Trump Supporters: This isn't a nothing burger

Trump is the President, not my President. If Biden commits an impeachable offense and is impeached and convicted, so be it. I hope the process goes quickly.
He is probably going to be forced to resign because of health reasons. He's failing fast. The press has noticed his dementia shuffle.
He spent his way out of that recession. So don't cry when Obama or Biden does it. Or Trump. But Trump was handed a good economy. So was Bush. Then they both oversaw the greatest crashes since the Great Depression. I'm not going to blame Trump for Corona. Just his handling of it. Hosting rallies and comparing masks to purses.

Anyways, as the Libertarians say, let the free market decide. The less regulations the best. And get government out of business. You guys who cry that you want government to stay out of business' business, and who say presidents don't have all that much to do with how the economy goes, sure do want another republican in the white house.

Biden gave you all good stimulus checks and bonus unemployment. Rather than bail out the rich first like Trump and Bush did, Biden gave all the stimulus to companies and the people. Then it caused gouging, I mean inflation. Sorry he tried. He was a fool.

I didn't need or get most of the stimulus $. I made too much. The rich weren't in on it so they gouged us during a time of supply shortages and war and pandemic. Nice.

Well I can go years without working. Without even cashing in any retirement savings accounts. Can you all say that?
bush ans tump never “bailou” the rich first

Bush was handdd a recession, trump was handdd stagnation.

Trumps handling of covid was better then xiden and xiden had three vaccines ans all the knowledge trump didn’t have about the virus.

reagan was handed the worst economy since the great depression and via tax cuts and excellent Fed moves for us out of inflation and high interest rates

Obama gave us double digit UE, and spending like we haven’t seen since FDR
bush ans tump never “bailou” the rich first

Bush was handdd a recession, trump was handdd stagnation.

Trumps handling of covid was better then xiden and xiden had three vaccines ans all the knowledge trump didn’t have about the virus.

reagan was handed the worst economy since the great depression and via tax cuts and excellent Fed moves for us out of inflation and high interest rates

Obama gave us double digit UE, and spending like we haven’t seen since FDR

You lying piece of manurer. It is beyond belief. You trained monkeys make stuff up and the other trained monkeys believe it. Trump was the only President to inherit a positive GDP. Read the article attached for more charts showing what lying sack of mud you are. I hope you don't have kids. What an horrific example of a human.


You lying piece of manurer. It is beyond belief. You trained monkeys make stuff up and the other trained monkeys believe it. Trump was the only President to inherit a positive GDP. Read the article attached for more charts showing what lying sack of mud you are. I hope you don't have kids. What an horrific example of a human.

View attachment 669027

nothing i said was a lie
Everything you said was a lie. Have your mother read you the article I referenced. I have more bad news for you. There is no Santa Claus. Yes, it true. Don't try to argue it.
i saw some op-ed with some spin
Didn't Trump rape babies with Jeffrey Epstein? Wasn't a former Republican Speaker of the House, the 3rd highest position in our government, a gay pedo? Dennis Hastert was raping minor boys.

So you keep crying because Joe likes the smell of women's shampoo.

Yes, he could also fly around the room because he loved the smell of unicorn farts!
bush ans tump never “bailou” the rich first

Bush was handdd a recession, trump was handdd stagnation.

Trumps handling of covid was better then xiden and xiden had three vaccines ans all the knowledge trump didn’t have about the virus.

reagan was handed the worst economy since the great depression and via tax cuts and excellent Fed moves for us out of inflation and high interest rates

Obama gave us double digit UE, and spending like we haven’t seen since FDR
Bush was handed a recession? I don't think so. In fact one of his first acts as president was to pass a tax cut. He said the surplus Clinton created was the people's taxes and it should be given back to them. Then he got us into 2 wars and eventually the greatest recession since the Great Depression.

Obama was handed a recession. A GREAT Recession.

How was Trump's handling of the pandemic better? He hosted super spreader rallies, told people to not get vaccinated or wear masks. This is complete revisionist history.
nothing i said was a lie
How would you get out of a recession if you were president? Especially Obama's recession. It was the greatest recession since the great depression.

Oh, and Reagan spent his way out of his recession too. Did you complain about it? Are you even aware he spent more than every other president combined?

And for a guy who said he wanted to shrink government, he grew the government.

Reagan was the beginning of the end for middle class America.

