Trump should stop tweeting for a second and supervise coronavirus testing kit readiness

testing kits need to be ready and accessible for everyone. Testing is necessary in order for people to recover.
Yet many people cannot get tested at this time.
IF they have more kits, the numbers of cases will go up, and Trump admitted he likes the number where it is. Jus saying. But I think the admin is now forced into testing. And I think they've got a least 40K kits this am and will have a million by Fri latest.

Well I certainly hope they don't get here too soon. Early detection can lead to a curing of the condition. Hopefully they're delayed for a couple months.

People die from flu viruses every year. Last year the CDC estimated between 12,000 and 30,000 died from influenza. This is media driven hysteria, folks.
The corona virus is our opportunity to control a population explosion why miss a chance?

He had warning months ago.

He should have started back then to get everything ready.

He didn't. All he did was lie through his teeth about the whole thing.

He could have started taking steps to make sure there's multiple sources of test kits. He should have made sure there. was enough beds in hospitals. He should have made sure there was clarity in what the government was telling the people.

He should have been a real leader. He should have been honest. He should have put the nation and our people before himself.

So far at almost every step of this crisis, trump and his incompetent government has failed miserably.

Months ago, nobody really knew the scale at which this was going to spread around the world.

Months ago, when signs started showing it getting out of hand in China he halted travel from there and got criticized for it by the media and opposition party.

Months ago, simply wanting more test kits and hospital beds wasn't going to make them magically appear because you want them. There are only so many that can be manufactured within a given period of time and unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers and suppliers get their supplies from..... wait for it..... CHINA!

As for honesty, he is being honest about it, in my opinion. This is not the huge ordeal the media is making this out to be. Yes, there are vulnerable populations of people such as elderly and people with compromised immune systems, just like they are vulnerable to the flu or any other illness, and precautions should be taken to prevent the spread to those groups as much as possible. However, the hysteria being whipped up by the media, politicians, and irrational, panicky people like you in the general public is largely overblown. You people act like the bubonic plague is sweeping across the world killing tens of millions of people. Spanish influenza killed 50 million 100 years ago. Some estimate that even higher. This isn't even a blip on the radar compared to that. Over 95% of people who catch this will experience cold symptoms at best. Some may exhibit very minor symptoms or none at all.

Lighten up, Francis.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole.

I said nothing of the sort. You're delusional.
He had warning months ago.

He should have started back then to get everything ready.

He didn't. All he did was lie through his teeth about the whole thing.

He could have started taking steps to make sure there's multiple sources of test kits. He should have made sure there. was enough beds in hospitals. He should have made sure there was clarity in what the government was telling the people.

He should have been a real leader. He should have been honest. He should have put the nation and our people before himself.

So far at almost every step of this crisis, trump and his incompetent government has failed miserably.

Months ago, nobody really knew the scale at which this was going to spread around the world.

Months ago, when signs started showing it getting out of hand in China he halted travel from there and got criticized for it by the media and opposition party.

Months ago, simply wanting more test kits and hospital beds wasn't going to make them magically appear because you want them. There are only so many that can be manufactured within a given period of time and unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers and suppliers get their supplies from..... wait for it..... CHINA!

As for honesty, he is being honest about it, in my opinion. This is not the huge ordeal the media is making this out to be. Yes, there are vulnerable populations of people such as elderly and people with compromised immune systems, just like they are vulnerable to the flu or any other illness, and precautions should be taken to prevent the spread to those groups as much as possible. However, the hysteria being whipped up by the media, politicians, and irrational, panicky people like you in the general public is largely overblown. You people act like the bubonic plague is sweeping across the world killing tens of millions of people. Spanish influenza killed 50 million 100 years ago. Some estimate that even higher. This isn't even a blip on the radar compared to that. Over 95% of people who catch this will experience cold symptoms at best. Some may exhibit very minor symptoms or none at all.

Lighten up, Francis.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole, and you farted.

No....but Trump eats puppies!

He had warning months ago.

He should have started back then to get everything ready.

He didn't. All he did was lie through his teeth about the whole thing.

He could have started taking steps to make sure there's multiple sources of test kits. He should have made sure there. was enough beds in hospitals. He should have made sure there was clarity in what the government was telling the people.

He should have been a real leader. He should have been honest. He should have put the nation and our people before himself.

So far at almost every step of this crisis, trump and his incompetent government has failed miserably.

Months ago, nobody really knew the scale at which this was going to spread around the world.

