Trump supporters: Better pray you are right!

Lessee, on another thread we have proof that this is all misdirection and that Putin really wanted Hillary the money-grubbing, easily corruptible candidate to be president, not the independent businessman. He wanted the candidate that had already done him huge favors like giving him a whole bunch of our uranium and pulling out the missile defense shield that was blocking him from taking the Crimea. The candidate that had already taken huge bribes as speaking fees. Yet the investigation is focusing on Trump being Russia's collaborator? And now we better pray that Mueller doesn't find anything on Trump that several top people close to the investigation have already said just isn't there? And by a special counsel who is now known to be a close friend to the tainted James Comey who just met with him privately to give him a data dump where Comey admits he was conspiring behind the president as a political operative to set him up for the investigation in the first place now bringing questions about the integrity of Mueller?

SO FAR, there is evidence of EVERYONE involved being tainted and compromised, EXCEPT TRUMP, the focus of the investigation, and his supporters need to pray for him?

I think Hillary better pray.
I think Loretta better pray.
I think James Comey better pray.
and I think I think the Democrats better pray!

You're laughing and scratching your head, but if Russia was not the culprit or hacker that purposely tried to bring Hillary down through WikiLeaks, and Assange was right that it wasn't the Russians, then it could very well be that Putin was just an on looker in it all, and that he would have been ok with a Clinton presidency just as well. The Democrats tried to tie the Russians to Trump for nefarious reasons, but was it all because they needed a boogeyman to blame it all on if Trump pulled it off ?? Hmm. Is your laughter actually tears maybe ??

The FBI and CIA both said that Russia hacked the information and gave it to Wikileaks. There is no if involved in that pat.

The FBI and CIA both said that Russia hacked the information and gave it to Wikileaks. There is no if involved in that pat.


Revelations about Russian hackers continued to surface through the months leading up to and following the November election. That includes the top-secret NSA report leaked on Monday, detailing how nation-state actors launched cyberattacks against an election software company, whose technology was used in eight states, and tried spear-phishing election officials.

During Thursday's testimony, Comey said he first became aware of Russia-connected meddling in the late summer of 2015, around the time Trump announced he was running for president.

"There was a massive effort to target government and nongovernmental agencies, like nonprofits," Comey said. He noted that there could be hundreds, and possibly more than 1,000 officials who were targeted in the cyberattacks from Russia.

Comey told the Senate committee that the FBI never examined the DNC's hacked devices directly, but received proper intelligence from a third-party (likely Crowdstrike).}

Comey talks Trump and 'massive' Russian hacking effort

So despite your blatant lie, the FBI NEVER EVEN INVESTIGATED the DNC Email release. The party refused to allow law enforcement to see their servers, for obvious reasons. They instead hired completely discredited Crowdstrike to fabricate the results the party wanted.

The biggest issue I have with you Nazi democrats is that you blatantly lie, about everything. Not a hint or shred of integrity with any of you.
Lessee, on another thread we have proof that this is all misdirection and that Putin really wanted Hillary the money-grubbing, easily corruptible candidate to be president, not the independent businessman. He wanted the candidate that had already done him huge favors like giving him a whole bunch of our uranium and pulling out the missile defense shield that was blocking him from taking the Crimea. The candidate that had already taken huge bribes as speaking fees. Yet the investigation is focusing on Trump being Russia's collaborator? And now we better pray that Mueller doesn't find anything on Trump that several top people close to the investigation have already said just isn't there? And by a special counsel who is now known to be a close friend to the tainted James Comey who just met with him privately to give him a data dump where Comey admits he was conspiring behind the president as a political operative to set him up for the investigation in the first place now bringing questions about the integrity of Mueller?

SO FAR, there is evidence of EVERYONE involved being tainted and compromised, EXCEPT TRUMP, the focus of the investigation, and his supporters need to pray for him?

I think Hillary better pray.
I think Loretta better pray.
I think James Comey better pray.
and I think I think the Democrats better pray!

You're laughing and scratching your head, but if Russia was not the culprit or hacker that purposely tried to bring Hillary down through WikiLeaks, and Assange was right that it wasn't the Russians, then it could very well be that Putin was just an on looker in it all, and that he would have been ok with a Clinton presidency just as well. The Democrats tried to tie the Russians to Trump for nefarious reasons, but was it all because they needed a boogeyman to blame it all on if Trump pulled it off ?? Hmm. Is your laughter actually tears maybe ??

