Trump supporters: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

Seems like a simple question.

My view: If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If someone helped them, like family or associates, nail them too. If it's done in a political context, nail them a bit harder, since their conduct can affect millions. Political affiliation is irrelevant. Country over party, always.

So, again: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

Given how your side picks and chooses what laws you obey I dont think we should be charged with anything but honor if we go to War with your sorry asses... Fitting symbol of the DNC
And yet, in reality, I've had zillions of squabbles over freedom of expression and PC here, with the folks I refer to as the Regressive Left. Years of them.

So, again, you folks just make shit up about me as you go. This is why I no longer bother.
Mac and I have disagreed in the past...

We didn't resort to name calling... I can see his point and as long as we both go in with an open mind I think it can be fruitful...

There is too much labelling going on...
Actually,'ve made it pretty clear that you don't think the law should apply equally to everyone. Donald Trump is an arrogant ass. He isn't a criminal. Raiding his home was an appalling overstep on the part of the FBI. Whoever made the call on that needs to explain themselves and they need to do so now!
So you saw the search warrant? Please tell us what was on it...

Have you got a copy to share with the group?

Please show...
So another "no". Equivocation.

A Trumpster's interpretation of the rule of law is entirely CONDITIONAL.

Throw it on top of the pile.
Not at all. I said "Sure!" in answer to the question.

I just want it to be first broke the law, first punished. How could that be wrong?

See, by prosecuting and locking up Hillary, the American people can be confident that when the same thing happens to Trump, it will be the result of a fair system of justice. You would want that.

Wouldn't you?
Can you imagine what would have happened if it was Donald Trump who blatantly lied to Congressional investigators? If it was Trump who paid to have his servers "bleached" to destroy the evidence of those lies? Why WASN'T Hillary's house raided? There would have been justification for THAT raid!
Lets start...

This thread is not about Hillary... Hillary could take an uzi and mow down a whole street of people and that doesn't justify Trump to break the law...

It is that simple... The standard defence at the moment is 'WhatAboutism..'... Do ye feel Trump is that guilty that all ye can say is 'But, but Hillary....'

P.S. You forgot to accuse Hillary of running a pedophile ring in the basement of Pizza Shop...
This isn't about holding anyone accountable. It's about making sure Trump can't run for office again. Then that goal is secured, they can target the next front runner. DeSantis knows his name is at the top of democrat list.
Exactly. If anyone thinks that if they finally get rid of Trump, the Democrats will celebrate, take a breath and then get back to clean, competitive politics among people who agree to disagree, they are kidding themselves.

Sure, Trump came under more than usual attack because he was not a professional politician, not a Washington insider, and because RINO opposition to him emboldened the Dems. But if this works for them, it will be their go-to for everyone who runs against them.

My prediction is that Biden will leave the WH one way or another before his term ends, and the Dems will be stuck with Harris as the top of their ticket in 2024. She cannot win unless they can destroy whoever runs against her. They have the hit pieces written, they just need to fill in the name of the GOP nom and hand them to the media.
Lets start...

This thread is not about Hillary... Hillary could take an uzi and mow down a whole street of people and that doesn't justify Trump to break the law...

It is that simple... The standard defence at the moment is 'WhatAboutism..'... Do ye feel Trump is that guilty that all ye can say is 'But, but Hillary....'

P.S. You forgot to accuse Hillary of running a pedophile ring in the basement of Pizza Shop...
Except we don't know if Trump is guilty of anything. We do know that Hillary is and that she was allowed a pass.
Exactly. If anyone thinks that if they finally get rid of Trump, the Democrats will celebrate, take a breath and then get back to clean, competitive politics among people who agree to disagree, they are kidding themselves.

Sure, Trump came under more than usual attack because he was not a professional politician, not a Washington insider, and because RINO opposition to him emboldened the Dems. But if this works for them, it will be their go-to for everyone who runs against them.

My prediction is that Biden will leave the WH one way or another before his term ends, and the Dems will be stuck with Harris as the top of their ticket in 2024. She cannot win unless they can destroy whoever runs against her. They have the hit pieces written, they just need to fill in the name of the GOP nom and hand them to the media.
Save us the victimhood thing K?
he has above top secret, his house.

it is a National Security Risk....he kept the white house stuff he took in an unlocked basement room....

He was specifically asked to return this above top secret compartmental documents, and he denied having them or said he'd look again and get back to them..... That was in June....

I think some witness came forward or something that confirmed, with no doubt, that Trump or his lawyers lied, the super duper top secret national security risk stuff was at his house..... They HAD TO go in and get it....and Trump was NOT cooperating, as he may claim.

