Trump supporters keep hurting themselves

Well sweetheart, you are very free to vote democrat next time, including their "death taxes" so that those orchards get taxed heavily when passing to the next generation. Not to mention the additional taxes they plan to impose. Oh, BTW, with the Green New Deal, imagine doing anything without internal combustion engines. The Trump admin is still negotiating the next trade deal, so lets hope its apples-to-apples on tariffs.
China is a global competitor who steals intellectual property, manipulates its currency, and dumps state subsidized products on the market killing many industries, such as steel and aluminum. So if you need to sell you apples to places other than China that's a necessary condition.
Navarro and Lighthizer are doing wonderful work leveling the playing field as far as global trade is concerned.
So lets call this, the same as the soybean farmers deal with, "temporary inconvenience, permanent improvement".
So, your plan is to run these orchards out of business to save any inheritance taxes? Orchards are never corporations or owned by corporations. Their owners are too stupid to shield themselves from these taxes.

So, there is no equipment or vehicles that don't run of fossil fuels. Really. I guess these orchards want to spew greenhouse gases because they want the AGW to make it even warmer.

AS for China, they want the technology when they buy the products & manufacturers give it to them. The Chinese aren't stealing it.

If China is dumping we have laws & can take them to international court to get relieve.

As you said, Trump is choosing to hurt farmers & orchards. Thanks for admitting that.

As for US steel , did they take advantage of the tariffs to increase market share? Nope, they just raised their prices.

Trump has zero experience in international trade. He is too stupid to get that if you damage a trading partner's economy that they will buy fewer US goods.

Taking your post apart line by line:
1. The GOP plan is you keep your orchard in your family, the dems' plan is your kids pay the 40% death tax
2. Don't forget the rest of the Green New Deal, you need to rebuild all structures, etc. If you're a fan of the NGD, you can pay for it
3. China IS stealing technology, up to $600b a year
China ‘has taken the gloves off’ in its thefts of U.S. technology secrets
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
How much has the US lost from China's intellectual property theft?
4. Tariffs work way better and way faster than the ICC. The ICC is a waste.
5. Trump is imposing tariffs, the Chinese retaliate against his base, Trump will win in the end because we buy way more than they do
6. The US steel industry is resurgent: US Steel Industry | Financial Times
7. Trump gets that China has a $500b trade surplus with the US, he also gets that Navarro and Lighthizer are doing wonderful work negotiating fair trade deals

One of my friends sells Harley motorcycles. He had a sale to a German guy, it was all set until they found out that Germany has a 100% tariff on foreign MCs. The US has a zero tariff on German products. Trump wants more US products sold overseas, that generates more US jobs, if it take a trade war, it won't be a long one.
Well sweetheart, you are very free to vote democrat next time, including their "death taxes" so that those orchards get taxed heavily when passing to the next generation. Not to mention the additional taxes they plan to impose. Oh, BTW, with the Green New Deal, imagine doing anything without internal combustion engines. The Trump admin is still negotiating the next trade deal, so lets hope its apples-to-apples on tariffs.
China is a global competitor who steals intellectual property, manipulates its currency, and dumps state subsidized products on the market killing many industries, such as steel and aluminum. So if you need to sell you apples to places other than China that's a necessary condition.
Navarro and Lighthizer are doing wonderful work leveling the playing field as far as global trade is concerned.
So lets call this, the same as the soybean farmers deal with, "temporary inconvenience, permanent improvement".
So, your plan is to run these orchards out of business to save any inheritance taxes? Orchards are never corporations or owned by corporations. Their owners are too stupid to shield themselves from these taxes.

So, there is no equipment or vehicles that don't run of fossil fuels. Really. I guess these orchards want to spew greenhouse gases because they want the AGW to make it even warmer.

AS for China, they want the technology when they buy the products & manufacturers give it to them. The Chinese aren't stealing it.

If China is dumping we have laws & can take them to international court to get relieve.

As you said, Trump is choosing to hurt farmers & orchards. Thanks for admitting that.

As for US steel , did they take advantage of the tariffs to increase market share? Nope, they just raised their prices.

Trump has zero experience in international trade. He is too stupid to get that if you damage a trading partner's economy that they will buy fewer US goods.

