Trump Significantly Weakened NATO and Enabled Putin

By insisting they meet their defense spending commitments?

Biden has Strengthened NATO substantially, allied the world against Russia, and made Russia look stupid and weak.

Of course.
Russia didn't invade during Trump and a weak NATO, they waited for Biden and a strong NATO.

Have you always been a moron, or did you have a recent brain injury?
My vote is ALWAYS
Which is more important for the "Leader of the Free World" to be doing after a Russian invasion and threat to use nuclear weapons?

1. Being in the White House working with our NATO allies?

2. Spending the weekend at a country club reminiscing about an old friend?

This ain't a trick question.
Putin helped Trump get elected through his campaign of election interference- this was proven fact, BUT they never found evidence to connect this to the Trump campaign.

Trump gave Putin everything he wanted.

Why did Putin want Trump to win the election? Why did putin support trump??

Because Trump was a Putin puppet and Trump weakened the NATO and European alliance and embolden Russia.

This has all backfired Big TIME !! Biden has Strengthened NATO substantially, allied the world against Russia, and made Russia look stupid and weak.

Biden has beaten Trump and now he is beating Putin.

Why was Trump an ally of Putin?? Why did trump like Putin- a clear enemy- so much?? What was Trump's obsession with Russia?
What is the GOP's love affair with Russia?? Trump loves Russia, Trumpers love Russia, the GOP loves Russia?

Trumpers have openly sided with Russia over America. Trash Traitor Trumpers...
GOP traitors::
View attachment 608148

Putin helped Trump get elected through his campaign of election interference- this was proven fact, BUT they never found evidence to connect this to the Trump campaign.

Trump gave Putin everything he wanted.

Why did Putin want Trump to win the election? Why did putin support trump??

Because Trump was a Putin puppet and Trump weakened the NATO and European alliance and embolden Russia.

This has all backfired Big TIME !! Biden has Strengthened NATO substantially, allied the world against Russia, and made Russia look stupid and weak.

Biden has beaten Trump and now he is beating Putin.

Why was Trump an ally of Putin?? Why did trump like Putin- a clear enemy- so much?? What was Trump's obsession with Russia?
What is the GOP's love affair with Russia?? Trump loves Russia, Trumpers love Russia, the GOP loves Russia?

Trumpers have openly sided with Russia over America. Trash Traitor Trumpers...
GOP traitors::
View attachment 608148

Blaming Trump for Biden's fuck up seems to be a Democrat growth industry.
Trump reportedly said he wanted to pull the US from NATO multiple times last year Trump wanted out. And wanting out, Trump had no need or interest in NATO ponying up.
That's just part of Trump's 'deal making'. Your first offer should be insanely outrageous, that sets the table and you proceed from there. Also recall that Trump's tactic is always to schmooze the other guy into a friendly attitude. That make it easier to get what you want from them. Smart guy that Trump.
Lol, all that is horseshit. CRT is not taught bellow graduate level, you dumb ducks Putin and your party don't want your ignorant base to be able to read. Yep, Trump and Putin have been ultra successful at turning the country against it's self and NATO against us. All while have a commie spy being first lady right in public veiw. He also has ya all chasing giant Jewish space lasers, chasing pedophile vampire lizard people and your own tails. Hilarious big not so sad and destructive. Your peice of trash Putin's private Presidential Puppet even calls Putin a genius in public and y'all lap it up. The entire right has turned in their own people and have become KGB Russian commie sympathizer s.

^. ^. ^
This is what happens to a persons mind when they finally realize everything they’ve been told to believe their entire life has been bullshit.
Because they both got reelected

The mentally ill orange pile of shit was tossed out on his fat ass after his first, historically and globally embarrassing term.

Else this would be happening during the second Trump term.
Trump 'disrobed' other world leaders, and they hated him for it.
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Because they both got reelected

The mentally ill orange pile of shit was tossed out on his fat ass after his first, historically and globally embarrassing term.

Else this would be happening during the second Trump term.
When did Biden get reelected?

Putin invaded because he knew they were a couple of spinless weasels.
I'm sorry Moon Bat but you stupid uneducated TDS morons can't blame Potatohead's failure to contain the Russians on Trump. You can post your silly ass shit but it doesn't fly.

Trump tried to get fellow NATO members to pay their fair share. Potatohead doesn't give a shit. I doubt the idiot even knows how to spell NATO.

Remember that under the Worthless Negro/Potatohead and the Potatohead/Ho administration the Russians invaded the Ukraine. They didn't do it when Trump was President.

I doubt Potatohead even knows the Russians invaded the Ukraine if his handlers hadn't told him. The sonofabitch isn't even in DC this weekend to work with our NATO allies. The dipshit is back home at a country club.
There is no failure to blame Biden for. Trump was on his knees four years for Putin. That much we all saw. He went on numerous apology tours, weakening the U.S., and providing aid and comfort for the decisions Putin would make later on. Only a gullible lying fool wouldn't see it.

Trump wanted out of NATO, not because of larger payments. NATO was in the way of Putin? Trump personal business, like the big gas and oil deal they had cooked up in the Kara sea.

Putin didn't invade Ukraine, because Putin and Trump are business partners.

The rest of your retarded rant is noted.
Yeah, look at the rise in production from 2016 to 2020.


Your attempted deflection is noted and laughed at.

Meanwhile production under Biden is up and expected to be at record levels this year.

Pretty much decimates your bullshit about Biden slashing oil production.

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