Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

If you block traffic and march with people who are burning shit down or killing people, but don't actually kill someone yourself, but you help with the "protesting" and the blocking of the cops and you dress all in black so that the cops can't fuind the murderers and the arsonists, and the looters,

you're a piece of shit rioter.
Our legal system disagrees with you. Your detachment from reality isn’t my problem.

My point stands.
As I said. Voting isn't about "picking a winner". It's about expressing your values. You don't lose if your candidate doesn't win. You only lose if you squander the opportunity to go on record supporting what you believe in.

By your reasoning, if a one candidate is heavily favored to win, voting for anyone else is a wasted vote. How does that make any sense?

I have. And I'm trying to lead you to water. Please stop voting for shitty candidates.
I wrote in "None of these idiots".
This thread needs a "for marginalized fringefucks only" disclaimer on it..... c'mon mods....

jan 6 egg.png
The news WAS objective when it came to Trump

FACTS are objective
Reporting Trumps lies is being objective
Let's see...Biden LIE:
Biden on Thursday said at the ABC town hall, "President Trump says things like, everything from ‘that's crazy stuff,’ then he walks away and says inject bleach in your arm and that's gonna work."
The fact is that he knew people were armed and he wanted the armed people to enter the rally. He ordered the magnetometers to be removed. Then he wanted people to march to the Capitol. Then, when all hell was breaking loose, he refused to do anything about it while people in his own administration were pleading with him to call them off.

I’m not even looking at this from a legal perspective. I’m looking at this from a moral perspective. How the hell can you guys support a lunatic like that? People in Trump’s own administration were so disgusted with his behavior that day that they resigned over it. Yet you don’t see anything wrong with it? And you think that’s objective?

It’s obvious that you refuse to see anything wrong with his behavior. You’re too busy kissing Trump‘s ass.
I did a search on google of"Has anyone else verified Hutchinson's testimony regarding Trump order the magnetometers to be removed" There was nothing. She said.., he urged the Secret Service to remove security magnetometers to let in people with weapons because “they’re not here to hurt me,” a former top White House aide told investigators on Tuesday."

Where are the secret service people that Trump "urged" testimony?
Zero. Where is those people?
As I understand it, it is not illegal to carry a firearm in D.C.. Therefore, it wasn’t necessary to notify anyone.
Check your 'understanding'.
There are a ton of caveats.
For example, it is illegal if you have not been issued a carry permit by the Metropolitan Police of DC.
And open carry is not allowed regardless......unless you are a local LEO.

And yes, there was not only a necessity, there was a duty to notify the Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police and the Parks police that you were going to be directing an armed and intentionally angered mob directly at our legislators. A duty. A responsibility.
THAT is what is required of responsible leadership.
I am mildly confident you already knew that.

I am not watching that shit because I know it will just piss me off.
I would conjecture there are many who are pissed off with the revelations within the testimony.
But they watch it to be better informed citizens.
But yet poster GoR won't watch it but still believes he has an informed opinion of the hearings.
No disrespect, but that is an empty suit talking.

If you know nothing about a subject it is best to remain silent.
Am also mildly sure you should know that.

Bullshit. Nothing that occurred before and nothing Trump said prior to Jan 6 proves a conspiracy.
You should watch the hearings, poster GoR. I believe you can scroll 'em up from YouTube or C-Span.
Listen and watch carefully, read the presented documents.....then.......then come back to the forum with a better informed opinion.
Life works that way. Gravitas is a thing. Trust me.

In addition, Jan 6 was no more shameful than the way Democrats stood back and allowed mobs to loot and burn with impunity for months and stake a claim in a major city.
This trope about "Democrats" stood back or approved of the vandalism occurring in some demonstrations? Ummm, who were these Democrats for which allowed the vandalisms? How often did that happen in the thousands of demonstrations? Which cities? How would you know it was Democrats? Was there a sign-up sheet at any of these protests or riots or demonstrations?