Reagan, Bush and Trump's tax breaks are why we are broke and the middle class is doing worse. What happened to all those social programs that they cut? Those programs helped the poor and middle class. Since being cut or eliminated, the rich are doing better (the tax breaks they got) and we aren't doing as well because all those social programs or safety nets that used to be there are gone or severely cut. And our infrastructure is crumbling.
IT is good but you have to have a backup because many start-ups are running out of money and coders are being laid off.
Most of the kids I know have actual science degrees such as math and physics and are being retained.
Poor areas need good schools and a mayor who lets the police do what they want.
I see lots of Blacks in Nassau County with good jobs and nice houses; a demographic which renders Democrats as unnecessary.
I was listening to a show the other day where they were explaining how the Feds are going to sweek interest rates to deal with inflation and high wages. Apparently wages are too high right now. They need to bring those wages back down.

Ultimately what I gathered from the story was that things are the way they are and the people that run this country like it that way. Good luck trying to get them to stop importing smart indians to do IT. Good luck getting them to stop outsourcing phone support to India.

IT careers are among the highest-paying sectors in today’s workplace economy.

Let’s start with the median salary for “Computer and Information Technology Occupations,” as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)— $86,320.

That’s more than double the BLS’ median annual wage for all occupations.

So really, I am having a hard time feeling sorry for you if you couldn't make it in IT.

Of course, there are many areas of specialty within the wide world of information technology. From cybersecurity, programming and web development to robotics, video game design and artificial intelligence, the possibilities are nearly limitless, with positions spanning the career spectrum from entry-level to executive track. Here is just a partial list some of the notable specialties within IT:

Here's your problem. You probably never made it higher than a

Computer Support Specialists – $53,470

Computer support specialists provide help and advice to computer users and organizations. These specialists either support computer networks or they provide technical assistance directly to computer users.
IT is good but you have to have a backup because many start-ups are running out of money and coders are being laid off.
Most of the kids I know have actual science degrees such as math and physics and are being retained.
Poor areas need good schools and a mayor who lets the police do what they want.
I see lots of Blacks in Nassau County with good jobs and nice houses; a demographic which renders Democrats as unnecessary.
Employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 13 percent from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations. These occupations are projected to add about 667,600 new jobs. Demand for these workers will stem from greater emphasis on cloud computing, the collection and storage of big data, and information security.

The median annual wage for computer and information technology occupations was $97,430 in May 2021, which was higher than the median annual wage for all occupations of $45,760.

I suspect as more people get into IT, wages will go down.
Their ultimate aim is serfdom, slavery or death for citizens.
We've always said your way (The GOP way) produces a small elite ruling class, a small merchant class and the masses are known as the rabble. Or you called them serfs.

From 1970 to now union membership went from 35% of our workforce to 10% now. And in that time wages have gone down. No coincidence. And CEO pay has skyrocketed. The highest paid CEO's are the ones who sent good paying jobs overseas.

And my VP brother admitted that manufacturing jobs coming back to America are coming back at $15 hr.

And you want to talk about serfdom? Boy are you dumb. CEO pay skyrocketing and middle class jobs that used to be $30 hr plus benefits are now $15 with no benefits.
We've always said your way (The GOP way) produces a small elite ruling class, a small merchant class and the masses are known as the rabble. Or you called them serfs.

From 1970 to now union membership went from 35% of our workforce to 10% now. And in that time wages have gone down. No coincidence. And CEO pay has skyrocketed. The highest paid CEO's are the ones who sent good paying jobs overseas.

And my VP brother admitted that manufacturing jobs coming back to America are coming back at $15 hr.

And you want to talk about serfdom? Boy are you dumb. CEO pay skyrocketing and middle class jobs that used to be $30 hr plus benefits are now $15 with no benefits.

Actually, no one outside of you Europeans have said that.....and you lie all the time.

You might feel differently if you were an American.

One can be a patriot, or a Democrat.....but never both....fool.

Let me explain why:

The Constitution was a distillation of the views of Madison, Jefferson and Franklin. Progressivism is from the views of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

Now, let's quote 'progressives,' also known as totalitarians.

a. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

b. The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”

From a speech delivered on the Senate floor

May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler's dangerous statism - The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

c. Jim Cramer, one of the Left's apparatchiks, say what Democrats believe, encourage.....but blames it on the other side.
“government has a right to force you to obey and has always exercised it especially under GOP”

Anyone think to question what the GOP has forced any to obey about?




