Trump - Sinking Like a Stone

The same Polls that gave Hillary Clinton a 90% chance to be President. LOL.

Tell me, how does it feel to hold on to your Butt Hurt so long after the Election?

More people trust Trump than they trust where you get your news from.

And that's a fact.

It's great to see these shitheads have a nervous break down every single day. Losers....literally.

DEMS have lost over 900 legislative seats across the federal and state governments during his 8 years.

Nine Hundred.

Here is a graphic representation of how many elected officials the Dems have lost during Obama's term:



But....but.....but....The Polls say that's not true.

People love Liberals.....they do they do......its TRUE!

Say it's True of I will hurt you!
Trump isn't trying to win a popularity contest. He is faced with tough issues that the last president avoided.
He is actually doing what he promised, I couldn't be happier. When the results start coming in on the economy and jobs,
the numbers will change. It's been less than a month since he took office.
LOL, libtards are still trying to use polls after they have been proven wrong.
I love how these Pollsters interview 500 people, mostly with misleading questions, and usually they call people in an urban area, and then claim they are accurate, and unbiased. Never trust a poll, a pollster, or a liberal.

Gallup interviews 1000 people everyday and asks them simple question:

The Gallup Organization has been tracking presidential job approval for more than 60 years. We ask a straightforward question -- " Do you approve or disapprove of the way [president’s name] is handling his job as president?" We have probably asked this question more than any other, and it has given us an unparalleled measure of Americans’ reactions to their presidents since the days of FDR.

Examining Presidential Job Approval

Any other blatant bullshit you'd like to spread asshole?
Sampling size of just 1,000 people is not accurate enough to gage the sentiments of 300 million people.

And that is why Lefty Lost The White House.

33 States\Electoral Districts voted Trump for President and only 17 voted for Hillary Clinton.

Trump won 2,626 Counties to Hillary's 487

Trump won 304 Electoral votes to Hillary's 227

And even when lefty tried to pressure the Electoral College to be "Faithless" the only defectors were people who pledged to cast an electoral vote for Clinton, but then cast theirs for Trump.

Do you use Anal Lube when you pleasure yourself over the thought of Hildabeast being president?

That might alleviate your butthurt. Try that next time.


So no, you can't actually produce a link where Gallup poll, or any other national poll, predicts 90% chance of win for Clinton. Just admit it like a man and stop making bullshit up.

Now it is time for basic statistics: a single 1000 people sample gives +/- 3% margin of error with 95% confidence (for 242M adult population). And this is done on the DAILY, which means that Trump's unpopularity over a week's span is as right about as close as you can get to certainty.

Sample Size Calculator - Confidence Level, Confidence Interval, Sample Size, Population Size, Relevant Population - Creative Research Systems

National polling average correctly predicted vote outcome of the election correctly in favor of Clinton within 1% margin. So when you start talking about "oh but same national polls where wrong in the election" you are full of ignorant shit.
National polling average correctly predicted vote outcome of the election correctly in favor of Clinton within 1% margin. So when you start talking about "oh but same national polls where wrong in the election" you are full of ignorant shit.
Liar. They didn't do that until the last few days, hoping to salvage their reputation since they knew it was bullshit all along.
LOL, libtards are still trying to use polls after they have been proven wrong.
I love how these Pollsters interview 500 people, mostly with misleading questions, and usually they call people in an urban area, and then claim they are accurate, and unbiased. Never trust a poll, a pollster, or a liberal.

Gallup interviews 1000 people everyday and asks them simple question:

The Gallup Organization has been tracking presidential job approval for more than 60 years. We ask a straightforward question -- " Do you approve or disapprove of the way [president’s name] is handling his job as president?" We have probably asked this question more than any other, and it has given us an unparalleled measure of Americans’ reactions to their presidents since the days of FDR.

Examining Presidential Job Approval

Any other blatant bullshit you'd like to spread asshole?
Sampling size of just 1,000 people is not accurate enough to gage the sentiments of 300 million people.

And that is why Lefty Lost The White House.

33 States\Electoral Districts voted Trump for President and only 17 voted for Hillary Clinton.

Trump won 2,626 Counties to Hillary's 487

Trump won 304 Electoral votes to Hillary's 227

And even when lefty tried to pressure the Electoral College to be "Faithless" the only defectors were people who pledged to cast an electoral vote for Clinton, but then cast theirs for Trump.

Do you use Anal Lube when you pleasure yourself over the thought of Hildabeast being president?

That might alleviate your butthurt. Try that next time.


