Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

Something,Trumptards STILL refuse to do.

They have and reported such, and the Trump cult is STILL oblivious.
They hate the press for reporting on Trump, just like Putin.

The information is presented, they ignore it or claim they are lies, they ignore Trump's lies, on top of that.

Republicans again, think the election was stolen, of course, without any proof, then attack the capitol building because of it.

That's the way of republicans, since Reagan.
When he declared war on the government, instead of trying to fix it, he just declared war on it, just like Trump.
They've been afraid the government's coming after them for decades, that's why they think they can defend themselves with pea shooters against the government's "jack booted thugs".

But holy shit, when a disaster strikes their region, they areright there begging for the US government's help.

You've been, and still can't figure it out so you TRY to use the Russian playbook of gaslighting.

It only works on Russians, Trump and his cult.
The Soviets scrambled your eggs long ago, and I presented to you HOW.
You cannot deny it. You can flail all you want and blame the evil Republicans as you were programmed to do, but that's all bullshit.

You are a contaminated anti-American turd.

Get well soon, or fuck off forever.
Check yours.

He told them at the rally to be peaceful, before the march ever started.

He also told them that "we/they" had to "fight like hell or they wouldn't have a country anymore"

They apparently went with this "directive".
He also told them that "we/they" had to "fight like hell or they wouldn't have a country anymore"

They apparently went with this "directive".
If Bannon's recording didn't open their eyes, nothing will.

These people are gone. They're so emotionally committed now that nothing matters.

They're fine with a blatant con man President refusing to stop a violent attack on America's Capitol in an effort to stop the peaceful transition of power. Period.
If Bannon's recording didn't open their eyes, nothing will.

These people are gone. They're so emotionally committed now that nothing matters.

They're fine with a blatant con man President refusing to stop a violent attack on America's Capitol in an effort to stop the peaceful transition of power. Period.

FORWARD Mac!! Fix the system with your party! Go!

The Advanced TDS crowd is now gathering in weepy, moany groups and slobbering about how Trump Didn't Do Anything.

The level of Cope is just too much for me.
The Soviets scrambled your eggs long ago, and I presented to you HOW.
Sure, I didn't vote for, defend and support the retard who took Putin's word over America's or the party.

May 11 2017
The meeting occurred at the request of Russian President Vladimir Putin during a recent phone call with Trump.
Photos of President Donald Trump‘s meeting with Russian diplomats in the Oval Office on Wednesday raised eyebrows as well as security concerns when the pictures were released by the Russian government rather than the White House.
The images show the president laughing and looking chummy with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak. U.S. reporters and photographers were shut out.

Carlson: “Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity? Does he eat dogs?”

Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity? Does he eat dogs?

These are fair questions, and the answer to all of them is "no." Vladimir Putin didn't do any of that. So, why does permanent Washington hate him so much?

Did the democrats spend July 4 2018 in Russia?
Republicans did.

Eight members of Congress, all Republicans, spent America's Independence Day in Russia.

Seven senators — John Kennedy (R-LA), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Hoeven (R-ND), John Thune (R-SD), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) — and one House member, Kay Granger (R-TX), are all in Moscow over the Fourth of July holiday this week for talks with Russian lawmakers and officials.

Kennedy described Tuesday's meeting as "damn frank, very, very, very frank, no holds barred."
But Russian lawmaker Vyacheslav Nikonov described the meeting as "one of the easiest ones in my life,"

Republicans and their dear leader are putty in Russia's hands.

You cannot deny it. You can flail all you want and blame the evil Republicans as you were programmed to do, but that's all bullshit.
See, STILL IN denial.
More evidence you choose toignore.
You are a contaminated anti-American turd.
I'm not the one defending Russia, those are republicans.
I'm not the one who attacked the US capitol, those were Trumptards.
Get well soon, or fuck off forever.
Keep posting lies, I'll be here debunking them.
Moronic, TRAITOR.
Nope. It's proof that he has supporters who disagree with your view of him. Your hysteria that anyone can disagree with you, that's not good in a democracy.

