Trump Should Have Nominated the Woman on His Short List

And you're talking about Chicago?
most people have no clue how important this year is

it's not just the House & Senate, it is the state Houses, because they draw districts after this next census

and your side looks to have grabbed defeat straight from the jaws of victory

there MAY have been a mood for a blue wave; but that is done

the circus surrounding Kavanaugh has been a disaster for team blue

the only thing that stifles conservative turnout is if the Senate does not vote on the nomination to SCOTUS

and we will; we PROBABLY win and get Kav seated; but even if we don't, our people are coming to vote

I hope Trump renominates Kav after midterms IF he is not seated, as we cannot allow this vile and evil smear to succeed; and I originally wanted Amy Barrett - we'll have at least 3 more Republican Senators; maybe more

Democrats overplayed their hand and are about to get punished in November; and yes, we have mostly favorable to Republican districts in most places. Y'all had a real shot to change this (still do, but it ain't likely, not with our people just as fired up as yours)
GOP will gain seats in the Senate.
When President Trump didn’t nominate Barrett I said to my friends Republicans and Democrats...that was a mistake. They should have anticipated the levels of behavior that Democrats were willing to stoop to...the levels of their vitriol knows no bounds. Brett Kavanaughs only crime is that he is a WHITE MALE. The liberals would have had a harder time going after a female Marine Corps vet. But the left will never accept a WHITE MALE in any position of authority in our government.
This law professor and devout Catholic is on Trump’s shortlist for the Supreme Court vacancy


And where are your links to unbiased, factual proof that:

1) Kavanaugh has never committed a crime?
2) and that the Dems will never accept a 'white' male?

I guarantee that you can provide neither.

Our nation’s laws state that an individual is innocent until proven, through evidence or collaborated testimony without a measure of doubt, they are guilty. The burden of proof lies on the prosecution alone, to convince a group of their peers that a crime has even been committed. Your statement alledges guilt already exists with a need to prove a person’s innocence. Our court system in this country is not set up that way.

Now you can try to prove otherwise, and in fact I welcome your proof of a court system to the contrary.
Flake, Collins and others are so weak. They will do what the Dems tell them to do. Flake did just that today.
get out and vote like your life depends on it

the Senate and the 2020 census will determine the future of our nation for the next generation
And you're talking about Chicago?
most people have no clue how important this year is

it's not just the House & Senate, it is the state Houses, because they draw districts after this next census

and your side looks to have grabbed defeat straight from the jaws of victory

there MAY have been a mood for a blue wave; but that is done

the circus surrounding Kavanaugh has been a disaster for team blue

the only thing that stifles conservative turnout is if the Senate does not vote on the nomination to SCOTUS

and we will; we PROBABLY win and get Kav seated; but even if we don't, our people are coming to vote

I hope Trump renominates Kav after midterms IF he is not seated, as we cannot allow this vile and evil smear to succeed; and I originally wanted Amy Barrett - we'll have at least 3 more Republican Senators; maybe more

Democrats overplayed their hand and are about to get punished in November; and yes, we have mostly favorable to Republican districts in most places. Y'all had a real shot to change this (still do, but it ain't likely, not with our people just as fired up as yours)

It's ridiculous that in a country which goes round telling other countries about Democracy, and invades countries and tries to remove leaders and harps on about Democracy, that the US is in such a position where people have to put up with such anti-democratic crap.
And you're talking about Chicago?
most people have no clue how important this year is

it's not just the House & Senate, it is the state Houses, because they draw districts after this next census

and your side looks to have grabbed defeat straight from the jaws of victory

there MAY have been a mood for a blue wave; but that is done

the circus surrounding Kavanaugh has been a disaster for team blue

the only thing that stifles conservative turnout is if the Senate does not vote on the nomination to SCOTUS

and we will; we PROBABLY win and get Kav seated; but even if we don't, our people are coming to vote

I hope Trump renominates Kav after midterms IF he is not seated, as we cannot allow this vile and evil smear to succeed; and I originally wanted Amy Barrett - we'll have at least 3 more Republican Senators; maybe more

Democrats overplayed their hand and are about to get punished in November; and yes, we have mostly favorable to Republican districts in most places. Y'all had a real shot to change this (still do, but it ain't likely, not with our people just as fired up as yours)
All politics is local. It’s all grass roots. Democratic Party not popular with with rural America or suburbia.

