Trump Supporters: This isn't a nothing burger

Donald Trump is terrified that his former White House counsel is cooperating with the House select committee investigating last year’s insurrection, his niece Mary Trump said in an interview Saturday. Mary said her uncle is shaking in his boots after hearing former White House counsel Pat Cipollone spent over 8 hours talking with investigators working for the House select committee investigating the Jan 6th Capitol riot.

The mounting legal case against Trump is all the more damning considering most of the key witness's providing testimony are from his own staffers, especially from someone as powerful as Pat Cipollone, former Whitehouse council. Mr. Cipollone cannot be dismissed as "just a coffee boy" as Donald Trump has tried to do with so many others. If Pat Cipollone corroborates the testimony of other Whitehouse staffers regarding Donald Trump's actions (which seems likely) Donald has very good reason to be scared.

Trump supporters: I know you are laser focused only on Hunter Biden right now, but I suggest you take a peek on the other side of the fence. This isn't a "nothing burger" :bye1:

Donald Trump is terrified that his former White House counsel is cooperating with the House select committee investigating last year’s insurrection, his niece Mary Trump said in an interview Saturday. Mary said her uncle is shaking in his boots after hearing former White House counsel Pat Cipollone spent over 8 hours talking with investigators working for the House select committee investigating the Jan 6th Capitol riot.

The mounting legal case against Trump is all the more damning considering most of the key witness's providing testimony are from his own staffers, especially from someone as powerful as Pat Cipollone, former Whitehouse council. Mr. Cipollone cannot be dismissed as "just a coffee boy" as Donald Trump has tried to do with so many others. If Pat Cipollone corroborates the testimony of other Whitehouse staffers regarding Donald Trump's actions (which seems likely) Donald has very good reason to be scared.

Trump supporters: I know you are laser focused only on Hunter Biden right now, but I suggest you take a peek on the other side of the fence. This isn't a "nothing burger" :bye1:

That’s a lot of meaningless words cobbled together to offer up a cold nothing burger.
Keep calling us "cult". That is a great way to divide the nation and set US up for further strife.

What would you like to be called? Commie? Traitor?
Exactly. As long as that keeps up it's tit for tat, and all leftists are brainless little fucktards. Which they are. But it's kinda beside the point.
You are terrified a president thst serves the people instead of the elite will get elected again paid shill.:auiqs.jpg:
You know Trump put in a tax cut went to the Rich... Top 1% did very well...

When Trump pushed for Oil Supply cuts, that benefited the Oil Companies who have now record profits...

Trump did effectively nothing about rising Pharma Costs...

Give it a break, Trump was pro Rich, pro Elites... He is an Elite, he was pro himself...
Sure. liar

But hey, I’m not poor so I like the poor voting Republican.

I am not poor either, however, I fail to see how Republicans favor anything other than not taking more from me and giving it away to those that don’t want to work and those that shouldn’t be in our country in the first place. I don’t vote Republican for tax breaks, I vote Republican for common sense fiscal and social policies. These are same policies that give me and everyone else in the country the opportunity to be “rich“ in the first place with hard work and ingenuity. Voting for freebees so more Democrats can stay in their parent’s basement doesn’t seem like a winning formula for our country.
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You know Trump put in a tax cut went to the Rich... Top 1% did very well...

When Trump pushed for Oil Supply cuts, that benefited the Oil Companies who have now record profits...

Trump did effectively nothing about rising Pharma Costs...

Give it a break, Trump was pro Rich, pro Elites... He is an Elite, he was pro himself...

Virtually everyone got a tax cut. Democrats seem to want everyone except the rich to get a tax cut. In their minds, that is “fair” despite the fact that the majority of the rich already pay far more in taxes(percentage wise) than others. Remember, the “rich” is defined by Democrats as those making more than 400k/yr, not hedge fund manager’s kids living off of capital gains of a trust.
Donald Trump is terrified that his former White House counsel is cooperating with the House select committee investigating last year’s insurrection, his niece Mary Trump said in an interview Saturday. Mary said her uncle is shaking in his boots after hearing former White House counsel Pat Cipollone spent over 8 hours talking with investigators working for the House select committee investigating the Jan 6th Capitol riot.