How many riots did your side have during TRump's administration? How many died?
The American people need to understand and acknowledge the threat conservativism is to our democratic institutions.

“The U.S. conservative movement’s embrace of Orban comes as it echoes Trump’s lies that he did not lose the 2020 presidential election, punishes Republicans who tried to hold him accountable for the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, and embrace new voting restrictions. Many experts on Hungarian politics fear the GOP might aspire to Orban’s tactics.”

A fear both warranted and justified; the right’s war on democracy is real.
Sure, I didn't vote for, defend and support the retard who took Putin's word over America's or the party.

May 11 2017
The meeting occurred at the request of Russian President Vladimir Putin during a recent phone call with Trump.
Photos of President Donald Trump‘s meeting with Russian diplomats in the Oval Office on Wednesday raised eyebrows as well as security concerns when the pictures were released by the Russian government rather than the White House.
The images show the president laughing and looking chummy with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak. U.S. reporters and photographers were shut out.

Carlson: “Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity? Does he eat dogs?”

Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years? Is he teaching my children to embrace racial discrimination? Is he making fentanyl? Is he trying to snuff out Christianity? Does he eat dogs?

These are fair questions, and the answer to all of them is "no." Vladimir Putin didn't do any of that. So, why does permanent Washington hate him so much?

Did the democrats spend July 4 2018 in Russia?
Republicans did.

Eight members of Congress, all Republicans, spent America's Independence Day in Russia.

Seven senators — John Kennedy (R-LA), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Hoeven (R-ND), John Thune (R-SD), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) — and one House member, Kay Granger (R-TX), are all in Moscow over the Fourth of July holiday this week for talks with Russian lawmakers and officials.

Kennedy described Tuesday's meeting as "damn frank, very, very, very frank, no holds barred."
But Russian lawmaker Vyacheslav Nikonov described the meeting as "one of the easiest ones in my life,"

Republicans and their dear leader are putty in Russia's hands.

See, STILL IN denial.
More evidence you choose toignore.

I'm not the one defending Russia, those are republicans.
I'm not the one who attacked the US capitol, those were Trumptards.

Keep posting lies, I'll be here debunking them.
Moronic, TRAITOR.
You debunked nothing. Your Russia Trump fairytales are laughable at the least. You can ignore the damage the Soviets wrought here throughout the 20th century, all the while displaying it with every post you pollute this forum with.
Doesn't bother me at all. If you want to avoid such dangers to our nation then don't EFFING TRY TO STEAL AN ELECTION. He's going to run again and he will win and your lot will lose what's left of their minds. Your media scum will be demanding that most of you get into the streets. THIS time though, you won't be alone.
Further proof of the right’s war on democracy – propagating the lie that the 2020 election was ‘stolen’ and seeking to put Trump in the WH again; Trump who is an enemy of democracy, who facilitated a rightwing terrorist attack against America’s democracy, and who launched a coup attempt to overturn a fair, honest, and accurate election to install himself as autocrat and dictator.
You debunked nothing. Your Russia Trump fairytales are laughable at the least. You can ignore the damage the Soviets wrought here throughout the 20th century, all the while displaying it with every post you pollute this forum with.
You're delusional.
Just the way Russia and your party likes.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”​

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it,” as the saying goes, “people will eventually come to believe it.”

Speaking to a Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) gathering in Kansas City, Trump implored his audience to forget about what they see and read — and instead just listen to him.

“Don’t believe the crap you see from these people, the fake news,” Trump said, pointing at reporters as the crowd broke out in boos. “Just remember, what you’re seeing and what you’re reading is not what’s happening.”
“Sick with us,” Trump pleaded. “Just stick with us.”
The Advanced TDS crowd is now gathering in weepy, moany groups and slobbering about how Trump Didn't Do Anything.

The level of Cope is just too much for me.

Do you believe a President should take action if he sees a riot going on in his name?
The American people need to understand and ack....