Months ago, when signs started showing it getting out of hand in China he halted travel from there and got criticized for it by the media and opposition party.

Months ago, simply wanting more test kits and hospital beds wasn't going to make them magically appear because you want them. There are only so many that can be manufactured within a given period of time and unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers and suppliers get their supplies from..... wait for it..... CHINA!

As for honesty, he is being honest about it, in my opinion. This is not the huge ordeal the media is making this out to be. Yes, there are vulnerable populations of people such as elderly and people with compromised immune systems, just like they are vulnerable to the flu or any other illness, and precautions should be taken to prevent the spread to those groups as much as possible. However, the hysteria being whipped up by the media, politicians, and irrational, panicky people like you in the general public is largely overblown. You people act like the bubonic plague is sweeping across the world killing tens of millions of people. Spanish influenza killed 50 million 100 years ago. Some estimate that even higher. This isn't even a blip on the radar compared to that. Over 95% of people who catch this will experience cold symptoms at best. Some may exhibit very minor symptoms or none at all.

Lighten up, Francis.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole.

I said nothing of the sort. You're delusional.
then what advantage does a test kit get you?
Of course it would be helpful if we had secure borders that we could prevent people from entering our country in the advent of an even more serious medical emergency...but nah, who needs THAT...right liberals?
He had warning months ago.

He should have started back then to get everything ready.

He didn't. All he did was lie through his teeth about the whole thing.

He could have started taking steps to make sure there's multiple sources of test kits. He should have made sure there. was enough beds in hospitals. He should have made sure there was clarity in what the government was telling the people.

He should have been a real leader. He should have been honest. He should have put the nation and our people before himself.

So far at almost every step of this crisis, trump and his incompetent government has failed miserably.

Months ago, nobody really knew the scale at which this was going to spread around the world.

Months ago, when signs started showing it getting out of hand in China he halted travel from there and got criticized for it by the media and opposition party.

Months ago, simply wanting more test kits and hospital beds wasn't going to make them magically appear because you want them. There are only so many that can be manufactured within a given period of time and unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers and suppliers get their supplies from..... wait for it..... CHINA!

As for honesty, he is being honest about it, in my opinion. This is not the huge ordeal the media is making this out to be. Yes, there are vulnerable populations of people such as elderly and people with compromised immune systems, just like they are vulnerable to the flu or any other illness, and precautions should be taken to prevent the spread to those groups as much as possible. However, the hysteria being whipped up by the media, politicians, and irrational, panicky people like you in the general public is largely overblown. You people act like the bubonic plague is sweeping across the world killing tens of millions of people. Spanish influenza killed 50 million 100 years ago. Some estimate that even higher. This isn't even a blip on the radar compared to that. Over 95% of people who catch this will experience cold symptoms at best. Some may exhibit very minor symptoms or none at all.

Lighten up, Francis.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole, and you farted.

No....but Trump eats puppies!

He had warning months ago.

He should have started back then to get everything ready.

He didn't. All he did was lie through his teeth about the whole thing.

He could have started taking steps to make sure there's multiple sources of test kits. He should have made sure there. was enough beds in hospitals. He should have made sure there was clarity in what the government was telling the people.

He should have been a real leader. He should have been honest. He should have put the nation and our people before himself.

So far at almost every step of this crisis, trump and his incompetent government has failed miserably.

Months ago, nobody really knew the scale at which this was going to spread around the world.

Months ago, when signs started showing it getting out of hand in China he halted travel from there and got criticized for it by the media and opposition party.

Months ago, simply wanting more test kits and hospital beds wasn't going to make them magically appear because you want them. There are only so many that can be manufactured within a given period of time and unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers and suppliers get their supplies from..... wait for it..... CHINA!

As for honesty, he is being honest about it, in my opinion. This is not the huge ordeal the media is making this out to be. Yes, there are vulnerable populations of people such as elderly and people with compromised immune systems, just like they are vulnerable to the flu or any other illness, and precautions should be taken to prevent the spread to those groups as much as possible. However, the hysteria being whipped up by the media, politicians, and irrational, panicky people like you in the general public is largely overblown. You people act like the bubonic plague is sweeping across the world killing tens of millions of people. Spanish influenza killed 50 million 100 years ago. Some estimate that even higher. This isn't even a blip on the radar compared to that. Over 95% of people who catch this will experience cold symptoms at best. Some may exhibit very minor symptoms or none at all.

Lighten up, Francis.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole.

I said nothing of the sort. You're delusional.

Actually the way you're talking about the test kits it's inferred.