The mounting legal case against Trump is all the more damning considering most of the key witness's providing testimony are from his own staffers, especially from someone as powerful as Pat Cipollone, former Whitehouse council. Mr. Cipollone cannot be dismissed as "just a coffee boy" as Donald Trump has tried to do with so many others. If Pat Cipollone corroborates the testimony of other Whitehouse staffers regarding Donald Trump's actions (which seems likely) Donald has very good reason to be scared.

Trump supporters: I know you are laser focused only on Hunter Biden right now, but I suggest you take a peek on the other side of the fence. This isn't a "nothing burger" :bye1:

You got him THIS time, snowflake...

Laughinh Liotta.jpg
Donald Trump is terrified that his former White House counsel is cooperating with the House select committee investigating last year’s insurrection, his niece Mary Trump said in an interview Saturday. Mary said her uncle is shaking in his boots after hearing former White House counsel Pat Cipollone spent over 8 hours talking with investigators working for the House select committee investigating the Jan 6th Capitol riot.

The mounting legal case against Trump is all the more damning considering most of the key witness's providing testimony are from his own staffers, especially from someone as powerful as Pat Cipollone, former Whitehouse council. Mr. Cipollone cannot be dismissed as "just a coffee boy" as Donald Trump has tried to do with so many others. If Pat Cipollone corroborates the testimony of other Whitehouse staffers regarding Donald Trump's actions (which seems likely) Donald has very good reason to be scared.

Trump supporters: I know you are laser focused only on Hunter Biden right now, but I suggest you take a peek on the other side of the fence. This isn't a "nothing burger" :bye1:

America, even the DemNazi Sheep and getting tired of your DemNazi Lies!

"From my perspective, my personal experience, he's made it a whole lot worse for people like me who voted for him," King, who is a single mother, told co-host Carley Shimkus. "So I feel not only embarrassed, but I just feel very manipulated by… social media portraying him as someone who is going to fix the country."


King explained how she has three jobs to make ends meet, and still struggles to feed herself under Biden's economic policies as inflation sits at a 40-year high.
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I have family and friends all around the US and many around the world...they all disagree with you.
You don't have to worry about the US supporting the world until we fall apart, it's happening right now.
The middle class has been disappearing for decades. Most of the people who aren't even middle class appear to be because they wear $70 LuLu Lemon shorts and have $200 Iphones. And despite the middle class getting poorer and poorer, we still can't unite. You have to go and elect a divisive prick scum bag liar like Trump.

He didn't have to play it that way. He chose to. He could have been a great uniter. Instead he divided us. On purpose too because he was and is never sincere.
when you say “rich” you mean “rich” dembots? dems are the only folks i know who repeatedly talk about economic classes
Yes! Rich Republicans want the masses making more money. Sure.

They want the CEO to make more money. They defend skyrocketing CEO pay. And they complain if we suggest raising the minimum wage.
Donald Trump is terrified that his former White House counsel is cooperating with the House select committee investigating last year’s insurrection, his niece Mary Trump said in an interview Saturday. Mary said her uncle is shaking in his boots after hearing former White House counsel Pat Cipollone spent over 8 hours talking with investigators working for the House select committee investigating the Jan 6th Capitol riot.

The mounting legal case against Trump is all the more damning considering most of the key witness's providing testimony are from his own staffers, especially from someone as powerful as Pat Cipollone, former Whitehouse council. Mr. Cipollone cannot be dismissed as "just a coffee boy" as Donald Trump has tried to do with so many others. If Pat Cipollone corroborates the testimony of other Whitehouse staffers regarding Donald Trump's actions (which seems likely) Donald has very good reason to be scared.

