Trump should stop tweeting for a second and supervise coronavirus testing kit readiness

Brilliant. Be sure to tell the idiots at the CDC your fascinating insights. I’m sure they can hardly wait to hear them.
I will, give me their number. fk dude, give me a youtube channel or the national news, I'll tell them all they all have lost every marble from their heads.

I love it when people think they’re so much smarter than everyone else. Hilarious.
the irony yet again. I'm not smarter than anyone else, I use logical thought, when I see numbers where 18,000 people died from the flu in the US, and 22 have died from the virus, my fear is directed at the flu numbers, not the virus. Sorry, it's how logical folks think, you have a phobia about the virus. That's on you, not me.

You don't have to chose whether you combat Covid 19 or the flu that's a false dilemma.

You definitely aren't smarter than anyone else. Your logic could use some work though.
I'm not combating anything. I don't get flu shots, useless, you can still get the flu. I bet they never told you that did they?

Pretty weird logic. If the vaccine doesn't prevent every infection, then don't bother? Sounds like nonsense to me.
testing kits need to be ready and accessible for everyone. Testing is necessary in order for people to recover.
Yet many people cannot get tested at this time.
And you should stop posting long enough to stop climate change know...its your job?
Just curious why you made the comment. Did you expect the POTUS to go work in a Coronavirus test kit manufacturing facility? Considering that Trump’s efforts have been overtly lauded by many in the medical community for their proactive effectiveness, don’t you think some other countries should throw their effort behind this? It is not a uniquely American problem. Israel seems to be making good headway.
Maybe Trump has to tweet because the media isn’t doing its job and he feels it is more effective for him to get the message to those who can help fight this and keep disinformers on their toes. Seems like he is doing a fine job by delegating much of the response to Pence.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

He had warning months ago.

He should have started back then to get everything ready.

He didn't. All he did was lie through his teeth about the whole thing.

He could have started taking steps to make sure there's multiple sources of test kits. He should have made sure there was enough beds in hospitals. He should have made sure that the rules for those who get the tests shouldn't have been only those who traveled abroad. He should have made sure there was clarity in what the government was telling the people.

He should have been a real leader. He should have been honest. He should have put the nation and our people before himself.

So far at almost every step of this crisis, trump and his incompetent government has failed miserably.
nonsense as usual. fact 1.7 per 1 million people in this country. what's your town, about 100k? so you're lucky if anyone has it. and you're spreading fear. how fking white of you.

Spreading fear is what your corporate state media machine is for. Look how easily they sell endless bogus illegal unconstitutional wars based upon lies to the people.

You're replying to a person who doesn't deal with reality.

The reality is that I live at America's ground zero for this virus.

I live in the largest city in my state. There isn't a city larger than where I live unless you travel over a thousand miles south to San Francisco.

I live 10 miles away from the nursing home that has had something like 10 people die from the virus.

There are reports that my state will become the Wuhan Province of America by April.

Unlike the person you replied to I know how highly contagious the virus is and that the old and young and those who are in bad health are those who will die from this.

Unlike the person you replied to, I actually care about total strangers and about all my fellow human beings.

Obviously the person you replied to doesn't.
so you're not going out? too fking funny. the boogie man will get you. A logical person would ask how the fk old folks who don't go anywhere got the virus? Maybe, they didn't have the virus at all. Did you ever think of that? if they can't tell you how they got it, how do you know they got it? you'll believe anything someone tells you. I go out to all my restaurants, because I have more risk to the flu than that virus you're afraid of.
I will, give me their number. fk dude, give me a youtube channel or the national news, I'll tell them all they all have lost every marble from their heads.

I love it when people think they’re so much smarter than everyone else. Hilarious.
the irony yet again. I'm not smarter than anyone else, I use logical thought, when I see numbers where 18,000 people died from the flu in the US, and 22 have died from the virus, my fear is directed at the flu numbers, not the virus. Sorry, it's how logical folks think, you have a phobia about the virus. That's on you, not me.