Taking your post apart line by line:
1. The GOP plan is you keep your orchard in your family, the dems' plan is your kids pay the 40% death tax
2. Don't forget the rest of the Green New Deal, you need to rebuild all structures, etc. If you're a fan of the NGD, you can pay for it
3. China IS stealing technology, up to $600b a year
China ‘has taken the gloves off’ in its thefts of U.S. technology secrets
Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
How much has the US lost from China's intellectual property theft?
4. Tariffs work way better and way faster than the ICC. The ICC is a waste.
5. Trump is imposing tariffs, the Chinese retaliate against his base, Trump will win in the end because we buy way more than they do
6. The US steel industry is resurgent: US Steel Industry | Financial Times
7. Trump gets that China has a $500b trade surplus with the US, he also gets that Navarro and Lighthizer are doing wonderful work negotiating fair trade deals

One of my friends sells Harley motorcycles. He had a sale to a German guy, it was all set until they found out that Germany has a 100% tariff on foreign MCs. The US has a zero tariff on German products. Trump wants more US products sold overseas, that generates more US jobs, if it take a trade war, it won't be a long one.

I said Trump was hurting orchard owners with tariffs & you can back that the Democrats want the estate tax. Evidently, you prefer Trump runs them out of business.

The estaste tax will not hurt any corporation owning orchards. AS for others:
"IRS Announces Higher 2019 Estate And Gift Tax Limits. ... That means an individual can leave $11.4 million to heirs and pay no federal estate or gift tax, while a married couple will be able to shield $22.8 million. The annual gift exclusion amount remains the same at $15,000."

Poor babies 22 million tax free.

Taking to ICC dos not spur retaliatory tariffs. How long should we wait for Trump's tariffs to help us?

If you want to sell your products in China, they want the technology. Companies choose to give it. I've done business in China, I know how it works.

WE buy more from China. Trump thinks that os losing money. Trump is an idiot.

But who is buying more? Is Chineese companies selling to the public? Or is Corporate America buying from China & selling it as their product.

Steel production was higher under Obama in 2012.
Both US Senators in PA (one RR & one D) are against Trump's tariffs.

Past Toomey, who loves corporate America, is writing a bill taking away tariffs from a Presidential power. That should tell you Trumpettres something. Of course, nothing will happen until Trump gives McConnell permission to bring it up.
All these rollbacks on EPA standards, etc........let them occur in red states.
/----/ "All these rollbacks on EPA standards, etc........let them occur in red states."
Nothing stopping the Blue States from enacting their own regressive, constrictive rules.
...central Pennsylvania...

...jacked up 4x4s with the Confederate flag on the back window...
Cultural Misappropriation!!!

Fuckin' yankees.


I moved to Wisconsin after living in Texas and Arkansas for 40 years. It was quite a surprise to see how many confederate flags, bumper-stickers, jacked up 4x4s with coal-rolling smokestacks, and country music bars and radio stations there were up here.

When I moved down to South Carolina I used to say Wisconsin has a bar every block, SC has a church every block.

/----/ I grew up in South Carolina. When I moved to Queens NY I saw there was a bar, pizzeria, nail salon and a deli on each block. Every third block there was a funeral parlor.
I live in south central Pennsylvania, orchard country. A lot of apple orchards.

A pile of Republicans. 60-70% Republican. Trump Country.

I shake my head as I drive by these smaller, downtrodden houses with their Trump flags & signs and their jacked up 4x4s with the Confederate flag on the back window. AI have never lived in a more racist & bigoted area of this country.

Apple orchards were already hurting as climate change is making the climate here less & less apple climate.

Now we see the Tariff war rump initiated has been slamming the apple ^&cherry orchards extra hard.

The apple industry had previously braced for the impact that tariffs would have on them in the fall, but they couldn't predict the damage that would occur.

In a new report from the Congressional Research Service titled "Profiles and Effects of Retaliatory Tariffs on U.S. Agricultural Exports" notes that apples and cherries are among agricultural commodities hurt the most by retaliatory tariffs placed by some of the U.S.' strongest trading partners. According to the report, U.S. apple exports to Mexico and China now have additional tariffs of 20 and 40 percent. Previously, apples to Mexico faced no tariffs while China had a tariff of just 10 percent. Now, apple exports to China experience a tariff rate of 50 percent.

