's not all democrats, just their political leadership

#walkaway is real and the midterms are about to prove it
And you're talking about Chicago?
most people have no clue how important this year is

it's not just the House & Senate, it is the state Houses, because they draw districts after this next census

and your side looks to have grabbed defeat straight from the jaws of victory

there MAY have been a mood for a blue wave; but that is done

the circus surrounding Kavanaugh has been a disaster for team blue

the only thing that stifles conservative turnout is if the Senate does not vote on the nomination to SCOTUS

and we will; we PROBABLY win and get Kav seated; but even if we don't, our people are coming to vote

I hope Trump renominates Kav after midterms IF he is not seated, as we cannot allow this vile and evil smear to succeed; and I originally wanted Amy Barrett - we'll have at least 3 more Republican Senators; maybe more

Democrats overplayed their hand and are about to get punished in November; and yes, we have mostly favorable to Republican districts in most places. Y'all had a real shot to change this (still do, but it ain't likely, not with our people just as fired up as yours)

It's ridiculous that in a country which goes round telling other countries about Democracy, and invades countries and tries to remove leaders and harps on about Democracy, that the US is in such a position where people have to put up with such anti-democratic crap.
I agree, I agree if you are talking about the shameful methods used to bring Javanaugh down and/or if you are talking about gerrymandering

Even though right now,the district maps favor republicans in most places, district maps should be drawn based on population and nothing else

On Kav, he very likely could have been defeated just on policy with 3 republicans

I am fearful for our country and think we will see real violence in my lifetime, hope I'm wrong

District maps should be gotten rid of altogether. Just let everyone vote. If 33% of the people vote for party A, then party A gets 33% of the seats.

How hard is that?

It's been happening all around the world for nearly 100 years now. Works in Germany, for example, much fairer.
Sounds like a good place to start negotiations, but I also like the idea of people in a community representing the folks back home

I do know that letting state legislatures draw maps willy nilly is not fair to anyone

In Germany they vote twice. Once for FPTP like the US and once for PR. So, they have people back home representing, and they have a fair number of people.

Of course it'll never happen, the rich know the system they've got is the best for them. And the poorer people like to be told what to think.
The Senate is an absolute joke. 100 power drunk individuals making fools of themselves on a daily basis.
And you're talking about Chicago?
most people have no clue how important this year is

it's not just the House & Senate, it is the state Houses, because they draw districts after this next census

and your side looks to have grabbed defeat straight from the jaws of victory

there MAY have been a mood for a blue wave; but that is done

the circus surrounding Kavanaugh has been a disaster for team blue

the only thing that stifles conservative turnout is if the Senate does not vote on the nomination to SCOTUS

and we will; we PROBABLY win and get Kav seated; but even if we don't, our people are coming to vote

I hope Trump renominates Kav after midterms IF he is not seated, as we cannot allow this vile and evil smear to succeed; and I originally wanted Amy Barrett - we'll have at least 3 more Republican Senators; maybe more

Democrats overplayed their hand and are about to get punished in November; and yes, we have mostly favorable to Republican districts in most places. Y'all had a real shot to change this (still do, but it ain't likely, not with our people just as fired up as yours)

It's ridiculous that in a country which goes round telling other countries about Democracy, and invades countries and tries to remove leaders and harps on about Democracy, that the US is in such a position where people have to put up with such anti-democratic crap.
I agree, I agree if you are talking about the shameful methods used to bring Kavanaugh down and/or if you are talking about gerrymandering

Even though right now,the district maps favor republicans in most places, district maps should be drawn based on population and nothing else

On Kav, he very likely could have been defeated just on policy with 3 republicans

I am fearful for our country and think we will see real violence in my lifetime, hope I'm wrong

Even though right now,the district maps favor republicans in most places, district maps should be drawn based on population and nothing else

That would decimate the Congressional Black Caucus.
And you're talking about Chicago?
most people have no clue how important this year is

it's not just the House & Senate, it is the state Houses, because they draw districts after this next census

and your side looks to have grabbed defeat straight from the jaws of victory

there MAY have been a mood for a blue wave; but that is done

the circus surrounding Kavanaugh has been a disaster for team blue

the only thing that stifles conservative turnout is if the Senate does not vote on the nomination to SCOTUS

and we will; we PROBABLY win and get Kav seated; but even if we don't, our people are coming to vote

