Trump should stop tweeting for a second and supervise coronavirus testing kit readiness

It's a flu folks. A bad flu but a flu non the less. It's going to kill the elderly and the weak. The flu DOES that! So why is the media attempting to turn this into a bigger threat than EBOLA? Isn't it obvious?

For politics and that's all of it!

testing kits need to be ready and accessible for everyone. Testing is necessary in order for people to recover.
Yet many people cannot get tested at this time.
If President Trump was on site supervising such things, you morons would be screaming he is creating a distraction and just being in the way.

Now, crawl back into your grub hole.

It's almost as if you are saying they would piss and moan no matter what Trump does.
Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.

Yes and it made absolutely no difference in the speed of the contagion moron.
But always remember... Trump eats puppies!


According to who?

Every Lefty I talk to says the same thing.



Yeah, you're clearly just making this up, but I'm willing to give you a chance to reveal the source of your information if it exists.

Does it?

You are my source of information.

Here’s some information then.

Knowing who has a disease is essential to preventing its further spread.

You’d think that’d be obvious but here we are, having to explain the obvious.
Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.

Yes and it made absolutely no difference in the speed of the contagion moron.
But always remember... Trump eats puppies!


According to who?

Every Lefty I talk to says the same thing.



Trump best source of information.
On Saturday Jan. 11 — a month and a half before the first Covid-19 case not linked to travel was diagnosed in the United States — Chinese scientists posted the genome of the mysterious new virus, and within a week virologists in Berlin had produced the first diagnostic test for the disease.

Soon after, researchers in other nations rolled out their own tests, too, sometimes with different genetic targets. By the end of February, the World Health Organization had shipped tests to nearly 60 countries.


The United States was not among them.

Why the United States declined to use the WHO test, even temporarily as a bridge until the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention could produce its own test, remains a perplexing question and the key to the Trump administration’s failure to provide enough tests to identify the coronavirus infections before they could be passed on, according to POLITICO interviews with dozens of viral-disease experts, former officials and some officials within the administration’s health agencies

How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S.

What a crock of shit that article is! Have testing kits in the countries that got them kept the Corona virus from spreading there? Really? Do you REALLY want to make that charge!

It's a rediculous statement based on political desperation!

Remember: Trump eats puppies!

The main stream media had been trying to come up with something that can hurt the economy since Trump took office. It's the one thing that they can't rip him on because people have jobs...are making more money and at the end of the day feel better about their situation than they ever did under Barry! If the economy doesn't go south then there is no way that a progressive is going to be elected. This corona virus is what they've been desperate to find and now they are all in on it...trying to scare people literally to death.
Yes and it made absolutely no difference in the speed of the contagion moron.
But always remember... Trump eats puppies!


According to who?

Every Lefty I talk to says the same thing.



Yeah, you're clearly just making this up, but I'm willing to give you a chance to reveal the source of your information if it exists.

Does it?

You are my source of information.

Here’s some information then.

Knowing who has a disease is essential to preventing its further spread.

You’d think that’d be obvious but here we are, having to explain the obviiis.


Based on the mathematical principal of natural increase and the 14 day incubation of this bug knowing about it does shit to stop it.

The only thing that matters is this:

Trump eats puppies!

Yes and it made absolutely no difference in the speed of the contagion moron.
But always remember... Trump eats puppies!


According to who?

Every Lefty I talk to says the same thing.



Yeah, you're clearly just making this up, but I'm willing to give you a chance to reveal the source of your information if it exists.

Does it?

You are my source of information.

Here’s some information then.

Knowing who has a disease is essential to preventing its further spread.

You’d think that’d be obvious but here we are, having to explain the obvious. you're saying that people knowing they have a virus is going to stop the spread of said virus? Kindly explain why every year millions of people come down with the flu? In your personal experience has the knowledge that a flu is going around EVER kept other people from getting the flu?
According to who?

Every Lefty I talk to says the same thing.



Yeah, you're clearly just making this up, but I'm willing to give you a chance to reveal the source of your information if it exists.

Does it?

You are my source of information.

Here’s some information then.

Knowing who has a disease is essential to preventing its further spread.

You’d think that’d be obvious but here we are, having to explain the obviiis.


Based on the mathematical principal of natural increase and the 14 day incubation of this bug knowing about it does shit to stop it.

The only thing that matters is this:

Trump eats puppies!


What are you basing your statement on?
Of course it would be helpful if we had secure borders that we could prevent people from entering our country in the advent of an even more serious medical emergency...but nah, who needs THAT...right liberals?
Whatever in the world makes you think it came across the southern border, instead of flying in on TWA or some other airline? The idea is ludicrous.