Mexico and China accounted for nearly 30 percent of apple exports in 2017. India, who totals 10 percent of exports, has said it will apply a 30 percent tariff on U.S. apples starting Jan. 31, on top of the current 50 percent tariff on U.S. apples, The Packer reports.

If the U.S. were to drop tariffs on steel and aluminum it is likely that countries would drop their retaliatory tariffs. However, it is unlikely that the Trump administration will budge o
n trade issues.

Still, China was previously a bright spot for U.S. apple exporters as they only had access to that market for the last three years. Previously, the country went from zero imports to 2.5 million cartons a year. "

Apple Industry Hit Hard by Tariffs

So those who live here & have ties to the orchard industry are hurting. The food processing plants here are hurting. All because of Donald Trump and his fooling trade wars.

And many of these same people love Donald Trump. The very same persin whose ignorance of global trade caused all of this pain.

Who helped these orchards??? The Obama administration. Who took it away, the Trump administration.
Republicans aren't going to abandon their blind partisan support of Trump, no matter the truth and facts .
I live in south central Pennsylvania, orchard country. A lot of apple orchards.

A pile of Republicans. 60-70% Republican. Trump Country.

I shake my head as I drive by these smaller, downtrodden houses with their Trump flags & signs and their jacked up 4x4s with the Confederate flag on the back window. AI have never lived in a more racist & bigoted area of this country.

Apple orchards were already hurting as climate change is making the climate here less & less apple climate.

Now we see the Tariff war rump initiated has been slamming the apple ^&cherry orchards extra hard.

The apple industry had previously braced for the impact that tariffs would have on them in the fall, but they couldn't predict the damage that would occur.

In a new report from the Congressional Research Service titled "Profiles and Effects of Retaliatory Tariffs on U.S. Agricultural Exports" notes that apples and cherries are among agricultural commodities hurt the most by retaliatory tariffs placed by some of the U.S.' strongest trading partners. According to the report, U.S. apple exports to Mexico and China now have additional tariffs of 20 and 40 percent. Previously, apples to Mexico faced no tariffs while China had a tariff of just 10 percent. Now, apple exports to China experience a tariff rate of 50 percent.

Mexico and China accounted for nearly 30 percent of apple exports in 2017. India, who totals 10 percent of exports, has said it will apply a 30 percent tariff on U.S. apples starting Jan. 31, on top of the current 50 percent tariff on U.S. apples, The Packer reports.

If the U.S. were to drop tariffs on steel and aluminum it is likely that countries would drop their retaliatory tariffs. However, it is unlikely that the Trump administration will budge o
n trade issues.

Still, China was previously a bright spot for U.S. apple exporters as they only had access to that market for the last three years. Previously, the country went from zero imports to 2.5 million cartons a year. "

Apple Industry Hit Hard by Tariffs

So those who live here & have ties to the orchard industry are hurting. The food processing plants here are hurting. All because of Donald Trump and his fooling trade wars.

And many of these same people love Donald Trump. The very same persin whose ignorance of global trade caused all of this pain.

Who helped these orchards??? The Obama administration. Who took it away, the Trump administration.
Republicans aren't going to abandon their blind partisan support of Trump, no matter the truth and facts .
...central Pennsylvania...

...jacked up 4x4s with the Confederate flag on the back window...
Cultural Misappropriation!!!

Fuckin' yankees.


I moved to Wisconsin after living in Texas and Arkansas for 40 years. It was quite a surprise to see how many confederate flags, bumper-stickers, jacked up 4x4s with coal-rolling smokestacks, and country music bars and radio stations there were up here.
I live 40 miles north of Twin Cities out of the range of regressive lunacy.
Pretty much described my area, spot on. I would add a lot of shooting also. Deer and Geese.:biggrin:
Gas guzzling SUV's, pickup trucks and Harleys rule the road.
Love it here.
...central Pennsylvania...

...jacked up 4x4s with the Confederate flag on the back window...
Cultural Misappropriation!!!

Fuckin' yankees.


