Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?

He wants to seal the deal on his planned fascist dictatorship. And his asslickers in Congress like Haulin Ass Hawley, Lindsey Graham, Lyin Ted & others are going to let him do it. With the help of Fox News hacks like Hannity & the rubes he'll succeed if reelected.

The first law is loyalty to Trump.. Hitler style.

2 hours? He was seeking more information. Reminds me of the complaints
against Pres. Bush 9/11/01----who was reading a story book to school children when the Tower was struck-----he was informed and <gasp> CONTINUED READING ----it was a huge <gasp> SCANDAL (he was supposed to jump and catch the planes and falling building and people?
Bullshit...he was drooling like a kid reading his favorite comic book
I'll keep this as short and clean as I can. I'll leave everything that led to the attack on Capitol out of it:

We know that...
  1. President Trump sat in the dining room next to the Oval Office for about two hours during the attack on the Capitol
  2. Virtually everyone around him was pleading with him to do whatever it took to stop the attack
  3. A wide variety of political allies were texting his Chief of Staff, pleading with him as well
  4. With the Media Room and national cameras not 60 seconds from him, he refused to act, and instead chose to watch Fox News as it covered the attack
And here's a very, very specific question: What do you think of his refusal? Do you feel it was justified? Do you believe any of the above is fake news?

J6 Reichstag Fire.

The Capitol Police were ordered to "Let them in" The FBI, Secret Service and Congresspeople somehow, had advance knowledge about the "worst assault on our democracy in like forevahhhhhhhh!!!"

A real hearing would have the Conspirators facing the death penalty for sedition and treason
That's complete bullshit. Trump told them to remain peaceful.

You and the fake news media that easily brainwashes you completely left that part out because you're disingenuous.

Trump used the word "peacefully" only once in his speech. He told no one to "remain peaceful" he told them to "march to the Capitol - peacefully", which they did. They only became violent AFTER they arrived at the Capitol, and he never ever told them to stop.
Trump used the word "peacefully" only once in his speech. He told no one to "remain peaceful" he told them to "march to the Capitol - peacefully", which they did. They only became violent AFTER they arrived at the Capitol, and he never ever told them to stop.

That response belongs in the TRYING WAAAAAAY TOO HARD category. Most of the people I know outgrew that kind of behavior in middle school, if not earlier.

But keep the comedy coming.
I'll keep this as short and clean as I can. I'll leave everything that led to the attack on Capitol out of it:

We know that...
  1. President Trump sat in the dining room next to the Oval Office for about two hours during the attack on the Capitol
  2. Virtually everyone around him was pleading with him to do whatever it took to stop the attack
  3. A wide variety of political allies were texting his Chief of Staff, pleading with him as well
  4. With the Media Room and national cameras not 60 seconds from him, he refused to act, and instead chose to watch Fox News as it covered the attack
And here's a very, very specific question: What do you think of his refusal? Do you feel it was justified? Do you believe any of the above is fake news?

Didn't ya'll already say DT "grabbed the wheel" to try to force them to take him to the Capitol?
Now we're supposed to care if you say he waited in the WH?

Which was it- he tried desperately to get there but was denied or he sat back & did nothing? Make up your minds
Is that what you want?
There are two distinctive ways of living now. With variations in each way. The globalists you love are mostly white and from Europe as the masters. I do not want them. Since white people are the demons that we see promoted every day, I reject them for your benefit. They are the ones pushing all of this. And they are not as diverse as you believe we must be.
I'll keep this as short and clean as I can. I'll leave everything that led to the attack on Capitol out of it:

We know that...
  1. President Trump sat in the dining room next to the Oval Office for about two hours during the attack on the Capitol
  2. Virtually everyone around him was pleading with him to do whatever it took to stop the attack
  3. A wide variety of political allies were texting his Chief of Staff, pleading with him as well
  4. With the Media Room and national cameras not 60 seconds from him, he refused to act, and instead chose to watch Fox News as it covered the attack
And here's a very, very specific question: What do you think of his refusal? Do you feel it was justified? Do you believe any of the above is fake news?

Trump supporters: What do you think of this information?​

I'll keep this as short and clean as I can. I'll leave everything that led to the attack on Capitol out of it:

We know that...
  1. President Trump sat in the dining room next to the Oval Office for about two hours during the attack on the Capitol
  2. Virtually everyone around him was pleading with him to do whatever it took to stop the attack
  3. A wide variety of political allies were texting his Chief of Staff, pleading with him as well
  4. With the Media Room and national cameras not 60 seconds from him, he refused to act, and instead chose to watch Fox News as it covered the attack
And here's a very, very specific question: What do you think of his refusal? Do you feel it was justified? Do you believe any of the above is fake news?

Answering the question where were all of the Capitol police on a day when Congress was in session... not one, but three law enforcement agencies warned them there was a TON of online clues that it was going to be a possible run on the capitol.... and yet... there were only a handful of officers on duty when there are 2,300 capitol officers

That is waaay more important than what room Trump was sitting in.
As well as answering the question, that the media has completely ignored, of numerous video content showing capitol police literally letting people in the building. Literally opening doors and stepping aside.
I'll keep this as short and clean as I can. I'll leave everything that led to the attack on Capitol out of it:

We know that...
  1. President Trump sat in the dining room next to the Oval Office for about two hours during the attack on the Capitol
  2. Virtually everyone around him was pleading with him to do whatever it took to stop the attack
  3. A wide variety of political allies were texting his Chief of Staff, pleading with him as well
  4. With the Media Room and national cameras not 60 seconds from him, he refused to act, and instead chose to watch Fox News as it covered the attack
And here's a very, very specific question: What do you think of his refusal? Do you feel it was justified? Do you believe any of the above is fake news?


"I pretend to be a moderate, Forward Party supporter but ALL of my posts are about Trump! Orange Man Bad!!!"
Answering the question where were all of the Capitol police on a day when Congress was in session... not one, but three law enforcement agencies warned them there was a TON of online clues that it was going to be a possible run on the capitol.... and yet... there were only a handful of officers on duty when there are 2,300 capitol officers

That is waaay more important than what room Trump was sitting in.
As well as answering the question, that the media has completely ignored, of numerous video content showing capitol police literally letting people in the building. Literally opening doors and stepping aside.
Okay. You don't care. Got it.
Check your facts. After 3 hours of violence Trump told them he loved them and they are special.
3 hours of VIOLENCE? you seem to have managed to avoid witnessing actual violence
thruout your entire life. How many were killed in the first two hours? Was there gunfire?
Okay. You don't care. Got it.
No you don't care.... got it.
You only care about one angle... Orange man Bad.
You could not care less that there is STRONG evidence that this was a setup.
2,300 capitol police were available, but a mere handful was all that was there. Less than normal.
LESS than normal on a day they had prior communication things were going to go down - and they not only did NOTHING to prepare... they had LESS THAN USUAL on duty.
And LITERALLY opened doors and let them in.
That is a staggering fact. That begs to be answered,
But YOU don't care. Because it isn't part of the ORANGE MAN BAD mantra

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