Aperson knowing that he has a virus as opposed to not knowing does absolutely nothing for the potential of his or her well-being.

He had warning months ago.

He should have started back then to get everything ready.

He didn't. All he did was lie through his teeth about the whole thing.

He could have started taking steps to make sure there's multiple sources of test kits. He should have made sure there. was enough beds in hospitals. He should have made sure there was clarity in what the government was telling the people.

He should have been a real leader. He should have been honest. He should have put the nation and our people before himself.

So far at almost every step of this crisis, trump and his incompetent government has failed miserably.

Months ago, nobody really knew the scale at which this was going to spread around the world.

Months ago, when signs started showing it getting out of hand in China he halted travel from there and got criticized for it by the media and opposition party.

Months ago, simply wanting more test kits and hospital beds wasn't going to make them magically appear because you want them. There are only so many that can be manufactured within a given period of time and unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers and suppliers get their supplies from..... wait for it..... CHINA!

As for honesty, he is being honest about it, in my opinion. This is not the huge ordeal the media is making this out to be. Yes, there are vulnerable populations of people such as elderly and people with compromised immune systems, just like they are vulnerable to the flu or any other illness, and precautions should be taken to prevent the spread to those groups as much as possible. However, the hysteria being whipped up by the media, politicians, and irrational, panicky people like you in the general public is largely overblown. You people act like the bubonic plague is sweeping across the world killing tens of millions of people. Spanish influenza killed 50 million 100 years ago. Some estimate that even higher. This isn't even a blip on the radar compared to that. Over 95% of people who catch this will experience cold symptoms at best. Some may exhibit very minor symptoms or none at all.

Lighten up, Francis.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole.

I said nothing of the sort. You're delusional.
then what advantage does a test kit get you?

To mitigate spread of a disease, you need to know who has it.

I really don't want to spend all my time today explaining the obvious to you.
He had warning months ago.

He should have started back then to get everything ready.

He didn't. All he did was lie through his teeth about the whole thing.

He could have started taking steps to make sure there's multiple sources of test kits. He should have made sure there. was enough beds in hospitals. He should have made sure there was clarity in what the government was telling the people.

He should have been a real leader. He should have been honest. He should have put the nation and our people before himself.

So far at almost every step of this crisis, trump and his incompetent government has failed miserably.

Months ago, nobody really knew the scale at which this was going to spread around the world.

Months ago, when signs started showing it getting out of hand in China he halted travel from there and got criticized for it by the media and opposition party.

Months ago, simply wanting more test kits and hospital beds wasn't going to make them magically appear because you want them. There are only so many that can be manufactured within a given period of time and unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers and suppliers get their supplies from..... wait for it..... CHINA!

As for honesty, he is being honest about it, in my opinion. This is not the huge ordeal the media is making this out to be. Yes, there are vulnerable populations of people such as elderly and people with compromised immune systems, just like they are vulnerable to the flu or any other illness, and precautions should be taken to prevent the spread to those groups as much as possible. However, the hysteria being whipped up by the media, politicians, and irrational, panicky people like you in the general public is largely overblown. You people act like the bubonic plague is sweeping across the world killing tens of millions of people. Spanish influenza killed 50 million 100 years ago. Some estimate that even higher. This isn't even a blip on the radar compared to that. Over 95% of people who catch this will experience cold symptoms at best. Some may exhibit very minor symptoms or none at all.

Lighten up, Francis.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole, and you farted.

No....but Trump eats puppies!


I'm demonstrating the only reason the left are posting on this thread. They have no interest in the corona virus or the health of the American public.... they're only interested in how they can use it for political gain.

He had warning months ago.

He should have started back then to get everything ready.

He didn't. All he did was lie through his teeth about the whole thing.

He could have started taking steps to make sure there's multiple sources of test kits. He should have made sure there. was enough beds in hospitals. He should have made sure there was clarity in what the government was telling the people.

He should have been a real leader. He should have been honest. He should have put the nation and our people before himself.

So far at almost every step of this crisis, trump and his incompetent government has failed miserably.

Months ago, nobody really knew the scale at which this was going to spread around the world.

Months ago, when signs started showing it getting out of hand in China he halted travel from there and got criticized for it by the media and opposition party.

Months ago, simply wanting more test kits and hospital beds wasn't going to make them magically appear because you want them. There are only so many that can be manufactured within a given period of time and unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers and suppliers get their supplies from..... wait for it..... CHINA!

