Trump Supporters: This isn't a nothing burger

I am not poor either, however, I fail to see how Republicans favor anything other than not taking more from me and giving it away to those that don’t want to work and those that shouldn’t be in our country in the first place. I don’t vote Republican for tax breaks, I vote Republican for common sense fiscal and social policies. These are same policies that give me and everyone else in the country the opportunity to be “rich“ in the first place with hard work and ingenuity. Voting for freebees so more Democrats can stay in their parent’s basement doesn’t seem like a winning formula for our country.
This whole take more from me and give it to them. It's called righting the economy. If the current capitalistic approach we have has all the profits going to the top, we need to tweek it. It seems to me today, rich people aren't paying enough in taxes but middle class people are paying more than we should.

I base that on how they are doing and how the middle class is doing. Is the middle class big fat and thriving? It should be. When it is, you don't have to worry about the poor because most of them deserve to be poor. But anyone who wants to work can get out of poverty. My dad was an uneducated immigrant. Got a union job at Ford and could raise a family of 4 on that one income. Good healthcare benefits too. Very important.

Today the largest employer in America is Walmart. Low wages and no healthcare is what a guy like my dad would get today if he came from another country.

So today we don't want low wage immigrants coming because they compete with our low wage workers. So it will bring wages up. But clearly Ford needed my dad because they couldn't find Americans who would work those hours or that hard. People at a culinary arts program could have taken that job but they wanted to be chefs at expensive restaurants, that no longer exist today. My dad was smart and took the steady union wages, benefits and pension. And unions brought all wages up. As union membership declined, so did wages. No coincidence.

Today not everyone is going to make GM, Ford Chrysler type wages. My dad today would make $15 hr. And you have to go to college to make more, which we wouldn't be able to afford today. We could back then. And my brother became a VP of HR. One generation and we are VP's of your fortune 500 companies. Clearly America needs immigrants. Otherwise we're gong stupid bigly.
The middle class has been disappearing for decades. Most of the people who aren't even middle class appear to be because they wear $70 LuLu Lemon shorts and have $200 Iphones. And despite the middle class getting poorer and poorer, we still can't unite. You have to go and elect a divisive prick scum bag liar like Trump.

He didn't have to play it that way. He chose to. He could have been a great uniter. Instead he divided us. On purpose too because he was and is never sincere.

Trump wasn't divisive. YOu were.
That's funny because the Jewish Middle and Upper Class has been exploding upwards and know full well about how both parties are only interested in getting the money to run for office.
Pew Research Center surveys, including the 2020 study, show that Jews are among the most consistently liberal and Democratic groups in the U.S. population. Seven-in-ten Jewish adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, and half describe their political views as liberal.

Pew Research Center surveys, including the 2020 study, show that Jews are among the most consistently liberal and Democratic groups in the U.S. population. Seven-in-ten Jewish adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, and half describe their political views as liberal.

Yes, I agree with the Jews.
Then why did 7 out of 10 jews vote Democratic? And 89% of blacks voted for Biden?

You tell me. What did Trump actually say or do, that would divisive in such a way that would have or should have driven those voters away from him.

After all, that is your position. That TRUMP was divisive. SO back it up.
Pew Research Center surveys, including the 2020 study, show that Jews are among the most consistently liberal and Democratic groups in the U.S. population. Seven-in-ten Jewish adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, and half describe their political views as liberal.

Pew Research Center surveys, including the 2020 study, show that Jews are among the most consistently liberal and Democratic groups in the U.S. population. Seven-in-ten Jewish adults identify with or lean toward the Democratic Party, and half describe their political views as liberal.

Yes, I agree with the Jews.
What does Liberalism have to do with passing legislation to destroy the middle class?
You tell me. What did Trump actually say or do, that would divisive in such a way that would have or should have driven those voters away from him.

After all, that is your position. That TRUMP was divisive. SO back it up.
Nothing he was a perfect gentleman all 4 years to everyone.