The FBI and CIA both said that Russia hacked the information and gave it to Wikileaks. There is no if involved in that pat.
. You mean the compromised FBI and CIA who was the Obama administrations puppets under the fundemental transformation into what the Dems wanted these institutions to become (the destroyer of all opposition who dared to derail the transformation) ???????
Lessee, on another thread we have proof that this is all misdirection and that Putin really wanted Hillary the money-grubbing, easily corruptible candidate to be president, not the independent businessman. He wanted the candidate that had already done him huge favors like giving him a whole bunch of our uranium and pulling out the missile defense shield that was blocking him from taking the Crimea. The candidate that had already taken huge bribes as speaking fees. Yet the investigation is focusing on Trump being Russia's collaborator? And now we better pray that Mueller doesn't find anything on Trump that several top people close to the investigation have already said just isn't there? And by a special counsel who is now known to be a close friend to the tainted James Comey who just met with him privately to give him a data dump where Comey admits he was conspiring behind the president as a political operative to set him up for the investigation in the first place now bringing questions about the integrity of Mueller?

SO FAR, there is evidence of EVERYONE involved being tainted and compromised, EXCEPT TRUMP, the focus of the investigation, and his supporters need to pray for him?

I think Hillary better pray.
I think Loretta better pray.
I think James Comey better pray.
and I think I think the Democrats better pray!

You're laughing and scratching your head, but if Russia was not the culprit or hacker that purposely tried to bring Hillary down through WikiLeaks, and Assange was right that it wasn't the Russians, then it could very well be that Putin was just an on looker in it all, and that he would have been ok with a Clinton presidency just as well. The Democrats tried to tie the Russians to Trump for nefarious reasons, but was it all because they needed a boogeyman to blame it all on if Trump pulled it off ?? Hmm. Is your laughter actually tears maybe ??

The FBI and CIA both said that Russia hacked the information and gave it to Wikileaks. There is no if involved in that pat.
. You mean the compromised FBI and CIA who was the Obama administrations puppets under the fundemental transformation into what the Dems wanted these institutions to become (the destroyer of all opposition who dared to derail the transformation) ???????

No Worries, Bulldog is just lying, The FBI nor any other agency never claimed to have any evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC. The only ones who even pretended to "investigate" were the frauds at Crowdstrike.
For a refresher on the blatant fraud Crowdstrike engaged in;

The only thread that holds the DNI report together at first glance is the false testimony and fake evidence Crowdstrike and Dmitri Alperovitch provided to the FBI and other agencies involved. When you look at the evidence presented and the sources it becomes evident that the Russian hack story doesn’t stand up against Crowdstrike’s own facts.

By examining facts, timelines, and sources needed for the DNI report, the only conclusion is the DNI report is strictly political. Because of this Craig Murray- Julian Assange’s story showing the emails were leaked is the only version of the story that stands. The facts on hand show criminality and negligence on the part of Crowdstrike, the FBI, and the DNI.

The Murray and Assange story stands on evidence many heavyweights in the Intel community are backing up their account as the only way the emails could have gotten to Wiki Leaks.

The DNI report uses of information obtained by self-identifying Ukrainian neo-nazis (Pravy Sektor members). For US Intel to offer this proof of Russian involvement is really bizarre. While heading 17 Intel agencies, the DNI was not concerned enough about Russia hacking or influencing the 2016 election to look into. Why is it that during the 10 days following the election, James Clapper knew so little about the subject?

According to the Washington Times ” As recently as Nov. 17, James Clapper, the nation’s top intelligence officer, told Congress his agencies “don’t have good insight” into a direct link between WikiLeaks and the emails supposedly hacked by a Russian operation from Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign.”

But the FBI had it covered for months. James Comey, Director of the FBI is in charge of the domestic version of the CIA. According to the 2006 update of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004, “the FBI’s job in the streets of the United States would thus be a domestic equivalent, operating under the U.S. Constitution and quite different laws and rules, to the job of the CIA’s operations officers abroad.