If Americans actually have a CHOICE, the Republicans AND Democrats wouldn't be too popular.
And you're talking about Chicago?
most people have no clue how important this year is

it's not just the House & Senate, it is the state Houses, because they draw districts after this next census

and your side looks to have grabbed defeat straight from the jaws of victory

there MAY have been a mood for a blue wave; but that is done

the circus surrounding Kavanaugh has been a disaster for team blue

the only thing that stifles conservative turnout is if the Senate does not vote on the nomination to SCOTUS

and we will; we PROBABLY win and get Kav seated; but even if we don't, our people are coming to vote

I hope Trump renominates Kav after midterms IF he is not seated, as we cannot allow this vile and evil smear to succeed; and I originally wanted Amy Barrett - we'll have at least 3 more Republican Senators; maybe more

Democrats overplayed their hand and are about to get punished in November; and yes, we have mostly favorable to Republican districts in most places. Y'all had a real shot to change this (still do, but it ain't likely, not with our people just as fired up as yours)
GOP will gain seats in the Senate.

But only because you want them to.
When President Trump didn’t nominate Barrett I said to my friends Republicans and Democrats...that was a mistake. They should have anticipated the levels of behavior that Democrats were willing to stoop to...the levels of their vitriol knows no bounds. Brett Kavanaughs only crime is that he is a WHITE MALE. The liberals would have had a harder time going after a female Marine Corps vet. But the left will never accept a WHITE MALE in any position of authority in our government.
This law professor and devout Catholic is on Trump’s shortlist for the Supreme Court vacancy


And where are your links to unbiased, factual proof that:

1) Kavanaugh has never committed a crime?
2) and that the Dems will never accept a 'white' male?

I guarantee that you can provide neither.

Our nation’s laws state that an individual is innocent until proven, through evidence or collaborated testimony without a measure of doubt, they are guilty. The burden of proof lies on the prosecution alone, to convince a group of their peers that a crime has even been committed. Your statement alledges guilt already exists with a need to prove a person’s innocence. Our court system in this country is not set up that way.

Now you can try to prove otherwise, and in fact I welcome your proof of a court system to the contrary.
The simple fact is Kavanaugh is not on trial for his freedom. We know this is all politics. We get that cause from what I understand, there is no statute of limitations on FELONY sexual assault in Maryland.

The fact that Maryland is not pursuing charges should clue us in what this is all about. There is no evidence that would come to close to leading to a conviction. No way. They know that. They all know that. We all know that.

This is about politics, getting their pet MONKEYS to cause a frenzy, and get the delays. They got it and it worked.

Now,from a political standpoint, this could and should backfire on the democrats. They are taking an awful risk. Like in 2016, and like they always are, they truly believe the majority of this country truly sides with them.

They truly believe the Trump supporters are these fringe wack jobs. That, is a miscalculation. They have lied to themselves since they elected obama. He lost more seats during his presidency and it was looooong before Trump. The republicans took back the House and Senate during his presidency and Trump won by in a landslide.

They have utterly convinced themselves 2016 was stolen. Hence, the reason they are so loud and proud like they always are.

Reading comments and listening to people, a majority of the people see through this transparent crap, and I am glad they cannot see that their political strategy of crying victim every chance they get is growing weaker and weaker.

They truly believe the blue wave is coming, and they are even more presumptuous about that as they were about their 93% chance that hillary was going to win in a landslide.

