Trump staffers leave the White House battered

Who would want to work for Trump. The staff that have been fired or left on their own have had their reputations damaged. Sean Spicer will be a punchline for the rest of his life. Flynn is looking at jail time. Priebus, Comey, Scaramucci, Bannon, Gorka, Price, Manigault-Newman, Porter, Hicks, Cohn, McEntee, Tillerson, McMaster, Shulkin etc. left with their reputations taking a hit from when they entered the White House.
In most cases the one that hurt their reputation the most was Trump.

Well there’s a thoughtful, well reasoned response.

Trump can’t get a competent lawyer to work for him. He hired General McMaster because the three civilians he offered the job to, turned him down. As a serving member of the military, McMaster couldn’t refuse an order from his CIC and had to take the job.

Others have taken jobs as service to the country, and stayed out of fear what would happen if they left.

As thanks for their service they’ve been lied to, forced to lie on Trump’s behalf, castigated, denigrated, publically humiliated and frequently tossed under the bus whenever it suited Trump.

Then there’s the corruption. Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in history. The level of petty graft and theft is disgusting.

No honest, decent human being would want to work for this White House. Which is why the caliber of applicants is so low.
Oh what a bunch of horseshit. Obama will always have the record of being the most corrupt!
Corrupt!!!! Name the scandals, name the law suits he was mentioned in.
Another mindless parrotted minion statement.
Gun running to Mexico





Unlawful wiretapping

Shredding documents
Gun running to Mexico - DEA program withoutObama's knowledge

Benghazi - Hillary Clinton, cautious initial statements, truth came out -no investigation into Obama

IRS- internal IRS program without Obama's knowledge

TRUMP DOSSIER - Democratic party- Obama had nothing to do with it

MEETING ON THE tarmac - Bill Clinton

Unlawful wiretapping -wiretapping approved by a judge. not illegal Obama had nothing to do with it

We are talking specific investigations and law suits directly connected to Trump not his administration

Shredding documents
Who would want to work for Trump. The staff that have been fired or left on their own have had their reputations damaged. Sean Spicer will be a punchline for the rest of his life. Flynn is looking at jail time. Priebus, Comey, Scaramucci, Bannon, Gorka, Price, Manigault-Newman, Porter, Hicks, Cohn, McEntee, Tillerson, McMaster, Shulkin etc. left with their reputations taking a hit from when they entered the White House.
In most cases the one that hurt their reputation the most was Trump.

Well there’s a thoughtful, well reasoned response.

Trump can’t get a competent lawyer to work for him. He hired General McMaster because the three civilians he offered the job to, turned him down. As a serving member of the military, McMaster couldn’t refuse an order from his CIC and had to take the job.

Others have taken jobs as service to the country, and stayed out of fear what would happen if they left.

As thanks for their service they’ve been lied to, forced to lie on Trump’s behalf, castigated, denigrated, publically humiliated and frequently tossed under the bus whenever it suited Trump.

Then there’s the corruption. Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in history. The level of petty graft and theft is disgusting.

No honest, decent human being would want to work for this White House. Which is why the caliber of applicants is so low.
Oh what a bunch of horseshit. Obama will always have the record of being the most corrupt!
Corrupt!!!! Name the scandals, name the law suits he was mentioned in.
Another mindless parrotted minion statement.
Gun running to Mexico





Unlawful wiretapping

Shredding documents
The impeached attorney general cover up.

Well there’s a thoughtful, well reasoned response.

Trump can’t get a competent lawyer to work for him. He hired General McMaster because the three civilians he offered the job to, turned him down. As a serving member of the military, McMaster couldn’t refuse an order from his CIC and had to take the job.

Others have taken jobs as service to the country, and stayed out of fear what would happen if they left.

As thanks for their service they’ve been lied to, forced to lie on Trump’s behalf, castigated, denigrated, publically humiliated and frequently tossed under the bus whenever it suited Trump.

Then there’s the corruption. Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in history. The level of petty graft and theft is disgusting.