According to the FBI Director, “there are now 5,000 agents and 2,000 intelligence analysts” 41 in the branch.

It is our hope that open source will become an integral part of all intelligence activities (FBI) and that, at some point in the future, there may no longer be a need for a separate directorate.”

With this in mind, Comey could have and should have simply phoned the NSA and received all the information he needed, chose not to. The question is why? Comey could have asked any of over 2000 analysts to look into it. Why didn’t the Director of the domestic CIA request information?

According to William Binney (former Technical Director, World Geopolitical & Military Analysis, NSA), the NSA’s “extensive domestic data-collection network,” any data removed remotely from Hillary Clinton or DNC servers would have passed over fiber networks and therefore would have been captured by the NSA who could have then analyzed packet data to determine the origination point and destination address of those packets.”}

Why Crowdstrike's Russian Hacking Story Fell Apart 2 The DNI Report Faked Sources

The FBI and CIA both said that Russia hacked the information and gave it to Wikileaks. There is no if involved in that pat.


Revelations about Russian hackers continued to surface through the months leading up to and following the November election. That includes the top-secret NSA report leaked on Monday, detailing how nation-state actors launched cyberattacks against an election software company, whose technology was used in eight states, and tried spear-phishing election officials.

During Thursday's testimony, Comey said he first became aware of Russia-connected meddling in the late summer of 2015, around the time Trump announced he was running for president.

"There was a massive effort to target government and nongovernmental agencies, like nonprofits," Comey said. He noted that there could be hundreds, and possibly more than 1,000 officials who were targeted in the cyberattacks from Russia.

Comey told the Senate committee that the FBI never examined the DNC's hacked devices directly, but received proper intelligence from a third-party (likely Crowdstrike).}

Comey talks Trump and 'massive' Russian hacking effort

So despite your blatant lie, the FBI NEVER EVEN INVESTIGATED the DNC Email release. The party refused to allow law enforcement to see their servers, for obvious reasons. They instead hired completely discredited Crowdstrike to fabricate the results the party wanted.

The biggest issue I have with you Nazi democrats is that you blatantly lie, about everything. Not a hint or shred of integrity with any of you.

You are mistaken
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House
Trump supporters better pray? It's you fucknuts that should be on your knees since you've been wrong about everything concerning Trump for almost two years now. You're the ones in dire need of a win, not us.
Lessee, on another thread we have proof that this is all misdirection and that Putin really wanted Hillary the money-grubbing, easily corruptible candidate to be president, not the independent businessman. He wanted the candidate that had already done him huge favors like giving him a whole bunch of our uranium and pulling out the missile defense shield that was blocking him from taking the Crimea. The candidate that had already taken huge bribes as speaking fees. Yet the investigation is focusing on Trump being Russia's collaborator? And now we better pray that Mueller doesn't find anything on Trump that several top people close to the investigation have already said just isn't there? And by a special counsel who is now known to be a close friend to the tainted James Comey who just met with him privately to give him a data dump where Comey admits he was conspiring behind the president as a political operative to set him up for the investigation in the first place now bringing questions about the integrity of Mueller?

SO FAR, there is evidence of EVERYONE involved being tainted and compromised, EXCEPT TRUMP, the focus of the investigation, and his supporters need to pray for him?

I think Hillary better pray.
I think Loretta better pray.
I think James Comey better pray.
and I think I think the Democrats better pray!

You're laughing and scratching your head, but if Russia was not the culprit or hacker that purposely tried to bring Hillary down through WikiLeaks, and Assange was right that it wasn't the Russians, then it could very well be that Putin was just an on looker in it all, and that he would have been ok with a Clinton presidency just as well. The Democrats tried to tie the Russians to Trump for nefarious reasons, but was it all because they needed a boogeyman to blame it all on if Trump pulled it off ?? Hmm. Is your laughter actually tears maybe ??

The FBI and CIA both said that Russia hacked the information and gave it to Wikileaks. There is no if involved in that pat.
. You mean the compromised FBI and CIA who was the Obama administrations puppets under the fundemental transformation into what the Dems wanted these institutions to become (the destroyer of all opposition who dared to derail the transformation) ???????