I hope Trump renominates Kav after midterms IF he is not seated, as we cannot allow this vile and evil smear to succeed; and I originally wanted Amy Barrett - we'll have at least 3 more Republican Senators; maybe more

Democrats overplayed their hand and are about to get punished in November; and yes, we have mostly favorable to Republican districts in most places. Y'all had a real shot to change this (still do, but it ain't likely, not with our people just as fired up as yours)

It's ridiculous that in a country which goes round telling other countries about Democracy, and invades countries and tries to remove leaders and harps on about Democracy, that the US is in such a position where people have to put up with such anti-democratic crap.
I agree, I agree if you are talking about the shameful methods used to bring Kavanaugh down and/or if you are talking about gerrymandering

Even though right now,the district maps favor republicans in most places, district maps should be drawn based on population and nothing else

On Kav, he very likely could have been defeated just on policy with 3 republicans

I am fearful for our country and think we will see real violence in my lifetime, hope I'm wrong

Even though right now,the district maps favor republicans in most places, district maps should be drawn based on population and nothing else

That would decimate the Congressional Black Caucus.
The hit job Dem's pulled on Kavanaugh would pale in comparison to their attacks on a woman nominee.

Democrats are superficial. They don’t care about a individual’s background, upbringing, or educational accomplishment. If we are talking about a conservative who is a woman she is instantly uneducated, if the person is African American they are equated to an Uncle Tom, white males only means they are supremacists. It’s the new “acceptable” form of hate speech in mainstream media today.


And where is your link to the factual, unbiased source for this statement?

Because without said information - it is the absolute height of ignorance (and probably hatred) to denote a negative personality trait to tens of millions of people - 99.999% of whom you do not even know.

The evidence is there if you are willing to look. Such as:

Such attacks against the first black man to win a statewide election in Maryland include pelting him with Oreo cookies during a campaign appearance, calling him an “Uncle Tom” and depicting him as a black-faced minstrel on a liberal Web log.

‘Party trumps race’ for Steele foes

Slurs against Michael Steele

Whiteface Vandalism of Republican Candidate’s Sign | National Review

Carly Fiorina was referred to as demented, and Woopi Goldberg in defense claims if she is “intelligent” enough she can “qualify” to be the next president. You would never hear that kind of commentary from the media, and specifically women, with respect to Hillary Clinton.
Whoopi Goldberg defends treatment of Carly Fiorina
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When President Trump didn’t nominate Barrett I said to my friends Republicans and Democrats...that was a mistake. They should have anticipated the levels of behavior that Democrats were willing to stoop to...the levels of their vitriol knows no bounds. Brett Kavanaughs only crime is that he is a WHITE MALE. The liberals would have had a harder time going after a female Marine Corps vet. But the left will never accept a WHITE MALE in any position of authority in our government.
This law professor and devout Catholic is on Trump’s shortlist for the Supreme Court vacancy

He chose the most qualified candidate. A huge wrong indeed, as he was a white heterosexual male. Not only that he is successful and has a family. That should be enough to turn anyone berserk, running into the cry closet.

