Trump Supporters: This isn't a nothing burger

We cannot ignore the damage done by that to ally with people that hate us and want to see us dead.

Your position makes no sense what so ever.

If you want us to ever find common ground to address some issue, that you think we should be able to work together on,

you need to be less constantly hostile to us.
It’s like the klan complaining when a black kills one of their members.
Donald Trump is terrified that his former White House counsel is cooperating with the House select committee investigating last year’s insurrection, his niece Mary Trump said in an interview Saturday. Mary said her uncle is shaking in his boots after hearing former White House counsel Pat Cipollone spent over 8 hours talking with investigators working for the House select committee investigating the Jan 6th Capitol riot.

The mounting legal case against Trump is all the more damning considering most of the key witness's providing testimony are from his own staffers, especially from someone as powerful as Pat Cipollone, former Whitehouse council. Mr. Cipollone cannot be dismissed as "just a coffee boy" as Donald Trump has tried to do with so many others. If Pat Cipollone corroborates the testimony of other Whitehouse staffers regarding Donald Trump's actions (which seems likely) Donald has very good reason to be scared.

Trump supporters: I know you are laser focused only on Hunter Biden right now, but I suggest you take a peek on the other side of the fence. This isn't a "nothing burger" :bye1:

How many times have we heard this......."This is not a nothing burger"? The left has been attacking Mr. Trump for over 8 years now...........He really must scare the crap out of the fascist leftists.
Yes I see how his rhetoric and positions on things make you feel like he has your best interests in mind but he doesn’t.

If he did, I’d admit it. His policies have all been bluster, for show, to con you. Lies. Half truths. And wrong. Just wrong.

Its too late. We are all globalists now. Too late to be an isolationist, america first type economy. Just like it’s too late for coal.
I have family and friends all around the US and many around the world...they all disagree with you.
You don't have to worry about the US supporting the world until we fall apart, it's happening right now.
No I don’t. Is that what you believe?

I've had far too many lefties gloat about us "dying off" to not notice. If you are not as full of hate as that, you should consider if you should be on the same side as people that are.

Actually, trump only had 2.3% growth in 2019 after that massive tax blunder he passed in 2018 that caused today’s inflation.
Is that why everyone I know who was out of work for years got back into their professions at contemporary salaries and benefits?
Is there ever a time you will stop posting bullshit?
Donald Trump is terrified that his former White House counsel is cooperating with the House select committee investigating last year’s insurrection, his niece Mary Trump said in an interview Saturday. Mary said her uncle is shaking in his boots after hearing former White House counsel Pat Cipollone spent over 8 hours talking with investigators working for the House select committee investigating the Jan 6th Capitol riot.

The mounting legal case against Trump is all the more damning considering most of the key witness's providing testimony are from his own staffers, especially from someone as powerful as Pat Cipollone, former Whitehouse council. Mr. Cipollone cannot be dismissed as "just a coffee boy" as Donald Trump has tried to do with so many others. If Pat Cipollone corroborates the testimony of other Whitehouse staffers regarding Donald Trump's actions (which seems likely) Donald has very good reason to be scared.

Trump supporters: I know you are laser focused only on Hunter Biden right now, but I suggest you take a peek on the other side of the fence. This isn't a "nothing burger" :bye1:

Mary Trump is the source? That's the EPITOME of a "nothing burger", you moron!
Donald Trump is terrified that his former White House counsel is cooperating with the House select committee investigating last year’s insurrection, his niece Mary Trump said in an interview Saturday. Mary said her uncle is shaking in his boots after hearing former White House counsel Pat Cipollone spent over 8 hours talking with investigators working for the House select committee investigating the Jan 6th Capitol riot.

The mounting legal case against Trump is all the more damning considering most of the key witness's providing testimony are from his own staffers, especially from someone as powerful as Pat Cipollone, former Whitehouse council. Mr. Cipollone cannot be dismissed as "just a coffee boy" as Donald Trump has tried to do with so many others. If Pat Cipollone corroborates the testimony of other Whitehouse staffers regarding Donald Trump's actions (which seems likely) Donald has very good reason to be scared.

