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trump stops separating immigrant families AFTER he says he can't

LMAO Nah. He didn't cave. He tried to fix the problem that happens to be the law.

It was the law in 2014 and its the law now.

You and those like you should be bitching about whoever passed that law and it sure as shit wasn't Trump.

Of course you know that already. Your just a sore loser.

Happy trails idiot.

Wait - Trump, Neilson and Sanders all said that Trump couldn't do it with an executive order.

They were lying huh? Captain Chaos fires off more whoppers before lunch than most people manage in an entire year.

You may be the exception :)
LMAO Nah. He didn't cave. He tried to fix the problem that happens to be the law.

It was the law in 2014 and its the law now.

You and those like you should be bitching about whoever passed that law and it sure as shit wasn't Trump.

Of course you know that already. Your just a sore loser.

Happy trails idiot.

Wait - Trump, Neilson and Sanders all said that Trump couldn't do it with an executive order.

They were lying huh? Captain Chaos fires off more whoppers before lunch than most people manage in an entire year.

You may be the exception :)

Doesn't matter there moron. Its the law and until Congress changes that law its the one they have.

I doubt an EO is lawful in this instance but at least Trump tried to use it.

That's more than I can say for Barry.

Oh wait. I forgot. You didn't give a shit when Barry was POTUS and those "poor" kids were in cells. . Never mind.

LMAO Nah. He didn't cave. He tried to fix the problem that happens to be the law.

It was the law in 2014 and its the law now.

You and those like you should be bitching about whoever passed that law and it sure as shit wasn't Trump.

Of course you know that already. Your just a sore loser.

Happy trails idiot.

Wait - Trump, Neilson and Sanders all said that Trump couldn't do it with an executive order.

They were lying huh? Captain Chaos fires off more whoppers before lunch than most people manage in an entire year.

You may be the exception :)

What's another trump lie? Just another one to put on his pile of lies.....and RW Evangelist just love the "pussy grabber."
Of course they do. If it wasn't for the Children, what a load of horseshit, they wouldn't have anything to bitch about.

Of course its the law and it was the law back in 2014. They should be bitching at whoever passed the law. Not the POTUS.

Oh and all those so called refugees went by many countries that where they could have asked for asylum but didn't till they got the US border with Mexico.

That says it all right there. They want we American taxpayer to support them for the next decade.

We should kick every one of them back to Mexico and let the Mexicans deal with em.

He caved - It's okay to admit his ineptitude and weakness Claudette :)

Trump caves: Using kids as pawns, triggered crisis of his own making
In other words ,he pissed on the fire he started and then took credit
Of course they do. If it wasn't for the Children, what a load of horseshit, they wouldn't have anything to bitch about.

Of course its the law and it was the law back in 2014. They should be bitching at whoever passed the law. Not the POTUS.

Oh and all those so called refugees went by many countries that where they could have asked for asylum but didn't till they got the US border with Mexico.

That says it all right there. They want we American taxpayer to support them for the next decade.

We should kick every one of them back to Mexico and let the Mexicans deal with em.

He caved - It's okay to admit his ineptitude and weakness Claudette :)

Trump caves: Using kids as pawns, triggered crisis of his own making
In other words ,he pissed on the fire he started and then took credit

You are one hopeless idiot.

Unless Trump was POTUS in 2014 he didn't start anything. Its the law dummy.

Write your Congressmen and demand he change it since you are so worried about the "poor" kids. LOL
LMAO Nah. He didn't cave. He tried to fix the problem that happens to be the law.

It was the law in 2014 and its the law now.

You and those like you should be bitching about whoever passed that law and it sure as shit wasn't Trump.

Of course you know that already. Your just a sore loser.

Happy trails idiot.

Wait - Trump, Neilson and Sanders all said that Trump couldn't do it with an executive order.

They were lying huh? Captain Chaos fires off more whoppers before lunch than most people manage in an entire year.