Fuckin' yankees pretending they are southern rednecks.
That's how Trump acts. A race baiting two bit hack without enough brains to come in out of the pouring fucking rain. If it wasen't for Trump's daddy bailing his idiot son out, he'd have ended up managing flea bitten motels in the Bowery section of N.Y.C., mopping up puke left by drunken winos & dope addicts.
...central Pennsylvania...

...jacked up 4x4s with the Confederate flag on the back window...
Cultural Misappropriation!!!

Fuckin' yankees.


Fuckin' yankees pretending they are southern rednecks.
That's how Trump acts. A race baiting two bit hack without enough brains to come in out of the pouring fucking rain. If it wasen't for Trump's daddy bailing his idiot son out, he'd have ended up managing flea bitten motels in the Bowery section of N.Y.C., mopping up puke left by drunken winos & dope addicts.
/——/ Meanwhile on the Socialist front...
...central Pennsylvania...

...jacked up 4x4s with the Confederate flag on the back window...
Cultural Misappropriation!!!

Fuckin' yankees.


Fuckin' yankees pretending they are southern rednecks.
That's how Trump acts. A race baiting two bit hack without enough brains to come in out of the pouring fucking rain. If it wasen't for Trump's daddy bailing his idiot son out, he'd have ended up managing flea bitten motels in the Bowery section of N.Y.C., mopping up puke left by drunken winos & dope addicts.
/——/ Meanwhile on the Socialist front...
View attachment 252546
Which one is a CEO of a corporation making millions while paying minimum age?
Warrem makes her moey as a college professor along with her professor husband. Sanders makes his a Senator & through writing books, Michael more is an activist.
Their combined net worths are not 61 million.

You people just don't get it.
All these rollbacks on EPA standards, etc........let them occur in red states.
/----/ "All these rollbacks on EPA standards, etc........let them occur in red states."
Nothing stopping the Blue States from enacting their own regressive, constrictive rules.

I understand you hate science but you evidently don't know that the air in a state does not stay in the State. The water in the rivers & lakes flow into other states.

Why should we suffer because those in the Red States want to poison their own kids?
I live in south central Pennsylvania, orchard country. A lot of apple orchards.

A pile of Republicans. 60-70% Republican. Trump Country.

I shake my head as I drive by these smaller, downtrodden houses with their Trump flags & signs and their jacked up 4x4s with the Confederate flag on the back window. AI have never lived in a more racist & bigoted area of this country.

Apple orchards were already hurting as climate change is making the climate here less & less apple climate.

Now we see the Tariff war rump initiated has been slamming the apple ^&cherry orchards extra hard.

The apple industry had previously braced for the impact that tariffs would have on them in the fall, but they couldn't predict the damage that would occur.

In a new report from the Congressional Research Service titled "Profiles and Effects of Retaliatory Tariffs on U.S. Agricultural Exports" notes that apples and cherries are among agricultural commodities hurt the most by retaliatory tariffs placed by some of the U.S.' strongest trading partners. According to the report, U.S. apple exports to Mexico and China now have additional tariffs of 20 and 40 percent. Previously, apples to Mexico faced no tariffs while China had a tariff of just 10 percent. Now, apple exports to China experience a tariff rate of 50 percent.

Mexico and China accounted for nearly 30 percent of apple exports in 2017. India, who totals 10 percent of exports, has said it will apply a 30 percent tariff on U.S. apples starting Jan. 31, on top of the current 50 percent tariff on U.S. apples, The Packer reports.

If the U.S. were to drop tariffs on steel and aluminum it is likely that countries would drop their retaliatory tariffs. However, it is unlikely that the Trump administration will budge o
n trade issues.

Still, China was previously a bright spot for U.S. apple exporters as they only had access to that market for the last three years. Previously, the country went from zero imports to 2.5 million cartons a year. "

Apple Industry Hit Hard by Tariffs

So those who live here & have ties to the orchard industry are hurting. The food processing plants here are hurting. All because of Donald Trump and his fooling trade wars.

And many of these same people love Donald Trump. The very same persin whose ignorance of global trade caused all of this pain.

Who helped these orchards??? The Obama administration. Who took it away, the Trump administration.
Republicans aren't going to abandon their blind partisan support of Trump, no matter the truth and facts .
/——/ View attachment 252543
Caring about one's country.
...central Pennsylvania...

