Trump Supporters: This isn't a nothing burger

Donald Trump is terrified that his former White House counsel is cooperating with the House select committee investigating last year’s insurrection, his niece Mary Trump said in an interview Saturday. Mary said her uncle is shaking in his boots after hearing former White House counsel Pat Cipollone spent over 8 hours talking with investigators working for the House select committee investigating the Jan 6th Capitol riot.

The mounting legal case against Trump is all the more damning considering most of the key witness's providing testimony are from his own staffers, especially from someone as powerful as Pat Cipollone, former Whitehouse council. Mr. Cipollone cannot be dismissed as "just a coffee boy" as Donald Trump has tried to do with so many others. If Pat Cipollone corroborates the testimony of other Whitehouse staffers regarding Donald Trump's actions (which seems likely) Donald has very good reason to be scared.

Trump supporters: I know you are laser focused only on Hunter Biden right now, but I suggest you take a peek on the other side of the fence. This isn't a "nothing burger" :bye1:

LOL! You're supposed to be slandering Ron Desantis now! Didn't you get the memo?
When did you first discover that you were possessed with a Demon and a Lying Spirit? Was it when you started supporting The Alphabet Pedo - Kill Babies - Groom Children - Hair Sniffing Political Party?

How's that Russian Collusion Lie working for you? Same as the Obama and Fauci didn't create COVID 19 and unleash it on America as a BioWeapon to interfere in our elections lie?
Didn't Trump rape babies with Jeffrey Epstein? Wasn't a former Republican Speaker of the House, the 3rd highest position in our government, a gay pedo? Dennis Hastert was raping minor boys.

So you keep crying because Joe likes the smell of women's shampoo.
Yes, the GOP want the masses making more money...and defend skyrocketing pay...the left focuses on merely min wages....

Sad reality but it frames the major difference between the two parties....the GOP wants folks making money and being independent...and sees no limit. and the left wants to focus on people being poor, making the min, and being dependent
Sorry but unregulated free market capitalism with no controls to protect workers will produce a small ruling rich elite class, a small merchant class and the masses will be known as the rabble.

We've already explained this was going to happen with Reagan and Bush and Bush and Trump. And it's happening.

Well now I'm glad it's happening because I no longer fall into the category of "the masses". I used to. Now I'm a 10%er. (Merchant class) And I will vote Republican and hope to see your wages go up enough that you will start saving for your retirement like I am. Good luck.
Sorry but unregulated free market capitalism with no controls to protect workers will produce a small ruling rich elite class, a small merchant class and the masses will be known as the rabble.

We've already explained this was going to happen with Reagan and Bush and Bush and Trump. And it's happening.

Well now I'm glad it's happening because I no longer fall into the category of "the masses". I used to. Now I'm a 10%er. (Merchant class) And I will vote Republican and hope to see your wages go up enough that you will start saving for your retirement like I am. Good luck.
nobody ever said anything about being unregulated

yes the Reagan economy moved more people out of poverty then any time in modern. history…more people from the middle class to the upper middle class
Doesn’t mean she’s lying. She’s not alone. You popo away everyone who comes out against trump. We see no matter what trump does you love him.
It means she wouldnt know a god damn thing about what Trump is thinking or worried about.
Either you think we're stupid or you are stupid.

Save the drama for someone that gives a fuck seely. YOu know everything I wrote was the Truth.

Think about it. If not for the divisive lie that you people told and are still telling, then we would have had a moment of national unity, all of us against the small fringe w.s.

That was YOUR choice. That is still YOUR choice.

That obviously does not mean that we would still not disagree on nearly all policy. But we would have had a moment, to remind US that we are one nation and that our goals are, or should be, our Common Good.

Your refusal to address my point is clearly because you CAN'T, not without admitting that I am right.
nobody ever said anything about being unregulated

yes the Reagan economy moved more people out of poverty then any time in modern. history…more people from the middle class to the upper middle class
He spent his way out of that recession. So don't cry when Obama or Biden does it. Or Trump. But Trump was handed a good economy. So was Bush. Then they both oversaw the greatest crashes since the Great Depression. I'm not going to blame Trump for Corona. Just his handling of it. Hosting rallies and comparing masks to purses.

Anyways, as the Libertarians say, let the free market decide. The less regulations the best. And get government out of business. You guys who cry that you want government to stay out of business' business, and who say presidents don't have all that much to do with how the economy goes, sure do want another republican in the white house.

Biden gave you all good stimulus checks and bonus unemployment. Rather than bail out the rich first like Trump and Bush did, Biden gave all the stimulus to companies and the people. Then it caused gouging, I mean inflation. Sorry he tried. He was a fool.

I didn't need or get most of the stimulus $. I made too much. The rich weren't in on it so they gouged us during a time of supply shortages and war and pandemic. Nice.

Well I can go years without working. Without even cashing in any retirement savings accounts. Can you all say that?
Save the drama for someone that gives a fuck seely. YOu know everything I wrote was the Truth.

Think about it. If not for the divisive lie that you people told and are still telling, then we would have had a moment of national unity, all of us against the small fringe w.s.

