Trump should stop tweeting for a second and supervise coronavirus testing kit readiness

How does that differ from what we ALWAYS do when it comes to flu epidemics. You come down with the stay home from work and try to avoid contact with friends and family. How does a test kit help in any way? You know you've got the flu. You don't need to be a doctor to know that.
Initally, if we'd been able to isolate original cases, we might have been able to contain it. Probably not, imo. But because with the "normal" flu, we have roughly half the population vaccinated, it won't spread as "well."

At this point, you're probably right that the general population will get what it will get. But we're not even testing the docs and nurses and cops and firefighters. If we identied the positive caregivers, they could be isolated until they get well. Now we most likely have infected people checking on people who may not yet be infected.

But the proof in the pudding will be if we end up with 30k-60k seriously ill people, in addition to all the people in nursing homes and hosptials, will we have the caregivers healthy? And would testing have protected the critical workers? We'll see.

With all due respect, Ben...have we EVER been able "contain" any strain of influenza? I think you know the answer to that. So what are we talking about here when we complain about a lack of "kits" for this strain? You're always going to have people spreading flu that may not know that they have the flue. It's the nature of the beast.
This isn’t influenza. This is a novel strain of Coronavirus with a more aggressive pathogenicity.

We can track it and cut it off before it becomes widespread in the community, but only if we can identify cases first.

Influenza is the general term used to describe strains of virus. The Coronavirus is simply one more strain of flu. More virulent than others perhaps but probably not as virulent as say the Swine flu was years back.
well it appears it doesn't attack kids. strange huh?

Every year the flu kills tens of thousands of people. Most of them are elderly or have other health issues that have compromised their immune systems.
This one is more serious than most of the flu strains we have had, and most of those have been around long enough to have establish vaccines and treatment. This one has not, and has a much higher death rate. True, some forms of flu have been around a long time, killing a lot of people, and I a glad I have been vaccinated (by order of the government most of the time) since I was 20. I'm no virologist and not really an alarmist. I am just hoping I can avoid personally contracting it until more certain treatment and possibly a effect vaccine can be developed and distributed, probably sometime next year. Minimize the threat by comparing to flues we have seen, and more effectively treated is societal self defeating.

You do realize that flu vaccines only inoculate you against a small number strains...and that there are literally hundreds of different strains of flu present at any time around the world? If you live in an area that is visited by people from other areas then you're still potentially going to be exposed to flu that you have no protection from.
now oldstyle, why did you try and smarten up that fk?

I live and work in Florida. I come in contact with people from all around the country...and all around the globe. I don't get a flu vaccine because to be blunt it's not worth the bother. Some years I get sick. Most years I get lucky and it misses me. I'm not changing my way of living though. To do so would be akin to never leaving your house because you're worried a bolt of lightning might kill you. It happens. You can't make it not happen.

You really think the flu vaccine isn't worth the bother?

If it protects me from a dozen strains of flu but not from a hundred others and I live in an area that has visitors from other places with other strains of flu? No...I don't think it's worth the bother.

Not all strains are equivalent, either in prevalence or virulence. A flu vaccine will reduce your risk of getting flu by around 50%. That seems worth it to me.

All I can say is that if everyone believed the same as you, the burden of influenza would be far greater than it needs to be.
Initally, if we'd been able to isolate original cases, we might have been able to contain it. Probably not, imo. But because with the "normal" flu, we have roughly half the population vaccinated, it won't spread as "well."

At this point, you're probably right that the general population will get what it will get. But we're not even testing the docs and nurses and cops and firefighters. If we identied the positive caregivers, they could be isolated until they get well. Now we most likely have infected people checking on people who may not yet be infected.

But the proof in the pudding will be if we end up with 30k-60k seriously ill people, in addition to all the people in nursing homes and hosptials, will we have the caregivers healthy? And would testing have protected the critical workers? We'll see.

With all due respect, Ben...have we EVER been able "contain" any strain of influenza? I think you know the answer to that. So what are we talking about here when we complain about a lack of "kits" for this strain? You're always going to have people spreading flu that may not know that they have the flue. It's the nature of the beast.
This isn’t influenza. This is a novel strain of Coronavirus with a more aggressive pathogenicity.

We can track it and cut it off before it becomes widespread in the community, but only if we can identify cases first.

Influenza is the general term used to describe strains of virus. The Coronavirus is simply one more strain of flu. More virulent than others perhaps but probably not as virulent as say the Swine flu was years back.
well it appears it doesn't attack kids. strange huh?

Every year the flu kills tens of thousands of people. Most of them are elderly or have other health issues that have compromised their immune systems.
every year. for thousands of years.
Initally, if we'd been able to isolate original cases, we might have been able to contain it. Probably not, imo. But because with the "normal" flu, we have roughly half the population vaccinated, it won't spread as "well."