Trump supporters: I know you are laser focused only on Hunter Biden right now, but I suggest you take a peek on the other side of the fence. This isn't a "nothing burger" :bye1:

Cipolonne's testimony is largely corroborative in nature. The committee likely didn't learn anything revelatory they didn't already know. I think what has Don nervous is the DoJ has opened up a criminal investigation. Publicly available info provides ample evidence Trump is guilty of multiple crimes. But will Merrick indict?
The middle class has been disappearing for decades. Most of the people who aren't even middle class appear to be because they wear $70 LuLu Lemon shorts and have $200 Iphones. And despite the middle class getting poorer and poorer, we still can't unite. You have to go and elect a divisive prick scum bag liar like Trump.

He didn't have to play it that way. He chose to. He could have been a great uniter. Instead he divided us. On purpose too because he was and is never sincere.
When did you first discover that you were possessed with a Demon and a Lying Spirit? Was it when you started supporting The Alphabet Pedo - Kill Babies - Groom Children - Hair Sniffing Political Party?

How's that Russian Collusion Lie working for you? Same as the Obama and Fauci didn't create COVID 19 and unleash it on America as a BioWeapon to interfere in our elections lie?
Cipolonne's testimony is largely corroborative in nature. The committee likely didn't learn anything revelatory they didn't already know. I think what has Don nervous is the DoJ has opened up a criminal investigation. Publicly available info provides ample evidence Trump is guilty of multiple crimes. But will Merrick indict?
There is no actual testimony in such a Kangaroo Court. It's all hearsay and could not stand up in an actual court. It's a shit show only shit eaters would enjoy, right brown face?
Yes! Rich Republicans want the masses making more money. Sure.

They want the CEO to make more money. They defend skyrocketing CEO pay. And they complain if we suggest raising the minimum wage.
Yes, the GOP want the masses making more money...and defend skyrocketing pay...the left focuses on merely min wages....

Sad reality but it frames the major difference between the two parties....the GOP wants folks making money and being independent...and sees no limit. and the left wants to focus on people being poor, making the min, and being dependent
Mitch should have impeached him for the insurrection.
Yeah, McConnell should have pulled a 'Pelosi' by holding an Impeachment based on zero crime, zero evodence, and zero witnesses.

I'm sure Schiff and Swalwell would have helped by criminally manufacturing more fake evidence

Donald Trump is terrified that his former White House counsel is cooperating with the House select committee investigating last year’s insurrection, his niece Mary Trump said in an interview Saturday. Mary said her uncle is shaking in his boots after hearing former White House counsel Pat Cipollone spent over 8 hours talking with investigators working for the House select committee investigating the Jan 6th Capitol riot.

The mounting legal case against Trump is all the more damning considering most of the key witness's providing testimony are from his own staffers, especially from someone as powerful as Pat Cipollone, former Whitehouse council. Mr. Cipollone cannot be dismissed as "just a coffee boy" as Donald Trump has tried to do with so many others. If Pat Cipollone corroborates the testimony of other Whitehouse staffers regarding Donald Trump's actions (which seems likely) Donald has very good reason to be scared.

Trump supporters: I know you are laser focused only on Hunter Biden right now, but I suggest you take a peek on the other side of the fence. This isn't a "nothing burger" :bye1:

I'm far more terrified I'll be forced to read your trolling bullshit one day.
The middle class has been disappearing for decades. Most of the people who aren't even middle class appear to be because they wear $70 LuLu Lemon shorts and have $200 Iphones. And despite the middle class getting poorer and poorer, we still can't unite. You have to go and elect a divisive prick scum bag liar like Trump.

He didn't have to play it that way. He chose to. He could have been a great uniter. Instead he divided us. On purpose too because he was and is never sincere.
That's funny because the Jewish Middle and Upper Class has been exploding upwards and know full well about how both parties are only interested in getting the money to run for office.

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