Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

Are you serious? You've not heard of the large numbers of accused being held without bail?

They did break a law. And even if they didn't clearly break a law and admit it, they would still ahve violated the accused rights. You seem to be completely ok with that. That is quite an escalation.

YOu seem fine with the unconstitutional treatment of this one individual. If you are happy with his rights being utterly violated, why not others?
1. Heard of it. I’ve yet to see you guys back up that claim.

According to your link: “U.S. Magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui said the Justice Department seemed overwhelmed by the work required to pursue criminal cases against the nearly 800 defendants they have charged in the Capitol riot.”

It seems that your fellow Trumpsters put a lot of strain on the legal system, being so numerous and all. The system isn’t perfect. Mistakes happen.

2. Then go take your case up with them. You’re just whining to me about a ruling you don’t like.

4. Yet another lie. I’ve been very clear on this.
1. Heard of it. I’ve yet to see you guys back up that claim.

According to your link: “U.S. Magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui said the Justice Department seemed overwhelmed by the work required to pursue criminal cases against the nearly 800 defendants they have charged in the Capitol riot.”

That's very understanding of the judge for a prosecuting team that admits that it violated the civil rights of an accused.

It seems that your fellow Trumpsters put a lot of strain on the legal system, being so numerous and all. The system isn’t perfect. Mistakes happen.

Seems the obvious thing to have done, if they are that overwhelmed would be to focus on those that were violent and/or any leaders, and ignore those that just walked though, and took selfies.

But they fucked up and wanted to charge everyone as much as possible, and then some. THAT IS ON THEM.

Except, it's not. THe judge just let it pass.

2. Then go take your case up with them. You’re just whining to me about a ruling you don’t like.

I'm asking you your opinion of an ADMITTED violation of a man's civil rights. Your seem to be fine with it happening.

4. Yet another lie. I’ve been very clear on this.

Yes, you have. You seem unconcerned with the violation of his rights and happy to see him treated like this and targeted like this.
Mistakes happen when you put a strain on the system. Nobody is happy about that.

Mistakes like that are supposed to have consequences. This one did not. That's a problem.

AND you are ASSUMING, this was a mistake. It could just as easily been their INTENT to hold him without trial, without contacts, to hamper his defense and to terrorize him into pleading.
Seems the obvious thing to have done, if they are that overwhelmed would be to focus on those that were violent and/or any leaders, and ignore those that just walked though, and took selfies.
That’s what they’re doing according to the judge.

“The government has chosen to charge the largest case ever,” said Faruqui, who noted he was formerly a prosecutor in the same U.S. Attorney’s Office leading the investigation.

The defendent in this article didn’t just walk through and take selfies.

“Denney was arrested in Mansfield, Texas, on Dec. 13 on a criminal complaint charging that he grappled with police at the Capitol, swung a metal pole at an officer and threw projectiles at a line of police.”
Yes, you have. You seem unconcerned with the violation of his rights and happy to see him treated like this and targeted like this.
You’re still lying. I recognize that the system is flawed and there’s nothing I can do about that. It sucks but it is what it is.
No, the difference with normal people and people claiming to be conservative, when they'e actually communis.

Trump wanting to turn the US into a communist country should offend everyone................. not his cult.
Just move to Russia or China.

No, they benefitted him, he didn't do shit for America, except kill Americans and waste their $$$.

Guess who STILL having pity rallies.

Well, you voted for , defend and support the orange moron.
You guys can't hide the fact that you're insane anymore
That’s what they’re doing according to the judge.

“The government has chosen to charge the largest case ever,” said Faruqui, who noted he was formerly a prosecutor in the same U.S. Attorney’s Office leading the investigation.

The defendent in this article didn’t just walk through and take selfies.

“Denney was arrested in Mansfield, Texas, on Dec. 13 on a criminal complaint charging that he grappled with police at the Capitol, swung a metal pole at an officer and threw projectiles at a line of police.”

Yep. THIS specific case seems to be the most serious one. Yet, they "forgot" to charge him for a year.

That is AT BEST, extreme incompetence that should have had some serious consequences,

OR, they planned to hold him without trial, to terrorize and break him. Until he confessed.

Just like in a police state. EXACTLY like in a police state.

Either way, your easy acceptance of this, is you not caring about the civil rights of your enemies.

How many political prisoners, do there have to be, before you stop pretending this is a free country?
Yep. THIS specific case seems to be the most serious one. Yet, they "forgot" to charge him for a year.

That is AT BEST, extreme incompetence that should have had some serious consequences,

OR, they planned to hold him without trial, to terrorize and break him. Until he confessed.

Just like in a police state. EXACTLY like in a police state.

Either way, your easy acceptance of this, is you not caring about the civil rights of your enemies.

How many political prisoners, do there have to be, before you stop pretending this is a free country?
Your article doesn’t say anything about a police state or trying to terrorizing him. That’s just you making up a conspiracy theory.
I would like you to be honest about why you don't seem to care.
See my earlier response:

“I can tell you now that I don't support those people and I hope they're all penalized to the full extent of the law, and you will call me a liar based on absolutely nothing.”

You ask me a question. I answer. You insist that I’m lying anyway lol. Typical conversation with you.
Your article doesn’t say anything about a police state or trying to terrorizing him. That’s just you making up a conspiracy theory.

MMM, not much of a Conspiracy Theory. I mean we can see the prosecution team, right there in the open. THey have admitted the actions that I am talking about, and that the actions were a crime and a violation of the accused rights.

They REQUESTED that their own case be thrown out.

My "theory" is that instead of that being a result of criminal incompetence, that it was done on purpose in order to terrorize and break the accused.

That is not much of a leap. For you to lump in it, with theories that require Aliens among us, or the Earth to be Hollow,

is you using dishonest tactics to avoid a very reasonable point.
See my earlier response:

“I can tell you now that I don't support those people and I hope they're all penalized to the full extent of the law, and you will call me a liar based on absolutely nothing.”

You ask me a question. I answer. You insist that I’m lying anyway lol. Typical conversation with you.

Your easy acceptance of the violation of his rights, does not fit with your stated position.
My "theory" is that instead of that being a result of criminal incompetence, that it was done on purpose in order to terrorize and break the accused.
Which is completely baseless. You guys always come up with ridiculous conspiracy theories to explain the obvious.
It is baseless. It is also ridiculous.

It’s always an elaborate and nefarious plot to get you guys.

Hold them without trial, without contact, and terrorize them until they confess,

is hardly "elaborate".

It is "nefarious". It also fits what happened very nicely.

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