That was YOUR choice. That is still YOUR choice.

That obviously does not mean that we would still not disagree on nearly all policy. But we would have had a moment, to remind US that we are one nation and that our goals are, or should be, our Common Good.

Your refusal to address my point is clearly because you CAN'T, not without admitting that I am right.
Listen. I went for a long bike ride on Saturday and Sunday. I saw black people out enjoying the metro parks. They said they had ebikes too. We had a nice conversation. Not one word about politics or race. Their daughter was graduating from college, going to go to law school. Clearly a successful couple. Ask them and me, America aint broken. Of course college is too expensive and we don't like how cops treat blacks. And we don't like Trump's catering to Proud Boys and all those other groups who are today's kkk. And they are organized. They go on weekends where they play war. They communicate with each other. They are angry at what America has become. They can't take a knee at a football game so instead they riot and spread feces on our Capitol building. And they get offended at Kappernick who just didn't like how cops treat blacks.

That seems to bother your type. He can't take a knee but you are unhappy with the country you can storm the capitol and spread shit on the walls. Yea, Kappernick is a bad man huh?
Save the drama for someone that gives a fuck seely. YOu know everything I wrote was the Truth.

Think about it. If not for the divisive lie that you people told and are still telling, then we would have had a moment of national unity, all of us against the small fringe w.s.

That was YOUR choice. That is still YOUR choice.

That obviously does not mean that we would still not disagree on nearly all policy. But we would have had a moment, to remind US that we are one nation and that our goals are, or should be, our Common Good.

Your refusal to address my point is clearly because you CAN'T, not without admitting that I am right.
Which group do you belong to?

The factions of far-right militants in America can seem a jumble of militiamen and revolutionaries, neo-fascists and white supremacists. While they all share a love of guns and a loathing of liberalism, not all militant groups share the same tactics, aims, or trigger points. How do you differentiate an Oath Keeper militant from a Proud Boy brawler or a Boogaloo Boi from the Patriot Front? We’ve got you covered.

Listen. I went for a long bike ride on Saturday and Sunday. I saw black people out enjoying the metro parks. They said they had ebikes too. We had a nice conversation. Not one word about politics or race. Their daughter was graduating from college, going to go to law school. Clearly a successful couple. Ask them and me, America aint broken. Of course college is too expensive and we don't like how cops treat blacks. And we don't like Trump's catering to Proud Boys and all those other groups who are today's kkk. And they are organized. They go on weekends where they play war. They communicate with each other. They are angry at what America has become. They can't take a knee at a football game so instead they riot and spread feces on our Capitol building. And they get offended at Kappernick who just didn't like how cops treat blacks.

That seems to bother your type. He can't take a knee but you are unhappy with the country you can storm the capitol and spread shit on the walls. Yea, Kappernick is a bad man huh?

None of that deals with YOUR example that I answered.

If you libs would have told the truth about what Trump said about Charlottsville, I, you, Trump supporters, those blacks people, Trump himself, Joe Fucking Kerry, would have all been united in our opposition to the actual w.s. that were at Charlottsville.


You had a choice. and you choose division.

And every time you tell that lie, you choose division again.
Which group do you belong to?

The factions of far-right militants in America can seem a jumble of militiamen and revolutionaries, neo-fascists and white supremacists. While they all share a love of guns and a loathing of liberalism, not all militant groups share the same tactics, aims, or trigger points. How do you differentiate an Oath Keeper militant from a Proud Boy brawler or a Boogaloo Boi from the Patriot Front? We’ve got you covered.

Are you trying to smear me by accusing me of belonging to groups I don't belong to?

What a weird little troll you are.
I have lost count of how many claims we have had about this or that is taking Trump down that turned out to nothing burgers. The MSM has been less like reporters when it comes to Trump and more like the boy who cried wolf.
Exactly. But this next time. That’s the one. That’s when they’ll get him!
Oh my......Oh my...(I'm wringing my hands)......Oh my. Is a nothing burger kinda like an Impossible burger?
All of Trump's trained monkey's, like BS, have been sending money to pay for the millions upon millions of dollars in legal costs. They are going to have to come up with millions more.
The dumbass trained monkeys will empty their pockets for their trainer.
But the trainer is still going down.
All of Trump's trained monkey's, like BS, have been sending money to pay for the millions upon millions of dollars in legal costs. They are going to have to come up with millions more.
The dumbass trained monkeys will empty their pockets for their trainer.
But the trainer is still going down.
Elmo just landed another dud.
All of Trump's trained monkey's, like BS, have been sending money to pay for the millions upon millions of dollars in legal costs. They are going to have to come up with millions more.
The dumbass trained monkeys will empty their pockets for their trainer.
But the trainer is still going down.
Your President isn't going to finish his term.
It means she wouldnt know a god damn thing about what Trump is thinking or worried about.
How true that no one knows what Trump is thinking.
But I guess Trump is astounded how stupid and gullible his trained monkeys are. Trump lives on taking advantage of the weak and stupid. And boy have the trained monkeys come through for him.

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