Trump staffers leave the White House battered

You know, there is that consideration, but the thing I would be asking right about now when Trump is pissing off leaders of other countries and imposing tariffs that are going to hurt American workers, how well do you think Trump's reputation is going to survive a stint in the WH? If he completes his term, but ends up being voted out, do you think his empire will survive?
I feel Trump will go down as the worst President in history.His policies have to play out. Will the jobs be restored he promised, will our trade deficits be substantially reduced, will his wall be built and will it help, how will other world countries view us, what will his policies do to the economy.
But if he has some success their is still the immorality and lying. Immorality and lying has always been part of politics but he has taken it to a level never before seen,

You know, there have only been about 3 things that Trump has done to effect the economy. 1) His tax bill. 2) His spending bill and 3) his tariffs that he has put into effect. Whenever he did any of those three things, people didn't like it because of the long term effect on our economy (tax bill and spending bill), as well as have complained about the tariffs because it makes it more expensive for American manufacturers that work with steel and aluminum.

Now, with the tariffs that China is imposing on our ranchers, farmers and other people, it's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better.

And, our reputation as a country has taken a HUGE hit, because other nations don't know if they can count on support from the US anymore.
And, we sure as hell cannot count on any country for support. They loved us for our money!
My old Dutch grandmother used to call it "cupboard love'.
She KNEW when the grandkids came visiting they were always looking for some kind of handout. And we were.
America had/has become the grandparent with an endless supply of ten dollar bills.
Those hylsion days are over. And it's pissing off all the freeloaders.
Who would want to work for Trump. The staff that have been fired or left on their own have had their reputations damaged. Sean Spicer will be a punchline for the rest of his life. Flynn is looking at jail time. Priebus, Comey, Scaramucci, Bannon, Gorka, Price, Manigault-Newman, Porter, Hicks, Cohn, McEntee, Tillerson, McMaster, Shulkin etc. left with their reputations taking a hit from when they entered the White House.
In most cases the one that hurt their reputation the most was Trump.

Well there’s a thoughtful, well reasoned response.

Trump can’t get a competent lawyer to work for him. He hired General McMaster because the three civilians he offered the job to, turned him down. As a serving member of the military, McMaster couldn’t refuse an order from his CIC and had to take the job.

Others have taken jobs as service to the country, and stayed out of fear what would happen if they left.

As thanks for their service they’ve been lied to, forced to lie on Trump’s behalf, castigated, denigrated, publically humiliated and frequently tossed under the bus whenever it suited Trump.

Then there’s the corruption. Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in history. The level of petty graft and theft is disgusting.

No honest, decent human being would want to work for this White House. Which is why the caliber of applicants is so low.
I've never met a multi billionaire that has made friends with everyone who worked for him.
You've got to always be breaking eggs to make the best omelettes.
Who would want to work for Trump. The staff that have been fired or left on their own have had their reputations damaged. Sean Spicer will be a punchline for the rest of his life. Flynn is looking at jail time. Priebus, Comey, Scaramucci, Bannon, Gorka, Price, Manigault-Newman, Porter, Hicks, Cohn, McEntee, Tillerson, McMaster, Shulkin etc. left with their reputations taking a hit from when they entered the White House.
In most cases the one that hurt their reputation the most was Trump.

Well there’s a thoughtful, well reasoned response.

Trump can’t get a competent lawyer to work for him. He hired General McMaster because the three civilians he offered the job to, turned him down. As a serving member of the military, McMaster couldn’t refuse an order from his CIC and had to take the job.

Others have taken jobs as service to the country, and stayed out of fear what would happen if they left.

As thanks for their service they’ve been lied to, forced to lie on Trump’s behalf, castigated, denigrated, publically humiliated and frequently tossed under the bus whenever it suited Trump.

Then there’s the corruption. Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in history. The level of petty graft and theft is disgusting.

No honest, decent human being would want to work for this White House. Which is why the caliber of applicants is so low.
I've never met a multi billionaire that has made friends with everyone who worked for him.
You've got to always be breaking eggs to make the best omelettes.

I don’t expect Trump to “make friends” with the people working for him, but I do expect him to treat his employees with respect. Not to publically denigrate and insult them.

His treatment of Rex Tillerson is a case in point. Trump asked Tillerson to take the job. The way he was treated and then fired, was disgraceful.