So no, you can't actually produce a link where Gallup poll, or any other national poll, predicts 90% chance of win for Clinton. Just admit it like a man and stop making bullshit up.

Now it is time for basic statistics: a single 1000 people sample gives +/- 3% margin of error with 95% confidence (for 242M adult population). And this is done on the DAILY, which means that Trump's unpopularity over a week's span is as right about as close as you can get to certainty.

Sample Size Calculator - Confidence Level, Confidence Interval, Sample Size, Population Size, Relevant Population - Creative Research Systems

National polling average correctly predicted vote outcome of the election correctly in favor of Clinton within 1% margin. So when you start talking about "oh but same national polls where wrong in the election" you are full of ignorant shit.

Nobody gives a PHUCK about Polls. They were all proven to be unreliable.

Now unclench your butt cheeks and take a shit. Though when you look in the toilet the turd you drop might look like Hillary Clinton, it will relieve your constipation.

If you are impacted, you need to go see a Dr. before your bowels explode.

Liberals, always full of shit, but never willing get a badly needed enema.

Try some Metamucil. I heard that works wonders for people like you.
National polling average correctly predicted vote outcome of the election correctly in favor of Clinton within 1% margin. So when you start talking about "oh but same national polls where wrong in the election" you are full of ignorant shit.
Liar. They didn't do that until the last few days, hoping to salvage their reputation since they knew it was bullshit all along.

You call me liar while admitting that I'm right? Fuck you.

A lot of people didn't make up their mind until last week, like for example the never-Trumpsters, most of whom ended up pulling the lever for Trump anyway.
LOL, libtards are still trying to use polls after they have been proven wrong.
I love how these Pollsters interview 500 people, mostly with misleading questions, and usually they call people in an urban area, and then claim they are accurate, and unbiased. Never trust a poll, a pollster, or a liberal.

Gallup interviews 1000 people everyday and asks them simple question:

The Gallup Organization has been tracking presidential job approval for more than 60 years. We ask a straightforward question -- " Do you approve or disapprove of the way [president’s name] is handling his job as president?" We have probably asked this question more than any other, and it has given us an unparalleled measure of Americans’ reactions to their presidents since the days of FDR.

Examining Presidential Job Approval

Any other blatant bullshit you'd like to spread asshole?
Sampling size of just 1,000 people is not accurate enough to gage the sentiments of 300 million people.

And that is why Lefty Lost The White House.

33 States\Electoral Districts voted Trump for President and only 17 voted for Hillary Clinton.

Trump won 2,626 Counties to Hillary's 487

Trump won 304 Electoral votes to Hillary's 227

And even when lefty tried to pressure the Electoral College to be "Faithless" the only defectors were people who pledged to cast an electoral vote for Clinton, but then cast theirs for Trump.

Do you use Anal Lube when you pleasure yourself over the thought of Hildabeast being president?

That might alleviate your butthurt. Try that next time.


So no, you can't actually produce a link where Gallup poll, or any other national poll, predicts 90% chance of win for Clinton. Just admit it like a man and stop making bullshit up.

Now it is time for basic statistics: a single 1000 people sample gives +/- 3% margin of error with 95% confidence (for 242M adult population). And this is done on the DAILY, which means that Trump's unpopularity over a week's span is as right about as close as you can get to certainty.

Sample Size Calculator - Confidence Level, Confidence Interval, Sample Size, Population Size, Relevant Population - Creative Research Systems

National polling average correctly predicted vote outcome of the election correctly in favor of Clinton within 1% margin. So when you start talking about "oh but same national polls where wrong in the election" you are full of ignorant shit.

Nobody gives a PHUCK about Polls. They were all proven to be unreliable.

You are an idiot. You Trumpsters are maybe willing to commit such blatant denial, but the rest of the world isn't.

Go ahead, keep it up, just don't get surprised when you get t-boned in the next elections.
And btw, most of the polls for most of the year showed Clinton with a Double Digit Lead.
These Pollsters adjusted their polls in the last week, to try to save face as they started getting wind that their polls were as phucked as the main stream media's insistence that Criminal Clinton was gonna win it in a Landslide.
Oh my, that graph, that proves it LMAO!
Liberals need things in picture form. Cartoons and comedy skits help a bunch too.

Deflect deflect deflect...gotta talk back with SOMETHING!
Deflection noted. My point was that libs have to see pictures to understand. Since there was no picture, you couldn't grasp the meaning.

They are graphs you moron, not "pictures".