It's a trope by the grievance-ridden TDS'rs who want to blame someone for the vandalism that occurred in a handful of the thousands of demonstrations against police brutality as witnessed in the publicized George Floyd murder.
The vandalism was shameful and deplorable. It sadly besmirched a movement that was rightly and justly intended to bring attention to the police brutality often visited upon the black population. Most particularly on unarmed black males.

*as a point of interest, in my own city the protest that morning and afternoon was orderly and respectful, but.....but as the warm summer evening began to descend an element of the crowd began to throw water bottles, rocks, and broke windows, burned a police car. They were extensively filmed and video'd by law-abiding demonstrators, and by police cameraman positioned on top of buildings. Those who were filmed and identified were arrested.

And know what? Most were white teenagers or white low-enders from the surrounding small towns and far suburbs. White losers in their teens and twenties.

Everyone knows that they planned to MARCH to the Capital, this is no secret. They declared the day before that they were going to do so.
This is wrong. Trump and Trump' enablers took pains to warn others in their circle to NOT publicize a march. (watch the hearings, GoR) Further, and importantly, the Administration and the enablers refused, failed, didn't.....apply for a permit for a march which would have alerted the Metropolitan Police, the Parks police, and the Capitol police that the angered mob formed....... two friggin' miles away....would be intentionally directed at our legislators. Failure to properly notify as is required by DC law then allowed this formed mob to overwhelm the thin blue line of Capitol officers who had not been increased in staffing levels in expectation of a march.

As has been said on this venue previously by a perceptive poster, Schmidlap, I believe......the Capitol police force is long experienced in managing and meeting demonstrations.....for decades and decades. It is part of their job. But with the Trump Ellipse rally two miles away and no plans announced by Trump to send the formed mob to the Capitol they were - unsurprisingly -- prepared for a violent armed mob hellbent on stopping the Electoral ballot count.

This thread needs a "for marginalized fringefucks only" disclaimer on it..... c'mon mods....

I am frequently enough conflicted by the postings of the good poster "two iron".
On the one hand, I think I can admire his persistent and dependable ability to always include the f-bomb in any thoughts he may wish to express.
On the other hand, I am saddened by an upbringing that didn't offer an education and socialization regimen that would better prepare him with a more practical demeanor.

It is what it is.
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I did a search on google of"Has anyone else verified Hutchinson's testimony regarding Trump order the magnetometers to be removed" There was nothing. She said.., he urged the Secret Service to remove security magnetometers to let in people with weapons because “they’re not here to hurt me,” a former top White House aide told investigators on Tuesday."

Where are the secret service people that Trump "urged" testimony?
Zero. Where is those people?
You guys are going to come up with any excuses you can find to defend Trump.

The secret service people are dealing with their own scandal right now regarding missing text messages.
It’s an informed opinion based on two things:

1. The response of the mob.
2. The lack of any attempt to moderate rhetoric or stop it once they began to attack the police and break into the Capitol.

1. The mob was responsible for their own actions. Their actions only prove that they were acting in what they thought was the best interest of the President. It does not prove that they were acting at the behest of the President.

2. The lack of a response on Trump’s part could just as well mean he was not especially troubled by it, not necessarily that the break in was planned by him.

As I mentioned before, I condemned the actions of Jan 6 and I think Trump - from an ethical standpoint - maybe should have done something to stop it.

However, short of sending in more cops or the NG, I don’t know that anything he did would have made much of a difference.
What informs your opinion?

A few things.

1.) None of the armed protesters fired their weapons.
2.) At some point the protesters were allowed past the barricades.
3.) Once inside the Capital, beyond the “Hang Pence” rhetoric, the protesters didn’t actually DO anything other than mill about, take pictures and raid refrigerators.

They certainly didn’t do anything to actually change the election results, which is supposedly what they broke in to do.

See the above response.

That wasn’t my argument. The word peaceful was irrelevant in the larger context of the speech.

Not because you say so. You still can’t prove that everything he said was non-rhetorical.

Remember, you are the one making the allegation so the burden of proof is on you.
You want to parse out select words to make a point,

So do you.
but you can’t because a speech is not just a collection of words, it’s an entire thing in itself designed to evoke specific emotions and responses (that applies to any speech).