We will see how all of this will play out. I hope they continue with their absurdity. People are waking up and they do not know it.
And you're talking about Chicago?
most people have no clue how important this year is

it's not just the House & Senate, it is the state Houses, because they draw districts after this next census

and your side looks to have grabbed defeat straight from the jaws of victory

there MAY have been a mood for a blue wave; but that is done

the circus surrounding Kavanaugh has been a disaster for team blue

the only thing that stifles conservative turnout is if the Senate does not vote on the nomination to SCOTUS

and we will; we PROBABLY win and get Kav seated; but even if we don't, our people are coming to vote

I hope Trump renominates Kav after midterms IF he is not seated, as we cannot allow this vile and evil smear to succeed; and I originally wanted Amy Barrett - we'll have at least 3 more Republican Senators; maybe more

Democrats overplayed their hand and are about to get punished in November; and yes, we have mostly favorable to Republican districts in most places. Y'all had a real shot to change this (still do, but it ain't likely, not with our people just as fired up as yours)

It's ridiculous that in a country which goes round telling other countries about Democracy, and invades countries and tries to remove leaders and harps on about Democracy, that the US is in such a position where people have to put up with such anti-democratic crap.
I agree, I agree if you are talking about the shameful methods used to bring Kavanaugh down and/or if you are talking about gerrymandering

Even though right now,the district maps favor republicans in most places, district maps should be drawn based on population and nothing else

On Kav, he very likely could have been defeated just on policy with 3 republicans

I am fearful for our country and think we will see real violence in my lifetime, hope I'm wrong
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And you're talking about Chicago?
most people have no clue how important this year is

it's not just the House & Senate, it is the state Houses, because they draw districts after this next census

and your side looks to have grabbed defeat straight from the jaws of victory

there MAY have been a mood for a blue wave; but that is done

the circus surrounding Kavanaugh has been a disaster for team blue

the only thing that stifles conservative turnout is if the Senate does not vote on the nomination to SCOTUS

and we will; we PROBABLY win and get Kav seated; but even if we don't, our people are coming to vote

I hope Trump renominates Kav after midterms IF he is not seated, as we cannot allow this vile and evil smear to succeed; and I originally wanted Amy Barrett - we'll have at least 3 more Republican Senators; maybe more

Democrats overplayed their hand and are about to get punished in November; and yes, we have mostly favorable to Republican districts in most places. Y'all had a real shot to change this (still do, but it ain't likely, not with our people just as fired up as yours)
GOP will gain seats in the Senate.

But only because you want them to.
Meh, we were always likely to gain seats this round because of how the map works, the seats up this time give republicans a real advantage, and we can't blame gerrymandering for this, it is just the way it worked out this time

Amazing that so many seats up in this election are Democrat Senators in red states
Take it FWIW, but Mitch has earned our trust

The clock is started, a vote can be called starting on Tuesday and Mitch WILL call a vote

Just channel your outrage towards getting to the polls and encouraging others to as well

Flake, Collins and others are so weak. They will do what the Dems tell them to do. Flake did just that today.
Flake is a spineless turd.
I was going to say, if he had, you'd see just how misogynistic the left really are, but then I read some of the responses and they proved it out.
And you're talking about Chicago?
most people have no clue how important this year is

it's not just the House & Senate, it is the state Houses, because they draw districts after this next census

and your side looks to have grabbed defeat straight from the jaws of victory

there MAY have been a mood for a blue wave; but that is done

the circus surrounding Kavanaugh has been a disaster for team blue

the only thing that stifles conservative turnout is if the Senate does not vote on the nomination to SCOTUS

and we will; we PROBABLY win and get Kav seated; but even if we don't, our people are coming to vote

I hope Trump renominates Kav after midterms IF he is not seated, as we cannot allow this vile and evil smear to succeed; and I originally wanted Amy Barrett - we'll have at least 3 more Republican Senators; maybe more

Democrats overplayed their hand and are about to get punished in November; and yes, we have mostly favorable to Republican districts in most places. Y'all had a real shot to change this (still do, but it ain't likely, not with our people just as fired up as yours)

It's ridiculous that in a country which goes round telling other countries about Democracy, and invades countries and tries to remove leaders and harps on about Democracy, that the US is in such a position where people have to put up with such anti-democratic crap.
I agree, I agree if you are talking about the shameful methods used to bring Javanaugh down and/or if you are talking about gerrymandering

Even though right now,the district maps favor republicans in most places, district maps should be drawn based on population and nothing else

On Kav, he very likely could have been defeated just on policy with 3 republicans

I am fearful for our country and think we will see real violence in my lifetime, hope I'm wrong

District maps should be gotten rid of altogether. Just let everyone vote. If 33% of the people vote for party A, then party A gets 33% of the seats.

How hard is that?