As for honesty, he is being honest about it, in my opinion. This is not the huge ordeal the media is making this out to be. Yes, there are vulnerable populations of people such as elderly and people with compromised immune systems, just like they are vulnerable to the flu or any other illness, and precautions should be taken to prevent the spread to those groups as much as possible. However, the hysteria being whipped up by the media, politicians, and irrational, panicky people like you in the general public is largely overblown. You people act like the bubonic plague is sweeping across the world killing tens of millions of people. Spanish influenza killed 50 million 100 years ago. Some estimate that even higher. This isn't even a blip on the radar compared to that. Over 95% of people who catch this will experience cold symptoms at best. Some may exhibit very minor symptoms or none at all.

Lighten up, Francis.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole.

I said nothing of the sort. You're delusional.

Actually the way you're talking about the test kits it's inferred.

Aperson knowing that he has a virus as opposed to not knowing does absolutely nothing for the potential of his or her well-being.


That was literally the first thing I said about testing, so there's no rational basis for inferring any such thing outside your own prejudice.

Knowing who had the virus is far more important to the population's well being.
Months ago, nobody really knew the scale at which this was going to spread around the world.

Months ago, when signs started showing it getting out of hand in China he halted travel from there and got criticized for it by the media and opposition party.

Months ago, simply wanting more test kits and hospital beds wasn't going to make them magically appear because you want them. There are only so many that can be manufactured within a given period of time and unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers and suppliers get their supplies from..... wait for it..... CHINA!

As for honesty, he is being honest about it, in my opinion. This is not the huge ordeal the media is making this out to be. Yes, there are vulnerable populations of people such as elderly and people with compromised immune systems, just like they are vulnerable to the flu or any other illness, and precautions should be taken to prevent the spread to those groups as much as possible. However, the hysteria being whipped up by the media, politicians, and irrational, panicky people like you in the general public is largely overblown. You people act like the bubonic plague is sweeping across the world killing tens of millions of people. Spanish influenza killed 50 million 100 years ago. Some estimate that even higher. This isn't even a blip on the radar compared to that. Over 95% of people who catch this will experience cold symptoms at best. Some may exhibit very minor symptoms or none at all.

Lighten up, Francis.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole.

I said nothing of the sort. You're delusional.
then what advantage does a test kit get you?

To mitigate spread of a disease, you need to know who has it.

I really don't want to spend all my time today explaining the obvious to you.

False.... By the time anyone figures out whether or not they have the disease actually it's only a virus.... They have already contacted an exponentially expanding number of people and the curve of decrease after that is so insignificant as to be virtually meaningless.
Months ago, nobody really knew the scale at which this was going to spread around the world.

Months ago, when signs started showing it getting out of hand in China he halted travel from there and got criticized for it by the media and opposition party.

Months ago, simply wanting more test kits and hospital beds wasn't going to make them magically appear because you want them. There are only so many that can be manufactured within a given period of time and unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers and suppliers get their supplies from..... wait for it..... CHINA!

As for honesty, he is being honest about it, in my opinion. This is not the huge ordeal the media is making this out to be. Yes, there are vulnerable populations of people such as elderly and people with compromised immune systems, just like they are vulnerable to the flu or any other illness, and precautions should be taken to prevent the spread to those groups as much as possible. However, the hysteria being whipped up by the media, politicians, and irrational, panicky people like you in the general public is largely overblown. You people act like the bubonic plague is sweeping across the world killing tens of millions of people. Spanish influenza killed 50 million 100 years ago. Some estimate that even higher. This isn't even a blip on the radar compared to that. Over 95% of people who catch this will experience cold symptoms at best. Some may exhibit very minor symptoms or none at all.

Lighten up, Francis.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole, and you farted.

No....but Trump eats puppies!


I'm demonstrating the only reason the left are posting on this thread. They have no interest in the corona virus or the health of the American public.... they're only interested in how they can use it for political gain.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole.

I said nothing of the sort. You're delusional.
then what advantage does a test kit get you?

To mitigate spread of a disease, you need to know who has it.

I really don't want to spend all my time today explaining the obvious to you.

False.... By the time anyone figures out whether or not they have the disease actually it's only a virus.... They have already contacted an exponentially expanding number of people on the curve of decrease after that is so insignificant as to be virtually meaningless.

Please don't pretend you know what you're talking about. This is complete nonsense.
He had warning months ago.

He should have started back then to get everything ready.

He didn't. All he did was lie through his teeth about the whole thing.