...jacked up 4x4s with the Confederate flag on the back window...
Cultural Misappropriation!!!

Fuckin' yankees.


Fuckin' yankees pretending they are southern rednecks.
That's how Trump acts. A race baiting two bit hack without enough brains to come in out of the pouring fucking rain. If it wasen't for Trump's daddy bailing his idiot son out, he'd have ended up managing flea bitten motels in the Bowery section of N.Y.C., mopping up puke left by drunken winos & dope addicts.
/——/ Meanwhile on the Socialist front...
View attachment 252546
Which one is a CEO of a corporation making millions while paying minimum age?
Warrem makes her moey as a college professor along with her professor husband. Sanders makes his a Senator & through writing books, Michael more is an activist.
Their combined net worths are not 61 million.

You people just don't get it.
/——/ Moore is worth $50 million, Pocahontas = $10 million and Sanders is worth $2 million. You do the math
Both US Senators in PA (one RR & one D) are against Trump's tariffs.

Past Toomey, who loves corporate America, is writing a bill taking away tariffs from a Presidential power. That should tell you Trumpettres something. Of course, nothing will happen until Trump gives McConnell permission to bring it up.
/——/ It tells us one RINO likes the Chinks ripping us off and won’t fight back.
Cultural Misappropriation!!!

Fuckin' yankees.


Fuckin' yankees pretending they are southern rednecks.
That's how Trump acts. A race baiting two bit hack without enough brains to come in out of the pouring fucking rain. If it wasen't for Trump's daddy bailing his idiot son out, he'd have ended up managing flea bitten motels in the Bowery section of N.Y.C., mopping up puke left by drunken winos & dope addicts.
/——/ Meanwhile on the Socialist front...
View attachment 252546
Which one is a CEO of a corporation making millions while paying minimum age?
Warrem makes her moey as a college professor along with her professor husband. Sanders makes his a Senator & through writing books, Michael more is an activist.
Their combined net worths are not 61 million.

You people just don't get it.
/——/ Moore is worth $50 million, Pocahontas = $10 million and Sanders is worth $2 million. You do the math
Look., the post said their HOMES were worth 61 million.
Both US Senators in PA (one RR & one D) are against Trump's tariffs.

Past Toomey, who loves corporate America, is writing a bill taking away tariffs from a Presidential power. That should tell you Trumpettres something. Of course, nothing will happen until Trump gives McConnell permission to bring it up.
/——/ It tells us one RINO likes the Chinks ripping us off and won’t fight back.

Nice slur.

China is not rip[ping us off. It is US corporations that take their manufacturing there. They are exporting their products to China.
Both US Senators in PA (one RR & one D) are against Trump's tariffs.

Past Toomey, who loves corporate America, is writing a bill taking away tariffs from a Presidential power. That should tell you Trumpettres something. Of course, nothing will happen until Trump gives McConnell permission to bring it up.
/——/ It tells us one RINO likes the Chinks ripping us off and won’t fight back.

Nice slur.

China is not rip[ping us off. It is US corporations that take their manufacturing there. They are exporting their products to China.
/----/ The Chinks steal our intellectual property for starters. Why do you defed the Commies?
Fuckin' yankees pretending they are southern rednecks.
That's how Trump acts. A race baiting two bit hack without enough brains to come in out of the pouring fucking rain. If it wasen't for Trump's daddy bailing his idiot son out, he'd have ended up managing flea bitten motels in the Bowery section of N.Y.C., mopping up puke left by drunken winos & dope addicts.
/——/ Meanwhile on the Socialist front...
View attachment 252546
Which one is a CEO of a corporation making millions while paying minimum age?
Warrem makes her moey as a college professor along with her professor husband. Sanders makes his a Senator & through writing books, Michael more is an activist.
Their combined net worths are not 61 million.

You people just don't get it.
/——/ Moore is worth $50 million, Pocahontas = $10 million and Sanders is worth $2 million. You do the math
Look., the post said their HOMES were worth 61 million.
/----/ No numbnuts. There is an ampersand in the headline. An ampersand looks like this &. It means AND.
Now try and focus: 1.) They own 13 homes. 2.) They are worth 61 million.
It does NOT say they own 13 homes that are worth 61 million
Geeeze you public school educated libtards are a riot.

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