At this point, you're probably right that the general population will get what it will get. But we're not even testing the docs and nurses and cops and firefighters. If we identied the positive caregivers, they could be isolated until they get well. Now we most likely have infected people checking on people who may not yet be infected.

But the proof in the pudding will be if we end up with 30k-60k seriously ill people, in addition to all the people in nursing homes and hosptials, will we have the caregivers healthy? And would testing have protected the critical workers? We'll see.

With all due respect, Ben...have we EVER been able "contain" any strain of influenza? I think you know the answer to that. So what are we talking about here when we complain about a lack of "kits" for this strain? You're always going to have people spreading flu that may not know that they have the flue. It's the nature of the beast.
This isn’t influenza. This is a novel strain of Coronavirus with a more aggressive pathogenicity.

We can track it and cut it off before it becomes widespread in the community, but only if we can identify cases first.

Influenza is the general term used to describe strains of virus. The Coronavirus is simply one more strain of flu. More virulent than others perhaps but probably not as virulent as say the Swine flu was years back.

No, it isn't one strain of flu. Influenza is a family of viruses, coronavirus is another.

I just said Influenza is the general term for viruses. Corona virus is one more in that family.

I know that's what you just said. The problem is it's false.
With all due respect, Ben...have we EVER been able "contain" any strain of influenza? I think you know the answer to that. So what are we talking about here when we complain about a lack of "kits" for this strain? You're always going to have people spreading flu that may not know that they have the flue. It's the nature of the beast.
This isn’t influenza. This is a novel strain of Coronavirus with a more aggressive pathogenicity.

We can track it and cut it off before it becomes widespread in the community, but only if we can identify cases first.

Influenza is the general term used to describe strains of virus. The Coronavirus is simply one more strain of flu. More virulent than others perhaps but probably not as virulent as say the Swine flu was years back.

No, it isn't one strain of flu. Influenza is a family of viruses, coronavirus is another.

I just said Influenza is the general term for viruses. Corona virus is one more in that family.

I know that's what you just said. The problem is it's false.
how so? virus is a virus.
With all due respect, Ben...have we EVER been able "contain" any strain of influenza? I think you know the answer to that. So what are we talking about here when we complain about a lack of "kits" for this strain? You're always going to have people spreading flu that may not know that they have the flue. It's the nature of the beast.
This isn’t influenza. This is a novel strain of Coronavirus with a more aggressive pathogenicity.

We can track it and cut it off before it becomes widespread in the community, but only if we can identify cases first.

Influenza is the general term used to describe strains of virus. The Coronavirus is simply one more strain of flu. More virulent than others perhaps but probably not as virulent as say the Swine flu was years back.

No, it isn't one strain of flu. Influenza is a family of viruses, coronavirus is another.

I just said Influenza is the general term for viruses. Corona virus is one more in that family.

I know that's what you just said. The problem is it's false.
Initally, if we'd been able to isolate original cases, we might have been able to contain it. Probably not, imo. But because with the "normal" flu, we have roughly half the population vaccinated, it won't spread as "well."

At this point, you're probably right that the general population will get what it will get. But we're not even testing the docs and nurses and cops and firefighters. If we identied the positive caregivers, they could be isolated until they get well. Now we most likely have infected people checking on people who may not yet be infected.

But the proof in the pudding will be if we end up with 30k-60k seriously ill people, in addition to all the people in nursing homes and hosptials, will we have the caregivers healthy? And would testing have protected the critical workers? We'll see.

With all due respect, Ben...have we EVER been able "contain" any strain of influenza? I think you know the answer to that. So what are we talking about here when we complain about a lack of "kits" for this strain? You're always going to have people spreading flu that may not know that they have the flue. It's the nature of the beast.
This isn’t influenza. This is a novel strain of Coronavirus with a more aggressive pathogenicity.

We can track it and cut it off before it becomes widespread in the community, but only if we can identify cases first.

Influenza is the general term used to describe strains of virus. The Coronavirus is simply one more strain of flu. More virulent than others perhaps but probably not as virulent as say the Swine flu was years back.
well it appears it doesn't attack kids. strange huh?

Every year the flu kills tens of thousands of people. Most of them are elderly or have other health issues that have compromised their immune systems.
they are susceptible because they are fking old. I'm unaware of anyone who was healthy dying.
This isn’t influenza. This is a novel strain of Coronavirus with a more aggressive pathogenicity.

We can track it and cut it off before it becomes widespread in the community, but only if we can identify cases first.

Influenza is the general term used to describe strains of virus. The Coronavirus is simply one more strain of flu. More virulent than others perhaps but probably not as virulent as say the Swine flu was years back.

No, it isn't one strain of flu. Influenza is a family of viruses, coronavirus is another.

I just said Influenza is the general term for viruses. Corona virus is one more in that family.