Sure. Where did you get this information, first?

Second, you realize any buffoon can label ANY information that comes out of the White House as "top secret" right? It's "top secret" that when Xi and Trump met, the drank Earl Grey or Green Tea...or whatEVER.
And yet, in reality, I've had zillions of squabbles over freedom of expression and PC here, with the folks I refer to as the Regressive Left. Years of them.

So, again, you folks just make shit up about me as you go. This is why I no longer bother.

No one has to make them up. They come out of your typing fingers.
So you saw the search warrant? Please tell us what was on it...

Have you got a copy to share with the group?

Please show...
Yeah, I've got it right here, Ted! (Eye Roll)
The people that DO have that need to show it to the American people!
Not at all. I said "Sure!" in answer to the question.

I just want it to be first broke the law, first punished. How could that be wrong?

See, by prosecuting and locking up Hillary, the American people can be confident that when the same thing happens to Trump, it will be the result of a fair system of justice. You would want that.

Wouldn't you?
So you want to prosecute Hillary even though the investigating team said there wasn't enough evidence there..

Will Ivanka get the same treatment for using a private sever too?

You are complaining that a Republican FBI Director didn't prosecute a Democrat...

Ever think that things like evidence and intent might have something to do with it..

But let them bring charges and see if they can bring to trial...

The problem is Trump was a clear intent. He first took records out of the White house, then was asked to return them... Some are highly classified...
Hillary was accused of being careless
"A U.S. State Department investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state has found no evidence of deliberate mishandling of classified information by department employees."

Trump first deliberately took them, was then given a chance to give them back and didn't and the information is far more sensitive...
We could say he was careless but him and his administration have a pretty damning record of hiding or destroying documents...

But as I said, if there is a case for Hillary to still answer go on... Get it in front of a judge, a Republican Prosecutor didn't think there was...
Trump's search warrant was ordered by a FBI director he appointed and signed by Judge he appointed...
"No one is above the law"

"Don't you care about rule of law?"

After these people have trampled, destroyed, and laughed at the law for years. Look the the utter lawlessness in their Blue cities.

Do not entertain these questions. We're beyond that now. Make them understand that.
Lets start...

This thread is not about Hillary... Hillary could take an uzi and mow down a whole street of people and that doesn't justify Trump to break the law...

It is that simple... The standard defence at the moment is 'WhatAboutism..'... Do ye feel Trump is that guilty that all ye can say is 'But, but Hillary....'

P.S. You forgot to accuse Hillary of running a pedophile ring in the basement of Pizza Shop...
This thread is about equal justice under the law, Ted. Hillary got a pass. Why? Trump didn't. Why?
So you want to prosecute Hillary even though the investigating team said there wasn't enough evidence there..

Will Ivanka get the same treatment for using a private sever too?

You are complaining that a Republican FBI Director didn't prosecute a Democrat...

Ever think that things like evidence and intent might have something to do with it..

But let them bring charges and see if they can bring to trial...

The problem is Trump was a clear intent. He first took records out of the White house, then was asked to return them... Some are highly classified...
Hillary was accused of being careless
"A U.S. State Department investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of state has found no evidence of deliberate mishandling of classified information by department employees."

Trump first deliberately took them, was then given a chance to give them back and didn't and the information is far more sensitive...
We could say he was careless but him and his administration have a pretty damning record of hiding or destroying documents...

But as I said, if there is a case for Hillary to still answer go on... Get it in front of a judge, a Republican Prosecutor didn't think there was...
Trump's search warrant was ordered by a FBI director he appointed and signed by Judge he appointed...
Once again you claim that Trump appointed Bruce Reinhart. Once again you're full of shit!
Sure. Where did you get this information, first?

Second, you realize any buffoon can label ANY information that comes out of the White House as "top secret" right? It's "top secret" that when Xi and Trump met, the drank Earl Grey or Green Tea...or whatEVER.
Answer this...why did he steal a van load of docs from the White House? Why when he finally returned most of them a year later did he continue to hold back some of those records.

You do know that for him to do any of that is illegal right?
Seems like a simple question.

My view: If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If someone helped them, like family or associates, nail them too. If it's done in a political context, nail them a bit harder, since their conduct can affect millions. Political affiliation is irrelevant. Country over party, always.

So, again: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

This raid was a fishing expedition. They just want to find something, anything on Trump. Maybe he removed the tags from his mattresses. They would never have known without this raid. Its very sad and childish that your hatred for Trump, the man, is so great that you are ok with a political party weaponizing the FBI.

Just imagine what they already have on Joe and Hunter but choose not to pursue. This is purely political and very dangerous.

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