Calm down, take a breath, and try that again. Try to make sense this time.
Lessee, on another thread we have proof that this is all misdirection and that Putin really wanted Hillary the money-grubbing, easily corruptible candidate to be president, not the independent businessman. He wanted the candidate that had already done him huge favors like giving him a whole bunch of our uranium and pulling out the missile defense shield that was blocking him from taking the Crimea. The candidate that had already taken huge bribes as speaking fees. Yet the investigation is focusing on Trump being Russia's collaborator? And now we better pray that Mueller doesn't find anything on Trump that several top people close to the investigation have already said just isn't there? And by a special counsel who is now known to be a close friend to the tainted James Comey who just met with him privately to give him a data dump where Comey admits he was conspiring behind the president as a political operative to set him up for the investigation in the first place now bringing questions about the integrity of Mueller?

SO FAR, there is evidence of EVERYONE involved being tainted and compromised, EXCEPT TRUMP, the focus of the investigation, and his supporters need to pray for him?

I think Hillary better pray.
I think Loretta better pray.
I think James Comey better pray.
and I think I think the Democrats better pray!

You're laughing and scratching your head, but if Russia was not the culprit or hacker that purposely tried to bring Hillary down through WikiLeaks, and Assange was right that it wasn't the Russians, then it could very well be that Putin was just an on looker in it all, and that he would have been ok with a Clinton presidency just as well. The Democrats tried to tie the Russians to Trump for nefarious reasons, but was it all because they needed a boogeyman to blame it all on if Trump pulled it off ?? Hmm. Is your laughter actually tears maybe ??

The FBI and CIA both said that Russia hacked the information and gave it to Wikileaks. There is no if involved in that pat.
. You mean the compromised FBI and CIA who was the Obama administrations puppets under the fundemental transformation into what the Dems wanted these institutions to become (the destroyer of all opposition who dared to derail the transformation) ???????

No Worries, Bulldog is just lying, The FBI nor any other agency never claimed to have any evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC. The only ones who even pretended to "investigate" were the frauds at Crowdstrike.
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House
You're laughing and scratching your head, but if Russia was not the culprit or hacker that purposely tried to bring Hillary down through WikiLeaks, and Assange was right that it wasn't the Russians, then it could very well be that Putin was just an on looker in it all, and that he would have been ok with a Clinton presidency just as well. The Democrats tried to tie the Russians to Trump for nefarious reasons, but was it all because they needed a boogeyman to blame it all on if Trump pulled it off ?? Hmm. Is your laughter actually tears maybe ??

The FBI and CIA both said that Russia hacked the information and gave it to Wikileaks. There is no if involved in that pat.
. You mean the compromised FBI and CIA who was the Obama administrations puppets under the fundemental transformation into what the Dems wanted these institutions to become (the destroyer of all opposition who dared to derail the transformation) ???????

No Worries, Bulldog is just lying, The FBI nor any other agency never claimed to have any evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC. The only ones who even pretended to "investigate" were the frauds at Crowdstrike.
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

That's nice.

It doesn't support your blatant lie that the FBI stated Russians hacked the DNC servers, though.
You're laughing and scratching your head, but if Russia was not the culprit or hacker that purposely tried to bring Hillary down through WikiLeaks, and Assange was right that it wasn't the Russians, then it could very well be that Putin was just an on looker in it all, and that he would have been ok with a Clinton presidency just as well. The Democrats tried to tie the Russians to Trump for nefarious reasons, but was it all because they needed a boogeyman to blame it all on if Trump pulled it off ?? Hmm. Is your laughter actually tears maybe ??

The FBI and CIA both said that Russia hacked the information and gave it to Wikileaks. There is no if involved in that pat.
. You mean the compromised FBI and CIA who was the Obama administrations puppets under the fundemental transformation into what the Dems wanted these institutions to become (the destroyer of all opposition who dared to derail the transformation) ???????

No Worries, Bulldog is just lying, The FBI nor any other agency never claimed to have any evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC. The only ones who even pretended to "investigate" were the frauds at Crowdstrike.
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House

That's nice.