I know that's what you just said. The problem is it's false.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu

Did you read that, Ben? Come on...the Corona virus is just one strain of virus in the influenza family. Don't try to make it something completely's not! It's just a particularly nasty strain.
With all due respect, Ben...have we EVER been able "contain" any strain of influenza? I think you know the answer to that. So what are we talking about here when we complain about a lack of "kits" for this strain? You're always going to have people spreading flu that may not know that they have the flue. It's the nature of the beast.
This isn’t influenza. This is a novel strain of Coronavirus with a more aggressive pathogenicity.

We can track it and cut it off before it becomes widespread in the community, but only if we can identify cases first.

Influenza is the general term used to describe strains of virus. The Coronavirus is simply one more strain of flu. More virulent than others perhaps but probably not as virulent as say the Swine flu was years back.

No, it isn't one strain of flu. Influenza is a family of viruses, coronavirus is another.

I just said Influenza is the general term for viruses. Corona virus is one more in that family.

I know that's what you just said. The problem is it's false.

The Corona virus isn't a virus? LOL
This isn’t influenza. This is a novel strain of Coronavirus with a more aggressive pathogenicity.

We can track it and cut it off before it becomes widespread in the community, but only if we can identify cases first.

Influenza is the general term used to describe strains of virus. The Coronavirus is simply one more strain of flu. More virulent than others perhaps but probably not as virulent as say the Swine flu was years back.

No, it isn't one strain of flu. Influenza is a family of viruses, coronavirus is another.

I just said Influenza is the general term for viruses. Corona virus is one more in that family.

I know that's what you just said. The problem is it's false.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu
LOL, what a bunch of fking double speaking there. The funny thing in that link was this:

COVID-19: Approximately 3,653 deaths reported worldwide; 17 deaths in the U.S., as of Mar. 8, 2020.

Flu: 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide; 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year.

The COVID-19 situation is changing rapidly. Since this disease is caused by a new virus, people do not have immunity to it, and a vaccine may be many months away. Doctors and scientists are working on estimating the mortality rate of COVID-19, but at present, it is thought to be higher than that of most strains of the flu.

What would you be more afraid of? something that has a vaccine or the other. can't make this up. bigly panic mode. pay no fking attention at the 61,000 number, be in fear of that 17 number. that's the evil bastard.
This isn’t influenza. This is a novel strain of Coronavirus with a more aggressive pathogenicity.

We can track it and cut it off before it becomes widespread in the community, but only if we can identify cases first.

Influenza is the general term used to describe strains of virus. The Coronavirus is simply one more strain of flu. More virulent than others perhaps but probably not as virulent as say the Swine flu was years back.

No, it isn't one strain of flu. Influenza is a family of viruses, coronavirus is another.

I just said Influenza is the general term for viruses. Corona virus is one more in that family.

I know that's what you just said. The problem is it's false.

The Corona virus isn't a virus? LOL

Influenza isn’t a general term for viruses, silly.
Influenza is the general term used to describe strains of virus. The Coronavirus is simply one more strain of flu. More virulent than others perhaps but probably not as virulent as say the Swine flu was years back.

No, it isn't one strain of flu. Influenza is a family of viruses, coronavirus is another.

I just said Influenza is the general term for viruses. Corona virus is one more in that family.

I know that's what you just said. The problem is it's false.

The Corona virus isn't a virus? LOL

Influenza isn’t a general term for viruses, silly.
did you read the article? says similar. how many times? every section. see a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, swims like a duck.
Influenza is the general term used to describe strains of virus. The Coronavirus is simply one more strain of flu. More virulent than others perhaps but probably not as virulent as say the Swine flu was years back.

No, it isn't one strain of flu. Influenza is a family of viruses, coronavirus is another.

I just said Influenza is the general term for viruses. Corona virus is one more in that family.

I know that's what you just said. The problem is it's false.

The Corona virus isn't a virus? LOL

Influenza isn’t a general term for viruses, silly.

"What is Influenza (Flu)?
Flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs."

Are you trying to prove how ignorant you are on this topic, Colfax?
Covid 19 is a flu. We get hundreds of strains of flu all over the world each and every year. Is this a particularly bad strain of flu? Yes, it is. Does that mean we can prevent it from spreading with test kits? No. That's just horseshit and you know it. If that did work we'd have used it for other bad strains of flu.
This one is more serious than most of the flu strains we have had, and most of those have been around long enough to have establish vaccines and treatment. This one has not, and has a much higher death rate. True, some forms of flu have been around a long time, killing a lot of people, and I a glad I have been vaccinated (by order of the government most of the time) since I was 20. I'm no virologist and not really an alarmist. I am just hoping I can avoid personally contracting it until more certain treatment and possibly a effect vaccine can be developed and distributed, probably sometime next year. Minimize the threat by comparing to flues we have seen, and more effectively treated is societal self defeating.

