Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

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I'll keep this as short and clean as I can. I'll leave everything that led to the attack on Capitol out of it:

We know that...
  1. President Trump sat in the dining room next to the Oval Office for about two hours during the attack on the Capitol
  2. Virtually everyone around him was pleading with him to do whatever it took to stop the attack
  3. A wide variety of political allies were texting his Chief of Staff, pleading with him as well
  4. With the Media Room and national cameras not 60 seconds from him, he refused to act, and instead chose to watch Fox News as it covered the attack
And here's a very, very specific question: What do you think of his refusal? Do you feel it was justified? Do you believe any of the above is fake news?

We also know Trump took steps to ensure it was safe.

But that doesn't make you giggle like a school girl.

"I pretend to be a moderate, Forward Party supporter but ALL of my posts are about Trump! Orange Man Bad!!!"
Mac1958 is a good sport...
What is more important than an attack on the Capitol to stop an election?

Why the obsession from Republicans asking……Why didn’t you do a better job of stopping our attack?
Nonsense and you know it.
There are literally 1000s of photos you can look at right now over decades and decades of protest at the Capitol and the White House.
And what do you see in EVERY. SINGLE. ONE?..... lines and layers of capitol police protecting federal property.
Except this one.
Mysteriously... not only was there almost NO police presence, which itself is staggeringly strange... but the few that were there - LET PEOPLE IN THE BUILDING???

And you don't find this disturbing?
I'll keep this as short and clean as I can. I'll leave everything that led to the attack on Capitol out of it:

We know that...
  1. President Trump sat in the dining room next to the Oval Office for about two hours during the attack on the Capitol
  2. Virtually everyone around him was pleading with him to do whatever it took to stop the attack
  3. A wide variety of political allies were texting his Chief of Staff, pleading with him as well
  4. With the Media Room and national cameras not 60 seconds from him, he refused to act, and instead chose to watch Fox News as it covered the attack
And here's a very, very specific question: What do you think of his refusal? Do you feel it was justified? Do you believe any of the above is fake news?

Wait a moment---didn't the dems lead witness, Hutchinson, testify that the SECRET SERVICE kidnapped the president as he valiantly tried to grab the steering wheel of the limo and refuse to allow him to go to the capital---------driving him off despite his desperate attempt to go the capital.

I wish you damn brain washed dems would get your story straight. The stupid upon stupid is tiresome.
No you don't care.... got it.
You only care about one angle... Orange man Bad.
You could not care less that there is STRONG evidence that this was a setup.
2,300 capitol police were available, but a mere handful was all that was there. Less than normal.
LESS than normal on a day they had prior communication things were going to go down - and they not only did NOTHING to prepare... they had LESS THAN USUAL on duty.
And LITERALLY opened doors and let them in.
That is a staggering fact. That begs to be answered,
But YOU don't care. Because it isn't part of the ORANGE MAN BAD mantra
Just be honest. Just say, "I don't care about your question, Mac. It's not important to me".

This isn't that complicated. You don't have to spin or deflect or attack. Relax.
What does that deflection have to do with Trump’s refusal to act on Jan 6?

Do you think Trump acted correctly under the circumstances
That's not what the dems claimed with their lead perjurying witness Hutchinson--the dems claimed that Trump attacked secret service agents trying to go to the capital as they refused to take him. Trump was so adament about going that he dived through the tiny opening from the back of the limo squeezing his body as he grabbed the steering wheel............the secret service fought him off, kidnapped him, and drove him home refusing to allow him to go the capital.
Wait a moment---didn't the dems lead witness, Hutchinson, testify that the SECRET SERVICE kidnapped the president as he valiantly tried to grab the steering wheel of the limo and refuse to allow him to go to the capital---------driving him off despite his desperate attempt to go the capital.

I wish you damn brain washed dems would get your story straight. The stupid upon stupid is tiresome.
I specifically had the question begin after all that.

But your non-answer and personal attack is an answer. Thanks.
Wait a moment---didn't the dems lead witness, Hutchinson, testify that the SECRET SERVICE kidnapped the president as he valiantly tried to grab the steering wheel of the limo and refuse to allow him to go to the capital---------driving him off despite his desperate attempt to go the capital.

I wish you damn brain washed dems would get your story straight. The stupid upon stupid is tiresome.

I thought that Trump rendered the Secret Service unconscious, commandeered the vehicle, tried to run over Mike Pence to have Rudy declare Trump "President for Life!"

Did they NOT find Trump's tiny fingerprints on the steering wheel???
People in Trump’s own administration, family, and even Fox News reporters had a problem with Trump‘s inaction. Several of them even resigned over it.

Yet Trumpsters don’t see anything wrong with what he did. Because cult.
Just be honest. Just say, "I don't care about your question, Mac. It's not important to me".