Or his ongoing treatment of Jeff Sessions. For someone who demands loyalty, he gives none in return.

Last week he threw Michael Cohen under the bus by denying any knowledge of the NDA with Stormy Daniels. Cohen could be disbarred based on this statement. At the least, he’ll face an ethical probe.

The people Trump is firing are people he hired. They’re not holdovers from the Obama Administration. Rod Rosenstein, who is under attack only because he supervises the Russia Investigation, is a Republican that Trump hired.

No wonder so many of his businesses fail and go bankrupt. Chaos and dysfunction has produced little in the way of good results.
Who would want to work for Trump. The staff that have been fired or left on their own have had their reputations damaged. Sean Spicer will be a punchline for the rest of his life. Flynn is looking at jail time. Priebus, Comey, Scaramucci, Bannon, Gorka, Price, Manigault-Newman, Porter, Hicks, Cohn, McEntee, Tillerson, McMaster, Shulkin etc. left with their reputations taking a hit from when they entered the White House.
In most cases the one that hurt their reputation the most was Trump.

Well there’s a thoughtful, well reasoned response.

Trump can’t get a competent lawyer to work for him. He hired General McMaster because the three civilians he offered the job to, turned him down. As a serving member of the military, McMaster couldn’t refuse an order from his CIC and had to take the job.

Others have taken jobs as service to the country, and stayed out of fear what would happen if they left.

As thanks for their service they’ve been lied to, forced to lie on Trump’s behalf, castigated, denigrated, publically humiliated and frequently tossed under the bus whenever it suited Trump.

Then there’s the corruption. Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in history. The level of petty graft and theft is disgusting.

No honest, decent human being would want to work for this White House. Which is why the caliber of applicants is so low.
I've never met a multi billionaire that has made friends with everyone who worked for him.
You've got to always be breaking eggs to make the best omelettes.

I don’t expect Trump to “make friends” with the people working for him, but I do expect him to treat his employees with respect. Not to publically denigrate and insult them.

His treatment of Rex Tillerson is a case in point. Trump asked Tillerson to take the job. The way he was treated and then fired, was disgraceful.

Or his ongoing treatment of Jeff Sessions. For someone who demands loyalty, he gives none in return.

Last week he threw Michael Cohen under the bus by denying any knowledge of the NDA with Stormy Daniels. Cohen could be disbarred based on this statement. At the least, he’ll face an ethical probe.

The people Trump is firing are people he hired. They’re not holdovers from the Obama Administration. Rod Rosenstein, who is under attack only because he supervises the Russia Investigation, is a Republican that Trump hired.

No wonder so many of his businesses fail and go bankrupt. Chaos and dysfunction has produced little in the way of good results.
Aww, Trump said mean things about a useless employee. Boo hoo! Rewarding incompetence is NOT a way to run a business.
Who would want to work for Trump. The staff that have been fired or left on their own have had their reputations damaged. Sean Spicer will be a punchline for the rest of his life. Flynn is looking at jail time. Priebus, Comey, Scaramucci, Bannon, Gorka, Price, Manigault-Newman, Porter, Hicks, Cohn, McEntee, Tillerson, McMaster, Shulkin etc. left with their reputations taking a hit from when they entered the White House.
In most cases the one that hurt their reputation the most was Trump.

Yep, there's no upside working for the Dotard. Which is why he had to call up a C-list small town ambulance chaser from Georgia after Dowd left the building.

None of the A-listers wanted the job because a) he doesn't listen to legal advice b) they don't want the constant chaos and c) chances good they won't get paid.

Ted Olson: Trump turmoil 'beyond normal'
Meanwhile, while you piss your pants and whine....good Americans continue to prosper big time on Donny’s watch. Do you care about how or why rejects leave or get fired or do you care about 330 million Americans?

Yeah - a 4000 point dump in the Dow since January thanks to his idiocy.

Thanks Trump
Who would want to work for Trump. The staff that have been fired or left on their own have had their reputations damaged. Sean Spicer will be a punchline for the rest of his life. Flynn is looking at jail time. Priebus, Comey, Scaramucci, Bannon, Gorka, Price, Manigault-Newman, Porter, Hicks, Cohn, McEntee, Tillerson, McMaster, Shulkin etc. left with their reputations taking a hit from when they entered the White House.
In most cases the one that hurt their reputation the most was Trump.