You may be the exception :)

What's another trump lie? Just another one to put on his pile of lies.....and RW Evangelist just love the "pussy grabber."

It's becoming more chronic. He went from 5.5 lies a day one month ago to 6.5 lies a day.

Off n runnin' again this morning! :rolleyes:

Donald J Trump
Verified account 1h1 hour ago
The Border has been a big mess and problem for many years. At some point Schumer and Pelosi, who are weak on Crime and Border security, will be forced to do a real deal, so easy, that solves this long time problem. Schumer used to want Border security - now he’ll take Crime!
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Who is Steven Miller going to get trump to cage next?.....reporters?

Baby Kim cages 'em and burns 'em - But that's probably not cruel enough for Mango Mussolini.

Kim....as trump put it....a very "talented" man....Talented at murder and torture....right up trump's alley!

Honorable too!

And the GOP is silent while they called Obama's admission of wrong doing an apology.
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He gets no props for solving a crisis he himself created.

No, the parents created the problem by breaking the law.


And Trump started a zero tolerance policy which lead to this crisis that he had to issue today's EO to remedy.
You have seen the pictures of kids in cages during the Obama presidency haven't you? Let me know if you need a link

That’s a strawman as those kids weren’t being separated from their parents by the government, as Trump was doing.
Who was doing it then?

No one. Only under extreme circumstances, where a person crossing the border had committed a felony, were they locking them up and taking away the children.

This policy of zero tolerance and locking up all border crossers for crossing the border without proper documentation, resulting in tearing up families for the purpose of scaring foreigners to cross our borders, is a new policy set by this administration.
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You're mad at him even when he does what you want. That makes your opinion pretty much worthless.
So you want us to praise him for stopping something he started in the first place?

If your kid throws a tantrum and starts breaking things do you tell him he's a good boy when he stops?

He did something you wanted him to do, yet you’re STILL not happy. He does deserve credit bc he didn’t HAVE to sign the order but he did anyway. There’s a name for your kind of attitude: insanity.
You're mad at him even when he does what you want. That makes your opinion pretty much worthless.
Does what you want?? It's the whole fn world that thinks he's a scumbag ALL except those who think like him Know any like that?
So you DIDNT want him to stop separating children from their parents?
Sure I do He's just a little late and he's not doing it for any compassionate reason ,,purely political

It really doesn't matter the reason.

What plans does he have to reunite these children with their parents???? The answer is NONE

I’m sure if he had a plan you’d give him credit for it LOL
You're mad at him even when he does what you want. That makes your opinion pretty much worthless.

He gets no props for solving a crisis he himself created.

No, the parents created the problem by breaking the law.

Democrats provide the incentive for them to break the law.

Gee, we have 30+ states run by Republican governors, a Republican President, and Republicans control both houses of Congress. But lets blame the democrats?

Child please.

You do understand that even though Republicans lead these groups it doesn’t mean Democrats are helpless, right? Without the Democrats there is no government no matter how many Republicans there are. These are just excuses you’re making, and ignorant ones at that.
You're mad at him even when he does what you want. That makes your opinion pretty much worthless.
Does what you want?? It's the whole fn world that thinks he's a scumbag ALL except those who think like him Know any like that?
So you DIDNT want him to stop separating children from their parents?
Sure I do He's just a little late and he's not doing it for any compassionate reason ,,purely political

As were Clinton, Bush II, Obama...........

What's your point
LOL...today's tantrum is about fixing yesterday's tantrum.

A poor policy is remedied by a poor EO....BY AN EVEN POORER EXCUSE FOR A president
Obama could've signed that same EO. Even today, Dems promised not to help.

Face it, trick. You've been played again.
Thing about it is that the laws need to be changed by Congress to fix the problem as it's the laws that are causing this shit. But they aren't doing squat..........except polarizing the whole situation using the kids for politics...........

Never let a good crisis go to waste strategy.....and they are playing it up.......and it all started with their lies......
The Don nipped it in the bud. That was going to be their huge wedge issue (which they contrived to begin with). The POTUS showed compassion while negating their constant racist refrain.