It's been happening all around the world for nearly 100 years now. Works in Germany, for example, much fairer.
I will also say this

IF Hillary had won, republicans would likely have gained u to 9 seats in the Senate and roughly 20 in the House

Had the SCOTUS fight not gone like it did, Republicans would have lost at least 20 in the House and maybe as many as 50, turning the chamber either close to 50/50 or giving Democrats a small advantage and control

In the Senate, Republicans would have gained between 2 to 4 seats, because map

As it stands now, I think Rpublicans win at least 4 seats in the Senate and hold the House with little to no real change in the balance of power

The way districts are drawn is a huge advantage for republicans

and most people are outraged at how this confirmation has gone, people that normally don't pay attention are now tuning in

That will help dems run up big numbers in deep blue areas, but works as an advantage for Republicas in "purple" states and districts, so we probably see a rerun of 2016 with more people voting dem but repubs making gains
And you're talking about Chicago?
most people have no clue how important this year is

it's not just the House & Senate, it is the state Houses, because they draw districts after this next census

and your side looks to have grabbed defeat straight from the jaws of victory

there MAY have been a mood for a blue wave; but that is done

the circus surrounding Kavanaugh has been a disaster for team blue

the only thing that stifles conservative turnout is if the Senate does not vote on the nomination to SCOTUS

and we will; we PROBABLY win and get Kav seated; but even if we don't, our people are coming to vote

I hope Trump renominates Kav after midterms IF he is not seated, as we cannot allow this vile and evil smear to succeed; and I originally wanted Amy Barrett - we'll have at least 3 more Republican Senators; maybe more

Democrats overplayed their hand and are about to get punished in November; and yes, we have mostly favorable to Republican districts in most places. Y'all had a real shot to change this (still do, but it ain't likely, not with our people just as fired up as yours)

It's ridiculous that in a country which goes round telling other countries about Democracy, and invades countries and tries to remove leaders and harps on about Democracy, that the US is in such a position where people have to put up with such anti-democratic crap.
I agree, I agree if you are talking about the shameful methods used to bring Javanaugh down and/or if you are talking about gerrymandering

Even though right now,the district maps favor republicans in most places, district maps should be drawn based on population and nothing else

On Kav, he very likely could have been defeated just on policy with 3 republicans

I am fearful for our country and think we will see real violence in my lifetime, hope I'm wrong

District maps should be gotten rid of altogether. Just let everyone vote. If 33% of the people vote for party A, then party A gets 33% of the seats.

How hard is that?

It's been happening all around the world for nearly 100 years now. Works in Germany, for example, much fairer.
Sounds like a good place to start negotiations, but I also like the idea of people in a community representing the folks back home

I do know that letting state legislatures draw maps willy nilly is not fair to anyone
I will also say this

IF Hillary had won, republicans would likely have gained u to 9 seats in the Senate and roughly 20 in the House

Had the SCOTUS fight not gone like it did, Republicans would have lost at least 20 in the House and maybe as many as 50, turning the chamber either close to 50/50 or giving Democrats a small advantage and control

In the Senate, Republicans would have gained between 2 to 4 seats, because map

As it stands now, I think Rpublicans win at least 4 seats in the Senate and hold the House with little to no real change in the balance of power

The way districts are drawn is a huge advantage for republicans

and most people are outraged at how this confirmation has gone, people that normally don't pay attention are now tuning in

That will help dems run up big numbers in deep blue areas, but works as an advantage for Republicas in "purple" states and districts, so we probably see a rerun of 2016 with more people voting dem but repubs making gains
IT is precisely because of the way that Democrats have handled this confirmation that the GOP will either retain or gain seats in both houses.

That is, if the GOP and their advocacy groups are smart and use this like they should.