On a serious note, it's good that this issue is dealt now, because their false accusation weapon was going to be used anyway and in this case they are so clearly in the wrong that no one will believe them in the future.
When President Trump didn’t nominate Barrett I said to my friends Republicans and Democrats...that was a mistake. They should have anticipated the levels of behavior that Democrats were willing to stoop to...the levels of their vitriol knows no bounds. Brett Kavanaughs only crime is that he is a WHITE MALE. The liberals would have had a harder time going after a female Marine Corps vet. But the left will never accept a WHITE MALE in any position of authority in our government.
This law professor and devout Catholic is on Trump’s shortlist for the Supreme Court vacancy
Gorsuch is not white ?
That was a conservative to replace a conservative. This was to have a conservative replace a swing vote. Democrats were going to try to suicide bomb the process from the start by whatever means possible. Because Kavanaugh is a white male it made it easier on they think they can fire up women to vote Democrat in midterms by bringing a female sexual assault accuser out from underneath a rock.
Even your president said that Dr Ford sounded credible and he gave ful reign to the FBI...and he is a sexual harasser himself.
She only came forward after what happened November 2016.
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When President Trump didn’t nominate Barrett I said to my friends Republicans and Democrats...that was a mistake. They should have anticipated the levels of behavior that Democrats were willing to stoop to...the levels of their vitriol knows no bounds. Brett Kavanaughs only crime is that he is a WHITE MALE. The liberals would have had a harder time going after a female Marine Corps vet. But the left will never accept a WHITE MALE in any position of authority in our government.
This law professor and devout Catholic is on Trump’s shortlist for the Supreme Court vacancy
/——/ Here we disagree. I think Trump is holding Barret in reserve to replace Ginsburg. Dems would say that seat belongs to a woman.
When President Trump didn’t nominate Barrett I said to my friends Republicans and Democrats...that was a mistake. They should have anticipated the levels of behavior that Democrats were willing to stoop to...the levels of their vitriol knows no bounds. Brett Kavanaughs only crime is that he is a WHITE MALE. The liberals would have had a harder time going after a female Marine Corps vet. But the left will never accept a WHITE MALE in any position of authority in our government.
This law professor and devout Catholic is on Trump’s shortlist for the Supreme Court vacancy
Gorsuch is not white ?
That was a conservative to replace a conservative. This was to have a conservative replace a swing vote. Democrats were going to try to suicide bomb the process from the start by whatever means possible. Because Kavanaugh is a white male it made it easier on they think they can fire up women to vote Democrat in midterms by bringing a female sexual assault accuser out from underneath a rock.
Even your president said that Dr Ford sounded credible and he gave ful reign to the FBI...and he is a sexual harasser himself.
/—-/ Sure, any slut that gets porked by 60 men is sure to have some guy hit on her for his turn. There just isn’t any evidence it was Kavanaugh
When President Trump didn’t nominate Barrett I said to my friends Republicans and Democrats...that was a mistake. They should have anticipated the levels of behavior that Democrats were willing to stoop to...the levels of their vitriol knows no bounds. Brett Kavanaughs only crime is that he is a WHITE MALE. The liberals would have had a harder time going after a female Marine Corps vet. But the left will never accept a WHITE MALE in any position of authority in our government.
This law professor and devout Catholic is on Trump’s shortlist for the Supreme Court vacancy
/——/ Here we disagree. I think Trump is holding Barret in reserve to replace Ginsburg. Dems would say that seat belongs to a woman.
There is no maneuvering...a good guy got nominated...liberal crazies and media lackeys destroyed him.
When President Trump didn’t nominate Barrett I said to my friends Republicans and Democrats...that was a mistake. They should have anticipated the levels of behavior that Democrats were willing to stoop to...the levels of their vitriol knows no bounds. Brett Kavanaughs only crime is that he is a WHITE MALE. The liberals would have had a harder time going after a female Marine Corps vet. But the left will never accept a WHITE MALE in any position of authority in our government.
This law professor and devout Catholic is on Trump’s shortlist for the Supreme Court vacancy
Wrong. She believes the Bible supersedes our laws. We don't need a Christofascist on the Court.
:yapyapyapf: Your a babbling idiot.
Wrong. Christofascists need to get the hell out of the faces of others. They are mental cases.
When President Trump didn’t nominate Barrett I said to my friends Republicans and Democrats...that was a mistake. They should have anticipated the levels of behavior that Democrats were willing to stoop to...the levels of their vitriol knows no bounds. Brett Kavanaughs only crime is that he is a WHITE MALE. The liberals would have had a harder time going after a female Marine Corps vet. But the left will never accept a WHITE MALE in any position of authority in our government.
This law professor and devout Catholic is on Trump’s shortlist for the Supreme Court vacancy
Wrong. She believes the Bible supersedes our laws. We don't need a Christofascist on the Court.
:yapyapyapf: Your a babbling idiot.
Wrong. Christofascists need to get the hell out of the faces of others. They are mental cases.

Christian beliefs is not a disqualifying factor for the Supreme Court under the United States Constitution. If you want to attack someone solely on their beliefs, then we don’t need to entertain the issue of “equality” when it’s an issue of transsexuals and bathrooms. Obviously certain groups don’t belong according to your standards, so why should we act like others do.
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When President Trump didn’t nominate Barrett I said to my friends Republicans and Democrats...that was a mistake. They should have anticipated the levels of behavior that Democrats were willing to stoop to...the levels of their vitriol knows no bounds. Brett Kavanaughs only crime is that he is a WHITE MALE. The liberals would have had a harder time going after a female Marine Corps vet. But the left will never accept a WHITE MALE in any position of authority in our government.
This law professor and devout Catholic is on Trump’s shortlist for the Supreme Court vacancy

And what levels are you willing to stoop to? I mean, the Republicans will stop at nothing to cheat like fuck.