Trump supporters: I know you are laser focused only on Hunter Biden right now, but I suggest you take a peek on the other side of the fence. This isn't a "nothing burger" :bye1:

The only ones worried about the Jan 6th committee are the radical lefties. And that's only because it's their only chance to save House and Senate seats in the upcoming mid terms.

Jan 6th, BORING!!!!!!!
The only ones worried about the Jan 6th committee are the radical lefties. And that's only because it's their only chance to save House and Senate seats in the upcoming mid terms.

Jan 6th, BORING!!!!!!!
Breaking News: This just in on the Jan 6th hearings...




I have family and friends all around the US and many around the world...they all disagree with you.
You don't have to worry about the US supporting the world until we fall apart, it's happening right now.
What’s comedy gold about smellybozo is him and his gay lesbo pretend wife penelope try to fool themselves thst all the hundreds of thousands of citizens in the state of michigan where he lives who were marching in the streets in December protesting the fascist lockdowns of whitmere that they are all wrong in their hatred fir whitmere but THEY are right. :rofl: Not only thst,those two retarded fucks play dodgeball everyday on these boards ignoring that even rfk jr has said thst the party his uncle and his father were a part of growing up that they were once so proud of,thst he is horrified by what it has become now,:biggrin:not only thst but it gets even better,he Invents fantasy’s that our greatest president of the 2oth Century kennedy, is not rolling over in his grave right now over how Obama is destroying America.:rofl:every rational thinking person knows Obama is in his third term and dementia joe is taking orders from him.

Him and lesbo fake wife of his penelope try to desperately convince themselves everyday here thst Obama was not a clone of bush,thst he did not lie to the America people on reversing bush’s dreconian policys not only continuing them but expanding them.:rofl:

Him and his wife penelope constantly expose they are paid shills fir the dnc the fact they defend the atrocity’s of Obama everyday and ignore he expanded everything bush started. We see right through tme that if trump was a democrat,they would LOVE him,they know it,we know it.he is a paid shill for the dnc same as political chic is a paid shill fir the RNC.

PC is a fake ass trump supporter and embarrassment to trump supporters because she does the same smellybozo does with the Dems,ignores the long history of corruption of the republicans like bush and Reagan.she is an embarrassment to trump supporters because she ignores thst trump hates her hero bush And vice versa and also ignores that Obama she calls the most corrupt president ever,was only expanding the corruption and policys that her hero bush started.:uhoh3:anytime you bring thst fact up she pretends not to see thst post.:biggrin:
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What’s comedy gold about smellybozo is him and his gay lesbo pretend wife penelope try to fool themselves thst all the hundreds of thousands of citizens in the state of michigan where he lives who were marching in the streets in December protesting the fascist lockdowns of whitmere that they are all wrong in their hatred fir whitmere but THEY are right. :rofl: Not only thst,those two retarded fucks play dodgeball everyday on these boards ignoring that even rfk jr has said thst the party his uncle and his father were a part of growing up that they were once so proud of,thst he is horrified by what it has become now,:biggrin:not only thst but it gets even better,he Invents fantasy’s that our greatest president of the 2oth Century kennedy, is not rolling over in his grave right now over how Obama is destroying America.:rofl:every rational thinking person knows Obama is in his third term and dementia joe is taking orders from him.

Him and lesbo fake wife of his penelope try to desperately convince themselves everyday here thst Biden was not a clone of bush,thst he did not lie to the America people on reversing bush’s dreconian policys not only continuing them but expanding them.:rofl:

Him and his wife penelope constantly expose they are paid shills fir the dnc the fact they defend the atrocity’s of Obama everyday and ignore he expanded everything bush started. We see right through tme that if trump was a democrat,they would LOVE him,they know it,we know it.he is a paid shill for the dnc same as political chic is a paid shill fir the RNC.

