Trump Supporters Beat Black Lives Matter Protester At Campaign Rally

Oh my, this won't look good on Trump's resume or endear him with black voters.

This looks great for Trump with white voters and Conservatives. He wasn't gonna get the black vote anyway, so who cares.

Well, since he has no chance of winning the General Election - why do you care?
Why is Trump leading Hillary in the polls?
A better question is ... why do you lie...?


  • Hillary: 45%
  • Trump: 44%


  • Hillary: 56%
  • Trump: 41%


  • Hillary: 46%
  • Trump: 43%


  • Hillary: 50%
  • Trump: 42%


  • Hillary: 50%
  • Trump: 45%


  • Hillary: 45%
  • Trump: 50%

RealClearPolitics - Clinton vs. Republicans
Those are old polls that show him behind.
The general election hasn't started yet. Hillary is barely hanging on by her fingernails.
Lakhota, gee, why didn't you post any threads about the numerous cases in the last few weeks where blacks attacked whites, including cases where blacks severely beat whites because they happened to have a Confederate bumper sticker or flag on their vehicle? Or are you okay with that sort of violence?

It seems like you only care about violence when people of color are the victims and when their attackers are white. Some would call that a racist attitude.
Do you think the black protestors screamed "racism" as they were being punched in the face? Or is this considered an act of micro aggression? As someone who has been punched in the face I can tell you there is nothing micro about it.
In their defense, they probably thought it was Obama. Who could blame them?
Right...because RWrs can't resist beating up the President of the United States.

If only the opportunity presented itself. The law, secret service, and the army of cnn reporters who will smear you as a racist so the president is quite safe. I guess GOd (or in his case Allah) will have to deal with him. I'm just so relieved he will be out of here in 2016.
In their defense, they probably thought it was Obama. Who could blame them?
Right...because RWrs can't resist beating up the President of the United States.

If only the opportunity presented itself. The law, secret service, and the army of cnn reporters who will smear you as a racist so the president is quite safe. I guess GOd (or in his case Allah) will have to deal with him. I'm just so relieved he will be out of here in 2016.

What type of hell is suitable for this man?
This reminds me of the Rand Paul stompers.


You mean security handling a threat?
Adolf "Innuendo" Trump is a pitiful clown. His stated policies consist of "good management" and "we're going to be looking at that"...
The reported attack in Birmingham, Alabama, was caught on video.

Several people attending a rally for Donald Trump in Birmingham, Alabama, physically assaulted an African-American protester on Saturday, witnesses said.

The protester began chanting "Black Lives Matter" and took off his sweatshirt to display a T-shirt printed with the phrase before people at the rally reportedly attacked him.

CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond posted a video of the altercation on Twitter. In it, a man in a blue gingham shirt appears to be kicking a black man lying on the ground.

"At least a half-dozen attendees shoved and tackled the protester, a black man, to the ground as he refused to leave the event," Diamond reported for CNN. "At least one man punched the protester and a woman kicked him while he was on the ground."

Videos & More: Trump Supporters Reportedly Beat Black Lives Matter Protester At Campaign Rally

Oh my, this won't look good on Trump's resume or endear him with black voters.
Like all blacks, this one was a trouble maker trying to disrupt the event.

WATCH: Trump Tosses BLM Heckler From Alabama Rally: 'Get Him the Hell Out of Here!'

Yeah, according to NaziCons - most blacks are "troublemakers"...

What is a "NaziCon"? Please be sure your explanation make sense.

For your viewing pleasure...

If Republicans Don’t Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

The BLM is the group acting like Nazis, moron.
Adolf "Innuendo" Trump is a pitiful clown. His stated policies consist of "good management" and "we're going to be looking at that"...

Inset words between sentences instead of taking things out of context. It kind of gives it a different meaning.
Oh my, this won't look good on Trump's resume or endear him with black voters.

This looks great for Trump with white voters and Conservatives. He wasn't gonna get the black vote anyway, so who cares.

Well, since he has no chance of winning the General Election - why do you care?
according to you, ( No wonder the GOP leadership is in a panic to take him out) the GOP is in a panic to stop him, but, if he has so little chance of winning an election, why would they worry?
You really make no sense.
Practice saying, President Trump.
The reported attack in Birmingham, Alabama, was caught on video.

Several people attending a rally for Donald Trump in Birmingham, Alabama, physically assaulted an African-American protester on Saturday, witnesses said.

The protester began chanting "Black Lives Matter" and took off his sweatshirt to display a T-shirt printed with the phrase before people at the rally reportedly attacked him.

CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond posted a video of the altercation on Twitter. In it, a man in a blue gingham shirt appears to be kicking a black man lying on the ground.

"At least a half-dozen attendees shoved and tackled the protester, a black man, to the ground as he refused to leave the event," Diamond reported for CNN. "At least one man punched the protester and a woman kicked him while he was on the ground."

Videos & More: Trump Supporters Reportedly Beat Black Lives Matter Protester At Campaign Rally

Oh my, this won't look good on Trump's resume or endear him with black voters.
Like all blacks, this one was a trouble maker trying to disrupt the event.

WATCH: Trump Tosses BLM Heckler From Alabama Rally: 'Get Him the Hell Out of Here!'

Yeah, according to NaziCons - most blacks are "troublemakers"...

What is a "NaziCon"? Please be sure your explanation make sense.

For your viewing pleasure...

If Republicans Don’t Want to be Compared to Nazis, They Should Stop Acting Like Nazis

The BLM is the group acting like Nazis, moron.

Why, because they're tired of being unfairly killed and incarcerated?
Oh my, this won't look good on Trump's resume or endear him with black voters.

This looks great for Trump with white voters and Conservatives. He wasn't gonna get the black vote anyway, so who cares.

Well, since he has no chance of winning the General Election - why do you care?
according to you, ( No wonder the GOP leadership is in a panic to take him out) the GOP is in a panic to stop him, but, if he has so little chance of winning an election, why would they worry?
You really make no sense.
Practice saying, President Trump.

Practice saying Adolf "Innuendo" Trump.
What gives the right to supporters of any candidate to subdue, assault or silence with physical force any non-violent person attempting to project first amendment rights? Isn't that a job for police and security personnel?

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