See what I mean about the Left/Democrats lying about everything?

The Democrats are the European Party, the party of Obey.

We’re the other side, the personal liberty, individualism, the right to make personal decisions.
I was listening to a show the other day where they were explaining how the Feds are going to sweek interest rates to deal with inflation and high wages. Apparently wages are too high right now. They need to bring those wages back down.

Ultimately what I gathered from the story was that things are the way they are and the people that run this country like it that way. Good luck trying to get them to stop importing smart indians to do IT. Good luck getting them to stop outsourcing phone support to India.

IT careers are among the highest-paying sectors in today’s workplace economy.

Let’s start with the median salary for “Computer and Information Technology Occupations,” as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)— $86,320.

That’s more than double the BLS’ median annual wage for all occupations.

So really, I am having a hard time feeling sorry for you if you couldn't make it in IT.

Of course, there are many areas of specialty within the wide world of information technology. From cybersecurity, programming and web development to robotics, video game design and artificial intelligence, the possibilities are nearly limitless, with positions spanning the career spectrum from entry-level to executive track. Here is just a partial list some of the notable specialties within IT:

Here's your problem. You probably never made it higher than a

Computer Support Specialists – $53,470

Computer support specialists provide help and advice to computer users and organizations. These specialists either support computer networks or they provide technical assistance directly to computer users.
but i though we needed twenty dollar min wage???
I don't love Trump; he's an Alpha and I cannot see myself sitting down with him.
I love his policies.
Your job is to convince people of something which is why you hate him.

He's not an alpha. He's morbidly obese, wears pancake make up and has tantrums.
I was listening to a show the other day where they were explaining how the Feds are going to sweek interest rates to deal with inflation and high wages. Apparently wages are too high right now. They need to bring those wages back down.

Ultimately what I gathered from the story was that things are the way they are and the people that run this country like it that way. Good luck trying to get them to stop importing smart indians to do IT. Good luck getting them to stop outsourcing phone support to India.

IT careers are among the highest-paying sectors in today’s workplace economy.

Let’s start with the median salary for “Computer and Information Technology Occupations,” as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)— $86,320.

That’s more than double the BLS’ median annual wage for all occupations.

So really, I am having a hard time feeling sorry for you if you couldn't make it in IT.

Of course, there are many areas of specialty within the wide world of information technology. From cybersecurity, programming and web development to robotics, video game design and artificial intelligence, the possibilities are nearly limitless, with positions spanning the career spectrum from entry-level to executive track. Here is just a partial list some of the notable specialties within IT:

Here's your problem. You probably never made it higher than a

Computer Support Specialists – $53,470

Computer support specialists provide help and advice to computer users and organizations. These specialists either support computer networks or they provide technical assistance directly to computer users.
You are, as usual, missing the point; mostly because you don't work in such an environment.
Programmers have to produce a working product, not just promise a working product.
The race to market has caused start-ups to hire anyone with a heartbeat; even good programmers without a science degree are on YouTube complaining about how much code they have to fix which is why they have to work at least 12 hours.
The positions that required advanced scientific knowledge will always be good as long as the global audience is willing to pay for it.

BTW, unless you live in the book docks, the sad fact is that no couple can have a family on $53,470.00 x 2, and that's why the MNCs disparage marriage
Donald Trump is terrified that his former White House counsel is cooperating with the House select committee investigating last year’s insurrection, his niece Mary Trump said in an interview Saturday. Mary said her uncle is shaking in his boots after hearing former White House counsel Pat Cipollone spent over 8 hours talking with investigators working for the House select committee investigating the Jan 6th Capitol riot.

The mounting legal case against Trump is all the more damning considering most of the key witness's providing testimony are from his own staffers, especially from someone as powerful as Pat Cipollone, former Whitehouse council. Mr. Cipollone cannot be dismissed as "just a coffee boy" as Donald Trump has tried to do with so many others. If Pat Cipollone corroborates the testimony of other Whitehouse staffers regarding Donald Trump's actions (which seems likely) Donald has very good reason to be scared.

Trump supporters: I know you are laser focused only on Hunter Biden right now, but I suggest you take a peek on the other side of the fence. This isn't a "nothing burger" :bye1:

And they surely can charge him with witness tampering, he got caught trying to do it once and for certain he discussed it with all those people who claimed the fifth.

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