Oh, I'm quite sure it came in numerous point was that if we ever DID want to prevent something from coming in to the country we could do all the "travel bans" in the world and it wouldn't do a thing if our borders are so porous that anyone who wants to come in can.
Try to focus. Yours is a political point about preventing some unknown threat in the future. Covid19 is the threat under discussion right now.
According to who?

Every Lefty I talk to says the same thing.



Yeah, you're clearly just making this up, but I'm willing to give you a chance to reveal the source of your information if it exists.

Does it?

You are my source of information.

Here’s some information then.

Knowing who has a disease is essential to preventing its further spread.

You’d think that’d be obvious but here we are, having to explain the obvious. you're saying that people knowing they have a virus is going to stop the spread of said virus? Kindly explain why every year millions of people come down with the flu? In your personal experience has the knowledge that a flu is going around EVER kept other people from getting the flu?

Because when you know who has the disease, you can quarantine those who have been exposed to that person and mitigate the further spread.

Ted Cruz is in self-quarantine right now because he was exposed to someone with the disease. He wouldn’t have done so without testing.

This should be obvious.
Yes and it made absolutely no difference in the speed of the contagion moron.
But always remember... Trump eats puppies!


According to who?

Every Lefty I talk to says the same thing.



Trump best source of information.
On Saturday Jan. 11 — a month and a half before the first Covid-19 case not linked to travel was diagnosed in the United States — Chinese scientists posted the genome of the mysterious new virus, and within a week virologists in Berlin had produced the first diagnostic test for the disease.

Soon after, researchers in other nations rolled out their own tests, too, sometimes with different genetic targets. By the end of February, the World Health Organization had shipped tests to nearly 60 countries.


The United States was not among them.

Why the United States declined to use the WHO test, even temporarily as a bridge until the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention could produce its own test, remains a perplexing question and the key to the Trump administration’s failure to provide enough tests to identify the coronavirus infections before they could be passed on, according to POLITICO interviews with dozens of viral-disease experts, former officials and some officials within the administration’s health agencies

How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S.

What a crock of shit that article is! Have testing kits in the countries that got them kept the Corona virus from spreading there? Really? Do you REALLY want to make that charge!
When did everyone become some expert on how to stop the spread of infectious diseases?

A life time of dealing with flu epidemics? Answer my question, Colfax? Which country did having "test kits" stop the spread of the flu? In what country has a flu EVER been stopped by test kits? The truth of the matter is that test kits will help doctors treat patients better because they'll know EXACTLY what it is that they're suffering from but claiming that the kits stop the spread of a flu virus is laughable!
Months ago, nobody really knew the scale at which this was going to spread around the world.

Months ago, when signs started showing it getting out of hand in China he halted travel from there and got criticized for it by the media and opposition party.

Months ago, simply wanting more test kits and hospital beds wasn't going to make them magically appear because you want them. There are only so many that can be manufactured within a given period of time and unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers and suppliers get their supplies from..... wait for it..... CHINA!

As for honesty, he is being honest about it, in my opinion. This is not the huge ordeal the media is making this out to be. Yes, there are vulnerable populations of people such as elderly and people with compromised immune systems, just like they are vulnerable to the flu or any other illness, and precautions should be taken to prevent the spread to those groups as much as possible. However, the hysteria being whipped up by the media, politicians, and irrational, panicky people like you in the general public is largely overblown. You people act like the bubonic plague is sweeping across the world killing tens of millions of people. Spanish influenza killed 50 million 100 years ago. Some estimate that even higher. This isn't even a blip on the radar compared to that. Over 95% of people who catch this will experience cold symptoms at best. Some may exhibit very minor symptoms or none at all.

Lighten up, Francis.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole.

I said nothing of the sort. You're delusional.
then what advantage does a test kit get you?

To mitigate spread of a disease, you need to know who has it.

I really don't want to spend all my time today explaining the obvious to you.
so you think they went to everyone's front door and tested every citizen? LOL. how does it mitigate the spread exactly?
Every Lefty I talk to says the same thing.



Yeah, you're clearly just making this up, but I'm willing to give you a chance to reveal the source of your information if it exists.

Does it?

You are my source of information.

Here’s some information then.

Knowing who has a disease is essential to preventing its further spread.

You’d think that’d be obvious but here we are, having to explain the obvious. you're saying that people knowing they have a virus is going to stop the spread of said virus? Kindly explain why every year millions of people come down with the flu? In your personal experience has the knowledge that a flu is going around EVER kept other people from getting the flu?

Because when you know who has the disease, you can quarantine those who have been exposed to that person and mitigate the further spread.