The very worst of human kind came out in the Democrats these past few weeks.
I will also say this

IF Hillary had won, republicans would likely have gained u to 9 seats in the Senate and roughly 20 in the House

Had the SCOTUS fight not gone like it did, Republicans would have lost at least 20 in the House and maybe as many as 50, turning the chamber either close to 50/50 or giving Democrats a small advantage and control

In the Senate, Republicans would have gained between 2 to 4 seats, because map

As it stands now, I think Rpublicans win at least 4 seats in the Senate and hold the House with little to no real change in the balance of power

The way districts are drawn is a huge advantage for republicans

and most people are outraged at how this confirmation has gone, people that normally don't pay attention are now tuning in

That will help dems run up big numbers in deep blue areas, but works as an advantage for Republicas in "purple" states and districts, so we probably see a rerun of 2016 with more people voting dem but repubs making gains

I pray you are correct.
Take it FWIW, but Mitch has earned our trust

The clock is started, a vote can be called starting on Tuesday and Mitch WILL call a vote

Just channel your outrage towards getting to the polls and encouraging others to as well

Flake, Collins and others are so weak. They will do what the Dems tell them to do. Flake did just that today.
Flake is a spineless turd.
I was going to say, if he had, you'd see just how misogynistic the left really are, but then I read some of the responses and they proved it out.
We saw that with Sarah Palin. We see that Kellyanne Conway. We see it with Sarah Sanders and how they ridicule her. We see how racist they were about in regards to Allen West.

The fact that they use race for political gain with their monkeys in the media, hollywood and their chimps that post here, only shows that they are the true racists.

Trust me. Blacks are nothing but political tools for them. It is imperative that their cities remain the slums they are. Hence, the reason those democrat run cesspools remain the disgusting shitholes they are.
Take it FWIW, but Mitch has earned our trust

The clock is started, a vote can be called starting on Tuesday and Mitch WILL call a vote

Just channel your outrage towards getting to the polls and encouraging others to as well

Flake, Collins and others are so weak. They will do what the Dems tell them to do. Flake did just that today.
Flake is a spineless turd.
I was going to say, if he had, you'd see just how misogynistic the left really are, but then I read some of the responses and they proved it out.
We saw that with Sarah Palin. We see that Kellyanne Conway. We see it with Sarah Sanders and how they ridicule her. We see how racist they were about in regards to Allen West.

The fact that they use race for political gain with their monkeys in the media, hollywood and their chimps that post here, only shows that they are the true racists.

Trust me. Blacks are nothing but political tools for them. It is imperative that their cities remain the slums they are. Hence, the reason those democrat run cesspools remain the disgusting shitholes they are.

Winner winner.

It’s ok to attack conservative women.

The metoo assholes only care about liberal women because it’s nothing but a political movement.
One more thing, we are also seeing Democrats being burned, once again, with unintended consequences

In addition to republicans owning most state Houses in 2010 and drawing favorable (to them) congressional districts, there has also been a huge issue with the districts because of pressure to draw districts that guarantee blacks in Congress, some of those districts look like a snake winding through a state on the map

That has been one of the biggest reasons that we see such highly partisan representatives, districts are drawn in "bubbles" that are either very red or very blue, moderates in both parties have been squeezed out, but moreso for Democrats

There just aren't enough districts where someone who is in the middle and able to find workable compromises can thrive
The hit job Dem's pulled on Kavanaugh would pale in comparison to their attacks on a woman nominee.

Democrats are superficial. They don’t care about a individual’s background, upbringing, or educational accomplishment. If we are talking about a conservative who is a woman she is instantly uneducated, if the person is African American they are equated to an Uncle Tom, white males only means they are supremacists. It’s the new “acceptable” form of hate speech in mainstream media today.


And where is your link to the factual, unbiased source for this statement?

Because without said information - it is the absolute height of ignorance (and probably hatred) to denote a negative personality trait to tens of millions of people - 99.999% of whom you do not even know.
The hit job Dem's pulled on Kavanaugh would pale in comparison to their attacks on a woman nominee.

Democrats are superficial. They don’t care about a individual’s background, upbringing, or educational accomplishment. If we are talking about a conservative who is a woman she is instantly uneducated, if the person is African American they are equated to an Uncle Tom, white males only means they are supremacists. It’s the new “acceptable” form of hate speech in mainstream media today.


And where is your link to the factual, unbiased source for this statement?

Because without said information - it is the absolute height of ignorance (and probably hatred) to denote a negative personality trait to tens of millions of people - 99.999% of whom you do not even know.

Lib please the left's behavior is on FULL DISPLAY for all to see. :icon_rolleyes:

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