It doesn't support your blatant lie that the FBI stated Russians hacked the DNC servers, though.
As always, you are free to believe anything you want, no matter how wrong it is.
Lessee, on another thread we have proof that this is all misdirection and that Putin really wanted Hillary the money-grubbing, easily corruptible candidate to be president, not the independent businessman. He wanted the candidate that had already done him huge favors like giving him a whole bunch of our uranium and pulling out the missile defense shield that was blocking him from taking the Crimea. The candidate that had already taken huge bribes as speaking fees. Yet the investigation is focusing on Trump being Russia's collaborator? And now we better pray that Mueller doesn't find anything on Trump that several top people close to the investigation have already said just isn't there? And by a special counsel who is now known to be a close friend to the tainted James Comey who just met with him privately to give him a data dump where Comey admits he was conspiring behind the president as a political operative to set him up for the investigation in the first place now bringing questions about the integrity of Mueller?

SO FAR, there is evidence of EVERYONE involved being tainted and compromised, EXCEPT TRUMP, the focus of the investigation, and his supporters need to pray for him?

I think Hillary better pray.
I think Loretta better pray.
I think James Comey better pray.
and I think I think the Democrats better pray!

You're laughing and scratching your head, but if Russia was not the culprit or hacker that purposely tried to bring Hillary down through WikiLeaks, and Assange was right that it wasn't the Russians, then it could very well be that Putin was just an on looker in it all, and that he would have been ok with a Clinton presidency just as well. The Democrats tried to tie the Russians to Trump for nefarious reasons, but was it all because they needed a boogeyman to blame it all on if Trump pulled it off ?? Hmm. Is your laughter actually tears maybe ??
Trump tied himself to the Russians all by himself and before it was known to us they were the hackers, he can thank himself and stop blaming others for his own choices on supporting Putin.

If the Russian did not hack the DNC and Podesta, then the only other entity that would gain from the wikileaks is again, Trump himself and his campaign did the leaking...better hope it was the Russians...

Nigel Farage is 'person of interest' in FBI investigation into Trump and Russia
Trump supporters. You had better pray you are 100% right about President Trump and his people being innocent of wrongdoing regarding their dealings with Russia. Bob Mueller will uncover every facet of the truth. He knows every legal trick, dodge, and maneuver criminals use to escape justice. He also has the legal knowledge, power, and staff to bring people to justice.

I'm not sure if President Trump is guilty of anything at this point, but if I were a Trump supporter, I'd stop focusing on slamming the Liberals (though I know it's fun) and I'd break our my prayer rug and ask my personal GOD for a miracle, because things are looking downright grim for the Trump administration.

Oh....and one more thing to think about before you accuse the Liberals of using Russia to launch a smear campaign against Trump: A sitting President is responsible for the actions of his staff, if any of them are guilty of wrongdoing, the President is guilty as well. :bye1:

What are you morons going to do when for at least the third time, your sure thing falls flat on your faces? Who will you hang your hopes on after that? Your butthurt has ruined what little sanity you ever had.
Trump supporters. You had better pray you are 100% right about President Trump and his people being innocent of wrongdoing regarding their dealings with Russia. Bob Mueller will uncover every facet of the truth. He knows every legal trick, dodge, and maneuver criminals use to escape justice. He also has the legal knowledge, power, and staff to bring people to justice.

I'm not sure if President Trump is guilty of anything at this point, but if I were a Trump supporter, I'd stop focusing on slamming the Liberals (though I know it's fun) and I'd break our my prayer rug and ask my personal GOD for a miracle, because things are looking downright grim for the Trump administration.

Oh....and one more thing to think about before you accuse the Liberals of using Russia to launch a smear campaign against Trump: A sitting President is responsible for the actions of his staff, if any of them are guilty of wrongdoing, the President is guilty as well. :bye1:

Your thinly veiled threats are as meaningful to me as the wind farting out of a duck's ass. So you can take your arrogant sneering and shove it up YOUR ass. Punk. Typical Hillary human tampon.
You're laughing and scratching your head, but if Russia was not the culprit or hacker that purposely tried to bring Hillary down through WikiLeaks, and Assange was right that it wasn't the Russians, then it could very well be that Putin was just an on looker in it all, and that he would have been ok with a Clinton presidency just as well. The Democrats tried to tie the Russians to Trump for nefarious reasons, but was it all because they needed a boogeyman to blame it all on if Trump pulled it off ?? Hmm. Is your laughter actually tears maybe ??