You do realize that flu vaccines only inoculate you against a small number strains...and that there are literally hundreds of different strains of flu present at any time around the world? If you live in an area that is visited by people from other areas then you're still potentially going to be exposed to flu that you have no protection from.
now oldstyle, why did you try and smarten up that fk?

I live and work in Florida. I come in contact with people from all around the country...and all around the globe. I don't get a flu vaccine because to be blunt it's not worth the bother. Some years I get sick. Most years I get lucky and it misses me. I'm not changing my way of living though. To do so would be akin to never leaving your house because you're worried a bolt of lightning might kill you. It happens. You can't make it not happen.

You really think the flu vaccine isn't worth the bother?
Starting at the age of 20/21 the Army stuck everything in my arm you can think of, many that i had already had. When I had to go overseas, they vaccinated against crap you never dreamed of. No ill effects for more than a few hours to a day. I have been extremely healthy. Healthier than in my highschool days. If I get a touch of flu (and I have) it's always very mild. I believe in vaccinations. All my kids were routinely vaccinated and all very healthy. My son had much the same as I or more vaccinations when he was assigned overseas duty in Afghanistan. No ill effects. Very healthy. Well aware that some people have problems with some vaccines. Not the case in my family. We just get the benefits. Good luck to you and yours.
Influenza is the general term used to describe strains of virus. The Coronavirus is simply one more strain of flu. More virulent than others perhaps but probably not as virulent as say the Swine flu was years back.

No, it isn't one strain of flu. Influenza is a family of viruses, coronavirus is another.

I just said Influenza is the general term for viruses. Corona virus is one more in that family.

I know that's what you just said. The problem is it's false.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu

Did you read that, Ben? Come on...the Corona virus is just one strain of virus in the influenza family. Don't try to make it something completely's not! It's just a particularly nasty strain.
Well HIV is a virus too, and that doesn't make it directly related to influenza. It seems to me you are saying a virus is a virus. And to that extent I have to agree with Colfax.

But more importantly, if our executive branch controlled public health system had not fucked up our ability to test and locate areas of most infections, we could have mitigated the transmission … at least that's what I'm reading from Fauci and Hotez. And yeah something like 20-60K fragile people die each year to the flu/influenza strains. Some of them still had quality of life. If coronavirus kills another 30-60K this year, I don't imagine influenza will be comforting to their families.

We'll be having investigations into what went wrong, and Trump will try to silence people with threats to careers and claims of exec privilege iledge. And so too would a dem, I suppose. And I suppose some would say Obama and benghzi stretched executive privilege. But imo, public health is more important a job than an embassy
Soooo why is it that I have heard CDC had a vaccine in 3 hours, Israel is days away from making one, and yet there isn’t one and it may be months before we have a vaccine? Do we have a vaccine and if not, when will we? Seems like all these conflicting articles do is arouse panic and do nothing to give us usable information. I think the media is the real enemy because it looks like Trump is working hard to overcome the virus and keep order, and the news media wants to complain that he hasn’t done it yet- almost like he is the wave of a magic wand away from eradicating this thing!

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Got a medical question? Ask Dr. Trump!

Dr. Donald J. Trump, of course, is the pioneering scientist who first determined that climate change is a hoax and, more recently, discovered that windmills cause cancer. In between, he proved that forest fires could be contained by “raking” and identified a previously unrecognized tropical cyclone pattern targeting Alabama.

Dr. Trump acquired what he calls “a natural instinct for science” not through formal education but because “my uncle was a great professor at MIT for many years.” Sadly, the elder Trump didn’t live to see his nephew’s greatest discoveries in the medical field: The flu shot is basically “injecting bad stuff into your body” and exercise can shorten your life. Dr. Trump used his instinctive grasp of medicine to become “the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency” with an innate life expectancy of 200 years.

No, it isn't one strain of flu. Influenza is a family of viruses, coronavirus is another.

I just said Influenza is the general term for viruses. Corona virus is one more in that family.

I know that's what you just said. The problem is it's false.

The Corona virus isn't a virus? LOL

Influenza isn’t a general term for viruses, silly.

"What is Influenza (Flu)?
Flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and sometimes the lungs."

Are you trying to prove how ignorant you are on this topic, Colfax?

This is getting comical.

Influenza is a specific group of viruses with common traits and genetics. Coronavirus is an entirely different family of viruses.
Soooo why is it that I have heard CDC had a vaccine in 3 hours, Israel is days away from making one, and yet there isn’t one and it may be months before we have a vaccine? Do we have a vaccine and if not, when will we? Seems like all these conflicting articles do is arouse panic and do nothing to give us usable information. I think the media is the real enemy because it looks like Trump is working hard to overcome the virus and keep order, and the news media wants to complain that he hasn’t done it yet- almost like he is the wave of a magic wand away from eradicating this thing!

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ever hear of the FDA?

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