You don't have to chose whether you combat Covid 19 or the flu that's a false dilemma.

You definitely aren't smarter than anyone else. Your logic could use some work though.
I'm not combating anything. I don't get flu shots, useless, you can still get the flu. I bet they never told you that did they?

Pretty weird logic. If the vaccine doesn't prevent every infection, then don't bother? Sounds like nonsense to me.
you stood more risk getting the shot from the location you got the shot from than me. I didn't go where sick people might be. but you believe anything you're told.
Can we just state the obvious? A lot of Trump supporters here care much less about the virus then they do the stock market.
18,000 people died due to the flu, so you don't care about those people with that kind of thinking. how's that? the entire 22 who died to your virus fearmongering, are all old fks that had illnesses. No kids. stick to the fact you lazy fk.

Who said I don’t care? There’s an annual push to get vaccinated (I do every year and recommend everyone else do so who can). We also test patients for influenza. A lot.
do you know you still can get a different strain flu virus? even though you got some other strain? do you live life differently knowing that? are you living life differently because 22 people died in the US cause of the corona virus?

Yes, I knew all that. I have not personally made any changes, I don't need to at this time. There's been only a couple of confirmed cases in my state and they're being quarantined as a result. That's how public health operates. Once you identify cases, you can identify who is exposed, quarantine, and manage the spread. This is quite basic. We can prevent this from being a bigger issue than it otherwise would be.
did you get a test kit?
testing kits need to be ready and accessible for everyone. Testing is necessary in order for people to recover.
Yet many people cannot get tested at this time.
liberals are yelling at people who are working fast as they can to produce the virus test kits
but what do those kits do exactly? how is a fking useless test kit solving anything? unless 300 million people get tested, it's useless. What's the odds of that happening? did you get tested for flu? why? not feeling ill? BTW, there is no test kit for the flu. and the flu is a virus.
I love it when people think they’re so much smarter than everyone else. Hilarious.
the irony yet again. I'm not smarter than anyone else, I use logical thought, when I see numbers where 18,000 people died from the flu in the US, and 22 have died from the virus, my fear is directed at the flu numbers, not the virus. Sorry, it's how logical folks think, you have a phobia about the virus. That's on you, not me.

You don't have to chose whether you combat Covid 19 or the flu that's a false dilemma.

You definitely aren't smarter than anyone else. Your logic could use some work though.
I'm not combating anything. I don't get flu shots, useless, you can still get the flu. I bet they never told you that did they?

Pretty weird logic. If the vaccine doesn't prevent every infection, then don't bother? Sounds like nonsense to me.
you stood more risk getting the shot from the location you got the shot from than me. I didn't go where sick people might be. but you believe anything you're told.

You don't go where sick people might be?

I didn't realize you were homebound.
the irony yet again. I'm not smarter than anyone else, I use logical thought, when I see numbers where 18,000 people died from the flu in the US, and 22 have died from the virus, my fear is directed at the flu numbers, not the virus. Sorry, it's how logical folks think, you have a phobia about the virus. That's on you, not me.

You don't have to chose whether you combat Covid 19 or the flu that's a false dilemma.

You definitely aren't smarter than anyone else. Your logic could use some work though.
I'm not combating anything. I don't get flu shots, useless, you can still get the flu. I bet they never told you that did they?

Pretty weird logic. If the vaccine doesn't prevent every infection, then don't bother? Sounds like nonsense to me.
you stood more risk getting the shot from the location you got the shot from than me. I didn't go where sick people might be. but you believe anything you're told.

You don't go where sick people might be?

I didn't realize you were homebound.
why's that? cause I use logic and know that sick people go where vaccines are? I frequent any place I want. you? aren't you scared cause two people got it? you have no fking idea where they were when they got it? all the phobia unkowns must drive you fking nuts.
Can we just state the obvious? A lot of Trump supporters here care much less about the virus then they do the stock market.
18,000 people died due to the flu, so you don't care about those people with that kind of thinking. how's that? the entire 22 who died to your virus fearmongering, are all old fks that had illnesses. No kids. stick to the fact you lazy fk.

