Trump suffers big loss in E. Jean Carroll defamation case, judge says he’s liable

Right this now, one of P01135809's shyster's is begging him to keep his Big Mac Hole shut. P-1135809 has lost twice to E. Jean Carroll. He certainly does NOT have enough money banked to pay her, and his own shysters. He is bleeding money.

should've just his Big Mac Hole closed, he brought this on himself. He never learned that are consequences his words and his actions.
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There was rape. A jury of his peers found he raped the woman.

Deal with it.

But this latest piece of new is about Trump running his big fat mouth again. And now it will cost him.

Be sure to buy his coffee mug and help out! :lol:
Ordered and waiting.
Ordered and waiting.
Poor Trump. Reduced to selling coffee mugs and T-shirts to fund his defense. :auiqs.jpg:

Bake sales and car washes will be next.

"I hired the best chefs in the world to make my cupcakes. Some people are saying these are worth ten times the price. They are the best cupcakes you will ever eat, that I can tell you."

Poor Trump. Reduced to selling coffee mugs and T-shirts to fund his defense. :auiqs.jpg:

Bake sales and car washes will be next.

"I hired the best chefs in the world to make my cupcakes. Some people are saying these are worth ten times the price. They are the best cupcakes you will ever eat, that I can tell you."


Not even if I was starving to death would one those ugly concoctions

Ms. Carroll proved her case in court.....twice. P01135809 could not keep his big Mac Hold fucking shut. He famed her and she lost. Get the fuck over it. In other news, the judge hearing A.G. James case against P01135809 rejected P01135809's request for a delay, that trial starts next month.
Ms. Carroll proved her case in court.....twice. P01135809 could not keep his big Mac Hold fucking shut. He famed her and she lost. Get the fuck over it. In other news, the judge hearing A.G. James case against P01135809 rejected P01135809's request for a delay, that trial starts next month.
E. Jean is a nutcase and she has always been. I wish you'd been this adamant about Tara Reid's accusation against Biden. This is not justice. She could not provide date, time, or evidence. This is a he said, she said situation 30 years old and it should never have made it into court. and if it did it should have been thrown out...but we all know the deal here..It is purely for harassment and political persecution. You're not as convincing as you think you are and you really don't seem all that interested in the facts or justice as long as you think you can GET TRUMP.

your side has let this horse out the barn and it's going to be very hard to get it back in. It's gonna come back to bite the democrats in the butt before it's all over.
E. Jean is a nutcase and she has always been.

P01135809 has an established pattern of sexual misconduct.

26-Women have accused P01135809 of Sexual Abuse/Sexual Assault/Sexual Harassment. It is a statistical improbability that each and everyone of these Women are lying.

P01135809 is a serial adulterer. He was banging Stephanie Clifford (a,k.a. "Stormy Daniels") while Melannia was pregnant with Baron.

P01135809 boasted of grabbing Women, "By Their Pussy".

P01135809 boasted of attempting to fuck a Married Woman, "I moved her like bitch, but she wan't having it."

E. Jean Carroll has beaten P01135809 in court twice.

P01135809 is a Misogynistic asshole with a serious case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. You believe his lies, I do not.
Now what special retard told you there was no trial?
There was no rape trial. There was a defamation civil trial. There never was a criminal rape trial. No one ever proved Trump raped anyone. Unless you can come up with a trial date, I'm going with that.

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