PC is a fake ass trump supporter and embarrassment to trump supporters because she does the same smellybozo does with the Dems,ignores the long history of corruption of the republicans like bush and Reagan.she is an embarrassment to trump supporters because she ignores thst trump hates her hero bush And vice versa and also ignores that Obama she calls the most corrupt president ever,was only expanding the corruption and policys that her hero bush started.:uhoh3:anytime you bring thst fact up she pretends not to see thst post.:biggrin:
Penelope and her husband hates Trump because her husband is in construction and wants cheap slave labor.
Is that why everyone I know who was out of work for years got back into their professions at contemporary salaries and benefits?
Is there ever a time you will stop posting bullshit?
Like I said,he will never do thst because if he ever owns up to facts that Biden is a commie and killing America,the DNC will stop paying him fir not lying anymore same as the corrupt faction of the RNC,will stop paying political chic to lie about the corruption of bush and the Rino republicans if she ever comes out and admits the truth thst Obama expanded the corruption of her hero .bush. It should be common knowledge to everyone here what a fake trump supporter she is,thst if trump was a dem she would hate him and if he WAS a dem,smellybozo would LOVE him.:biggrin:

I put smellybozo on ignore years ago because everyone knows he thinks he knows eveything about everyone with made up up lies like we worship trump when it’s only his POLICYS we worship and listen to this one,he has claimed many times in the past thst I am a Republican DESPITE the hundreds of times I have said what a criminal and mass murderer Reagan and the bushs were and thst I also have told him many times before trump,the last conservative Republican America had that gave a shit about the people who served them instead of the elite, was Calvin coolidge,yet smellybozo tells me I am STILL a republican,I can’t make this shit up.:auiqs.jpg::rofl:

This bozo clown clearly has Alzheimer’s and needs to be admitted to a nursing home.thst cannot be debated. :rofl: :auiqs.jpg:
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Penelope and her husband hates Trump because her husband is in construction and wants cheap slave labor.
:thankusmile: You nailed it.that couple so much amuses the hell out of me thst Obama somehow did not expand the corruption of bush and lie to the people he would reverse his unconstitutional policys and his hilarious logic thst somehow because I like trump,I am a Republican never mind the fact that everybody thst knows me knows I have stated too many times to remember,the last conservative republican president America had that gave a shit about the people and served them instead of the elite was Calvin coolidge,yet he always tells me I am a can’t reason with someone mentally deranged like thst,it’s impossible.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::rofl:
Donald Trump is terrified that his former White House counsel is cooperating with the House select committee investigating last year’s insurrection, his niece Mary Trump said in an interview Saturday. Mary said her uncle is shaking in his boots after hearing former White House counsel Pat Cipollone spent over 8 hours talking with investigators working for the House select committee investigating the Jan 6th Capitol riot.

The mounting legal case against Trump is all the more damning considering most of the key witness's providing testimony are from his own staffers, especially from someone as powerful as Pat Cipollone, former Whitehouse council. Mr. Cipollone cannot be dismissed as "just a coffee boy" as Donald Trump has tried to do with so many others. If Pat Cipollone corroborates the testimony of other Whitehouse staffers regarding Donald Trump's actions (which seems likely) Donald has very good reason to be scared.

Trump supporters: I know you are laser focused only on Hunter Biden right now, but I suggest you take a peek on the other side of the fence. This isn't a "nothing burger" :bye1:

What it is, is a shit sandwich without the bread and will backfire like every other attempt to frame Trump.
Someday, someday soon, the smoking gun will be revealed, and Trump will be thrown in jail. And someday, someday soon, it will be revealed that Democrats stole the elections in 2020. Someday.

Maybe someday voters will wake up.
Donald Trump is terrified that his former White House counsel is cooperating with the House select committee investigating last year’s insurrection, his niece Mary Trump said in an interview Saturday. Mary said her uncle is shaking in his boots after hearing former White House counsel Pat Cipollone spent over 8 hours talking with investigators working for the House select committee investigating the Jan 6th Capitol riot.

The mounting legal case against Trump is all the more damning considering most of the key witness's providing testimony are from his own staffers, especially from someone as powerful as Pat Cipollone, former Whitehouse council. Mr. Cipollone cannot be dismissed as "just a coffee boy" as Donald Trump has tried to do with so many others. If Pat Cipollone corroborates the testimony of other Whitehouse staffers regarding Donald Trump's actions (which seems likely) Donald has very good reason to be scared.

Trump supporters: I know you are laser focused only on Hunter Biden right now, but I suggest you take a peek on the other side of the fence. This isn't a "nothing burger" :bye1:

Mary Trump? The relationship between those two is strained at best. Trump does not like her and she doesn't have any love or respect for him. You have a nothing burger. It will probably tastes better with cheese onion, and pickles and the condiment of you choice.
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