This isn't that complicated. You don't have to spin or deflect or attack. Relax.
You need to admit you don't care about any angle that doesn't invoke "Orange Man Bad"

This is your tactic, and everyone knows it. "Only argue my argument - if you don't, then you agree I am right"
It's what you do.
You could care less about what is actually important, or what the real story is.
All you care about is making your 1,090th "Orange man Bad" thread.
When did the FBI say "Trump committed no crime". I googled it and there was NOTHING of the kind.
Look thru these links. The FBI didn't find a crime against Trump for J6...
I specifically had the question begin after all that.

But your non-answer and personal attack is an answer. Thanks.
Lying dems---throw a lot of shit at the fan and just hope that something sticks and that the american people can not keep up. And then for added fun, they try to play victims when they are called out for such inconsistencies.

The dems lied, perjuried, manufactured fake evidence, and then they refused to allow the republicans to call on witness during the kangaroo court in order to continue to push false narratives for political points hoping no one notices or when they do that they insult them and try to play the victim to avoid being called out.

Moral lesson Mac--if you know that the dems are lying and putting up one narrative and then the opposite narrative trying to get some shit to don't push either side as a fact. The dems lie and try to say trump didn't try to stop the protest and the dems lie saying that he attacked Secret service to stop the protest. Moral people don't try to push either lying narrative. PUtting up this whole thread is statement about who you dem supporters are---and it says IMMORAL.

Everyone else is correct----there is no way that any protest occured at the capital without the dems again playing head games and allowing the protesters into the capital on January 6---again for political games. Anything that happened that day is directly that Queen B Pelosi fault 100%. Calling guards or locking the doors would have kept everyone out---instead piglosi and our corrupt fbi infiltrated the protestors putting in their and soros operatives to guide the protestors through the capital to try to get trump on a third impeachment kangaroo trial.
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Lying dems---throw a lot of shit at the fan and just hope that something sticks and that the american people can not keep up. And then for added fun, they try to play victims when they are called out for such inconsistencies.

The dems lied, perjuried, manufactured fake evidence, and then they refused to allow the republicans to call on witness during the kangaroo court in order to continue to push false narratives for political points hoping no one notices or when they do that they insult them and try to play the victim to avoid being called out.

Moral lesson Mac--if you know that the dems are lying and putting up one narrative and then the opposite narrative trying to get some shit to don't push either side as a fact. The dems lie and try to say trump didn't try to stop the protest and the dems lie saying that he attacked Secret service to stop the protest. Moral people don't try to push either lying narrative. PUtting up this whole thread is statement about who you dem supporters are---and it says IMMORAL.

Everyone else is correct----there is no way that any protest at occured at the capital without the dems again playing head games and allowing the protesters into the capital on January 6---again for political games. Anything that happened that day is directly that Queen B Pelosi fault 100%. Calling guards or locking the doors would have kept everyone out---instead piglosi and our corrupt fbi infiltrated the protestors putting in their and soros operatives to guide the protestors through the capital to try to get trump on a third impeachment kangaroo trial.
"I don't care, Mac".

People in Trump’s own administration, family, and even Fox News reporters had a problem with Trump‘s inaction. Several of them even resigned over it.

Yet Trumpsters don’t see anything wrong with what he did. Because cult.
He told protestors to be peaceful....Protestors couldn't get into the capital without Pelosi allowing them in-----what else did you want trumpt to do? Tell Pelosi to lock the fucking door, to get her soros/fbi infilitrates to stop inciting and breaking windows directing people in. Tell pelosi to stop telling the congressional cops to open doors ushering people in?
Translation: poster is incapable of independent thought processes.

Are trying claim all those people, including his family is lying?
Oh good God..

We are talking about a side that swears Trump said to drink bleach. Lying makes them happy.
Deliberately refusing to send help is a crime in and of itself. He refused to call in the national guard and Pence was forced to break the chain of command and order Guard troops to be sent in himself, all while Trump was watching was watching the attack on tv and laughing according to members of his staff.
Nancy Pelosi's refusal to activate the National Guard as requested by BOTH Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund is criminal negligence.

"According to Miller's testimony, Trump asked during that meeting whether the District of Columbia's mayor had requested National Guard troops for Jan. 6, the day Congress was to ratify Joe Biden's presidential election victory.
Trump told Miller to "fill" the request, the former defense secretary testified. Miller said Trump told him: "Do whatever is necessary to protect demonstrators that were executing their constitutionally protected rights."

J6 should have been prevented, Pelosi will be grilled after the GOP takes the House back in 2023.
what else did you want trumpt to do?
The same thing everyone else was pleading with him to do. Call them off and condemn their behavior.

Even members of his own administration say that he threw gasoline on the fire with his tweet about Mike Pence. They were so disgusted by that behavior that they decided to resign over it. Why don’t you see anything wrong with what he did?

Because cult.
"I don't care, Mac".

I don't care, Mac about what you say. You manipulate or attempt to, and get called out all the time. This board isn't easily manipulated-----and "kindness" of others who don't speak up and don't tell lying manipulative dem trolls where to put themselves has ended finally----the american people have finally had enough.

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