Well there’s a thoughtful, well reasoned response.

Trump can’t get a competent lawyer to work for him. He hired General McMaster because the three civilians he offered the job to, turned him down. As a serving member of the military, McMaster couldn’t refuse an order from his CIC and had to take the job.

Others have taken jobs as service to the country, and stayed out of fear what would happen if they left.

As thanks for their service they’ve been lied to, forced to lie on Trump’s behalf, castigated, denigrated, publically humiliated and frequently tossed under the bus whenever it suited Trump.

Then there’s the corruption. Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in history. The level of petty graft and theft is disgusting.

No honest, decent human being would want to work for this White House. Which is why the caliber of applicants is so low.
I've never met a multi billionaire that has made friends with everyone who worked for him.
You've got to always be breaking eggs to make the best omelettes.

I don’t expect Trump to “make friends” with the people working for him, but I do expect him to treat his employees with respect. Not to publically denigrate and insult them.

His treatment of Rex Tillerson is a case in point. Trump asked Tillerson to take the job. The way he was treated and then fired, was disgraceful.

Or his ongoing treatment of Jeff Sessions. For someone who demands loyalty, he gives none in return.

Last week he threw Michael Cohen under the bus by denying any knowledge of the NDA with Stormy Daniels. Cohen could be disbarred based on this statement. At the least, he’ll face an ethical probe.

The people Trump is firing are people he hired. They’re not holdovers from the Obama Administration. Rod Rosenstein, who is under attack only because he supervises the Russia Investigation, is a Republican that Trump hired.

No wonder so many of his businesses fail and go bankrupt. Chaos and dysfunction has produced little in the way of good results.
Rewarding incompetence is NOT a way to run a business.

No one is saying that Trump should retain incompetent staff, but why are so many of his hires that incompetent? He promised that he would hire only the “best people”.

Trump’s cabinet was the wealthiest in history, most of them self-made millionaires and billionaires. They had to be competent at something to have accumulated that wealth. Not all of them inherited their money. A little over a year later, 1/3 of them have resigned/been fired and both Sessions and Pruitt are on shaky ground.

As for those who can’t get security clearances, where was the vetting? Did they lie on their job applications? If so, that should have been fired immediately, not given temporary clearances and carry on.

But it still comes down to a President who publically denigrates, humiliates and then fires his staff via Twitter. Who engages in shouting matches with those who displease him.

If you’re a wealthy businessman/woman with a big corporation to run, and extensive investments, are you going to leave your company, divest yourself of your assets or place them in a blind trust, uproot your life and go to Washington, to work in the chaos that is the Trump White House, only to be publically humiliated and fired six months later?

All you have to do is to look at the way Tillerson and Sessions have been treated, to see why good people don’t want to work in this White House.
Who would want to work for Trump. The staff that have been fired or left on their own have had their reputations damaged. Sean Spicer will be a punchline for the rest of his life. Flynn is looking at jail time. Priebus, Comey, Scaramucci, Bannon, Gorka, Price, Manigault-Newman, Porter, Hicks, Cohn, McEntee, Tillerson, McMaster, Shulkin etc. left with their reputations taking a hit from when they entered the White House.
In most cases the one that hurt their reputation the most was Trump.

Well there’s a thoughtful, well reasoned response.

Trump can’t get a competent lawyer to work for him. He hired General McMaster because the three civilians he offered the job to, turned him down. As a serving member of the military, McMaster couldn’t refuse an order from his CIC and had to take the job.

Others have taken jobs as service to the country, and stayed out of fear what would happen if they left.

As thanks for their service they’ve been lied to, forced to lie on Trump’s behalf, castigated, denigrated, publically humiliated and frequently tossed under the bus whenever it suited Trump.

Then there’s the corruption. Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in history. The level of petty graft and theft is disgusting.

No honest, decent human being would want to work for this White House. Which is why the caliber of applicants is so low.
I've never met a multi billionaire that has made friends with everyone who worked for him.
You've got to always be breaking eggs to make the best omelettes.

I don’t expect Trump to “make friends” with the people working for him, but I do expect him to treat his employees with respect. Not to publically denigrate and insult them.

His treatment of Rex Tillerson is a case in point. Trump asked Tillerson to take the job. The way he was treated and then fired, was disgraceful.