Ever seen a Republican gerrymandered area?
Ever seen a Democrat gerrymandered area?
When President Trump didn’t nominate Barrett I said to my friends Republicans and Democrats...that was a mistake. They should have anticipated the levels of behavior that Democrats were willing to stoop to...the levels of their vitriol knows no bounds. Brett Kavanaughs only crime is that he is a WHITE MALE. The liberals would have had a harder time going after a female Marine Corps vet. But the left will never accept a WHITE MALE in any position of authority in our government.
This law professor and devout Catholic is on Trump’s shortlist for the Supreme Court vacancy

And what levels are you willing to stoop to? I mean, the Republicans will stop at nothing to cheat like fuck.

Ever seen a Republican gerrymandered area?
Ever seen Illinois Congressional Districts?
Or Kentucky.
....I forgot to list this on USMB posts on the many reasons why Obama is a racist:
he nominated 2 blacks in a row for AG!!!!
.....FK!..considering blacks graduate high school at lower levels, meaning a lot less qualify for college, and then they graduate college at lower levels, he thinks not one, but 2 blacks are better qualified than whites???!!!!!!!!!
racist--it's ok to be racist if you are black
but BK is not qualified?? he's EVIL!!!
but you can't nominate an EVIL white person
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When President Trump didn’t nominate Barrett I said to my friends Republicans and Democrats...that was a mistake. They should have anticipated the levels of behavior that Democrats were willing to stoop to...the levels of their vitriol knows no bounds. Brett Kavanaughs only crime is that he is a WHITE MALE. The liberals would have had a harder time going after a female Marine Corps vet. But the left will never accept a WHITE MALE in any position of authority in our government.
This law professor and devout Catholic is on Trump’s shortlist for the Supreme Court vacancy

And what levels are you willing to stoop to? I mean, the Republicans will stop at nothing to cheat like fuck.

Ever seen a Republican gerrymandered area?
Ever seen Illinois Congressional Districts?

What's your point?

The Top 10 Most Gerrymandered States In America - Rantt



Got that blue bit of Texas that's massively gerrymandered, North Carolina is number one.


Republican state. 75 to 45 in the state House and 35 to 15 in the Senate.

Number 2 is Maryland. Democrat.

Number 3 is Pennsylvania which is Gerrymandered to help the Republicans.

Number 4 is West Virginia, 1/3 of the people voted Democrat but all the Congressional seats in DC are Republican.

Kentucky is 5, Republican

Louisiana is 6, Republican

7 is Utah, Republican

8 is Texas, Republican

9 is Arkansas, Republican

10 is Ohio which benefits the Republicans.

So, that's 9 out of the top worst Gerrymandered states done by the GOP.

And you're talking about Chicago?
Kentucky was done by Democrats, idiot.

Kentucky was controlled by a Democrat governor and Democrat State House in 2010.
When President Trump didn’t nominate Barrett I said to my friends Republicans and Democrats...that was a mistake. They should have anticipated the levels of behavior that Democrats were willing to stoop to...the levels of their vitriol knows no bounds. Brett Kavanaughs only crime is that he is a WHITE MALE. The liberals would have had a harder time going after a female Marine Corps vet. But the left will never accept a WHITE MALE in any position of authority in our government.
This law professor and devout Catholic is on Trump’s shortlist for the Supreme Court vacancy

It wouldn't have mattered, Bush92...the left was going to smear whoever it was! Would it have made it harder? Possibly. But as you can see with Kavanaugh...they have no problems at all using totally fabricated allegations that they simply stack one upon another. They would have done the same to Barrett...or any other nominee. This isn't about something Kavanaugh's about him being Trump's nominee.
I concur. I just think a woman would have made a more difficult target for liberals to gang-up on and smear. Kavanaugh is super qualified and should take his place on High Court.

How difficult was it to smear Sarah Palin? An accomplished governor with ACTUAL experience running a state’s budget, used guns for hunting, average mom caring for teenagers, walks the walk in accepting and raising a child with special needs, etc. Progressive Democrats don’t care where they are from, what race or sexuality they are, only if they agree with their ideology. You could nominate a Founding Father, as President Trump correctly stated, if they turned out to accept conservative and NOT liberal values.. they will try to smear his character. Their tactics are an open book, and the mainstram media quite honestly believes independents are not intelligent enough to see through this.

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