Who said I don’t care? There’s an annual push to get vaccinated (I do every year and recommend everyone else do so who can). We also test patients for influenza. A lot.
do you know you still can get a different strain flu virus? even though you got some other strain? do you live life differently knowing that? are you living life differently because 22 people died in the US cause of the corona virus?

Yes, I knew all that. I have not personally made any changes, I don't need to at this time. There's been only a couple of confirmed cases in my state and they're being quarantined as a result. That's how public health operates. Once you identify cases, you can identify who is exposed, quarantine, and manage the spread. This is quite basic. We can prevent this from being a bigger issue than it otherwise would be.
did you get a test kit?
Why would I? I have no symptoms and no known exposures.
You don't have to chose whether you combat Covid 19 or the flu that's a false dilemma.

You definitely aren't smarter than anyone else. Your logic could use some work though.
I'm not combating anything. I don't get flu shots, useless, you can still get the flu. I bet they never told you that did they?

Pretty weird logic. If the vaccine doesn't prevent every infection, then don't bother? Sounds like nonsense to me.
you stood more risk getting the shot from the location you got the shot from than me. I didn't go where sick people might be. but you believe anything you're told.

You don't go where sick people might be?

I didn't realize you were homebound.
why's that?

18,000 people died due to the flu, so you don't care about those people with that kind of thinking. how's that? the entire 22 who died to your virus fearmongering, are all old fks that had illnesses. No kids. stick to the fact you lazy fk.

Who said I don’t care? There’s an annual push to get vaccinated (I do every year and recommend everyone else do so who can). We also test patients for influenza. A lot.
do you know you still can get a different strain flu virus? even though you got some other strain? do you live life differently knowing that? are you living life differently because 22 people died in the US cause of the corona virus?

Yes, I knew all that. I have not personally made any changes, I don't need to at this time. There's been only a couple of confirmed cases in my state and they're being quarantined as a result. That's how public health operates. Once you identify cases, you can identify who is exposed, quarantine, and manage the spread. This is quite basic. We can prevent this from being a bigger issue than it otherwise would be.
did you get a test kit?
Why would I? I have no symptoms and no known exposures.
then why would we need more than 560 kits?
I'm not combating anything. I don't get flu shots, useless, you can still get the flu. I bet they never told you that did they?

Pretty weird logic. If the vaccine doesn't prevent every infection, then don't bother? Sounds like nonsense to me.
you stood more risk getting the shot from the location you got the shot from than me. I didn't go where sick people might be. but you believe anything you're told.

You don't go where sick people might be?

I didn't realize you were homebound.
why's that?

Pretty weird logic. If the vaccine doesn't prevent every infection, then don't bother? Sounds like nonsense to me.
you stood more risk getting the shot from the location you got the shot from than me. I didn't go where sick people might be. but you believe anything you're told.

You don't go where sick people might be?

I didn't realize you were homebound.
why's that?


You don't go where sick people might be, so I assume that means you just stay inside your house at all times.
Who said I don’t care? There’s an annual push to get vaccinated (I do every year and recommend everyone else do so who can). We also test patients for influenza. A lot.
do you know you still can get a different strain flu virus? even though you got some other strain? do you live life differently knowing that? are you living life differently because 22 people died in the US cause of the corona virus?

Yes, I knew all that. I have not personally made any changes, I don't need to at this time. There's been only a couple of confirmed cases in my state and they're being quarantined as a result. That's how public health operates. Once you identify cases, you can identify who is exposed, quarantine, and manage the spread. This is quite basic. We can prevent this from being a bigger issue than it otherwise would be.
did you get a test kit?
Why would I? I have no symptoms and no known exposures.
then why would we need more than 560 kits?

I'm out. That is such a stupid question, I doubt I could ever take the time needed to truly get you to a point where you'd understand why that's such a stupid question.
you stood more risk getting the shot from the location you got the shot from than me. I didn't go where sick people might be. but you believe anything you're told.