Ted Cruz is in self-quarantine right now because he was exposed to someone with the disease. He wouldn’t have done so without testing.

This should be obvious.

How does that differ from what we ALWAYS do when it comes to flu epidemics. You come down with the stay home from work and try to avoid contact with friends and family. How does a test kit help in any way? You know you've got the flu. You don't need to be a doctor to know that.
Months ago, nobody really knew the scale at which this was going to spread around the world.

Months ago, when signs started showing it getting out of hand in China he halted travel from there and got criticized for it by the media and opposition party.

Months ago, simply wanting more test kits and hospital beds wasn't going to make them magically appear because you want them. There are only so many that can be manufactured within a given period of time and unfortunately, a lot of manufacturers and suppliers get their supplies from..... wait for it..... CHINA!

As for honesty, he is being honest about it, in my opinion. This is not the huge ordeal the media is making this out to be. Yes, there are vulnerable populations of people such as elderly and people with compromised immune systems, just like they are vulnerable to the flu or any other illness, and precautions should be taken to prevent the spread to those groups as much as possible. However, the hysteria being whipped up by the media, politicians, and irrational, panicky people like you in the general public is largely overblown. You people act like the bubonic plague is sweeping across the world killing tens of millions of people. Spanish influenza killed 50 million 100 years ago. Some estimate that even higher. This isn't even a blip on the radar compared to that. Over 95% of people who catch this will experience cold symptoms at best. Some may exhibit very minor symptoms or none at all.

Lighten up, Francis.

Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole.

I said nothing of the sort. You're delusional.
then what advantage does a test kit get you?
Would you rather know you had it, so you could avoid spreading it, or not know and travel as a modern day typhoid Mary?
If I have a cold or a cough, I quarantine myself from others. I stay at home. you all are fking nuts.

I also avoid those who have colds and coughs. What, do you go give a person the tongue when you see a sick person? you're fking nuts.
Trump Plays Golf While Coronavirus Cases Surge

People die from flu viruses every year. Last year the CDC estimated between 12,000 and 30,000 died from influenza. This is media driven hysteria, folks.
people die in auto accidents. do we stop driving? I mean the insanity that is this fking useless MSM panic is amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing!!!!!

Hey people die who take public transportation!! hly fk stay home.
Other countries got their act together and had far more accessibility to testing than our country.

Stupid socialized medicine.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole.

I said nothing of the sort. You're delusional.
then what advantage does a test kit get you?

To mitigate spread of a disease, you need to know who has it.

I really don't want to spend all my time today explaining the obvious to you.
so you think they went to everyone's front door and tested every citizen? LOL. how does it mitigate the spread exactly?

South Korea is using fast food-style drive-thrus to test for coronavirus
Of course it would be helpful if we had secure borders that we could prevent people from entering our country in the advent of an even more serious medical emergency...but nah, who needs THAT...right liberals?
Whatever in the world makes you think it came across the southern border, instead of flying in on TWA or some other airline? The idea is ludicrous.

Oh, I'm quite sure it came in numerous point was that if we ever DID want to prevent something from coming in to the country we could do all the "travel bans" in the world and it wouldn't do a thing if our borders are so porous that anyone who wants to come in can.
Try to focus. Yours is a political point about preventing some unknown threat in the future. Covid19 is the threat under discussion right now.

Covid 19 is a flu. We get hundreds of strains of flu all over the world each and every year. Is this a particularly bad strain of flu? Yes, it is. Does that mean we can prevent it from spreading with test kits? No. That's just horseshit and you know it. If that did work we'd have used it for other bad strains of flu.
testing kits need to be ready and accessible for everyone. Testing is necessary in order for people to recover.
Yet many people cannot get tested at this time.
No, Don, who focked Stormy without a condom, should not be allowed anywhere near this, you're better off writing Pence for corona virus prayer beads.
another stupid fk that thinks that test kits is a cure kit. too fking funny. ever hear of thing called a doctor? BTW, there currently is no cure vaccine. bet you didn't know that did you? There is one that is in testing in the US, but you wouldn't know that cause your news comes from your asshole.

I said nothing of the sort. You're delusional.
then what advantage does a test kit get you?

To mitigate spread of a disease, you need to know who has it.

I really don't want to spend all my time today explaining the obvious to you.
so you think they went to everyone's front door and tested every citizen? LOL. how does it mitigate the spread exactly?

South Korea is using fast food-style drive-thrus to test for coronavirus
not sure what that represents. any fking body could do that, that's just fking nuts. especially here where 1.7 per million get the virus to date. too fking funny. ewwwwwww watch out

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