Trump supporters: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

Notice how often you'll see them say THIS IS MY COUNTRY. As if they earned the good fortune of being born here. As if they created and built the place. And we have a pretty good idea of who they think this country DOESN'T belong to.

This is the mix of arrogance and ignorance that defines Trumpism.
We say that because we're PROUD of what America stands for, Mac! We see the good things that are here. We celebrate the people who sacrificed so that we could BE that place! As for who this country "belongs" to? It belongs to everyone that understands how unique it is.
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As for who this country "belongs" to? It belongs to everyone that understands how unique it is.
And it doesn't "belong" to those who don't see the world through your eyes?

That's precisely the arrogant ignorance I'm talking about.
It's clear that they just assume everyone's take on the rule of law is as conditional as theirs.

The fact that we don't care who broke the law appears to be very complicated for them.
You claim that you believe in the rule of law, Mac but in reality you only care about it when it suits your purpose. Just like Freedom of Speech. Liberals used to stand for important things. Now they stand for elite ideologues intent on imposing THEIR views on others through Governmental force! The liberals of the 60's would be appalled at what you've become.
You claim that you believe in the rule of law, Mac but in reality you only care about it when it suits your purpose. Just like Freedom of Speech. Liberals used to stand for important things. Now they stand for elite ideologues intent on imposing THEIR views on others through Governmental force! The liberals of the 60's would be appalled at what you've become.
And yet, in reality, I've had zillions of squabbles over freedom of expression and PC here, with the folks I refer to as the Regressive Left. Years of them.

So, again, you folks just make shit up about me as you go. This is why I no longer bother.
And it doesn't "belong" to those who don't see the world through your eyes?

That's precisely the arrogant ignorance I'm talking about.
You don't have to see things through my eyes...that's my point! I'm not the one imposing my values on others. That would be YOU, Mac!
Of course she should. Just prove it in a court of law. You guys have a real problem with that.

Prove her guilty under the law, then nail her.

My interpretation of the rule of law is not conditional. I'm not like you. Thank goodness.
She paid for the "dossiers", Mac! What more needs to be said. It's the sleaziest political dirty trick of our lifetime. I could care less if that bloated, bitter woman is "nailed"! Her punishment will always be that she'll be denied the thing she wants most in this world...the Presidency! That eats her alive and it will until the day she dies.
Fine, let's see if you are on the same page when the gop investigations start next year and the assholes you shill for are being put under the microscope.

Pepperidge Farms will remember.
I messed up last night and accidentally responded to your post with this post. My bad, that wasnt meant for you.

Sure. Do you know what the punishment for this "crime" is? Better yet, do you know what the worst sentence anyone has ever received for this crime? Im talking about a serious example of it, not some ex president who still has some documents that he once had legally. Im talking about a dude stealing documents right out of the National Archives. Can you guess?

I bet you dont respond. I bet you are terrified of the answer, and you should be. If you think for one second that this will hurt Trump, even if he is found 100% guilty, you are going to be very disappointed. :laugh:

The truth is, you made Trump a martyr and you got nothing for it.

Last edited: Yesterday at 9:36 PM
Personal emails? God, you're an idiot! Hillary was running the State Department on two private servers that she had installed (at great cost out of HER pocket!) in her home to avoid Congressional scrutiny. When she was caught (because of her unwillingness to come clean about Benghazi!) she then paid to have those servers "bleached" in an attempt to destroy the evidence of what she'd been doing. Why do you even bother trying to excuse what Hillary did? That ship has sailed.

You guys had EIGHT count them E IGHT investigations into Benghazi, and they all agreed that Hillary didn't do anything wrong.
Seems like a simple question.

My view: If you suspect something, investigate it. If you find something, prosecute. If they're found guilty, nail them. If someone helped them, like family or associates, nail them too. If it's done in a political context, nail them a bit harder, since their conduct can affect millions. Political affiliation is irrelevant. Country over party, always.

So, again: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

You’re asking a cult this question?


You guys had EIGHT count them E IGHT investigations into Benghazi, and they all agreed that Hillary didn't do anything wrong.
Are you kidding? She lied to Congressional investigators, Joey! She destroyed evidence. Didn't do anything wrong? You're clueless.
They've made it pretty clear that this whole "rule of law" thing is entirely conditional to them.
Actually,'ve made it pretty clear that you don't think the law should apply equally to everyone. Donald Trump is an arrogant ass. He isn't a criminal. Raiding his home was an appalling overstep on the part of the FBI. Whoever made the call on that needs to explain themselves and they need to do so now!
Can you imagine what would have happened if it was Donald Trump who blatantly lied to Congressional investigators? If it was Trump who paid to have his servers "bleached" to destroy the evidence of those lies? Why WASN'T Hillary's house raided? There would have been justification for THAT raid!
Can you imagine what would have happened if it was Donald Trump who blatantly lied to Congressional investigators? If it was Trump who paid to have his servers "bleached" to destroy the evidence of those lies? Why WASN'T Hillary's house raided? There would have been justification for THAT raid!
Ask Trump and demand he answer immediately.

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