Or his ongoing treatment of Jeff Sessions. For someone who demands loyalty, he gives none in return.

Last week he threw Michael Cohen under the bus by denying any knowledge of the NDA with Stormy Daniels. Cohen could be disbarred based on this statement. At the least, he’ll face an ethical probe.

The people Trump is firing are people he hired. They’re not holdovers from the Obama Administration. Rod Rosenstein, who is under attack only because he supervises the Russia Investigation, is a Republican that Trump hired.

No wonder so many of his businesses fail and go bankrupt. Chaos and dysfunction has produced little in the way of good results.
Aww, Trump said mean things about a useless employee. Boo hoo! Rewarding incompetence is NOT a way to run a business.

You're right, rewarding incompetence is NOT a way to run a business.

That being said, why is Pruitt still holding a job?
You know, there is that consideration, but the thing I would be asking right about now when Trump is pissing off leaders of other countries and imposing tariffs that are going to hurt American workers, how well do you think Trump's reputation is going to survive a stint in the WH? If he completes his term, but ends up being voted out, do you think his empire will survive?
I feel Trump will go down as the worst President in history.His policies have to play out. Will the jobs be restored he promised, will our trade deficits be substantially reduced, will his wall be built and will it help, how will other world countries view us, what will his policies do to the economy.
But if he has some success their is still the immorality and lying. Immorality and lying has always been part of politics but he has taken it to a level never before seen,
Bath house barry will always hold that distinction, even if Jimmy Carter were elected again.

And of course you lie nearly as often as you breath. Hey...let's ask presidential historians and see what they say...

History experts in New York Times op-ed: Trump worst president ever, Obama in top 10

WOW! Your Orange King is not going to be remembered so well, huh? And he hasn't started WW III yet. That is why he is bringing in Bolton.

Well there’s a thoughtful, well reasoned response.

Trump can’t get a competent lawyer to work for him. He hired General McMaster because the three civilians he offered the job to, turned him down. As a serving member of the military, McMaster couldn’t refuse an order from his CIC and had to take the job.

Others have taken jobs as service to the country, and stayed out of fear what would happen if they left.

As thanks for their service they’ve been lied to, forced to lie on Trump’s behalf, castigated, denigrated, publically humiliated and frequently tossed under the bus whenever it suited Trump.

Then there’s the corruption. Trump is leading the most corrupt administration in history. The level of petty graft and theft is disgusting.

No honest, decent human being would want to work for this White House. Which is why the caliber of applicants is so low.
I've never met a multi billionaire that has made friends with everyone who worked for him.
You've got to always be breaking eggs to make the best omelettes.

I don’t expect Trump to “make friends” with the people working for him, but I do expect him to treat his employees with respect. Not to publically denigrate and insult them.

His treatment of Rex Tillerson is a case in point. Trump asked Tillerson to take the job. The way he was treated and then fired, was disgraceful.

Or his ongoing treatment of Jeff Sessions. For someone who demands loyalty, he gives none in return.

Last week he threw Michael Cohen under the bus by denying any knowledge of the NDA with Stormy Daniels. Cohen could be disbarred based on this statement. At the least, he’ll face an ethical probe.

The people Trump is firing are people he hired. They’re not holdovers from the Obama Administration. Rod Rosenstein, who is under attack only because he supervises the Russia Investigation, is a Republican that Trump hired.

No wonder so many of his businesses fail and go bankrupt. Chaos and dysfunction has produced little in the way of good results.
Rewarding incompetence is NOT a way to run a business.

No one is saying that Trump should retain incompetent staff, but why are so many of his hires that incompetent? He promised that he would hire only the “best people”.

Trump’s cabinet was the wealthiest in history, most of them self-made millionaires and billionaires. They had to be competent at something to have accumulated that wealth. Not all of them inherited their money. A little over a year later, 1/3 of them have resigned/been fired and both Sessions and Pruitt are on shaky ground.

As for those who can’t get security clearances, where was the vetting? Did they lie on their job applications? If so, that should have been fired immediately, not given temporary clearances and carry on.

But it still comes down to a President who publically denigrates, humiliates and then fires his staff via Twitter. Who engages in shouting matches with those who displease him.

