Trump Supporters Consume And Share The Most Fake News, Oxford Study Finds

Trump Supporters Consume And Share The Most Fake News

what Don Cheeto? that mf watches cable news to get his ideas for legislation, and takes advice from dipshits like Hannity..

Mr Fake President.
Can someone explain to the deplorables please what Oxford stands for. Some thing is a TV channel.
Wow. A bunch of leftists skews a study showing those they oppose aren't as well educated.

Color Me shocked. Shocked I tell you!
Wow. A bunch of leftists skews a study showing those they oppose aren't as well educated.

Color Me shocked. Shocked I tell you!
Yes, if they could only explain more clearly that they are our betters they might win an elelction and continue in their endeavour to make America a shit hole, for our good.
Wow. A bunch of leftists skews a study showing those they oppose aren't as well educated.

Color Me shocked. Shocked I tell you!
Yes, if they could only explain more clearly that they are our betters they might win an elelction and continue in their endeavour to make America a shit hole, for our good.

Speaking of elections...

Huffpo again? Are you irony impaired?

The area is historically Democratic but has recently tilted Republican.
Fifty-five percent of all junk news traffic on Twitter can be linked to Trump supporters, researchers said.

Trump supporters and extreme conservatives consume and share more “junk news” on social media than every other political group combined, a University of Oxford study has found.

The three-month study, published Tuesday as part of the school’s Computational Propaganda Research Project, scrutinized the habits of 13,477 politically active U.S. Twitter users and 47,719 public Facebook pages in the months leading up to the State of the Union address late last month.

The authors then mapped how links to junk news sources flowed through the social media networks. Based on the links users shared and other factors, researchers separated them into distinct (yet often overlapping) cohorts, which they labeled “Hard Conservative,” “Women’s Rights,” “Conspiracy,” “Libertarian,” “Trump Support,” “Democratic Party,” etc.

The study linked a full 55 percent of all junk news traffic on Twitter to the “Trump Support” group. “On Twitter, a network of Trump supporters shares the widest range of known junk news sources and circulates more junk news than all the other groups put together,” the authors noted.

For comparison, the “Democratic Party” and “Progressive Movement” groups together accounted for 1 percent of junk news traffic on Twitter, according to the study.

And on Facebook, the study found that “extreme hard right pages—distinct from Republican pages—share the widest range of known junk news sources and circulate more junk news than all the other audiences put together.” The “Hard Conservative” group accounted for 58 percent of junk news traffic on Facebook. (The “Democratic Party” group accounted for 12 percent.)

More: Trump Supporters Consume And Share The Most Fake News, Oxford Study Finds

This should come as no surprise to most honorable and sane people. We see it 24/7 right here on USMB.
Fake news.

How did these douchebags define "junk news site?" Did they include CNN or MSNBC? You have to be a fool to believe this "study" measured anything legitimate.
Fifty-five percent of all junk news traffic on Twitter can be linked to Trump supporters, researchers said.

Trump supporters and extreme conservatives consume and share more “junk news” on social media than every other political group combined, a University of Oxford study has found.

The three-month study, published Tuesday as part of the school’s Computational Propaganda Research Project, scrutinized the habits of 13,477 politically active U.S. Twitter users and 47,719 public Facebook pages in the months leading up to the State of the Union address late last month.

The authors then mapped how links to junk news sources flowed through the social media networks. Based on the links users shared and other factors, researchers separated them into distinct (yet often overlapping) cohorts, which they labeled “Hard Conservative,” “Women’s Rights,” “Conspiracy,” “Libertarian,” “Trump Support,” “Democratic Party,” etc.

The study linked a full 55 percent of all junk news traffic on Twitter to the “Trump Support” group. “On Twitter, a network of Trump supporters shares the widest range of known junk news sources and circulates more junk news than all the other groups put together,” the authors noted.

For comparison, the “Democratic Party” and “Progressive Movement” groups together accounted for 1 percent of junk news traffic on Twitter, according to the study.

And on Facebook, the study found that “extreme hard right pages—distinct from Republican pages—share the widest range of known junk news sources and circulate more junk news than all the other audiences put together.” The “Hard Conservative” group accounted for 58 percent of junk news traffic on Facebook. (The “Democratic Party” group accounted for 12 percent.)