Trump, in a bipartisan gathering to hammer out an immigration deal, had declared the U.S. shouldn't consider taking people from "these shithole countries." The sovereign entities that Trump allegedly reduced to outhouse status were Haiti, El Salvador and most of the African continent.

Before he was even elected, Trump raised the ire of many Latinos when he announced he wanted to build a wall to keep Mexicans from coming into the U.S. Most of the people here illegally, he said at a press conference, were "criminals and rapists." He wanted those "bad hombres" kept out. (As with other of his declarations, there was a little problem with the truth: People living here in the shadows are less likely to be criminals than the native-born.)

Then, months into his presidency, Trump was quoted saying he didn't want anyone else from Haiti coming to the U.S. because "they all have AIDS." Later, he apparently told some staff that there were too many Nigerians in the U.S., and future immigration policy should cut way, way back. If you let them in, he warned, they'll never "go back to their huts." (The White House has since denied this, but that denial got pushback from some people who were in the room.)

Black Americans didn't escape unscathed either. They should stop their blind allegiance to the Democrats and vote for him, Trump said at a 2016 campaign event, because, "What the hell do you have to lose?" The inner cities, he insisted, were full of crime and poverty — "they're just hell." (So ... hell? Shithole? Which is worse?)

Later in the year, Charlottesville, Va., erupted, and we saw white nationalists streaming through the university town's streets, carrying torches and chanting about how they refused to be replaced by Jews or people of color.

Yet the nation waited two days for Trump's reaction or statement. And when it finally came, many were shocked. In a brief news conference, the president chided the media for its uneven coverage, even as leaders of his own party squirmed on the sidelines. "There are very fine people on both sides," Trump insisted, saying that antifa demonstrators bore some of the blame for the chaos too.

When Trump decided to insert himself into the NFL player protest later that fall, cries of racism became more plentiful.

Funny, Kappernick can't take a knee but Trump can send an angry mob to the Capitol when he's not happy with his country. And defend rioters who spread feces on the Capitol walls. Much worse than taking a knee.

"Make America Great Again" really means Make America White Again.

One way to do that is to cut back on people from the aforementioned "shithole countries" — countries that, coincidentally, are full of black and brown people — to make room for immigrants from countries the president deems more desirable. He seems to like Norway. (Although as one Twitter user asked, why would most Scandinavians, who have higher education rates than their U.S. counterparts and a far more extensive social service system, want to trade that for what we have here?)

People from Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean are who Trump doesn't want. But he cannot turn back time. The country is getting browner, and America 2018 is never going to look like America 1918. Interracial marriages continue to increase; the bi- and multiracial population steadily grows. And the world has not stopped spinning.
Nothing he was a perfect gentleman all 4 years to everyone.

Trump, in a bipartisan gathering to hammer out an immigration deal, had declared the U.S. shouldn't consider taking people from "these shithole countries." The sovereign entities that Trump allegedly reduced to outhouse status were Haiti, El Salvador and most of the African continent.

Before he was even elected, Trump raised the ire of many Latinos when he announced he wanted to build a wall to keep Mexicans from coming into the U.S. Most of the people here illegally, he said at a press conference, were "criminals and rapists." He wanted those "bad hombres" kept out. (As with other of his declarations, there was a little problem with the truth: People living here in the shadows are less likely to be criminals than the native-born.)

Then, months into his presidency, Trump was quoted saying he didn't want anyone else from Haiti coming to the U.S. because "they all have AIDS." Later, he apparently told some staff that there were too many Nigerians in the U.S., and future immigration policy should cut way, way back. If you let them in, he warned, they'll never "go back to their huts." (The White House has since denied this, but that denial got pushback from some people who were in the room.)

Black Americans didn't escape unscathed either. They should stop their blind allegiance to the Democrats and vote for him, Trump said at a 2016 campaign event, because, "What the hell do you have to lose?" The inner cities, he insisted, were full of crime and poverty — "they're just hell." (So ... hell? Shithole? Which is worse?)