If you’re a wealthy businessman/woman with a big corporation to run, and extensive investments, are you going to leave your company, divest yourself of your assets or place them in a blind trust, uproot your life and go to Washington, to work in the chaos that is the Trump White House, only to be publically humiliated and fired six months later?

All you have to do is to look at the way Tillerson and Sessions have been treated, to see why good people don’t want to work in this White House.

He quickly got rid of the swamp and replaced it with an open sewer....
I see it was a mistake to close out my ignore list. None of these people can debate without lying twisting or spinning.
I see it was a mistake to close out my ignore list. None of these people can debate without lying twisting or spinning.

You’re the one who is lying, twisting and spinning, trying to claim that Trump doesn’t shoot himself in the foot on a daily basis.

He’s flying by the seat of his pants with no strategy or planning. He announced sanctions on China without discussing this with his staff. He says one thing one day and the complete opposite the next.

After saying he’d sign any clean DACA bill they sent him, the Senate sent him three deals, one of which would fund his dumb wall. He refused to endorse any of them.

Trump blames the media for his problems. Shooting himself in the foot on a daily basis isn’t the fault of the media. Hiring crooks and corrupt staff isn’t the media’s fault. Lying every time he opens his mouth isn’t the fault of the media either.

Last but not least, McConnell isn’t about to rush any more appointments through the Senate this session. They have better things to do with their time than approve the orange baboon’s replacement staff.
No delusion, fact. BHB is the worst president we have ever had, or I dare say ever will have
dumb is dumb is miketx
The higher the education completed the more likely you voted for and support Obama.
The lower the education level completed the more likely you feel Trump is our savior
No delusion, fact. BHB is the worst president we have ever had, or I dare say ever will have
dumb is dumb is miketx
The higher the education completed the more likely you voted for and support Obama.
The lower the education level completed the more likely you feel Trump is our savior
The daily education attack.
No delusion, fact. BHB is the worst president we have ever had, or I dare say ever will have
dumb is dumb is miketx
The higher the education completed the more likely you voted for and support Obama.
The lower the education level completed the more likely you feel Trump is our savior
We got it you coastal elites think the rest of America is stupid. That’s why ewe lost the election. Ewe think yer shit don’t stink, that’s why ewe keep yer head up yer ass!
That's a partial list.
Who would want to admit they worked in this White House? I would be ashamed.
No delusion, fact. BHB is the worst president we have ever had, or I dare say ever will have
dumb is dumb is miketx
The higher the education completed the more likely you voted for and support Obama.
The lower the education level completed the more likely you feel Trump is our savior
We got it you coastal elites think the rest of America is stupid. That’s why ewe lost the election. Ewe think yer shit don’t stink, that’s why ewe keep yer head up yer ass!

Yes, we think Trump voters are stupid. You voted for a a guy who was being sued for fraud in two states, whose companies have filed for bankruptcy 7 times, and who lies as easily as he breathes. A man who has been sued more than 3,000 times, fined by the IRS for misuse of charity donations, and whose personal charity has been shut down for illegal fund raising. And you did so because Hillary Clinton, who has never been charged with a crime, wasn’t “honest” enough for you.

All of this information was available to you before you voted. But you ignored it and voted for him anyway.

If that isn’t the definition of “stupid”, I don’t know what is.
No delusion, fact. BHB is the worst president we have ever had, or I dare say ever will have
dumb is dumb is miketx
The higher the education completed the more likely you voted for and support Obama.
The lower the education level completed the more likely you feel Trump is our savior
We got it you coastal elites think the rest of America is stupid. That’s why ewe lost the election. Ewe think yer shit don’t stink, that’s why ewe keep yer head up yer ass!

Yes, we think Trump voters are stupid. You voted for a a guy who was being sued for fraud in two states, whose companies have filed for bankruptcy 7 times, and who lies as easily as he breathes. A man who has been sued more than 3,000 times, fined by the IRS for misuse of charity donations, and whose personal charity has been shut down for illegal fund raising. And you did so because Hillary Clinton, who has never been charged with a crime, wasn’t “honest” enough for you.

All of this information was available to you before you voted. But you ignored it and voted for him anyway.

If that isn’t the definition of “stupid”, I don’t know what is.

You voted for a guy who was a declared anarchist, hung with terrorist and lied like a dog with every breath, and sold America down the river. . You are the stupid one.

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