More: Trump Supporters Consume And Share The Most Fake News, Oxford Study Finds

This should come as no surprise to most honorable and sane people. We see it 24/7 right here on USMB.

I mean this is something all but the koolaid conservatives know. All of the media outlets for conservatives are built on innuendo, half-lies, and outright full lies. And the base repeat these lies as if they are gospel truth.

It is the same as watching tv evangelists. They lie and manipulate their audience into sending in their last $100 dollars for no return.

Both of these are sad to watch but both of these groups are so invested in believing the lies it is almost impossible to separate them from the lies.

The iron of your post is utterly precious.

Everything you think you "know" is bullshit.

So ...

The Brits at The University of Oxford found it necessary to study Americans' consumption of news ...
The fact that they find it to be worthy of study says more than you need to know ...
And the nit-wits on the left pretend to be worried about Russia meddling in our elections.​


So ...

The Brits at The University of Oxford found it necessary to study Americans' consumption of news ...
The fact that they find it to be worthy of study says more than you need to know ...
And the nit-wits on the left pretend to be worried about Russia meddling in our elections.​


The nitwits on the right seem to be pretending as well...

Russians already meddling in US midterms, Tillerson says
The nitwits on the right seem to be pretending as well...

Russians already meddling in US midterms, Tillerson says

Read the article ... The quotes Tillerson made ... And remove the editorial bullshit.

Tillerson wasn't quoted suggesting what the article or title does.
He said some things the commentator pretending to be a journalist then elaborated on.

Why am I not surprised you could not identify the fake news ... :dunno:
Next time ... Pay attention to where the quotations open and close.

" <--- This is a quotations mark.
Everything outside the quotation marks is editorial bullshit ... Not what Tillerson said.

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HuffPo itself is Junk News. :21:

I looked at the "academic" study it is based on, it is completely subjective. Their standards were subjective.

The list which they listed as "fake news," was completely uninformed, they know nothing about real journalism.

If you put on a list of "junk news" conservative sites, don't be surprised at your results.

This thread belongs in media.

Here is the truth about how you are being brainwashed.

‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media
‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media

". . . . More and more of the outlets from which Americans get their information are being filled not just with garden variety establishment loyalists, but with longstanding members of the U.S. intelligence community. These men got to their positions of power within these deeply sociopathic institutions based on their willingness to facilitate any depravity in order to advance the secret agendas of the U.S. power establishment, and now they’re being paraded in front of mainstream Americans on cable news on a daily basis. The words of these “experts” are consistently taken and reported on by smaller news outlets in print and online media in a way that seeds their authoritative assertions throughout public consciousness.

The term “deep state” does not refer to a conspiracy theory but to a simple concept in political analysis which points to the undeniable reality that (A) plutocrats, (B) intelligence agencies, (C) defense agencies, and (D) the mainstream media hold large amounts of power in America despite their not being part of its elected government. You don’t need to look far to see how these separate groups overlap and collaborate to advance their own agendas in various ways. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, for example, is deeply involved in all of the aforementioned groups: (A) as arguably the wealthiest person ever he is clearly a plutocrat, with a company that is trying to control the underlying infrastructure of the economy; (B) he is a CIA contractor; (C) he is part of a Pentagon advisory board; and (D) his purchase of the Washington Post in 2013 gave him total control over a major mainstream media outlet.

Bezos did not purchase the Washington Post because his avaricious brain predicted that newspapers were about to make a profitable resurgence; he purchased it for the same reason he has inserted himself so very deeply into America’s unelected power infrastructure – he wants to ensure a solid foundation for the empire he is building. He needs a potent propaganda outlet to manufacture support for the power establishment that he is weaving his plutocratic tentacles through. This is precisely the same reason other mass media-controlling plutocrats are stocking their propaganda machines with intelligence community insiders.

Time and again you see connections between the plutocratic class which effectively owns America’s elected government, the intelligence and defense agencies which operate behind thick veils of secrecy in the name of “national security” to advance agendas which have nothing to do with the wishes of the electorate, and the mass media machine which is used to manufacture the consent of the people to be governed by this exploitative power structure.

America is ruled by an elite class which has slowly created a system where money increasingly translates directly into political power, and which is therefore motivated to maintain economic injustice in order to rule over the masses more completely. The greater the economic inequality, the greater their power. Nobody would willingly consent to such an oppressive system where wealth inequality keeps growing as expensive bombs from expensive drones are showered upon strangers on the other side of the planet, so a robust propaganda machine is needed. . . . "
The nitwits on the right seem to be pretending as well...

