Trump spent 24 hours of his “working” vacation at his golf club

Dunno - do you need dogs or Valvoline to make your party complete?


Jesus, lay off the weed. You guys are more unhinged then the Kenyan Muslim crowd.
Moron blaming Dems when the Congress is run by republicans. How funny is that.
He gets another big zero in foreign policy by getting us out of the Paris Accord.
When he was in Asia there was an energy conference that each country got up and told the world the great advances they're making in alternative energy. Trump got up and started talking about coal as the wave of the future. Everyone stood up and walked out of the room.

Plus he's made the world much less safe by threatening nuclear war with an equally unhinged leader
Save your libtard links dullard and take a look at the shape that ISIS is know... that JV team that Obama couldn't beat in 8 years with the greatest military on earth. What a loser...
The Great Obama was trusted and respected around the world
100% backasswards...
Look at the coward run... just like he always does, when asked to respond how Trump has made America great again.
Let's get You started>>>>
1. He's ridden the wave of the great Obama economy and tried to pass it off as his own.
2.Hes cut regulations on Wall st designed to prevent another 2008 like recession.

What policy did Obama enact that made the economy great?
All his environmental policies. His regulations on Wall St to prevent another Bush like recession.
Hell heres a partial list for your dumb ass.

28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time
Moron blaming Dems when the Congress is run by republicans. How funny is that.
He gets another big zero in foreign policy by getting us out of the Paris Accord.
When he was in Asia there was an energy conference that each country got up and told the world the great advances they're making in alternative energy. Trump got up and started talking about coal as the wave of the future. Everyone stood up and walked out of the room.

Plus he's made the world much less safe by threatening nuclear war with an equally unhinged leader
Save your libtard links dullard and take a look at the shape that ISIS is know... that JV team that Obama couldn't beat in 8 years with the greatest military on earth. What a loser...
There was no link there. Lol
Don't know what a link is?
What I listed is the indisputable truth.
Which pisses you off.
Save your libtard links dullard and take a look at the shape that ISIS is know... that JV team that Obama couldn't beat in 8 years with the greatest military on earth. What a loser...

Yeah Trump sure is a loser - he was going to wipe them out "QUICKLY"

And none of the crap they pulled on Obama's watch would happen on his!

How's that goin' for ya?

ISIS raises stakes with Egypt mosque attack
Lie of the year. This president has zero legislative accomplishments
If you were as wise as you must think you are you would know a president is not judged by legislation he is judged by the economy and foreign policy, both of which Trump has knocked out of the park. The lack of action in the Senate is on the Senate especially the dems for sitting on their hands with their fingers up their asses in defiance of the peoples choice for commander and chief.
Trump's presidency has damaged the US economy.
The Great Obama was trusted and respected around the world
100% backasswards...
Look at the coward run... just like he always does, when asked to respond how Trump has made America great again.
Let's get You started>>>>
1. He's ridden the wave of the great Obama economy and tried to pass it off as his own.
2.Hes cut regulations on Wall st designed to prevent another 2008 like recession.

What policy did Obama enact that made the economy great?
28 Reasons Obama May Go Down As One Of The Greatest Presidents Of All Time
All his environmental policies. His regulations on Wall St to prevent another Bush like recession.
Hell heres a partial list for your dumb ass.
I don't view your fake news libtard links should stop viewing them as well. Keep your fingers crossed for a recession...not surprised a libtard would like to see America fail to achieve a cooling for your butt hurt feelings pure selfishness.
Sounds like the OP is a butthurt Democrat who's jealous because he or she is still a lowly fry-cook at Micky D's, and living with their Mommy and Daddy. But hey, it's good to be King. The OP will understand that, when or if they ever get a life.

I don't typically brag, but since you decided to go there I will. I'm already retired and I'm not even 29 yet. I'd say I'm doing pretty good. You'll probably be working until you're a tired old man. Maybe if you were smarter that wouldn't be the case. Sorry about your luck. :eusa_dance:
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Lie of the year. This president has zero legislative accomplishments
If you were as wise as you must think you are you would know a president is not judged by legislation he is judged by the economy and foreign policy, both of which Trump has knocked out of the park. The lack of action in the Senate is on the Senate especially the dems for sitting on their hands with their fingers up their asses in defiance of the peoples choice for commander and chief.
A president is indeed evaluated by what legislation is passed during his time as president.
Obama got 5 huge bills passed his first two months in office.
After one year Trump has nothing, nada.
He doesn't understand the issues thus he doesn't work to get bills passed. All he does is have campaign like rallies to feed the red meat to the base.
And watch TV 10-12 hours a day and of course the exorbitant amount of time he plays golf.
Laziest and least productive President in many a year.
A president is indeed evaluated by what legislation is passed during his time as president.
Not with us...libtards love legislation the right hates it...we like a booming economy and a safer world. The economy is booming and the destruction of ISIS makes the world safer.
Every President needs a legacy...Drumph has obviously chosen breaking all previous records for the amount of time spent golfing. He's got a number of presidents (combined) beaten...

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