Later in the year, Charlottesville, Va., erupted, and we saw white nationalists streaming through the university town's streets, carrying torches and chanting about how they refused to be replaced by Jews or people of color.

Yet the nation waited two days for Trump's reaction or statement. And when it finally came, many were shocked. In a brief news conference, the president chided the media for its uneven coverage, even as leaders of his own party squirmed on the sidelines. "There are very fine people on both sides," Trump insisted, saying that antifa demonstrators bore some of the blame for the chaos too.

When Trump decided to insert himself into the NFL player protest later that fall, cries of racism became more plentiful.

Funny, Kappernick can't take a knee but Trump can send an angry mob to the Capitol when he's not happy with his country. And defend rioters who spread feces on the Capitol walls. Much worse than taking a knee.

"Make America Great Again" really means Make America White Again.

One way to do that is to cut back on people from the aforementioned "shithole countries" — countries that, coincidentally, are full of black and brown people — to make room for immigrants from countries the president deems more desirable. He seems to like Norway. (Although as one Twitter user asked, why would most Scandinavians, who have higher education rates than their U.S. counterparts and a far more extensive social service system, want to trade that for what we have here?)

People from Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean are who Trump doesn't want. But he cannot turn back time. The country is getting browner, and America 2018 is never going to look like America 1918. Interracial marriages continue to increase; the bi- and multiracial population steadily grows. And the world has not stopped spinning.
Trump was right on all these points.
You are in sales and have been trained to be unduly polite.
I don't trust polite people.
What does Liberalism have to do with passing legislation to destroy the middle class?
The economy is fine. I mean besides inflation. But inflation hurts poor people the most and longest. You were right. We should never have raised minimum wage. That just causes inflation.

But this country needs smart foreigners. My dad came here from Greece. His son is a VP of HR. Not me my bro. So clearly this country needs smart foreigners because there aren't enough smart Americans here. If American corporations were forced to only hire you and guys like you, we'd all be fucked.

And this country needs poor foreigners. Poor Americans won't work. How high does the wage have to be before they will leave their parents basement?

And IT people make pretty good money. They get what they are worth. I'm going to give you the same schtick Republicans gave me when sales jobs sucked in the 2000's. Not every sales job sucks. A lot of people are still making a lot of money. I'm sorry if you were shoveling coal for 10 years and were hoping for another 2 years. Go get a job at a solar company. Move.

Same advice you guys give poor inner city black people. Don't like your financial circumstances? What do you want GOVERNMENT to do about it?

And they already are

Relax we got it.
Trump was right on all these points.
You are in sales and have been trained to be unduly polite.
I don't trust polite people.
And you trust Trump. Interesting.

Foundation, fraud
Doesn't pay contractors
Pays people hush money
Lied more times than all presidents before him combined.
Trump University, fraud.

Boy, that one alone. He sold a lot of people on that Trump University. I used to enroll people at University of Phoenix. At least my school was an accredited university. Not a fraud. And you don't trust me but you trust Trump. That's hilarious.

You deserve Trump. Like Russians deserve Putin.
Sealybobo, thank you for a serious response. For conciseness I will address what I consider the biggest and best example in your list.

If you really want, I will go though point by point, but I think that would actually be cumbersome and not helpful.

And when it finally came, many were shocked. In a brief news conference, the president chided the media for its uneven coverage, even as leaders of his own party squirmed on the sidelines. "There are very fine people on both sides," Trump insisted, saying that antifa demonstrators bore some of the blame for the chaos too.

1. Trump was clear in his condemnation of the w.s. at Charlottsville. You know that. We don't need the quotes here again.

2. The "very fine people" was a reference to people on the side of the issue of the statues, and he explicitly excluded the w.s.

3. The antifa "demonstrators" did deserve some of the blame for the chaos. They attacked the badly outnumbered w.s. Antifa is pretty open about their intent of using direct action against "Fascists" and for once they had some actual facists in front of them.