You don't go where sick people might be?

I didn't realize you were homebound.
why's that?


You don't go where sick people might be, so I assume that means you just stay inside your house at all times.
I know sick people go where vaccines are at. I avoid them. my choice. I know sick people will be there. especially doctor's offices. Naw, I enjoy my outdoor life, and frequenting my local establishments to keep people employed. I don't waste my life counting on MSM to tell me what to do like you. did they tell you to wash your hands 20 seconds? watch out if you do it less than that.
do you know you still can get a different strain flu virus? even though you got some other strain? do you live life differently knowing that? are you living life differently because 22 people died in the US cause of the corona virus?

Yes, I knew all that. I have not personally made any changes, I don't need to at this time. There's been only a couple of confirmed cases in my state and they're being quarantined as a result. That's how public health operates. Once you identify cases, you can identify who is exposed, quarantine, and manage the spread. This is quite basic. We can prevent this from being a bigger issue than it otherwise would be.
did you get a test kit?
Why would I? I have no symptoms and no known exposures.
then why would we need more than 560 kits?

I'm out. That is such a stupid question, I doubt I could ever take the time needed to truly get you to a point where you'd understand why that's such a stupid question.
you've been out for some time. the fact you're worried about getting that virus is all I need to know how fking insane you are.
Whatever in the world makes you think it came across the southern border, instead of flying in on TWA or some other airline? The idea is ludicrous.

Oh, I'm quite sure it came in numerous point was that if we ever DID want to prevent something from coming in to the country we could do all the "travel bans" in the world and it wouldn't do a thing if our borders are so porous that anyone who wants to come in can.
Try to focus. Yours is a political point about preventing some unknown threat in the future. Covid19 is the threat under discussion right now.

Covid 19 is a flu. We get hundreds of strains of flu all over the world each and every year. Is this a particularly bad strain of flu? Yes, it is. Does that mean we can prevent it from spreading with test kits? No. That's just horseshit and you know it. If that did work we'd have used it for other bad strains of flu.
This one is more serious than most of the flu strains we have had, and most of those have been around long enough to have establish vaccines and treatment. This one has not, and has a much higher death rate. True, some forms of flu have been around a long time, killing a lot of people, and I a glad I have been vaccinated (by order of the government most of the time) since I was 20. I'm no virologist and not really an alarmist. I am just hoping I can avoid personally contracting it until more certain treatment and possibly a effect vaccine can be developed and distributed, probably sometime next year. Minimize the threat by comparing to flues we have seen, and more effectively treated is societal self defeating.
Old Styles question's been answered by several. Basically had we had the same tests available that were available elsewhere, possibly we could have a "lighter" health impact, with fewer people wandering around who didn't know they had the virus, and thus fewer overall getting sick.

At this point my fear is the same as Trump's possibly is. Although he may be too clueless to know that if the hospitality sector shutters, it's going to affect Disney World as much as Carnival Cruises or vacations in France. Already we are seeing larger entertainment venues shutting. Those workers don't get paid without work. Restaurants? Fahgetaboutit. We'll be buying soup and pasta to boil and burger and chicken to cook well done. And no, that's not going to employ a lot of people.

And the oil price my plummet, which in 1991 was sweet, but we're an exporter now. That may not be too sweet to the econ as a whole.

And the feds not just cutting rates now … it's buying Trump's debt because there aren't enough global investors to finance our debt. So the fed may be out of ammo.

I thought a three-six month downturn would be a good trade for getting rid of Orangeman. But we could see zero growth for an extended time because the Fed's low rates have encouraged US corps to borrow a lot of money. If there's less demand, the corps will be defaulting on loans just as they did in 2000.
All true. Recession is always bad, but growth is not all it's cracked up to be. I favor stability, although not likely to see it this year.
Can we spread the Corona virus to the phone scammers? Can we at least agree on that? i 844 234 6038 computer tech with a foreign accent on this one.

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