Trump supporters: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

You don't seriously believe she should be held accountable.

When you do, you can axe that question
Of course she should. Just prove it in a court of law. You guys have a real problem with that.

Prove her guilty under the law, then nail her.

My interpretation of the rule of law is not conditional. I'm not like you. Thank goodness.
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Since Hillary, Hunter, obama, Joe, and others DID break the law, shouldn't they be punished?
Prove it in a court of law. If proven, nail them. Better yet, make an example of them so we can get things cleaned up.

You guys don't seem to understand that having Hannity allege something is not the same as proving it in a court of law.

Why is this so goddamned complicated for you?
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Nope, not anymore. Not after this fishing expedition while all your Dem cronies go free, GG.

Now go cry about it. I don't care.
he has above top secret, his house.

it is a National Security Risk....he kept the white house stuff he took in an unlocked basement room....

He was specifically asked to return this above top secret compartmental documents, and he denied having them or said he'd look again and get back to them..... That was in June....

I think some witness came forward or something that confirmed, with no doubt, that Trump or his lawyers lied, the super duper top secret national security risk stuff was at his house..... They HAD TO go in and get it....and Trump was NOT cooperating, as he may claim.
Hmmmm, I wonder if the super duper above top secret stuff he took is about UFOs and Aliens? :D :p
Hmmmm, I wonder if the super duper above top secret stuff he took is about UFOs and Aliens? :D :p
Do you realize ALL presidents have this very same "battle"? But this is the FIRST time government used these tactics. They weren't used on Obama, Clinton or even George Bush.
The GOP are great at holding public hearing, not so good at finding criminal behavior. Hillary was the most investigated person in US history I'd bet and she's still walking around free. After something like 11 Benghazi hearings, Whitewater, Travelgate, emails, etc.
Are we going to Punish Obama et all before him for doing the same thing if that's what we find?

How do Presidents create their Presidential libraries anyway?

Not with classified documents... that's the point.

Do you ever go over the posted speed limit?
You are really comparing this to a traffic violation?

Admitably, we don't know what the FBI was after- yet.

It might be that Trump was hiding his own culpability in January 6, or the documents show some kind of self-dealing where he was using classified information to benefit personally. either one is a serious issue.
How would you like armed IRS officers going through your files looking for a violation? Surely they will find one. How about an audit? Everyone hates and fears it. The United States government has never attacked a former president like this in the history of the republic. Something is terribly wrong when the FBI becomes a banana republic hit squad.

The US has never had a president who thought he knew more about war than the general, more about public health than the doctors, and more about the law than the lawyers.

If Trump is in trouble, it's because of his own arrogance. Past presidents, with maybe the exception of Nixon, had lawyers to tell them when their actions didn't comply with the law.
The Secretary of State is allowed to delete personal emails... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz z
Personal emails? God, you're an idiot! Hillary was running the State Department on two private servers that she had installed (at great cost out of HER pocket!) in her home to avoid Congressional scrutiny. When she was caught (because of her unwillingness to come clean about Benghazi!) she then paid to have those servers "bleached" in an attempt to destroy the evidence of what she'd been doing. Why do you even bother trying to excuse what Hillary did? That ship has sailed.
They found plenty. Only by wordplay, did they justify not prosecuting.

They've investigated Trump for six years and found nothing.
Yet they’ll continue…we’ll find the crime, just let us continue to ransack his entire life. And if we don’t? We‘ll make it up…is what they think.
If Obama committed indictable offences, or whatever the term is, for which he is culpable, of course he should. Don't you believe in the rule of law?
It's clear that they just assume everyone's take on the rule of law is as conditional as theirs.

The fact that we don't care who broke the law appears to be very complicated for them.

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