Russians already meddling in US midterms, Tillerson says

Read the article ... The quotes Tillerson made ... And remove the editorial bullshit.

Tillerson wasn't quoted suggesting what the article or title does.
He said some things the commentator pretending to be a journalist then elaborated on.

Why am I not surprised you could not identify the fake news ... :dunno:


Did you bother to actually listen to the video? There is no ambiguity in his words if you took the time to listen to the video
The nitwits on the right seem to be pretending as well...

Russians already meddling in US midterms, Tillerson says

Read the article ... The quotes Tillerson made ... And remove the editorial bullshit.

Tillerson wasn't quoted suggesting what the article or title does.
He said some things the commentator pretending to be a journalist then elaborated on.

Why am I not surprised you could not identify the fake news ... :dunno:


Did you bother to actually listen to the video? There is no ambiguity in his words if you took the time to listen to the video

Uh, yeah I watched the video ... Tillerson didn't say what the title suggests.

He said something along the lines that if Russia wanted to meddle in the elections there is little we could do to preempt it.
He indicated that if they want to ... They could.

A-Rod could cave your skull in with a baseball bat ... It doesn't mean I think he is going to.

Last edited:
The nitwits on the right seem to be pretending as well...

Russians already meddling in US midterms, Tillerson says

Read the article ... The quotes Tillerson made ... And remove the editorial bullshit.

Tillerson wasn't quoted suggesting what the article or title does.
He said some things the commentator pretending to be a journalist then elaborated on.

Why am I not surprised you could not identify the fake news ... :dunno:


Did you bother to actually listen to the video? There is no ambiguity in his words if you took the time to listen to the video
Sec. of State are not usually chosen by the President, not really. Do some research into the CFR.

They are chosen by the establishment. It is the establishment and the military-industrial complex that is pushing this narrative, and if Trump wants to remain POTUS, he has to go along. It is pretty much bogus. You can safely just ignore it.

Tillerson was just playing along to appease Richard Haas and establishment goons like Mueller. There is no "hacking," just attempts to influence, just like the US attempts to influence every other nation's elections.

Get over it already.
The nitwits on the right seem to be pretending as well...

Russians already meddling in US midterms, Tillerson says

Read the article ... The quotes Tillerson made ... And remove the editorial bullshit.

Tillerson wasn't quoted suggesting what the article or title does.
He said some things the commentator pretending to be a journalist then elaborated on.

Why am I not surprised you could not identify the fake news ... :dunno:


Did you bother to actually listen to the video? There is no ambiguity in his words if you took the time to listen to the video

Uh, yeah I watched the video ... Tillerson didn't say what the title suggests.

He said something along the lines that if Russia wanted to meddle in the elections there is little we could do to preempt it.
He indicated that if they want to ... They could.

A-Rod could cave your skull in with a baseball bat ... It doesn't mean I think he is going to.

The nitwits on the right seem to be pretending as well...

Russians already meddling in US midterms, Tillerson says

Read the article ... The quotes Tillerson made ... And remove the editorial bullshit.

Tillerson wasn't quoted suggesting what the article or title does.
He said some things the commentator pretending to be a journalist then elaborated on.

Why am I not surprised you could not identify the fake news ... :dunno:


Did you bother to actually listen to the video? There is no ambiguity in his words if you took the time to listen to the video
Sec. of State are not usually chosen by the President, not really. Do some research into the CFR.

They are chosen by the establishment. It is the establishment and the military-industrial complex that is pushing this narrative, and if Trump wants to remain POTUS, he has to go along. It is pretty much bogus. You can safely just ignore it.

Tillerson was just playing along to appease Richard Haas and establishment goons like Mueller. There is no "hacking," just attempts to influence, just like the US attempts to influence every other nation's elections.

Get over it already.

So, in your little tinfoil hat world Tillerson was the establishment choice? really? :itsok:
View attachment 175319

You forgot to mention that we're all deplorable.



consume? that would mean someone else is writing it now wouldn't it or it would be "create and share" instead.

now tell left to quit doing it (writing all that butthurt fake bullshit) and the right will stop consuming it and sharing it to show how stupid the left is.

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