No honest, decent human being would want to work for this White House. Which is why the caliber of applicants is so low.
Oh what a bunch of horseshit. Obama will always have the record of being the most corrupt!
Corrupt!!!! Name the scandals, name the law suits he was mentioned in.
Another mindless parrotted minion statement.
Gun running to Mexico





Unlawful wiretapping

Shredding documents
Gun running to Mexico - DEA program withoutObama's knowledge

Benghazi - Hillary Clinton, cautious initial statements, truth came out -no investigation into Obama

IRS- internal IRS program without Obama's knowledge

TRUMP DOSSIER - Democratic party- Obama had nothing to do with it

MEETING ON THE tarmac - Bill Clinton

Unlawful wiretapping -wiretapping approved by a judge. not illegal Obama had nothing to do with it

We are talking specific investigations and law suits directly connected to Trump not his administration

Shredding documents
I knew it, Obama’s was as dumb as a box of rocks!
You know, there is that consideration, but the thing I would be asking right about now when Trump is pissing off leaders of other countries and imposing tariffs that are going to hurt American workers, how well do you think Trump's reputation is going to survive a stint in the WH? If he completes his term, but ends up being voted out, do you think his empire will survive?
I feel Trump will go down as the worst President in history.His policies have to play out. Will the jobs be restored he promised, will our trade deficits be substantially reduced, will his wall be built and will it help, how will other world countries view us, what will his policies do to the economy.
But if he has some success their is still the immorality and lying. Immorality and lying has always been part of politics but he has taken it to a level never before seen,
Bath house barry will always hold that distinction, even if Jimmy Carter were elected again.
You can always hold on to that delusion if it helps you deal with your blind slavering support of Donnie shitstain
No delusion, fact. BHB is the worst president we have ever had, or I dare say ever will have
Who would want to work for Trump. The staff that have been fired or left on their own have had their reputations damaged. Sean Spicer will be a punchline for the rest of his life. Flynn is looking at jail time. Priebus, Comey, Scaramucci, Bannon, Gorka, Price, Manigault-Newman, Porter, Hicks, Cohn, McEntee, Tillerson, McMaster, Shulkin etc. left with their reputations taking a hit from when they entered the White House.
In most cases the one that hurt their reputation the most was Trump.

Well there’s a thoughtful, well reasoned response.

Trump can’t get a competent lawyer to work for him. He hired General McMaster because the three civilians he offered the job to, turned him down. As a serving member of the military, McMaster couldn’t refuse an order from his CIC and had to take the job.

Others have taken jobs as service to the country, and stayed out of fear what would happen if they left.

As thanks for their service they’ve been lied to, forced to lie on Trump’s behalf, castigated, denigrated, publically humiliated and frequently tossed under the bus whenever it suited Trump.

Then there’s the corruption. Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in history. The level of petty graft and theft is disgusting.

No honest, decent human being would want to work for this White House. Which is why the caliber of applicants is so low.
Oh what a bunch of horseshit. Obama will always have the record of being the most corrupt!
Measured by what? Not by the most of his Administration indicted and or convicted. What then?
Who would want to work for Trump. The staff that have been fired or left on their own have had their reputations damaged. Sean Spicer will be a punchline for the rest of his life. Flynn is looking at jail time. Priebus, Comey, Scaramucci, Bannon, Gorka, Price, Manigault-Newman, Porter, Hicks, Cohn, McEntee, Tillerson, McMaster, Shulkin etc. left with their reputations taking a hit from when they entered the White House.
In most cases the one that hurt their reputation the most was Trump.

Well there’s a thoughtful, well reasoned response.

Trump can’t get a competent lawyer to work for him. He hired General McMaster because the three civilians he offered the job to, turned him down. As a serving member of the military, McMaster couldn’t refuse an order from his CIC and had to take the job.

Others have taken jobs as service to the country, and stayed out of fear what would happen if they left.

As thanks for their service they’ve been lied to, forced to lie on Trump’s behalf, castigated, denigrated, publically humiliated and frequently tossed under the bus whenever it suited Trump.

Then there’s the corruption. Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in history. The level of petty graft and theft is disgusting.

No honest, decent human being would want to work for this White House. Which is why the caliber of applicants is so low.
Oh what a bunch of horseshit. Obama will always have the record of being the most corrupt!
Corrupt!!!! Name the scandals, name the law suits he was mentioned in.
Another mindless parrotted minion statement.
Gun running to Mexico





Unlawful wiretapping

Shredding documents
And all those indictments, right? Right? Right?
No delusion, fact. BHB is the worst president we have ever had, or I dare say ever will have
obama had embedded leftists to protect the damage he was doing. Sadly, Trump left them in place when the whole communist bunch should have been canned on day one.

The damage he was doing???

