Trump Speaks At Liberty University


Gold Member
Jan 16, 2015
In Your Face
Listen to the audience reaction when Donald talks about his commitment to God. He's apparently oblivious to the fact that many people are laughing at him and not with him.
Listen to the audience reaction when Donald talks about his commitment to God. He's apparently oblivious to the fact that many people are laughing at him and not with him.

At Liberty University? I seriously doubt if there were many laughing at him.
it's a lot about endorsements from now on. his train is gaining momentum, much to the dismay of just about everyone who doesn't support him.
if you think 43 was the biggest liberal spending President who ran for office under the Republican flag, just wait til Trump sits down and cools off ... IF he gets the nomination, and IF he wins ...


if you think 43 was the biggest liberal spending President who ran for office under the Republican flag, just wait til Trump sits down and cools off ... IF he gets the nomination, and IF he wins ...


makes you wish obamavich was a republican. wealthy people usually have a more tangible sense of the value of $$, than those who get elected to vote themselves taxpayer money, they think grows on trees in D.C.

we will see more fiscal responsibility and efficiency from his first day on. it will take him a while to get used to having his own jets and helicopters, after that, he's going to be great.
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Trump supporters crack me up. They don't recognize an actual RINO when he is right in front of their faces.
Trump supporters crack me up. They don't recognize an actual RINO when he is right in front of their faces.
nobody cares, he's right for the time like obama wasn't. he's what we need, and it's what makes him electable,
supported by democrats and liberals, when the voting booth curtain closes behind them.

i don't agree with everythinghe says, eminent domain being foremost.

bernie is a democrat in name only, as an independent communist he's an inco..

& he'll lose his own state (my state) , if hillary is still in at that time. he'll get the climate change, stoner crackpot socialist vote. the democrat party is melting faster than the polar icecap, which is nice.
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Trumps RINO horn is made out of gold, and he'll keep it shined up on RW ass.

Make Mexico pay for the wall he promised the mouth breathers ...

If nothing else, Trump has shaken up the Washington crowd and for the better. The man is simply stating what a lot of American business owners and citizens have been saying all along. His chiding of Jeb Bush seems to have awaken a small display of energy from that lazy and fat lackluster politician. Trump doesn't care who's toes he steps on and that is refreshing. He was asked what he would do should he not win the nomination. His response was that he's return to building hotels and casinos. He has a job to fall back on --he's not a politician. Donald Trump is an American patriot.

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