Trump spent 24 hours of his “working” vacation at his golf club

I so love that every lie perpetrated by the Trumpies is summarily dismissed and corrected by those who know better.

Fat boy: I love my uneducated base.
Hmmm - ZERO legislative achievements? .. check :wink:
Hmmm....go figure - Trump is part of the EXECUTIVE Branch.

And a good president works to get bills passed. He's too lazy to do that plus he doesn't understand any issue other than with a two line talking point.
I see you ignored all the harm this president has done and removed it from my quote.
Isn't that just like a deplorable!
How has Trump made America great?
The economy dullard my bank account and my 401K and my business phone is ringing again. And so are my competition's phones. Everything is getting better with the economy. Take a look around. No more boarded up store fronts and empty malls... Job creation is on fire the unemployment rate is falling. Obama should hide his face for keeping us at less than 2% growth for 8 fucking years!
BREAKING: Trump had a late night snack this weekend...ALARM!!!!!!!
Always dumbing down any thread he pops into

You call this a thread :laugh:

You call yourself a Legend?

After Trump whooped your ass we understand you libs need these Trump venting threads. :itsok:
Lmao. Still celebrating nov 2016 while the prez is mired in 11 months of being the lowest rated prez in history.
Celebrate that.
The Great Obama was trusted and respected around the world
100% backasswards...
Look at the coward run... just like he always does, when asked to respond how Trump has made America great again.
Let's get You started>>>>
1. He's ridden the wave of the great Obama economy and tried to pass it off as his own.
2.Hes cut regulations on Wall st designed to prevent another 2008 like recession.
Lie of the year. This president has zero legislative accomplishments
If you were as wise as you must think you are you would know a president is not judged by legislation he is judged by the economy and foreign policy, both of which Trump has knocked out of the park. The lack of action in the Senate is on the Senate especially the dems for sitting on their hands with their fingers up their asses in defiance of the peoples choice for commander and chief.
Hmmm - ZERO legislative achievements? .. check :wink:
Hmmm....go figure - Trump is part of the EXECUTIVE Branch.

Why do you call the ACA "ObamaCare"?

Hmmm...go figure.

They named it to honor The Great Obama

What makes him so great?

The Great Obama was trusted and respected around the world

Crooked Donnie is a laughing stock

Really? How so?
The Great Obama was trusted and respected around the world
100% backasswards...
Look at the coward run... just like he always does, when asked to respond how Trump has made America great again.
Let's get You started>>>>
1. He's ridden the wave of the great Obama economy and tried to pass it off as his own.
2.Hes cut regulations on Wall st designed to prevent another 2008 like recession.

What policy did Obama enact that made the economy great?
My old friend Kevin Gilbert from Toy Matinee wrote a prophetic song about Trumpism before his tragic death in 1996.

We're there people -

Greetings from Sodom
How we wish you were here
The weather's getting warmer
Now that the trees are all cleared
There's no time for a conscience
And we recognize no crime
Yeah we got dogs and Valvoline
It's a pretty damn good time

My old friend Kevin Gilbert from Toy Matinee wrote a prophetic song about Trumpism before his tragic death in 1996.

We're there people -

Greetings from Sodom
How we wish you were here
The weather's getting warmer
Now that the trees are all cleared
There's no time for a conscience
And we recognize no crime
Yeah we got dogs and Valvoline
It's a pretty damn good time

Oh for crying out loud do the math.

311 days = 44 weeks = 44 weekends x 2 = potential of 88 days to golf on weekends. He's not allowed to take weekends off now? You snowflakes are pathetic.

Dunno - do you need dogs or Valvoline to make your party complete?

Lie of the year. This president has zero legislative accomplishments
If you were as wise as you must think you are you would know a president is not judged by legislation he is judged by the economy and foreign policy, both of which Trump has knocked out of the park. The lack of action in the Senate is on the Senate especially the dems for sitting on their hands with their fingers up their asses in defiance of the peoples choice for commander and chief.
Moron blaming Dems when the Congress is run by republicans. How funny is that.
He gets another big zero in foreign policy by getting us out of the Paris Accord.
When he was in Asia there was an energy conference that each country got up and told the world the great advances they're making in alternative energy. Trump got up and started talking about coal as the wave of the future. Everyone stood up and walked out of the room.

Plus he's made the world much less safe by threatening nuclear war with an equally unhinged leader.

100 Ways, in 100 Days, that Trump Has Hurt Americans - Center for American Progress

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