The American people need to understand and acknowledge the threat conservativism is to our democratic institutions.

“The U.S. conservative movement’s embrace of Orban comes as it echoes Trump’s lies that he did not lose the 2020 presidential election, punishes Republicans who tried to hold him accountable for the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, and embrace new voting restrictions. Many experts on Hungarian politics fear the GOP might aspire to Orban’s tactics.”

A fear both warranted and justified; the right’s war on democracy is real.

That is your opinion. The vast majority of conservatives have never heard of that guy and have clearly and repeatedly denounced the 1/6 rioters.

You are a panic mongering liar.
Interviewer: The Soviets use the phase, “ideological subversion”. What do they mean by that?

Bezmenov: Ideological subversion is the process which is legitimate overt and open. You can see it with your own eyes. All you have to do, all the American mass media has to do is to unplug their bananas from their ears, open up their eyes and they can see. There’s no mystery. There’s nothing to do with espionage. I know espionage intelligence gathering looks more romantic, it sells more deodorants through their advertising, probably. That’s why your Hollywood producers are so crazy about James Bond type of thrillers. But in reality, the main emphasis of the KGB is not in the area of intelligence at all! According to my opinion, and the opinion of many defectors of my caliber, only about 15% of time, money and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other 85% is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion or active measures, (2 Russian words, активные something, I couldn’t catch it) in the language of the KGB, or psychological warfare. What it basically means is, to change the perception of reality of every American to such as extent that in spite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country.

It’s a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages, the first one being demoralization. It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years which is required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of your enemy. In other words, Marxism / Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least 3 generations of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism, American patriotism.

The demoralization process in the United States is basically completed already, for the last 25 years, actually it’s over fulfilled because demoralization now reaches such areas where previously not even Comrade Andropov and all his experts would even dream of such a tremendous success. Most of it is being done by Americans to Americans thanks to a lack of moral standards. As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter any more. A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures, even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him a concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it until he’s going to receive a kick in his fat bottom. When a military boot crushes his balls, then he will understand, but not before that. That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.

From a Former KGB Agent: The 4 stages of Subverting a Nation – James Japan

This explains how you have been zombified, smokie.
Get well soon!
Actually, it seems to show what has happened with the right wing, especially the part about showing evidence and showering them with facts, that these demoralized people will just never be able to accept or understand....

But hey! It could be that this is just part of the whole scheme, and how they, whoever the they is, expects me to react, and become defensive or sticking with the division process of my side, your side, left or right, liberal or conservative, that will eventually bring us down?
Actually, it seems to show what has happened with the right wing, especially the part about showing evidence and showering them with facts, that these demoralized people will just never be able to accept or understand....
what evidence?
You guys are going to come up with any excuses you can find to defend Trump.

The secret service people are dealing with their own scandal right now regarding missing text messages.
No proof! I thought so.
But of course you believe Hutchinson's testimony.. "Trump lunged for the wheel"
He had sort of lunged forward -- it was unclear from the conversations I had that he actually made physical contact, but he might have. I don't know," the source said. "Nobody said Trump assaulted him; they said he tried to lunge over the seat -- for what reason, nobody had any idea" No proof. NOT TRUE!
A source close to Ornato told NBC News that Trump's former deputy chief of staff for operations first heard the account involving the steering wheel during Hutchinson’s testimony Tuesday, and that Ornato is willing to testify under oath that it is not true.
You guys are going to come up with any excuses you can find to defend Trump.

The secret service people are dealing with their own scandal right now regarding missing text messages.
defend trump? what the fk does that mean. prove he did anything. I don't have to defend anyone when people have zip for evidence of something.
Once again, I didn’t say this was a legal issue. I think Trump’s actions are despicable. People in his own administration believe the same and even resigned over his behavior that day. Why can’t you say the same?

Do you not support Trump?
so you admit there isn't any evidence of anything. Dude, your allowed an opinion. just keep it to yourself since you have no idea how to share it.

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