You still have yet to prove that his words specifically told his supporters to break into the Capital.

I have watched the video of his speech and I heard nothing that could be construed as direct incitement to break into the Capital building.
1. The mob was responsible for their own actions. Their actions only prove that they were acting in what they thought was the best interest of the President. It does not prove that they were acting at the behest of the President.
Not according to their statements.

2. The lack of a response on Trump’s part could just as well mean he was not especially troubled by it, not necessarily that the break in was planned by him.
Trump knows how to read and manipulate a mob. I don’t buy that he didn’t intend violence.

As I mentioned before, I condemned the actions of Jan 6 and I think Trump - from an ethical standpoint - maybe should have done something to stop it.

However, short of sending in more cops or the NG, I don’t know that anything he did would have made much of a difference.
He could have not had them March to the Capitol.
He could have immediately spoken out and told them to stop.
He did absolutely nothing but watch them on TV.

A few things.

1.) None of the armed protesters fired their weapons.

Which means nothing given the violence the perpetrated with other weapons.

2.) At some point the protesters were allowed past the barricades.
They overran the outnumbered police.

3.) Once inside the Capital, beyond the “Hang Pence” rhetoric, the protesters didn’t actually DO anything other than mill about, take pictures and raid refrigerators.

B.S. The smashed windows, doors, furniture, style property, smeared shit all over the walls, attacked and injured, some severely over 150 police. That isn’t milling around or raiding the fridge.

They certainly didn’t do anything to actually change the election results, which is supposedly what they broke in to do.
Just because they were incompetent doesn’t change what they tried to do.
Not because you say so. You still can’t prove that everything he said was non-rhetorical.

Remember, you are the one making the allegation so the burden of proof is on you.

It’s sufficiently proved by statements from those who participated.

So do you.

You still have yet to prove that his words specifically told his supporters to break into the Capital.

I have watched the video of his speech and I heard nothing that could be construed as direct incitement to break into the Capital building.
That is your opinion. His mob felt differently.
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encourage the protests, as defined in first amendment.
Nuh uh. There’s a difference between encouraging free speech and encouraging the breaking of the law. Her calling for donations to the bail fund to bail out lawbreakers (not protesters) was a clear message to continue the violence and lawbreaking.
Nuh uh. There’s a difference between encouraging free speech and encouraging the breaking of the law. Her calling for donations to the bail fund to bail out lawbreakers (not protesters) was a clear message to continue the violence and lawbreaking.

it happened because of shit like this
The fact is that he knew people were armed and he wanted the armed people to enter the rally. He ordered the magnetometers to be removed. Then he wanted people to march to the Capitol. Then, when all hell was breaking loose, he refused to do anything about it while people in his own administration were pleading with him to call them off.

Nothing here proves that he called for a break in of the Capital.
I’m not even looking at this from a legal perspective. I’m looking at this from a moral perspective.

And therin lies your problem. The hearings and the arrests of protesters is a real and LEGAL issue, not a moral issue.

We don’t condemn or prosecute people in this country based on moral convictions. That is decidedly unconstitutional and violates every one of our legal principles.
How the hell can you guys support a lunatic like that?

Who said I supported him?
People in Trump’s own administration were so disgusted with his behavior that day that they resigned over it. Yet you don’t see anything wrong with it? And you think that’s objective?

They resigned because he refused to do anything about it, not because he planned it. Again, that remains to be proven.
It’s obvious that you refuse to see anything wrong with his behavior. You’re too busy kissing Trump‘s ass.

I was wondering how long it would take you to start the insults.

Nay, I never suggested I don’t see anything wrong with his behavior and I never defended his actions. Go back and read all my posts and you’ll see that all I ever said was that I don’t believe he planned the break-in and that you can’t prove he did.

I’ve also been casting a spotlight on Democrat hypocrisy. Particularly, allowing violent riots, looting and burning and the takeover of a large part of a major city to drag on for months while doing absolutely nothing about it. Only after a teenaged kid was murdered did they decide to finally step in.

It should never have gotten to that point and that boy’s blood is on the Democrat leadership’s hands.

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