Trump Supporter threatens to assassinate Hillary Clinton if she wins

Wrong thing ^ to do. She has to be judged by International Military Tribunal for all her war crimes. As well as Obama, Soros, Kerry, Nuland and others.

You righty tinfoil hats will be rounded up and put into camps .

All hail queen Hillary !!!!
You righty tinfoil hats will be rounded up and put into camps .

And fitted with electronic dog collars
I suggest you re-think that approach and not try it... unless you enjoy getting shot through the head...
That's why the dog collars. You guys are not nearly as bad as you think.
You tell 'em, tiger...
The regressives on the FarandAlt Right just are not a real worry to real Americans.
Don't know a thing about that, but tell your bitch, Guno, that he should re-think his approach...
It's an approach the military and the leo will take without mercy on any on the left or right who violently dispute the election.
You perceived it as utilizing force to assure the results of the election.

I perceived it as utilizing force after the election to silence and humiliate political opposition. democrats weren't concerned over the LWNJ attempted assination of Trump....
When The Arizona Republic endorsed a Democrat for president for the first time in its more than 125-year history, the newspaper didn't just get angry responses.
They got death threats.

Trump sets the tone....
Riling up his base.
The regressives on the FarandAlt Right just are not a real worry to real Americans.
Don't know a thing about that, but tell your bitch, Guno, that he should re-think his approach...
It's an approach the military and the leo will take without mercy on any on the left or right who violently dispute the election.
You perceived it as utilizing force to assure the results of the election. I perceived it as utilizing force after the election to silence and humiliate political opposition.
Yes, that is the legitimate purpose of our American people through our government to protect the election outcome. That the losers, any side, are disappointed is to be expected. Violence is to be punished, because it has no legitimacy in our culture and our law.
But you are not going to be arrested as a war criminal, whereas Bush and Cheney et al will be arrested.
“I feel like Hillary needs to be taken out if she gets in the government,” Dan Bowman, 50, told CNN. “I’ll do everything in my power to take her out of power – which, if I have to be a patriot, I will.”

When asked if he was physically threatening Ms Clinton, he answered: “I don’t know, is it?”


Holy crap! The nutjobs are coming out of the woodwork! See the video of this degenerate rightist cretin here::

A Trump supporter threatened to assassinate Hillary Clinton if she wins the election
You derp cons you'll force NATO to station troops in the US to keep you slugs in order. I hear they are painting all their choppers black right now.

Ooooo, scary stuff.......better stock up on freeze dried rice cakes and peanut butter. And don't forget to stop by 'Walmart' wink wink, to get your official Jade Helm '17 baseball caps. You were right, the first Jade Helm was just to desensitize you to US troops operating en masse in your state and at your Walmarts. Next time, it's the real thing! An' it's all goin' down on Black Friday so you'll never see it coming!

Better tell Festus to practice Taps on his bugle for your martyr parties.
You seem to know a lot about Wal Mart.
“I feel like Hillary needs to be taken out if she gets in the government,” Dan Bowman, 50, told CNN. “I’ll do everything in my power to take her out of power – which, if I have to be a patriot, I will.”

When asked if he was physically threatening Ms Clinton, he answered: “I don’t know, is it?”


Holy crap! The nutjobs are coming out of the woodwork! See the video of this degenerate rightist cretin here::

A Trump supporter threatened to assassinate Hillary Clinton if she wins the election
Loons on the Left...

Loons on the Right...

I wouldn't give you a plug nickel for the long-term survival prospects of either, at this point...

The Secret Service is going to have its hands full, that's for sure...
I don't think Bill cares what side of the aisle his bimbos come from. ;)
“I feel like Hillary needs to be taken out if she gets in the government,” Dan Bowman, 50, told CNN. “I’ll do everything in my power to take her out of power – which, if I have to be a patriot, I will.”

When asked if he was physically threatening Ms Clinton, he answered: “I don’t know, is it?”


Holy crap! The nutjobs are coming out of the woodwork! See the video of this degenerate rightist cretin here::

A Trump supporter threatened to assassinate Hillary Clinton if she wins the election
This is how low shit tv services such as CNN have to go to get viewers. CNN is a no ratings pile of yellow journalism with an extreme left wing bias.
Any reporter worth their salt would have stopped this interview immediately after hearing the threat.
And people like you,. desperately grasping at straws in the hope of rigging the election, take this stupid shit and run with it.
all of this crap, with the so called "victims" of Trump, to the deliberate burying of news items regarding the emails, the ignoring of the stories regarding NBC's deliberately leaking statements and audio recordings of these women conspiring to ruin Trump with false accusations..yes those were leaked to the Clinton camp....all of this is because your side is shit scared Clinton is not going to win. This is because in the arena of ideas and policy, liberalism gets its ass handed to it. So you have to resort to dirty tricks and other tactics to deflect the election away from the issues.

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