The FBI and CIA both said that Russia hacked the information and gave it to Wikileaks. There is no if involved in that pat.
. You mean the compromised FBI and CIA who was the Obama administrations puppets under the fundemental transformation into what the Dems wanted these institutions to become (the destroyer of all opposition who dared to derail the transformation) ???????

No Worries, Bulldog is just lying, The FBI nor any other agency never claimed to have any evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC. The only ones who even pretended to "investigate" were the frauds at Crowdstrike.
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House
. What part of the now politicized FBI did the agreeing with the politicized CIA ??
Lessee, on another thread we have proof that this is all misdirection and that Putin really wanted Hillary the money-grubbing, easily corruptible candidate to be president, not the independent businessman. He wanted the candidate that had already done him huge favors like giving him a whole bunch of our uranium and pulling out the missile defense shield that was blocking him from taking the Crimea. The candidate that had already taken huge bribes as speaking fees. Yet the investigation is focusing on Trump being Russia's collaborator? And now we better pray that Mueller doesn't find anything on Trump that several top people close to the investigation have already said just isn't there? And by a special counsel who is now known to be a close friend to the tainted James Comey who just met with him privately to give him a data dump where Comey admits he was conspiring behind the president as a political operative to set him up for the investigation in the first place now bringing questions about the integrity of Mueller?

SO FAR, there is evidence of EVERYONE involved being tainted and compromised, EXCEPT TRUMP, the focus of the investigation, and his supporters need to pray for him?

I think Hillary better pray.
I think Loretta better pray.
I think James Comey better pray.
and I think I think the Democrats better pray!

You're laughing and scratching your head, but if Russia was not the culprit or hacker that purposely tried to bring Hillary down through WikiLeaks, and Assange was right that it wasn't the Russians, then it could very well be that Putin was just an on looker in it all, and that he would have been ok with a Clinton presidency just as well. The Democrats tried to tie the Russians to Trump for nefarious reasons, but was it all because they needed a boogeyman to blame it all on if Trump pulled it off ?? Hmm. Is your laughter actually tears maybe ??
Trump tied himself to the Russians all by himself and before it was known to us they were the hackers, he can thank himself and stop blaming others for his own choices on supporting Putin.

If the Russian did not hack the DNC and Podesta, then the only other entity that would gain from the wikileaks is again, Trump himself and his campaign did the leaking...better hope it was the Russians...

Nigel Farage is 'person of interest' in FBI investigation into Trump and Russia
. The FBI has been tainted through Comey now, so there is no way for Trump to ever get a fair hearing out of this mess, so it should end on Comey's testimony alone. This nation should not allow the Demon-crats to use our resources to conduct a witch Hunt at will. This should be a clear violation of ethical behaviour by one party in our government for who are using resources to conduct a political witch hunt that will serve only their political asperations in the next election cycle. It's over, time to move on. No more taxpayer resources to be allocated for speculation, lack of evidence, and hear say or rumors.
You're laughing and scratching your head, but if Russia was not the culprit or hacker that purposely tried to bring Hillary down through WikiLeaks, and Assange was right that it wasn't the Russians, then it could very well be that Putin was just an on looker in it all, and that he would have been ok with a Clinton presidency just as well. The Democrats tried to tie the Russians to Trump for nefarious reasons, but was it all because they needed a boogeyman to blame it all on if Trump pulled it off ?? Hmm. Is your laughter actually tears maybe ??

The FBI and CIA both said that Russia hacked the information and gave it to Wikileaks. There is no if involved in that pat.
. You mean the compromised FBI and CIA who was the Obama administrations puppets under the fundemental transformation into what the Dems wanted these institutions to become (the destroyer of all opposition who dared to derail the transformation) ???????

No Worries, Bulldog is just lying, The FBI nor any other agency never claimed to have any evidence that the Russians hacked the DNC. The only ones who even pretended to "investigate" were the frauds at Crowdstrike.
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House
FBI in agreement with CIA that Russia aimed to help Trump win White House
. What part of the now politicized FBI did the agreeing with the politicized CIA ??

That's right. You're one of those conspiracy theory fruit cakes that thinks our government is out to get us. Sorry, I don't do tinfoil hats.

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