Thus, we see that Trump's actions, which were, surprisingly, nearly perfect, were completely misrepresented by the media.

Trump explicitly and repeatedly condemned w.s. and the media told America, specifically the blacks and jewish voters you cited, that he said that they were "very fine people".

That is not Trump being divisive. That is you liberals spreading lies that divided blacks and jews from Trump supporters.

If you people had told the truth, that would have put Trump, trump supporters, blacks and jews on the same side of that issue against the w.s.

Trump was not divisive there, you libs were.

The rest of your points are the same.
The economy is fine. I mean besides inflation. But inflation hurts poor people the most and longest. You were right. We should never have raised minimum wage. That just causes inflation.

But this country needs smart foreigners. My dad came here from Greece. His son is a VP of HR. Not me my bro. So clearly this country needs smart foreigners because there aren't enough smart Americans here. If American corporations were forced to only hire you and guys like you, we'd all be fucked.

And this country needs poor foreigners. Poor Americans won't work. How high does the wage have to be before they will leave their parents basement?

And IT people make pretty good money. They get what they are worth. I'm going to give you the same schtick Republicans gave me when sales jobs sucked in the 2000's. Not every sales job sucks. A lot of people are still making a lot of money. I'm sorry if you were shoveling coal for 10 years and were hoping for another 2 years. Go get a job at a solar company. Move.

Same advice you guys give poor inner city black people. Don't like your financial circumstances? What do you want GOVERNMENT to do about it?

And they already are

Relax we got it.
IT is good but you have to have a backup because many start-ups are running out of money and coders are being laid off.
Most of the kids I know have actual science degrees such as math and physics and are being retained.
Poor areas need good schools and a mayor who lets the police do what they want.
I see lots of Blacks in Nassau County with good jobs and nice houses; a demographic which renders Democrats as unnecessary.
Even it he is indicted, even if all kinds of astonishing crap comes out in a trial, even if he is convicted, the cult will not care.

Irony just took a corn-filled dookie in its pants.
Even it he is indicted, even if all kinds of astonishing crap comes out in a trial, even if he is convicted, the cult will not care.
Right. The real question you folks should be asking yourselves is what should happen if he runs again and wins. That potential reality is already being discussed publicly and some of your "reporters" are in deep depression over it. What do YOU think should be done if he runs and wins?
Right. The real question you folks should be asking yourselves is what should happen if he runs again and wins. That potential reality is already being discussed publicly and some of your "reporters" are in deep depression over it. What do YOU think should be done if he runs and wins?
Two different things. If the DOJ thinks it should indict, they should do it. If not, they shouldn't. He can choose to run or choose not to.

Sealybobo, thank you for a serious response. For conciseness I will address what I consider the biggest and best example in your list.

If you really want, I will go though point by point, but I think that would actually be cumbersome and not helpful.

1. Trump was clear in his condemnation of the w.s. at Charlottsville. You know that. We don't need the quotes here again.

2. The "very fine people" was a reference to people on the side of the issue of the statues, and he explicitly excluded the w.s.

3. The antifa "demonstrators" did deserve some of the blame for the chaos. They attacked the badly outnumbered w.s. Antifa is pretty open about their intent of using direct action against "Fascists" and for once they had some actual facists in front of them.

Thus, we see that Trump's actions, which were, surprisingly, nearly perfect, were completely misrepresented by the media.

Trump explicitly and repeatedly condemned w.s. and the media told America, specifically the blacks and jewish voters you cited, that he said that they were "very fine people".

That is not Trump being divisive. That is you liberals spreading lies that divided blacks and jews from Trump supporters.

If you people had told the truth, that would have put Trump, trump supporters, blacks and jews on the same side of that issue against the w.s.

Trump was not divisive there, you libs were.

The rest of your points are the same.
Either you think we're stupid or you are stupid.

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