Saving the US economy from economic collapse, saving the US auto industry, tripling the stock market, longest period of sustained job growth in history. Health insurance coverage for 25 million Americans. Reduced the budget deficit to less than one billion dollars. This is your idea of damage???
No delusion, fact. BHB is the worst president we have ever had, or I dare say ever will have
obama had embedded leftists to protect the damage he was doing. Sadly, Trump left them in place when the whole communist bunch should have been canned on day one.

The damage he was doing???

Saving the US economy from economic collapse, saving the US auto industry, tripling the stock market, longest period of sustained job growth in history. Health insurance coverage for 25 million Americans. Reduced the budget deficit to less than one billion dollars. This is your idea of damage???
Worst president ever and a faggot.
No delusion, fact. BHB is the worst president we have ever had, or I dare say ever will have
obama had embedded leftists to protect the damage he was doing. Sadly, Trump left them in place when the whole communist bunch should have been canned on day one.

The damage he was doing???

Saving the US economy from economic collapse, saving the US auto industry, tripling the stock market, longest period of sustained job growth in history. Health insurance coverage for 25 million Americans. Reduced the budget deficit to less than one billion dollars. This is your idea of damage???
Worst president ever and a faggot.

Endlessly repeating these lies doesn’t make them true.

The facts just don’t support your views.
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Good riddance.

You name call because you have no answer on Trump. Suck it up, buttercup!
Who would want to work for Trump. The staff that have been fired or left on their own have had their reputations damaged. Sean Spicer will be a punchline for the rest of his life. Flynn is looking at jail time. Priebus, Comey, Scaramucci, Bannon, Gorka, Price, Manigault-Newman, Porter, Hicks, Cohn, McEntee, Tillerson, McMaster, Shulkin etc. left with their reputations taking a hit from when they entered the White House.
In most cases the one that hurt their reputation the most was Trump.

I get what you're saying but ultimately they should only blame themselves. They had to know what a side show freak he was right from the get go!
Who would want to work for Trump. The staff that have been fired or left on their own have had their reputations damaged. Sean Spicer will be a punchline for the rest of his life. Flynn is looking at jail time. Priebus, Comey, Scaramucci, Bannon, Gorka, Price, Manigault-Newman, Porter, Hicks, Cohn, McEntee, Tillerson, McMaster, Shulkin etc. left with their reputations taking a hit from when they entered the White House.
In most cases the one that hurt their reputation the most was Trump.

Meanwhile, while you piss your pants and whine....good Americans continue to prosper big time on Donny’s watch. Do you care about how or why rejects leave or get fired or do you care about 330 million Americans?

Yeah! How about that 1000 point drop?
No delusion, fact. BHB is the worst president we have ever had, or I dare say ever will have
obama had embedded leftists to protect the damage he was doing. Sadly, Trump left them in place when the whole communist bunch should have been canned on day one.

The damage he was doing???

Saving the US economy from economic collapse, saving the US auto industry, tripling the stock market, longest period of sustained job growth in history. Health insurance coverage for 25 million Americans. Reduced the budget deficit to less than one billion dollars. This is your idea of damage???
Worst president ever and a faggot.

Does that make you feel important with your lies and name calling.

I always wonder about those who use that word. Do they scare you, thinking you might be one?

What people do in their bedrooms is their business.

But Obama has been happily married for 20 years now. Can Trump say that? His wife has actually left him several times.
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No delusion, fact. BHB is the worst president we have ever had, or I dare say ever will have
obama had embedded leftists to protect the damage he was doing. Sadly, Trump left them in place when the whole communist bunch should have been canned on day one.

The damage he was doing???

Saving the US economy from economic collapse, saving the US auto industry, tripling the stock market, longest period of sustained job growth in history. Health insurance coverage for 25 million Americans. Reduced the budget deficit to less than one billion dollars. This is your idea of damage???
Worst president ever and a faggot.

Does that make you feel important with your lies and name calling.

I always wonder about those who use that word. Do they scare you, thinking you might be one?

What people do in their bedrooms is their business.

But Obama has been happily married for 20 years now. Can Trump say that? His wife has actually left him several times.
Yes it makes me feel important. Yes, I am scared of queers. You should be too. No I don't think I'm one. Trump is the best president we have had. Bath house is the worst. Proven 10 times over.

But if Rump hires only the best people how is this good. Either the best people recognize what a disaster Rump is or Rump lies and doesn't hire good people!
Simple minded people would see it that way. The problems in Washington go much deeper than Trump thought. Grow up.

So either be does hire the best people and they leave his little freak show or he does not hire the best people. Notice you didn't even try to answer the question.

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