He could have started taking steps to make sure there's multiple sources of test kits. He should have made sure there. was enough beds in hospitals. He should have made sure there was clarity in what the government was telling the people.

He should have been a real leader. He should have been honest. He should have put the nation and our people before himself.

So far at almost every step of this crisis, trump and his incompetent government has failed miserably.

Months ago, nobody really knew the scale at which this was going to spread around the world.

Months ago, when signs started showing it getting out of hand in China he halted travel from there and got criticized for it by the media and opposition party.

Months ago, simply wanting more test kits and hospital beds wasn't going to make them magically appear because you want them. There are only so many that can be manufactured within a given period of time and unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers and suppliers get their supplies from..... wait for it..... CHINA!

As for honesty, he is being honest about it, in my opinion. This is not the huge ordeal the media is making this out to be. Yes, there are vulnerable populations of people such as elderly and people with compromised immune systems, just like they are vulnerable to the flu or any other illness, and precautions should be taken to prevent the spread to those groups as much as possible. However, the hysteria being whipped up by the media, politicians, and irrational, panicky people like you in the general public is largely overblown. You people act like the bubonic plague is sweeping across the world killing tens of millions of people. Spanish influenza killed 50 million 100 years ago. Some estimate that even higher. This isn't even a blip on the radar compared to that. Over 95% of people who catch this will experience cold symptoms at best. Some may exhibit very minor symptoms or none at all.

Lighten up, Francis.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole.

I said nothing of the sort. You're delusional.
then what advantage does a test kit get you?
Would you rather know you had it, so you could avoid spreading it, or not know and travel as a modern day typhoid Mary?
Trump was on the corona virus long before the media was ever on it, the media was too busy trying to whip up
public frenzy in the impeachment proceedings. You all want to place blame, lay it on the feet of China. They were
the ones not being forthcoming with the virus.
the main save was the travel restrictions on Jan 31.
And Dimsocialists were calling him a racist for doing it's not enough.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.

I don't know if that's true or not, but regardless, so what? There is no special medicine for the Coronavirus. The one guy here in Vegas who contracted it was being given Ibuprofen to help keep his fever down. That's it. Nothing else. It's a cold. There is nothing you can do to make it go away any faster whether you know you have it or think you just have the common cold.
Of course it would be helpful if we had secure borders that we could prevent people from entering our country in the advent of an even more serious medical emergency...but nah, who needs THAT...right liberals?
Whatever in the world makes you think it came across the southern border, instead of flying in on TWA or some other airline? The idea is ludicrous.
Trump was on the corona virus long before the media was ever on it, the media was too busy trying to whip up
public frenzy in the impeachment proceedings. You all want to place blame, lay it on the feet of China. They were
the ones not being forthcoming with the virus.
the main save was the travel restrictions on Jan 31.
And Dimsocialists were calling him a racist for doing it's not enough.


Dense population centers which are largely blue even in red States are the ones that are most at risk. I say let her rip!!
He had warning months ago.

He should have started back then to get everything ready.

He didn't. All he did was lie through his teeth about the whole thing.

He could have started taking steps to make sure there's multiple sources of test kits. He should have made sure there. was enough beds in hospitals. He should have made sure there was clarity in what the government was telling the people.

He should have been a real leader. He should have been honest. He should have put the nation and our people before himself.

So far at almost every step of this crisis, trump and his incompetent government has failed miserably.

Months ago, nobody really knew the scale at which this was going to spread around the world.

Months ago, when signs started showing it getting out of hand in China he halted travel from there and got criticized for it by the media and opposition party.

Months ago, simply wanting more test kits and hospital beds wasn't going to make them magically appear because you want them. There are only so many that can be manufactured within a given period of time and unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers and suppliers get their supplies from..... wait for it..... CHINA!

As for honesty, he is being honest about it, in my opinion. This is not the huge ordeal the media is making this out to be. Yes, there are vulnerable populations of people such as elderly and people with compromised immune systems, just like they are vulnerable to the flu or any other illness, and precautions should be taken to prevent the spread to those groups as much as possible. However, the hysteria being whipped up by the media, politicians, and irrational, panicky people like you in the general public is largely overblown. You people act like the bubonic plague is sweeping across the world killing tens of millions of people. Spanish influenza killed 50 million 100 years ago. Some estimate that even higher. This isn't even a blip on the radar compared to that. Over 95% of people who catch this will experience cold symptoms at best. Some may exhibit very minor symptoms or none at all.

Lighten up, Francis.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
Is that why they have far more deaths than we do?

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