He wins, again. :)

You are too stupid to be one person.

Trump won nothing today. Not only did he lose BIGLY, he continues to show he’s cruel, incompetent and stupid.

First off, he’s be caught lying - flat out lying, and trying to blame others for the policy he and he alone created. He denied that he could sign an EO and stop the policy. Then he signed an EO and stopped the policy.

But here’s why he’s losing and why he will continue to lose: Trump has 2500 children taken from their parents and placed in baby jails. His EO today does nothing for those 2500 children or their parents. Those babies are still crying for their parents tonight.

The administration has set aside no funds to reunite these children with their parents. They have no procedures or processes in place by which these parents and children can be reunited. Nothing.

So until Trump takes actual responsibility for the harm he’s done and sets about to reunite these children with their parents, he’s still losing. And he will continue to lose as long as these children remain apart from their parents.

Trump didn’t show compassion. He showed what a lying piece of shit he is. And he’s still using the 2500 children he’s kidnapped as a bargaining chip to ram his immigration policies through Congress.

It used to be the US didn’t negotiate with terrorists. Then you elected one President. How is he any different than Boca Haram?


You know some things need to be taken one step at a time. He fixes one problem you were bitching about so you go right on to the next possible thing to bitch about. You wouldn’t be happy if he did all these things you’re accusing him of not doing bc you’d move right on to the NEXT thing you think he needs to do but isn’t doing. You’ll never be happy, EVER. Just admit your expectations of him are off the fucking charts and not even close to the expectations you had of other presidents. Also it would benefit you to learn how the American government is supposed to function bc I’ve a feeling you have no clue. Contrary to what the anti-Trumpers seem to believe, NOT everything begins and ends with the president.
No, the parents created the problem by breaking the law.


And Trump started a zero tolerance policy which lead to this crisis that he had to issue today's EO to remedy.
You have seen the pictures of kids in cages during the Obama presidency haven't you? Let me know if you need a link


I'm sure there were. The difference is the sheer numbers and the motive behind it.
When compared to shootings, I thought just one was enough to bring outrage from the left


False equivalence. The left does care more about others though. That much is obvious.

From what I’ve seen the left cares about feelings more than anything else, and that’s not a realistic way of viewing the world. Problems need fixing and sometimes fixing problems leads to ugly scenarios. That doesn’t mean we let the problem continue.
Yes, magically his policy changed in the blink of an eye when he and the Republicons realized it was a massive losing issue for them.

When does he start building the wall? It's been a year and a half and he said he was ready to go in December of 2016 and he'd "get it done fast". His supporters are world class rubes
You really shouldn't trash Isaac Newton's legacy and genius by being so stupid that you don't know it takes 60 votes to get around the block Democrats are doing to prevent any solution to the immigration problem.

So according to you, any “solution” proposed to this issue is better than none, regardless of cost, practicality or whether it will actually solve this non-existent problem. Because make no mistake, Trump’s “zero tolerance” policy is a solution looking for a problem.

Trump is spending $200,000,000 to build and equip jails on the southern border for assuming serkers. The amount of money Trump is prepared to spend on this fake problem could be better spent on enforcement laws to punish employers who hire illegal immigrants. But those people vote Republican. Can’t jail them.

Trump is using immigrants to divide America. His whole tactic throughout his career is to pit people against one another. It’s always “us” versus “them”. Except it’s not.

The world is too small for racism, hatred and xenophobia. Your President is stupid, incompetent and cruel. He tries to cover this by being “tough”. Trump Is so tough that he’s picking on refugees and children to get people to do what he wants. This is extremely weak policy. Trump shows what a total weakling he is by torturing babies.

Now that the curtain has been pulled back, things are only going downhill for this weak, cruel and incompetent fool.

Now that the effects of his trade war are taking hold, and health insurance premiums are skyrocketing, we’ll see how well Trumpians do at mid-Term.

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