Graphs are widely used in representing data in just about ANY scientific field. All you are doing is making a total fool of yourself, much like the rest of Trumpsters here.
More to the fact - They represent about any fake crap you want to post. Just see the front page of the Daily Stupid.
I love how these Pollsters interview 500 people, mostly with misleading questions, and usually they call people in an urban area, and then claim they are accurate, and unbiased. Never trust a poll, a pollster, or a liberal.

Gallup interviews 1000 people everyday and asks them simple question:

The Gallup Organization has been tracking presidential job approval for more than 60 years. We ask a straightforward question -- " Do you approve or disapprove of the way [president’s name] is handling his job as president?" We have probably asked this question more than any other, and it has given us an unparalleled measure of Americans’ reactions to their presidents since the days of FDR.

Examining Presidential Job Approval

Any other blatant bullshit you'd like to spread asshole?
Sampling size of just 1,000 people is not accurate enough to gage the sentiments of 300 million people.

And that is why Lefty Lost The White House.

33 States\Electoral Districts voted Trump for President and only 17 voted for Hillary Clinton.

Trump won 2,626 Counties to Hillary's 487

Trump won 304 Electoral votes to Hillary's 227

And even when lefty tried to pressure the Electoral College to be "Faithless" the only defectors were people who pledged to cast an electoral vote for Clinton, but then cast theirs for Trump.

Do you use Anal Lube when you pleasure yourself over the thought of Hildabeast being president?

That might alleviate your butthurt. Try that next time.


So no, you can't actually produce a link where Gallup poll, or any other national poll, predicts 90% chance of win for Clinton. Just admit it like a man and stop making bullshit up.

Now it is time for basic statistics: a single 1000 people sample gives +/- 3% margin of error with 95% confidence (for 242M adult population). And this is done on the DAILY, which means that Trump's unpopularity over a week's span is as right about as close as you can get to certainty.

Sample Size Calculator - Confidence Level, Confidence Interval, Sample Size, Population Size, Relevant Population - Creative Research Systems

National polling average correctly predicted vote outcome of the election correctly in favor of Clinton within 1% margin. So when you start talking about "oh but same national polls where wrong in the election" you are full of ignorant shit.

Nobody gives a PHUCK about Polls. They were all proven to be unreliable.

You are an idiot. You Trumpsters are maybe willing to commit such blatant denial, but the rest of the world isn't.

Go ahead, keep it up, just don't get surprised when you get t-boned in the next elections.

Only an idiot would vote for Clinton after she lied to Congress, then preceded to violate two Court Ordered preservation orders, Violated FOIA Laws, The Espionage Act, and deleted 30,000 emails on a State Department Server with Bleach Bit to cover her crimes.

You Lefties should have smelled a rotten fish right then and there, but you held your nose and bowed down and worshiped her festering Vagina anyways. You licked her ass like a dog licks sores on a leper.

Even after she stole Haitian Relief Funds
Even after Billions went missing from The State Department.
Even after she got all those people killed in Benghazi because she shared classified information with unauthorized personnel, stating that she was gun running to The Benghazi outpost to give weapons to terrorists to kill Qadaffi.
Even when it was made known she used the State Department and Clinton foundation to launder money, and sell influence.
Even when it was made known she rigged the DNC primaries against Sanders.
Even when it was made known she paid for hired thugs to incite violence,vandalize stores, and vehicles, start fights, and assault Trump supporters.
Even when it was made known she and Donna Brazille stole debate questions.

You all doubled down on stupid, because your religion is Liberalism and you made Hillary Clinton your idol.

Now your idol has been toppled and you are lost and godless.

And the butt hurt flows through you like bad beans and rice at a dirty Mexican Restaurant.
The same Polls that gave Hillary Clinton a 90% chance to be President. LOL.

Tell me, how does it feel to hold on to your Butt Hurt so long after the Election?

More people trust Trump than they trust where you get your news from.

And that's a fact.

It's great to see these shitheads have a nervous break down every single day. Losers....literally.

DEMS have lost over 900 legislative seats across the federal and state governments during his 8 years.

Nine Hundred.

Here is a graphic representation of how many elected officials the Dems have lost during Obama's term:


Trumps's approval is in the shitter out of gate and is getting worse, what do you Trumpsters respond with? Denial of polling and deflection to the times before Trump even got elected.

Democrats did lose seats, but if Trump keeps going this way Republicans will be ones losing a lot of seats while he is in office....and just you wait till they actually start messing with people's healthcare coverage.

As Obama's Party lost seats while he was in office.

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